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package thrift
import (
// UnmarshalThrift converts raw bytes in thrift format to a slice of spans
func UnmarshalThrift(body []byte) ([]*zipkincore.Span, error) {
buffer := thrift.NewTMemoryBuffer()
if _, err := buffer.Write(body); err != nil {
return nil, err
transport := thrift.NewTBinaryProtocolTransport(buffer)
_, size, err := transport.ReadListBegin()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
spans := make([]*zipkincore.Span, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
zs := &zipkincore.Span{}
if err = zs.Read(transport); err != nil {
return nil, err
spans[i] = zs
if err = transport.ReadListEnd(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return spans, nil
// Thrift decodes binary data to create a Trace
type Thrift struct{}
// Decode unmarshals and validates bytes in thrift format
func (t *Thrift) Decode(octets []byte) ([]codec.Span, error) {
spans, err := UnmarshalThrift(octets)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res := make([]codec.Span, len(spans))
for i, s := range spans {
res[i] = &span{s}
return res, nil
var _ codec.Endpoint = &endpoint{}
type endpoint struct {
func (e *endpoint) Host() string {
ipv4 := func(addr int32) string {
buf := make([]byte, 4)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf, uint32(addr))
return net.IP(buf).String()
if e.Endpoint == nil {
return ipv4(int32(0))
if e.Endpoint.GetPort() == 0 {
return ipv4(e.Endpoint.GetIpv4())
// Zipkin uses a signed int16 for the port, but, warns us that they actually treat it
// as an unsigned int16. So, we convert from int16 to int32 followed by taking & 0xffff
// to convert from signed to unsigned
return ipv4(e.Endpoint.GetIpv4()) + ":" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(int(e.Endpoint.GetPort())&0xffff), 10)
func (e *endpoint) Name() string {
if e.Endpoint == nil {
return codec.DefaultServiceName
return e.Endpoint.GetServiceName()
var _ codec.BinaryAnnotation = &binaryAnnotation{}
type binaryAnnotation struct {
func (b *binaryAnnotation) Key() string {
return b.BinaryAnnotation.GetKey()
func (b *binaryAnnotation) Value() string {
return string(b.BinaryAnnotation.GetValue())
func (b *binaryAnnotation) Host() codec.Endpoint {
if b.BinaryAnnotation.Host == nil {
return nil
return &endpoint{b.BinaryAnnotation.Host}
var _ codec.Annotation = &annotation{}
type annotation struct {
func (a *annotation) Timestamp() time.Time {
ts := a.Annotation.GetTimestamp()
if ts == 0 {
return time.Time{}
return codec.MicroToTime(ts)
func (a *annotation) Value() string {
return a.Annotation.GetValue()
func (a *annotation) Host() codec.Endpoint {
if a.Annotation.Host == nil {
return nil
return &endpoint{a.Annotation.Host}
var _ codec.Span = &span{}
type span struct {
func (s *span) Trace() (string, error) {
if s.Span.GetTraceIDHigh() == 0 && s.Span.GetTraceID() == 0 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Span does not have a trace ID")
if s.Span.GetTraceIDHigh() == 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", s.Span.GetTraceID()), nil
return fmt.Sprintf("%x%016x", s.Span.GetTraceIDHigh(), s.Span.GetTraceID()), nil
func (s *span) SpanID() (string, error) {
return formatID(s.Span.GetID()), nil
func (s *span) Parent() (string, error) {
id := s.Span.GetParentID()
if id != 0 {
return formatID(id), nil
return "", nil
func (s *span) Name() string {
return s.Span.GetName()
func (s *span) Annotations() []codec.Annotation {
res := make([]codec.Annotation, len(s.Span.Annotations))
for i := range s.Span.Annotations {
res[i] = &annotation{s.Span.Annotations[i]}
return res
func (s *span) BinaryAnnotations() ([]codec.BinaryAnnotation, error) {
res := make([]codec.BinaryAnnotation, len(s.Span.BinaryAnnotations))
for i := range s.Span.BinaryAnnotations {
res[i] = &binaryAnnotation{s.Span.BinaryAnnotations[i]}
return res, nil
func (s *span) Timestamp() time.Time {
ts := s.Span.GetTimestamp()
if ts == 0 {
return time.Time{}
return codec.MicroToTime(ts)
func (s *span) Duration() time.Duration {
return time.Duration(s.Span.GetDuration()) * time.Microsecond
func formatID(id int64) string {
return strconv.FormatInt(id, 16)