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2017-08-03 00:58:26 +00:00
package zipkin
import (
const (
// DefaultPort is the default port zipkin listens on, which zipkin implementations
// expect.
DefaultPort = 9411
// DefaultRoute is the default route zipkin uses, and zipkin implementations
// expect.
DefaultRoute = "/api/v1/spans"
// DefaultShutdownTimeout is the max amount of time telegraf will wait
// for the plugin to shutdown
DefaultShutdownTimeout = 5
// Recorder represents a type which can record zipkin trace data as well as
// any accompanying errors, and process that data.
type Recorder interface {
Record(Trace) error
// Handler represents a type which can register itself with a router for
// http routing, and a Recorder for trace data collection.
type Handler interface {
Register(router *mux.Router, recorder Recorder) error
// BinaryAnnotation represents a zipkin binary annotation. It contains
// all of the same fields as might be found in its zipkin counterpart.
type BinaryAnnotation struct {
Key string
Value string
Host string // annotation.endpoint.ipv4 + ":" + annotation.endpoint.port
ServiceName string
Type string
// Annotation represents an ordinary zipkin annotation. It contains the data fields
// which will become fields/tags in influxdb
type Annotation struct {
Timestamp time.Time
Value string
Host string // annotation.endpoint.ipv4 + ":" + annotation.endpoint.port
ServiceName string
//Span represents a specific zipkin span. It holds the majority of the same
// data as a zipkin span sent via the thrift protocol, but is presented in a
// format which is more straightforward for storage purposes.
type Span struct {
ID string
TraceID string // zipkin traceid high concat with traceid
Name string
ParentID string
ServiceName string
Timestamp time.Time // If zipkin input is nil then time.Now()
Duration time.Duration
Annotations []Annotation
BinaryAnnotations []BinaryAnnotation
// Trace is an array (or a series) of spans
type Trace []Span
const sampleConfig = `
# path = "/api/v1/spans" # URL path for span data
# port = 9411 # Port on which Telegraf listens
// Zipkin is a telegraf configuration structure for the zipkin input plugin,
// but it also contains fields for the management of a separate, concurrent
// zipkin http server
type Zipkin struct {
ServiceAddress string
Port int
Path string
address string
handler Handler
server *http.Server
waitGroup *sync.WaitGroup
// Description is a necessary method implementation from telegraf.ServiceInput
func (z Zipkin) Description() string {
return "This plugin implements the Zipkin http server to gather trace and timing data needed to troubleshoot latency problems in microservice architectures."
// SampleConfig is a necessary method implementation from telegraf.ServiceInput
func (z Zipkin) SampleConfig() string {
return sampleConfig
// Gather is empty for the zipkin plugin; all gathering is done through
// the separate goroutine launched in (*Zipkin).Start()
func (z *Zipkin) Gather(acc telegraf.Accumulator) error { return nil }
// Start launches a separate goroutine for collecting zipkin client http requests,
// passing in a telegraf.Accumulator such that data can be collected.
func (z *Zipkin) Start(acc telegraf.Accumulator) error {
z.handler = NewSpanHandler(z.Path)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
z.waitGroup = &wg
router := mux.NewRouter()
converter := NewLineProtocolConverter(acc)
z.handler.Register(router, converter)
z.server = &http.Server{
Handler: router,
addr := ":" + strconv.Itoa(z.Port)
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", addr)
if err != nil {
return err
z.address = ln.Addr().String()
log.Printf("I! Started the zipkin listener on %s", z.address)
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
z.Listen(ln, acc)
return nil
// Stop shuts the internal http server down with via context.Context
func (z *Zipkin) Stop() {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), DefaultShutdownTimeout)
defer z.waitGroup.Wait()
defer cancel()
// Listen creates an http server on the zipkin instance it is called with, and
// serves http until it is stopped by Zipkin's (*Zipkin).Stop() method.
func (z *Zipkin) Listen(ln net.Listener, acc telegraf.Accumulator) {
if err := z.server.Serve(ln); err != nil {
// Because of the clean shutdown in `(*Zipkin).Stop()`
// We're expecting a server closed error at some point
// So we don't want to display it as an error.
// This interferes with telegraf's internal data collection,
// by making it appear as if a serious error occurred.
if err != http.ErrServerClosed {
acc.AddError(fmt.Errorf("E! Error listening: %v", err))
func init() {
inputs.Add("zipkin", func() telegraf.Input {
return &Zipkin{
Path: DefaultRoute,
Port: DefaultPort,