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2017-04-14 20:47:43 +00:00
# Logparser Input Plugin
2017-04-14 20:47:43 +00:00
The `logparser` plugin streams and parses the given logfiles. Currently it
has the capability of parsing "grok" patterns from logfiles, which also supports
regex patterns.
**Deprecated in Telegraf 1.15**: Please use the [tail][] plugin along with the [`grok` data format][grok parser].
The `tail` plugin now provides all the functionality of the `logparser` plugin.
Most options can be translated directly to the `tail` plugin:
- For options in the `[inputs.logparser.grok]` section, the equivalent option
will have add the `grok_` prefix when using them in the `tail` input.
- The grok `measurement` option can be replaced using the standard plugin
`name_override` option.
Migration Example:
- [[inputs.logparser]]
- files = ["/var/log/apache/access.log"]
- from_beginning = false
- [inputs.logparser.grok]
- patterns = ["%{COMBINED_LOG_FORMAT}"]
- measurement = "apache_access_log"
- custom_pattern_files = []
- custom_patterns = '''
- '''
- timezone = "Canada/Eastern"
+ [[inputs.tail]]
+ files = ["/var/log/apache/access.log"]
+ from_beginning = false
+ grok_patterns = ["%{COMBINED_LOG_FORMAT}"]
+ name_override = "apache_access_log"
+ grok_custom_pattern_files = []
+ grok_custom_patterns = '''
+ '''
+ grok_timezone = "Canada/Eastern"
+ data_format = "grok"
### Configuration
## Log files to parse.
## These accept standard unix glob matching rules, but with the addition of
## ** as a "super asterisk". ie:
## /var/log/**.log -> recursively find all .log files in /var/log
## /var/log/*/*.log -> find all .log files with a parent dir in /var/log
## /var/log/apache.log -> only tail the apache log file
files = ["/var/log/apache/access.log"]
## Read files that currently exist from the beginning. Files that are created
## while telegraf is running (and that match the "files" globs) will always
## be read from the beginning.
from_beginning = false
## Method used to watch for file updates. Can be either "inotify" or "poll".
# watch_method = "inotify"
## Parse logstash-style "grok" patterns:
## This is a list of patterns to check the given log file(s) for.
## Note that adding patterns here increases processing time. The most
## efficient configuration is to have one pattern per logparser.
## Other common built-in patterns are:
## %{COMMON_LOG_FORMAT} (plain apache & nginx access logs)
## %{COMBINED_LOG_FORMAT} (access logs + referrer & agent)
patterns = ["%{COMBINED_LOG_FORMAT}"]
## Name of the outputted measurement name.
measurement = "apache_access_log"
## Full path(s) to custom pattern files.
custom_pattern_files = []
## Custom patterns can also be defined here. Put one pattern per line.
custom_patterns = '''
## Timezone allows you to provide an override for timestamps that
## don't already include an offset
## e.g. 04/06/2016 12:41:45 data one two 5.43µs
## Default: "" which renders UTC
## Options are as follows:
## 1. Local -- interpret based on machine localtime
## 2. "Canada/Eastern" -- Unix TZ values like those found in
## 3. UTC -- or blank/unspecified, will return timestamp in UTC
# timezone = "Canada/Eastern"
2017-04-14 20:47:43 +00:00
### Grok Parser
Reference the [grok parser][] documentation to setup the grok section of the
2017-04-14 20:47:43 +00:00
### Additional Resources
[tail]: /plugins/inputs/tail/
[grok parser]: /plugins/parsers/grok/