add rabbit_mq_parser plugin

This commit is contained in:
Jack Zampolin 2016-08-24 16:55:25 -07:00
parent 4fb9bf3c9e
commit 37450f125e
4 changed files with 829 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ import (
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""
_ ""

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@ -0,0 +1,663 @@
package statsd
import (
// RabbitMQParser is the top level struct for this plugin
type RabbitMQParser struct {
RabbitmqAddress string
QueueName string
Prefetch int
conn *amqp.Connection
ch *amqp.Channel
q amqp.Queue
// Description satisfies the telegraf.ServiceInput interface
func (rmq *RabbitMQParser) Description() string {
return "RabbitMQ client with specialized parser"
// SampleConfig satisfies the telegraf.ServiceInput interface
func (rmq *RabbitMQParser) SampleConfig() string {
return `
## Address and port for the rabbitmq server to pull from
rabbitmq_address = "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/"
queue_name = "task_queue"
prefetch = 1000
// Gather satisfies the telegraf.ServiceInput interface
// All gathering is done in the Start function
func (rmq *RabbitMQParser) Gather(_ telegraf.Accumulator) error {
return nil
// Start satisfies the telegraf.ServiceInput interface
// Yanked from ""
func (rmq *RabbitMQParser) Start(acc telegraf.Accumulator) error {
// Create queue connection and assign it to RabbitMQParser
conn, err := amqp.Dial(rmq.RabbitmqAddress)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%v: Failed to connect to RabbitMQ", err)
rmq.conn = conn
// Create channel and assign it to RabbitMQParser
ch, err := conn.Channel()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%v: Failed to open a channel", err)
} = ch
// Declare a queue and assign it to RabbitMQParser
q, err := ch.QueueDeclare(rmq.QueueName, true, false, false, false, nil)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%v: Failed to declare a queue", err)
rmq.q = q
// Declare QoS on queue
err = ch.Qos(rmq.Prefetch, 0, false)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%v: failed to set Qos", err)
// Register the RabbitMQ parser as a consumer of the queue
// And start the lister passing in the Accumulator
msgs := rmq.registerConsumer()
go listen(msgs, acc)
// Log that service has started
log.Println("Starting RabbitMQ service...")
return nil
// Yanked from ""
func (rmq *RabbitMQParser) registerConsumer() <-chan amqp.Delivery {
messages, err :=, "", false, false, false, false, nil)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%v: failed establishing connection to queue", err))
return messages
// Iterate over messages as they are coming in
// and launch new goroutine to handle load
func listen(msgs <-chan amqp.Delivery, acc telegraf.Accumulator) {
for d := range msgs {
go handleMessage(d, acc)
// handleMessage parses the incoming messages into *client.Point
// and then adds them to the Accumulator
func handleMessage(d amqp.Delivery, acc telegraf.Accumulator) {
msg := sanitizeMsg(d)
switch msg.Name() {
case "proc":
if _, ok := msg.Fields()["num"].(float64); !ok {
log.Printf("string field instead of float field %v\n", msg)
acc.AddFields(msg.Name(), msg.Fields(), msg.Tags(), msg.Time())
acc.AddFields(msg.Name(), msg.Fields(), msg.Tags(), msg.Time())
// sanitizeMsg breaks message cleanly into the different parts
// turns them into an IR and returns a point
func sanitizeMsg(msg amqp.Delivery) *client.Point {
ir := &irMessage{}
m := string(msg.Body)
switch {
case strings.Contains(m, "'severity'"):
text := strings.Split(m, "'severity'")
clockSplit := strings.Split(text[1], "'clock'")
ir.severity = clockSplit[0]
tsSplit := strings.Split(clockSplit[1], "'timestamp'")
ir.clock = tsSplit[0]
valueSplit := strings.Split(tsSplit[1], "'value'")
ir.ts = valueSplit[0]
serverSplit := strings.Split(valueSplit[1], "'server'")
ir.value = serverSplit[0]
sourceSplit := strings.Split(serverSplit[1], "'source'")
ir.server = sourceSplit[0]
hostSplit := strings.Split(sourceSplit[1], "'host'")
ir.source = hostSplit[0]
keySplit := strings.Split(hostSplit[1], "'key'") = keySplit[0]
logEventSplit := strings.Split(keySplit[1], "'logeventid'")
ir.key = logEventSplit[0]
ir.logeventid = logEventSplit[1]
case strings.Contains(m, `"host"`):
text := strings.Split(m, "\"host\"")
hostSplit := strings.Split(text[1], "\"clock\"") = hostSplit[0]
clockSplit := strings.Split(hostSplit[1], "\"value\"")
ir.clock = clockSplit[0]
valueSplit := strings.Split(clockSplit[1], "\"key\"")
ir.value = valueSplit[0]
keySplit := strings.Split(valueSplit[1], "\"server\"")
ir.key = keySplit[0]
ir.server = keySplit[1]
ir.doubleQuoted = true
case strings.Contains(m, "'host'"):
text := strings.Split(m, "'host'")
hostSplit := strings.Split(text[1], "'clock'") = hostSplit[0]
clockSplit := strings.Split(hostSplit[1], "'value'")
ir.clock = clockSplit[0]
valueSplit := strings.Split(clockSplit[1], "'key'")
ir.value = valueSplit[0]
keySplit := strings.Split(valueSplit[1], "'server'")
ir.key = keySplit[0]
ir.server = keySplit[1]
ir.doubleQuoted = false
return ir.message().point()
// Takes the intermediate representation and turns it into a message
func (ir *irMessage) message() message {
var msg message
// trim trailing chars from value
ir.value = string(ir.value[2 : len(ir.value)-2])
// trim trailing chars from key
ir.key = string(ir.key[3 : len(ir.key)-3])
// check what type of value is to be stored
// "'" indicates string messages
if strings.ContainsAny(ir.value, "'") {
msg = ir.toStringMessage()
} else {
msg = ir.toFloatMessage()
return msg
// irMessage is an intermediate representation of the
// point as it moves through the parser
type irMessage struct {
host string
clock string
value string
key string
server string
severity string
ts string
source string
logeventid string
doubleQuoted bool
// cleans host and server names
func cleanHost(str string) string {
c := strings.Split(str, "'")
return c[1]
// takes a dirty timestamp string and turns it into time.Time
func cleanClock(str string) time.Time {
c := string(str[2 : len(str)-2])
i, err := strconv.ParseInt(c, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%v: parsing integer", err))
return time.Unix(i, 0)
// irMessage -> *strMessage
func (ir *irMessage) toStringMessage() *strMessage {
sm := &strMessage{}
if ir.doubleQuoted { = cleanHost(strings.Replace(, "\"", "'", -1))
sm.clock = cleanClock(strings.Replace(ir.clock, "\"", "'", -1))
sm.server = cleanHost(strings.Replace(, "\"", "'", -1))
sm.value = ir.value
sm.key = ir.key
} else { = cleanHost(
sm.clock = cleanClock(ir.clock)
sm.server = cleanHost(ir.server)
sm.value = ir.value
sm.key = ir.key
return sm
// irMessage -> *floatMessage
func (ir *irMessage) toFloatMessage() *floatMessage {
fm := &floatMessage{}
if ir.doubleQuoted { = cleanHost(strings.Replace(, "\"", "'", -1))
fm.clock = cleanClock(strings.Replace(ir.clock, "\"", "'", -1))
fm.server = cleanHost(strings.Replace(, "\"", "'", -1))
i, err := strconv.ParseFloat(ir.value, 64)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%v: parsing float", err))
fm.value = i
fm.key = ir.key
} else { = cleanHost(
fm.clock = cleanClock(ir.clock)
fm.server = cleanHost(ir.server)
i, err := strconv.ParseFloat(ir.value, 64)
if err != nil {
j, err := strconv.ParseInt(ir.value, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
// if we fail to parse a value out of the string we return 0
log.Printf("Error parsing %v with key %v setting value to 0\n", ir.value, ir.key)
i = float64(j)
fm.value = i
fm.key = ir.key
return fm
// This is awful decision tree parsing, but it works...
// Layout:
// I've split all of the keys on the "[" and then [0] of that split on "."
// Then I walk down all the different combinations there
// The first switch statement is on length of the bracket split
// within each case of the bracket switch statement there is a switch
// on the length of the period split.
func structureKey(key string, value interface{}) (string, map[string]string, map[string]interface{}) {
// Beginning of Influx point
meas := ""
tags := make(map[string]string, 0)
fields := make(map[string]interface{}, 0)
// BracketSplit splits the metics on the "["
bs := strings.Split(key, "[")
// PeriodSplit splits the first part of the metric on "."s
ps := strings.Split(bs[0], ".")
// Switch on the results of the bracket split
switch len(bs) {
// No brackets so len(split) == 1
case 1:
meas = ps[0]
// Switch on the results of the period split
switch len(ps) {
// meas.field
case 2:
fields[ps[1]] = value
// meas.field*
case 3:
switch {
case ps[1] == "lbv":
meas = jwp(ps[0], ps[1])
fields[ps[2]] = value
fields[fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v", ps[1], ps[2])] = value
// meas.field.field.context
case 4:
switch {
case strings.Contains(ps[3], "-"):
meas = jwp(ps[0], ps[1])
fields[ps[2]] = value
tags["context"] = ps[3]
case ps[1] == "lbv" && ps[2] == "cs":
meas = jwp(ps[0], ps[1])
fields[jwp(ps[2], ps[3])] = value
fields[jw2p(ps[1], ps[2], ps[3])] = value
// netscaler.lbv.(rps|srv).(rack)
case 6:
meas = jwp(ps[0], ps[1])
tags["rack"] = jw2p(ps[3], ps[4], ps[5])
fields[ps[2]] = value
// Default - Deal with "CPU-", "Memory-", "Incoming-", "Outgoing-"
switch {
// "CPU-"
case strings.Contains(key, "CPU-"):
s := strings.Split(key, "CPU-")
meas = "CPU"
tags["host"] = s[1]
fields["value"] = value
// "Memory-"
case strings.Contains(key, "Memory-"):
s := strings.Split(key, "Memory-")
meas = "Memory"
tags["host"] = s[1]
// "Incoming-"
fields["value"] = value
case strings.Contains(key, "Incoming-"):
s := strings.Split(key, "Incoming-")
meas = "Incoming"
tags["host"] = s[1]
fields["value"] = value
// "Outgoing-"
case strings.Contains(key, "Outgoing-"):
s := strings.Split(key, "Outgoing-")
meas = "Outgoing"
tags["host"] = s[1]
fields["value"] = value
// Default!
meas = key
fields["value"] = value
// Brackets so len(split) == 2
// longest case
case 2:
// Switch on the results of the period split
switch len(ps) {
// period split only contains measurement
case 1:
meas = ps[0]
bracket := trim(bs[1])
// Arcane parsing rules
slash := strings.Contains(bs[1], "/")
comma := strings.Contains(bs[1], ",")
dash := strings.Contains(bs[1], "-")
vlan := strings.Contains(bs[1], "Vlan")
inter := strings.Contains(meas, "if")
switch {
// Bracket contains something like 1/40 -> ignore
case slash:
fields["value"] = value
// bracket is field name with some changes
case comma:
// switch "," and " " to "."
bracket = rp(rp(bracket, ",", "."), " ", ".")
fields[bracket] = value
// bracket contains a port number
case dash:
ds := strings.Split(bracket, "-")
tags[ds[0]] = ds[1]
fields["value"] = value
// Bracket contains a Vlan number
case vlan:
s := strings.Split(bracket, "Vlan")
tags["Vlan"] = s[1]
fields["value"] = value
// Bracket contains an interface name
case inter:
tags["interface"] = bracket
fields["value"] = value
// Default
meas = key
fields["value"] = value
// period split contains more information as well as brackets
case 2:
meas = ps[0]
bracket := trim(bs[1])
// Switch on length of bracket
switch {
// short brakets
case len(bracket) < 10:
bracket = rp(bracket, ",", "")
if bracket != "" {
tags["process"] = bracket
fields[ps[1]] = value
// medium brakets
case len(bracket) < 25:
// remove all {,}," from bracket
bracket = rp(rp(rp(bracket, "\"", ""), "{", ""), "}", "")
fields[bracket] = value
// long brackets are[curl ....]
case len(bracket) > 25 && len(bracket) < 150:
fields[ps[1]] = bracket
tags["status_code"] = fmt.Sprint(value)
// Default
meas = ps[0]
f := strings.Split(bracket, "FailureStatus")
tags["ps"] = f[0]
fields["powersupply.failurestatus"] = value
// len(period_split) == 3 and contains more information
case 3:
meas = ps[0]
bracket := trim(bs[1])
// Switch on bracket content
switch {
// netscaler.lbv.*
case ps[0] == "netscaler" && ps[1] == "lbv":
meas = jwp(ps[0], ps[1])
tags["context"] = bracket
fields[ps[2]] = value
// bracket contains context
case strings.Contains(bracket, "-"):
fields[jwp(ps[1], ps[2])] = value
tags["context"] = bracket
// bracket contains file system info
case strings.Contains(bracket, "/"):
t := strings.Split(bracket, ",")
tags["path"] = t[0]
if len(t) > 1 {
fields[jw2p(ps[1], ps[2], t[1])] = value
} else {
fields[jwp(ps[1], ps[2])] = value
// TODO: find a non default case that fits all "net","system","vm" mess down here
bracketCommaSplit := strings.Split(bracket, ",")
// Switch on bracket contents then measurement (set on line 119)
switch {
// system cpu and swap meas
case bracketCommaSplit[0] == "":
fields[jwp(ps[1], bracketCommaSplit[1])] = value
// net meas
case meas == "net":
tags["interface"] = bracketCommaSplit[0]
if len(bracketCommaSplit) > 1 {
fields[jw2p(ps[1], ps[2], bracketCommaSplit[1])] = value
} else {
fields[jwp(ps[1], ps[2])] = value
// vm measurement
case meas == "vm":
fields[jw2p(ps[1], ps[2], bracketCommaSplit[0])] = value
// system measurment
case meas == "system":
// for per-cpu metrics we need to pull out cpu as tag
if ps[1] == "cpu" {
fields[jw2p(ps[1], ps[2], bracketCommaSplit[0])] = value
tags["cpu"] = bracketCommaSplit[1]
} else {
// For system health checks we need to store system checked (mem, disk, cpu, etc...) with diff tags
fields[jwp(ps[1], ps[2])] = value
tags["system"] = bracketCommaSplit[0]
// web measurement
case meas == "web":
if ps[2] == "time" {
fields["value"] = value
} else {
fields[jwp(ps[1], ps[2])] = value
tags["system"] = "ZabbixGUI"
// app measurement
case meas == "app":
fields[jwp(ps[1], ps[2])] = value
tags["provider"] = bracket
// Default
meas = key
fields["value"] = value
// len(period_split) == 5 and contains most of the metadata
case 5:
meas = ps[0]
bracket := trim(bs[1])
// Switch on measurement name
switch {
// custom measurement ->
case meas == "custom":
meas = jw2p(ps[0], ps[1], ps[2])
tags["drive"] = bracket
fields[jwp(ps[3], ps[4])] = value
// app measurement
case meas == "app":
tags["name"] = jwp(ps[1], ps[2])
fields[jwp(ps[3], ps[4])] = value
// default
meas = key
fields["value"] = value
// Default case for len(period_split) == 5
meas = key
fields["value"] = value
// Multiple brackets -> grpavg["app-searchautocomplete","system.cpu.util[,user]",last,0]
sp := strings.Split(strings.Split(key, "grpavg[")[1], ",")
tags["app"] = trimS(sp[0])
s := strings.Split(trimS(sp[1]), ".")
meas = s[0]
field := fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v.%v.%v", s[1], s[2], sp[3], sp[4])
fields[field] = value
// Return the start of a point
return meas, tags, fields
// join with period
func jwp(s1, s2 string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v", s1, s2)
// join with 2 period
func jw2p(s1, s2, s3 string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v.%v", s1, s2, s3)
// replace
func rp(s, old, new string) string {
return strings.Replace(s, old, new, -1)
// trims last char from string
func trim(s string) string {
return s[0 : len(s)-1]
// common interface for different datatypes
type message interface {
point() *client.Point
// takes an irMessage -> float field
type floatMessage struct {
host string
clock time.Time
value float64
key string
server string
func trimS(s string) string {
return s[1 : len(s)-1]
// satisfies the message interface
func (fm *floatMessage) point() *client.Point {
meas, tags, fields := structureKey(fm.key, fm.value)
tags["host"] =
tags["server"] = fm.server
pt, err := client.NewPoint(meas, tags, fields, fm.clock)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%v: creating float point", err))
return pt
// takes an irMessage -> string field
type strMessage struct {
host string
clock time.Time
value string
key string
server string
// satisfies the message interface
func (sm *strMessage) point() *client.Point {
meas, tags, fields := structureKey(sm.key, sm.value)
tags["host"] =
tags["server"] = sm.server
pt, err := client.NewPoint(meas, tags, fields, sm.clock)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%v: creating string point", err))
return pt
// Stop satisfies the telegraf.ServiceInput interface
func (rmq *RabbitMQParser) Stop() {
defer rmq.Unlock()
func init() {
inputs.Add("rabbit_mq_parser", func() telegraf.Input {
return &RabbitMQParser{}

producer/main.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
package main
import (
func main() {
// Open file with zabbix data
t := time.Now()
f, err := os.Open("zabbix.txt")
defer f.Close()
logErr(err, "error opening file")
log.Printf("opened file in %v\n", time.Now().Sub(t))
// Make a new scanner to feed points into Queue
scan := bufio.NewScanner(f)
t = time.Now()
// Create producer to publish to Queue
p := newProducer()
defer p.conn.Close()
log.Printf("established connection in %v\n", time.Now().Sub(t))
cntr := 0
cl := NewConcurrencyLimiter(1000)
t = time.Now()
for scan.Scan() {
body := scan.Text()
go p.publish(body, cl)
if cntr%10000 == 0 {
log.Printf("sent %v lines in %v", cntr, time.Now().Sub(t))
log.Printf("sent %v lines in %v", cntr, time.Now().Sub(t))
type producer struct {
conn *amqp.Connection
ch *amqp.Channel
q amqp.Queue
func (p producer) publish(body string, cl *ConcurrencyLimiter) {
err :="", p.q.Name, false, false, amqp.Publishing{
DeliveryMode: amqp.Persistent,
ContentType: "text/plain",
Body: []byte(body),
if err != nil {
logErr(err, "Failed to publish a message")
func newProducer() producer {
conn, err := amqp.Dial("amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/")
logErr(err, "Failed to connect to RabbitMQ")
ch, err := conn.Channel()
logErr(err, "Failed to open a channel")
q, err := ch.QueueDeclare(
"task_queue", // name
true, // durable
false, // delete when unused
false, // exclusive
false, // no-wait
nil, // arguments
logErr(err, "Failed to declare a queue")
return producer{
conn: conn,
ch: ch,
q: q,
func logErr(err error, msg string) {
if err != nil {
log.Printf("%s: %s\n", msg, err)
// ConcurrencyLimiter is a go routine safe struct that can be used to
// ensure that no more than a specifid max number of goroutines are
// executing.
type ConcurrencyLimiter struct {
inc chan chan struct{}
dec chan struct{}
max int
count int
// NewConcurrencyLimiter returns a configured limiter that will
// ensure that calls to Increment will block if the max is hit.
func NewConcurrencyLimiter(max int) *ConcurrencyLimiter {
c := &ConcurrencyLimiter{
inc: make(chan chan struct{}),
dec: make(chan struct{}, max),
max: max,
go c.handleLimits()
return c
// Increment will increase the count of running goroutines by 1.
// if the number is currently at the max, the call to Increment
// will block until another goroutine decrements.
func (c *ConcurrencyLimiter) Increment() {
r := make(chan struct{}) <- r
// Decrement will reduce the count of running goroutines by 1
func (c *ConcurrencyLimiter) Decrement() {
c.dec <- struct{}{}
// handleLimits runs in a goroutine to manage the count of
// running goroutines.
func (c *ConcurrencyLimiter) handleLimits() {
for {
r := <
if c.count >= c.max {
r <- struct{}{}

rabbit_mq_parser.conf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
interval = "1s"
round_interval = true
metric_batch_size = 10000
metric_buffer_limit = 100000
collection_jitter = "0s"
flush_interval = "10s"
flush_jitter = "0s"
precision = "s"
debug = false
quiet = false
hostname = ""
omit_hostname = false
urls = ["http://localhost:8086"] # required
database = "telegraf" # required
retention_policy = ""
write_consistency = "any"
timeout = "5s"
rabbitmq_address = "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/"
queue_name = "task_queue"
prefetch = 1000