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2017-09-29 23:13:08 +00:00
# Wavefront Output Plugin
This plugin writes to a [Wavefront]( proxy, in Wavefront data format over TCP.
### Configuration:
# Configuration for Wavefront output
## DNS name of the wavefront proxy server
host = ""
## Port that the Wavefront proxy server listens on
port = 2878
## prefix for metrics keys
#prefix = "my.specific.prefix."
## wether to use "value" for name of simple fields. default is false
#simple_fields = false
## character to use between metric and field name. default is . (dot)
#metric_separator = "."
## Convert metric name paths to use metricSeperator character
## When true will convert all _ (underscore) chartacters in final metric name. default is true
#convert_paths = true
## Use Regex to sanitize metric and tag names from invalid characters
## Regex is more thorough, but significantly slower. default is false
#use_regex = false
## point tags to use as the source name for Wavefront (if none found, host will be used)
#source_override = ["hostname", "agent_host", "node_host"]
2017-09-29 23:13:08 +00:00
## whether to convert boolean values to numeric values, with false -> 0.0 and true -> 1.0. default is true
#convert_bool = true
## Define a mapping, namespaced by metric prefix, from string values to numeric values
## The example below maps "green" -> 1.0, "yellow" -> 0.5, "red" -> 0.0 for
## any metrics beginning with "elasticsearch"
# green = 1.0
# yellow = 0.5
# red = 0.0
### Convert Path & Metric Separator
If the `convert_path` option is true any `_` in metric and field names will be converted to the `metric_separator` value.
By default, to ease metrics browsing in the Wavefront UI, the `convert_path` option is true, and `metric_separator` is `.` (dot).
Default integrations within Wavefront expect these values to be set to their defaults, however if converting from another platform
it may be desirable to change these defaults.
### Use Regex
Most illegal characters in the metric name are automatically converted to `-`.
The `use_regex` setting can be used to ensure all illegal characters are properly handled, but can lead to performance degradation.
### Source Override
Often when collecting metrics from another system, you want to use the target system as the source, not the one running Telegraf.
Many Telegraf plugins will identify the target source with a tag. The tag name can vary for different plugins. The `source_override`
option will use the value specified in any of the listed tags if found. The tag names are checked in the same order as listed,
and if found, the other tags will not be checked. If no tags specified are found, the default host tag will be used to identify the
source of the metric.
### Wavefront Data format
The expected input for Wavefront is specified in the following way:
<metric> <value> [<timestamp>] <source|host>=<soureTagValue> [tagk1=tagv1 ...tagkN=tagvN]
More information about the Wavefront data format is available [here](
### Allowed values for metrics
Wavefront allows `integers` and `floats` as input values. It will ignore most `strings`, but when configured
will map certain `strings` to numeric values. By default it also maps `bool` values to numeric, false -> 0.0,
true -> 1.0