*`servers`: List of strings, this is for speaking to a cluster of `mqtt` brokers. On each flush interval, Telegraf will randomly choose one of the urls to write to. Each URL should just include host and port e.g. -> `["{host}:{port}","{host2}:{port2}"]`
*`topic_prefix`: The `mqtt` topic prefix to publish to. MQTT outputs send metrics to this topic format "<topic_prefix>/<hostname>/<pluginname>/" ( ex: prefix/web01.example.com/mem)
*`qos`: The `mqtt` QoS policy for sending messages. See https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSFKSJ_9.0.0/com.ibm.mq.dev.doc/q029090_.htm for details.
### Optional parameters:
*`username`: The username to connect MQTT server.
*`password`: The password to connect MQTT server.
*`client_id`: The unique client id to connect MQTT server. If this paramater is not set then a random ID is generated.
*`timeout`: Timeout for write operations. default: 5s
*`ssl_ca`: SSL CA
*`ssl_cert`: SSL CERT
*`ssl_key`: SSL key
*`insecure_skip_verify`: Use SSL but skip chain & host verification (default: false)
*`data_format`: [About Telegraf data formats](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/blob/master/docs/DATA_FORMATS_OUTPUT.md)