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2017-09-29 23:13:08 +00:00
package wavefront
import (
// default config used by Tests
func defaultWavefront() *Wavefront {
return &Wavefront{
Host: "localhost",
Port: 2878,
Prefix: "testWF.",
SimpleFields: false,
MetricSeparator: ".",
ConvertPaths: true,
ConvertBool: true,
UseRegex: false,
func TestBuildMetrics(t *testing.T) {
w := defaultWavefront()
w.Prefix = "testthis."
pathReplacer = strings.NewReplacer("_", w.MetricSeparator)
testMetric1, _ := metric.New(
map[string]string{"tag1": "value1", "host": "testHost"},
map[string]interface{}{"value": 123},
time.Date(2009, time.November, 10, 23, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
var timestamp int64 = 1257894000
var metricTests = []struct {
metric telegraf.Metric
metricPoints []MetricPoint
testutil.TestMetric(float64(1), "testing_just*a%metric:float", "metric2"),
{Metric: w.Prefix + "testing.just-a-metric-float", Value: 1, Timestamp: timestamp, Tags: map[string]string{"tag1": "value1"}},
{Metric: w.Prefix + "testing.metric2", Value: 1, Timestamp: timestamp, Tags: map[string]string{"tag1": "value1"}},
[]MetricPoint{{Metric: w.Prefix + "test.simple.metric", Value: 123, Timestamp: timestamp, Source: "testHost", Tags: map[string]string{"tag1": "value1"}}},
for _, mt := range metricTests {
ml := buildMetrics(mt.metric, w)
for i, line := range ml {
if mt.metricPoints[i].Metric != line.Metric || mt.metricPoints[i].Value != line.Value {
t.Errorf("\nexpected\t%+v %+v\nreceived\t%+v %+v\n", mt.metricPoints[i].Metric, mt.metricPoints[i].Value, line.Metric, line.Value)
func TestBuildMetricsWithSimpleFields(t *testing.T) {
w := defaultWavefront()
w.Prefix = "testthis."
w.SimpleFields = true
pathReplacer = strings.NewReplacer("_", w.MetricSeparator)
testMetric1, _ := metric.New(
map[string]string{"tag1": "value1"},
map[string]interface{}{"value": 123},
time.Date(2009, time.November, 10, 23, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
var metricTests = []struct {
metric telegraf.Metric
metricLines []MetricPoint
testutil.TestMetric(float64(1), "testing_just*a%metric:float"),
[]MetricPoint{{Metric: w.Prefix + "testing.just-a-metric-float.value", Value: 1}},
[]MetricPoint{{Metric: w.Prefix + "test.simple.metric.value", Value: 123}},
for _, mt := range metricTests {
ml := buildMetrics(mt.metric, w)
for i, line := range ml {
if mt.metricLines[i].Metric != line.Metric || mt.metricLines[i].Value != line.Value {
t.Errorf("\nexpected\t%+v %+v\nreceived\t%+v %+v\n", mt.metricLines[i].Metric, mt.metricLines[i].Value, line.Metric, line.Value)
func TestBuildTags(t *testing.T) {
w := defaultWavefront()
var tagtests = []struct {
ptIn map[string]string
outSource string
outTags map[string]string
map[string]string{"one": "two", "three": "four", "host": "testHost"},
map[string]string{"one": "two", "three": "four"},
map[string]string{"aaa": "bbb", "host": "testHost"},
map[string]string{"aaa": "bbb"},
map[string]string{"bbb": "789", "aaa": "123", "host": "testHost"},
map[string]string{"aaa": "123", "bbb": "789"},
map[string]string{"host": "aaa", "dc": "bbb"},
map[string]string{"dc": "bbb"},
map[string]string{"host": "aaa", "dc": "a*$a\\abbb\"som/et|hing else", "bad#k%e/y that*sho\\uld work": "value1"},
map[string]string{"dc": "a-$a\\abbb\"som/et|hing else", "bad-k-e-y-that-sho-uld-work": "value1"},
2017-09-29 23:13:08 +00:00
for _, tt := range tagtests {
source, tags := buildTags(tt.ptIn, w)
if source != tt.outSource {
t.Errorf("\nexpected\t%+v\nreceived\t%+v\n", tt.outSource, source)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(tags, tt.outTags) {
t.Errorf("\nexpected\t%+v\nreceived\t%+v\n", tt.outTags, tags)
func TestBuildTagsWithSource(t *testing.T) {
w := defaultWavefront()
w.SourceOverride = []string{"snmp_host", "hostagent"}
var tagtests = []struct {
ptIn map[string]string
outSource string
outTags map[string]string
map[string]string{"host": "realHost"},
map[string]string{"tag1": "value1", "host": "realHost"},
map[string]string{"tag1": "value1"},
map[string]string{"snmp_host": "realHost", "host": "origHost"},
map[string]string{"telegraf_host": "origHost"},
map[string]string{"hostagent": "realHost", "host": "origHost"},
map[string]string{"telegraf_host": "origHost"},
map[string]string{"hostagent": "abc", "snmp_host": "realHost", "host": "origHost"},
map[string]string{"hostagent": "abc", "telegraf_host": "origHost"},
map[string]string{"something": "abc", "host": "r*@l\"Ho/st"},
2017-09-29 23:13:08 +00:00
map[string]string{"something": "abc"},
for _, tt := range tagtests {
source, tags := buildTags(tt.ptIn, w)
if source != tt.outSource {
t.Errorf("\nexpected\t%+v\nreceived\t%+v\n", tt.outSource, source)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(tags, tt.outTags) {
t.Errorf("\nexpected\t%+v\nreceived\t%+v\n", tt.outTags, tags)
func TestBuildValue(t *testing.T) {
w := defaultWavefront()
var valuetests = []struct {
value interface{}
name string
out float64
isErr bool
{value: int64(123), out: 123},
{value: uint64(456), out: 456},
{value: float64(789), out: 789},
{value: true, out: 1},
{value: false, out: 0},
{value: "bad", out: 0, isErr: true},
for _, vt := range valuetests {
value, err := buildValue(vt.value,, w)
if vt.isErr && err == nil {
t.Errorf("\nexpected error with\t%+v\nreceived\t%+v\n", vt.out, value)
} else if value != vt.out {
t.Errorf("\nexpected\t%+v\nreceived\t%+v\n", vt.out, value)
func TestBuildValueString(t *testing.T) {
w := defaultWavefront()
w.StringToNumber = map[string][]map[string]float64{
"test1": {{"green": 1, "red": 10}},
"test2": {{"active": 1, "hidden": 2}},
var valuetests = []struct {
value interface{}
name string
out float64
isErr bool
{value: int64(123), name: "", out: 123},
{value: "green", name: "test1", out: 1},
{value: "red", name: "test1", out: 10},
{value: "hidden", name: "test2", out: 2},
{value: "bad", name: "test1", out: 0, isErr: true},
for _, vt := range valuetests {
value, err := buildValue(vt.value,, w)
if vt.isErr && err == nil {
t.Errorf("\nexpected error with\t%+v\nreceived\t%+v\n", vt.out, value)
} else if value != vt.out {
t.Errorf("\nexpected\t%+v\nreceived\t%+v\n", vt.out, value)
// Benchmarks to test performance of string replacement via Regex and Replacer
var testString = "this_is*my!test/string\\for=replacement"
func BenchmarkReplaceAllString(b *testing.B) {
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
sanitizedRegex.ReplaceAllString(testString, "-")
func BenchmarkReplaceAllLiteralString(b *testing.B) {
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
sanitizedRegex.ReplaceAllLiteralString(testString, "-")
func BenchmarkReplacer(b *testing.B) {
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {