Update influxdb godeps for line-protocol precision fix

This commit is contained in:
Cameron Sparr 2015-09-16 15:44:29 -07:00
parent 66ed4f7328
commit 46cd9ff9f5
232 changed files with 56889 additions and 2522 deletions

Godeps/Godeps.json generated
View File

@ -96,34 +96,9 @@
"Rev": "d1e82c1ec3f15ee991f7cc7ffd5b67ff6f5bbaee" "Rev": "d1e82c1ec3f15ee991f7cc7ffd5b67ff6f5bbaee"
}, },
{ {
"ImportPath": "github.com/influxdb/influxdb/client", "ImportPath": "github.com/influxdb/influxdb",
"Comment": "v0.9.3-rc1", "Comment": "v0.9.4-rc1-84-g6d4319d",
"Rev": "f4077764b2bb2b03241452d88e9db321c62bb560" "Rev": "6d4319d244b47db94b79c505a16e00e7ac02ebed"
"ImportPath": "github.com/influxdb/influxdb/influxql",
"Comment": "v0.9.3-rc1",
"Rev": "f4077764b2bb2b03241452d88e9db321c62bb560"
"ImportPath": "github.com/influxdb/influxdb/meta",
"Comment": "v0.9.3-rc1",
"Rev": "f4077764b2bb2b03241452d88e9db321c62bb560"
"ImportPath": "github.com/influxdb/influxdb/snapshot",
"Comment": "v0.9.3-rc1",
"Rev": "f4077764b2bb2b03241452d88e9db321c62bb560"
"ImportPath": "github.com/influxdb/influxdb/toml",
"Comment": "v0.9.3-rc1",
"Rev": "f4077764b2bb2b03241452d88e9db321c62bb560"
"ImportPath": "github.com/influxdb/influxdb/tsdb",
"Comment": "v0.9.3-rc1",
"Rev": "f4077764b2bb2b03241452d88e9db321c62bb560"
}, },
{ {
"ImportPath": "github.com/lib/pq", "ImportPath": "github.com/lib/pq",

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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
# vim temp files
# ignore generated files.
# executables
# dependencies
# autconf
# log file
# config file
# test data files
# goide project files
# goconvey config files
// Ingnore SourceGraph directory

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
Contributing to InfluxDB
Bug reports
Before you file an issue, please search existing issues in case it has already been filed, or perhaps even fixed. If you file an issue, please include the following.
* Full details of your operating system (or distribution) e.g. 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04.
* The version of InfluxDB you are running
* Whether you installed it using a pre-built package, or built it from source.
* A small test case, if applicable, that demonstrates the issues.
Remember the golden rule of bug reports: **The easier you make it for us to reproduce the problem, the faster it will get fixed.**
If you have never written a bug report before, or if you want to brush up on your bug reporting skills, we recommend reading [Simon Tatham's essay "How to Report Bugs Effectively."](http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html)
Test cases should be in the form of `curl` commands. For example:
# create database
curl -G http://localhost:8086/query --data-urlencode "q=CREATE DATABASE mydb"
# create retention policy
curl -G http://localhost:8086/query --data-urlencode "q=CREATE RETENTION POLICY myrp ON mydb DURATION 365d REPLICATION 1 DEFAULT"
# write data
curl -X POST http://localhost:8086/write --data-urlencode "db=mydb" --data-binary "cpu,region=useast,host=server_1,service=redis value=61"
# Delete a Measurement
curl -G http://localhost:8086/query --data-urlencode 'db=mydb' --data-urlencode 'q=DROP MEASUREMENT cpu'
# Query the Measurement
# Bug: expected it to return no data, but data comes back.
curl -G http://localhost:8086/query --data-urlencode 'db=mydb' --data-urlencode 'q=SELECT * from cpu'
**If you don't include a clear test case like this, your issue may not be investigated, and may even be closed**. If writing the data is too difficult, please zip up your data directory and include a link to it in your bug report.
Please note that issues are *not the place to file general questions* such as "how do I use collectd with InfluxDB?" Questions of this nature should be sent to the [Google Group](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/influxdb), not filed as issues. Issues like this will be closed.
Feature requests
We really like to receive feature requests, as it helps us prioritize our work. Please be clear about your requirements, as incomplete feature requests may simply be closed if we don't understand what you would like to see added to InfluxDB.
Contributing to the source code
InfluxDB follows standard Go project structure. This means that all
your go development are done in `$GOPATH/src`. GOPATH can be any
directory under which InfluxDB and all its dependencies will be
cloned. For more details on recommended go project's structure, see
[How to Write Go Code](http://golang.org/doc/code.html) and
[Go: Best Practices for Production Environments](http://peter.bourgon.org/go-in-production/), or you can just follow
the steps below.
Submitting a pull request
To submit a pull request you should fork the InfluxDB repository, and make your change on a feature branch of your fork. Then generate a pull request from your branch against *master* of the InfluxDB repository. Include in your pull request details of your change -- the why *and* the how -- as well as the testing your performed. Also, be sure to run the test suite with your change in place. Changes that cause tests to fail cannot be merged.
There will usually be some back and forth as we finalize the change, but once that completes it may be merged.
To assist in review for the PR, please add the following to your pull request comment:
- [ ] CHANGELOG.md updated
- [ ] Rebased/mergable
- [ ] Tests pass
- [ ] Sign [CLA](http://influxdb.com/community/cla.html) (if not already signed)
Use of third-party packages
A third-party package is defined as one that is not part of the standard Go distribution. Generally speaking we prefer to minimize our use of third-party packages, and avoid them unless absolutely necessarly. We'll often write a little bit of code rather than pull in a third-party package. Of course, we do use some third-party packages -- most importantly we use [BoltDB](https://github.com/boltdb/bolt) as the storage engine. So to maximise the chance your change will be accepted by us, use only the standard libaries, or the third-party packages we have decided to use.
For rationale, check out the post [The Case Against Third Party Libraries](http://blog.gopheracademy.com/advent-2014/case-against-3pl/).
Signing the CLA
If you are going to be contributing back to InfluxDB please take a
second to sign our CLA, which can be found
[on our website](http://influxdb.com/community/cla.html).
Installing Go
InfluxDB requires Go 1.5 or greater.
At InfluxDB we find gvm, a Go version manager, useful for installing Go. For instructions
on how to install it see [the gvm page on github](https://github.com/moovweb/gvm).
After installing gvm you can install and set the default go version by
running the following:
gvm install go1.5
gvm use go1.5 --default
Revision Control Systems
Go has the ability to import remote packages via revision control systems with the `go get` command. To ensure that you can retrieve any remote package, be sure to install the following rcs software to your system.
Currently the project only depends on `git` and `mercurial`.
* [Install Git](http://git-scm.com/book/en/Getting-Started-Installing-Git)
* [Install Mercurial](http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/Download)
Getting the source
Setup the project structure and fetch the repo like so:
mkdir $HOME/gocodez
export GOPATH=$HOME/gocodez
go get github.com/influxdb/influxdb
You can add the line `export GOPATH=$HOME/gocodez` to your bash/zsh file to be set for every shell instead of having to manually run it everytime.
Cloning a fork
If you wish to work with fork of InfluxDB, your own fork for example, you must still follow the directory structure above. But instead of cloning the main repo, instead clone your fork. Follow the steps below to work with a fork:
export GOPATH=$HOME/gocodez
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/influxdb
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/influxdb
git clone git@github.com:<username>/influxdb
Retaining the directory structure `$GOPATH/src/github.com/influxdb` is necessary so that Go imports work correctly.
Pre-commit checks
We have a pre commit hook to make sure code is formatted properly
and vetted before you commit any changes. We strongly recommend using the pre
commit hook to guard against accidentally committing unformatted
code. To use the pre-commit hook, run the following:
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/influxdb/influxdb
cp .hooks/pre-commit .git/hooks/
In case the commit is rejected because it's not formatted you can run
the following to format the code:
go fmt ./...
go vet ./...
To install go vet, run the following command:
go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/vet
NOTE: If you have not installed mercurial, the above command will fail. See [Revision Control Systems](#revision-control-systems) above.
For more information on `go vet`, [read the GoDoc](https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/tools/cmd/vet).
Build and Test
Make sure you have Go installed and the project structure as shown above. To then build the project, execute the following commands:
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/influxdb
go get -u -f -t ./...
go build ./...
To then install the binaries, run the following command. They can be found in `$GOPATH/bin`. Please note that the InfluxDB binary is named `influxd`, not `influxdb`.
go install ./...
To set the version and commit flags during the build pass the following to the build command:
-ldflags="-X main.version=$VERSION -X main.branch=$BRANCH -X main.commit=$COMMIT"
where `$VERSION` is the version, `$BRANCH` is the branch, and `$COMMIT` is the git commit hash.
If you want to build packages, see `package.sh` help:
package.sh -h
To run the tests, execute the following command:
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/influxdb/influxdb
go test -v ./...
# run tests that match some pattern
go test -run=TestDatabase . -v
# run tests and show coverage
go test -coverprofile /tmp/cover . && go tool cover -html /tmp/cover
To install go cover, run the following command:
go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/cover
Generated Google Protobuf code
Most changes to the source do not require that the generated protocol buffer code be changed. But if you need to modify the protocol buffer code, you'll first need to install the protocol buffers toolchain.
First install the [protocol buffer compiler](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/
) 2.6.1 or later for your OS:
Then install the go plugins:
go get github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto
go get github.com/gogo/protobuf/protoc-gen-gogo
go get github.com/gogo/protobuf/gogoproto
Finally run, `go generate` after updating any `*.proto` file:
go generate ./...
If generating the protobuf code is failing for you, check each of the following:
* Ensure the protobuf library can be found. Make sure that `LD_LIBRRARY_PATH` includes the directory in which the library `libprotoc.so` has been installed.
* Ensure the command `protoc-gen-gogo`, found in `GOPATH/bin`, is on your path. This can be done by adding `GOPATH/bin` to `PATH`.
When troubleshooting problems with CPU or memory the Go toolchain can be helpful. You can start InfluxDB with CPU or memory profiling turned on. For example:
# start influx with profiling
./influxd -cpuprofile influxd.prof
# run queries, writes, whatever you're testing
# open up pprof
go tool pprof influxd influxd.prof
# once inside run "web", opens up browser with the CPU graph
# can also run "web <function name>" to zoom in. Or "list <function name>" to see specific lines
Continuous Integration testing
InfluxDB uses CirceCI for continuous integration testing. To see how the code is built and tested, check out [this file](https://github.com/influxdb/influxdb/blob/master/circle-test.sh). It closely follows the build and test process outlined above. You can see the exact version of Go InfluxDB uses for testing by consulting that file.
Useful links
- [Useful techniques in Go](http://arslan.io/ten-useful-techniques-in-go)
- [Go in production](http://peter.bourgon.org/go-in-production/)
- [Principles of designing Go APIs with channels](https://inconshreveable.com/07-08-2014/principles-of-designing-go-apis-with-channels/)
- [Common mistakes in Golang](http://soryy.com/blog/2014/common-mistakes-with-go-lang/). Especially this section `Loops, Closures, and Local Variables`

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# Docker Setup
This document describes how to build and run a minimal InfluxDB container under Docker. Currently, it has only been tested for local development and assumes that you have a working docker environment.
## Building Image
To build a docker image for InfluxDB from your current checkout, run the following:
$ ./build-docker.sh
This script uses the `golang:1.5` image to build a fully static binary of `influxd` and then adds it to a minimal `scratch` image.
To build the image using a different version of go:
$ GO_VER=1.4.2 ./build-docker.sh
Available version can be found [here](https://hub.docker.com/_/golang/).
## Single Node Container
This will start an interactive, single-node, that publishes the containers port `8086` and `8088` to the hosts ports `8086` and `8088` respectively. This is identical to starting `influxd` manually.
$ docker run -it -p 8086:8086 -p 8088:8088 influxdb
## Multi-Node Cluster
This will create a simple 3-node cluster. The data is stored within the container and will be lost when the container is removed. This is only useful for test clusters.
The `HOST_IP` env variable should be your host IP if running under linux or the virtualbox VM IP if running under OSX. On OSX, this would be something like: `$(docker-machine ip dev)` or `$(boot2docker ip)` depending on which docker tool you are using.
$ export HOST_IP=<your host/VM IP>
$ docker run -it -p 8086:8086 -p 8088:8088 influxdb -hostname $HOST_IP:8088
$ docker run -it -p 8186:8086 -p 8188:8088 influxdb -hostname $HOST_IP:8188 -join $HOST_IP:8088
$ docker run -it -p 8286:8086 -p 8288:8088 influxdb -hostname $HOST_IP:8288 -join $HOST_IP:8088

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
FROM busybox:ubuntu-14.04
MAINTAINER Jason Wilder "<jason@influxdb.com>"
# admin, http, udp, cluster, graphite, opentsdb, collectd
EXPOSE 8083 8086 8086/udp 8088 2003 4242 25826
# copy binary into image
COPY influxd /app/
# Add influxd to the PATH
# Generate a default config
RUN influxd config > /etc/influxdb.toml
# Use /data for all disk storage
RUN sed -i 's/dir = "\/.*influxdb/dir = "\/data/' /etc/influxdb.toml
VOLUME ["/data"]
ENTRYPOINT ["influxd", "--config", "/etc/influxdb.toml"]

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
FROM 32bit/ubuntu:14.04
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python-software-properties software-properties-common git
RUN add-apt-repository ppa:evarlast/golang1.5
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" golang-go
ENV GOPATH=/root/go
RUN mkdir -p /root/go/src/github.com/influxdb/influxdb
RUN mkdir -p /tmp/artifacts
VOLUME /root/go/src/github.com/influxdb/influxdb
VOLUME /tmp/artifacts

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Errplane Inc.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# List
- github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto [BSD LICENSE](https://github.com/gogo/protobuf/blob/master/LICENSE)
- gopkg.in/fatih/pool.v2 [MIT LICENSE](https://github.com/fatih/pool/blob/v2.0.0/LICENSE)
- github.com/BurntSushi/toml [WTFPL LICENSE](https://github.com/BurntSushi/toml/blob/master/COPYING)
- github.com/peterh/liner [MIT LICENSE](https://github.com/peterh/liner/blob/master/COPYING)
- github.com/davecgh/go-spew/spew [ISC LICENSE](https://github.com/davecgh/go-spew/blob/master/LICENSE)
- github.com/hashicorp/raft [MPL LICENSE](https://github.com/hashicorp/raft/blob/master/LICENSE)
- github.com/rakyll/statik/fs [APACHE LICENSE](https://github.com/rakyll/statik/blob/master/LICENSE)
- github.com/kimor79/gollectd [BSD LICENSE](https://github.com/kimor79/gollectd/blob/master/LICENSE)
- github.com/bmizerany/pat [MIT LICENSE](https://github.com/bmizerany/pat#license)
- react 0.13.3 [BSD LICENSE](https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/master/LICENSE)
- bootstrap 3.3.5 [MIT LICENSE](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
- jquery 2.1.4 [MIT LICENSE](https://github.com/jquery/jquery/blob/master/LICENSE.txt)
- glyphicons [LICENSE](http://glyphicons.com/license/)
- github.com/golang/snappy [BSD LICENSE](https://github.com/golang/snappy/blob/master/LICENSE)
- github.com/boltdb/bolt [MIT LICENSE](https://github.com/boltdb/bolt/blob/master/LICENSE)
- collectd.org [ISC LICENSE](https://github.com/collectd/go-collectd/blob/master/LICENSE)
- golang.org/x/crypto/bcrypt [BSD LICENSE](https://go.googlesource.com/crypto/+/master/LICENSE)

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@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
The top level name is called a measurement. These names can contain any characters. Then there are field names, field values, tag keys and tag values, which can also contain any characters. However, if the measurement, field, or tag contains any character other than [A-Z,a-z,0-9,_], or if it starts with a digit, it must be double-quoted. Therefore anywhere a measurement name, field name, field value, tag name, or tag value appears it should be wrapped in double quotes.
# Databases & retention policies
-- create a database
-- create a retention policy
-- alter retention policy
ALTER RETENTION POLICY <rp-name> ON <db-name> (DURATION <duration> | REPLICATION <n> | DEFAULT)+
-- drop a database
-- drop a retention policy
DROP RETENTION POLICY <rp-name> ON <db-name>
where `<duration>` is either `INF` for infinite retention, or an integer followed by the desired unit of time: u,ms,s,m,h,d,w for microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks, respectively. `<replication>` must be an integer.
If present, `DEFAULT` sets the retention policy as the default retention policy for writes and reads.
# Users and permissions
-- create user
CREATE USER <name> WITH PASSWORD '<password>'
-- grant privilege on a database
GRANT <privilege> ON <db> TO <user>
-- grant cluster admin privileges
-- revoke privilege
REVOKE <privilege> ON <db> FROM <user>
-- revoke all privileges for a DB
-- revoke all privileges including cluster admin
-- combine db creation with privilege assignment (user must already exist)
CREATE DATABASE <name> GRANT <privilege> TO <user>
CREATE DATABASE <name> REVOKE <privilege> FROM <user>
-- delete a user
DROP USER <name>
where `<privilege> := READ | WRITE | All `.
Authentication must be enabled in the influxdb.conf file for user permissions to be in effect.
By default, newly created users have no privileges to any databases.
Cluster administration privileges automatically grant full read and write permissions to all databases, regardless of subsequent database-specific privilege revocation statements.
# Select
SELECT mean(value) from cpu WHERE host = 'serverA' AND time > now() - 4h GROUP BY time(5m)
SELECT mean(value) from cpu WHERE time > now() - 4h GROUP BY time(5m), region
## Group By
# Delete
# Series
## Destroy
DROP MEASUREMENT cpu WHERE region = 'uswest'
## Show
Show series queries are for pulling out individual series from measurement names and tag data. They're useful for discovery.
-- show all databases
-- show measurement names
-- LIMIT and OFFSET can be applied to any of the SHOW type queries
-- show all series across all measurements/tagsets
-- get a show of all series for any measurements where tag key region = tak value 'uswest'
SHOW SERIES WHERE region = 'uswest'
SHOW SERIES FROM cpu_load WHERE region = 'uswest' LIMIT 10
-- returns the 100 - 109 rows in the result. In the case of SHOW SERIES, which returns
-- series split into measurements. Each series counts as a row. So you could see only a
-- single measurement returned, but 10 series within it.
SHOW SERIES FROM cpu_load WHERE region = 'uswest' LIMIT 10 OFFSET 100
-- show all retention policies on a database
-- get a show of all tag keys across all measurements
-- show all the tag keys for a given measurement
SHOW TAG KEYS FROM temperature, wind_speed
-- show all the tag values. note that a single WHERE TAG KEY = '...' clause is required
SHOW TAG VALUES FROM cpu WHERE region = 'uswest' WITH TAG KEY = 'host'
-- and you can do stuff against fields
-- but you can't do this
-- we don't index field values, so this query should be invalid.
-- show all users
Note that `FROM` and `WHERE` are optional clauses in most of the show series queries.
And the show series output looks like this:
"name": "cpu",
"columns": ["id", "region", "host"],
"values": [
1, "uswest", "servera",
2, "uswest", "serverb"
"name": "reponse_time",
"columns": ["id", "application", "host"],
"values": [
3, "myRailsApp", "servera"
# Continuous Queries
Continous queries are going to be inspired by MySQL `TRIGGER` syntax:
Instead of having automatically-assigned ids, named continuous queries allows for some level of duplication prevention,
particularly in the case where creation is scripted.
## Create
## Destroy
## List

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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
# InfluxDB [![Circle CI](https://circleci.com/gh/influxdb/influxdb/tree/master.svg?style=svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/influxdb/influxdb/tree/master)
## An Open-Source, Distributed, Time Series Database
> InfluxDB v0.9.0 is now out. Going forward, the 0.9.x series of releases will not make breaking API changes or breaking changes to the underlying data storage. However, 0.9.0 clustering should be considered an alpha release.
InfluxDB is an open source **distributed time series database** with
**no external dependencies**. It's useful for recording metrics,
events, and performing analytics.
## Features
* Built-in [HTTP API](http://influxdb.com/docs/v0.9/concepts/reading_and_writing_data.html) so you don't have to write any server side code to get up and running.
* Data can be tagged, allowing very flexible querying.
* SQL-like query language.
* Clustering is supported out of the box, so that you can scale horizontally to handle your data.
* Simple to install and manage, and fast to get data in and out.
* It aims to answer queries in real-time. That means every data point is
indexed as it comes in and is immediately available in queries that
should return in < 100ms.
## Getting Started
*The following directions apply only to the 0.9.0 release or building from the source on master.*
### Building
You don't need to build the project to use it - you can use any of our
[pre-built packages](http://influxdb.com/download/index.html) to install InfluxDB. That's
the recommended way to get it running. However, if you want to contribute to the core of InfluxDB, you'll need to build.
For those adventurous enough, you can
[follow along on our docs](http://github.com/influxdb/influxdb/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).
### Starting InfluxDB
* `service influxdb start` if you have installed InfluxDB using an official Debian or RPM package.
* `systemctl start influxdb` if you have installed InfluxDB using an official Debian or RPM package, and are running a distro with `systemd`. For example, Ubuntu 15 or later.
* `$GOPATH/bin/influxd` if you have built InfluxDB from source.
### Creating your first database
curl -G 'http://localhost:8086/query' --data-urlencode "q=CREATE DATABASE mydb"
### Insert some data
curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8086/write?db=mydb' \
-d 'cpu,host=server01,region=uswest load=42 1434055562000000000'
curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8086/write?db=mydb' \
-d 'cpu,host=server02,region=uswest load=78 1434055562000000000'
curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8086/write?db=mydb' \
-d 'cpu,host=server03,region=useast load=15.4 1434055562000000000'
### Query for the data
curl -G http://localhost:8086/query?pretty=true --data-urlencode "db=mydb" \
--data-urlencode "q=SELECT * FROM cpu WHERE host='server01' AND time < now - 1d"
### Analyze the data
curl -G http://localhost:8086/query?pretty=true --data-urlencode "db=mydb" \
--data-urlencode "q=SELECT mean(load) FROM cpu WHERE region='uswest'"
## Helpful Links
* Understand the [design goals and motivations of the project](http://influxdb.com/docs/v0.9/introduction/overview.html).
* Follow the [getting started guide](http://influxdb.com/docs/v0.9/introduction/getting_started.html) to find out how to install InfluxDB, start writing more data, and issue more queries - in just a few minutes.
* See the [HTTP API documentation to start writing a library for your favorite language](http://influxdb.com/docs/v0.9/concepts/reading_and_writing_data.html).

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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
package influxdb
import (
// Balancer represents a load-balancing algorithm for a set of nodes
type Balancer interface {
// Next returns the next Node according to the balancing method
// or nil if there are no nodes available
Next() *meta.NodeInfo
type nodeBalancer struct {
nodes []meta.NodeInfo // data nodes to balance between
p int // current node index
// NewNodeBalancer create a shuffled, round-robin balancer so that
// multiple instances will return nodes in randomized order and each
// each returned node will be repeated in a cycle
func NewNodeBalancer(nodes []meta.NodeInfo) Balancer {
// make a copy of the node slice so we can randomize it
// without affecting the original instance as well as ensure
// that each Balancer returns nodes in a different order
b := &nodeBalancer{}
b.nodes = make([]meta.NodeInfo, len(nodes))
copy(b.nodes, nodes)
return b
// shuffle randomizes the ordering the balancers available nodes
func (b *nodeBalancer) shuffle() {
for i := range b.nodes {
j := rand.Intn(i + 1)
b.nodes[i], b.nodes[j] = b.nodes[j], b.nodes[i]
// online returns a slice of the nodes that are online
func (b *nodeBalancer) online() []meta.NodeInfo {
return b.nodes
// now := time.Now().UTC()
// up := []meta.NodeInfo{}
// for _, n := range b.nodes {
// if n.OfflineUntil.After(now) {
// continue
// }
// up = append(up, n)
// }
// return up
// Next returns the next available nodes
func (b *nodeBalancer) Next() *meta.NodeInfo {
// only use online nodes
up := b.online()
// no nodes online
if len(up) == 0 {
return nil
// rollover back to the beginning
if b.p >= len(up) {
b.p = 0
d := &up[b.p]
b.p += 1
return d

View File

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
package influxdb_test
import (
func NewNodes() []meta.NodeInfo {
var nodes []meta.NodeInfo
for i := 1; i <= 2; i++ {
nodes = append(nodes, meta.NodeInfo{
ID: uint64(i),
Host: fmt.Sprintf("localhost:999%d", i),
return nodes
func TestBalancerEmptyNodes(t *testing.T) {
b := influxdb.NewNodeBalancer([]meta.NodeInfo{})
got := b.Next()
if got != nil {
t.Errorf("expected nil, got %v", got)
func TestBalancerUp(t *testing.T) {
nodes := NewNodes()
b := influxdb.NewNodeBalancer(nodes)
// First node in randomized round-robin order
first := b.Next()
if first == nil {
t.Errorf("expected datanode, got %v", first)
// Second node in randomized round-robin order
second := b.Next()
if second == nil {
t.Errorf("expected datanode, got %v", second)
// Should never get the same node in order twice
if first.ID == second.ID {
t.Errorf("expected first != second. got %v = %v", first.ID, second.ID)
func TestBalancerDown(t *testing.T) {
nodes := NewNodes()
b := influxdb.NewNodeBalancer(nodes)
// First node in randomized round-robin order
first := b.Next()
if first == nil {
t.Errorf("expected datanode, got %v", first)
// Second node should rollover to the first up node
second := b.Next()
if second == nil {
t.Errorf("expected datanode, got %v", second)
// Health node should be returned each time
if first.ID != 2 && first.ID != second.ID {
t.Errorf("expected first != second. got %v = %v", first.ID, second.ID)
func TestBalancerBackUp(t *testing.T) {
nodes := newDataNodes()
b := influxdb.NewNodeBalancer(nodes)
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
got := b.Next()
if got == nil {
t.Errorf("expected datanode, got %v", got)
if exp := uint64(2); got.ID != exp {
t.Errorf("wrong node id: exp %v, got %v", exp, got.ID)
// First node in randomized round-robin order
first := b.Next()
if first == nil {
t.Errorf("expected datanode, got %v", first)
// Second node should rollover to the first up node
second := b.Next()
if second == nil {
t.Errorf("expected datanode, got %v", second)
// Should get both nodes returned
if first.ID == second.ID {
t.Errorf("expected first != second. got %v = %v", first.ID, second.ID)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
set -e -x
docker run -it -v "${GOPATH}":/gopath -v "$(pwd)":/app -e "GOPATH=/gopath" -w /app golang:$GO_VER sh -c 'CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -a --installsuffix cgo --ldflags="-s" -o influxd ./cmd/influxd'
docker build -t influxdb .

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
# This is the InfluxDB CircleCI test script. Using this script allows total control
# the environment in which the build and test is run, and matches the official
# build process for InfluxDB.
PARALLELISM="-parallel 256"
TIMEOUT="-timeout 480s"
# Executes the given statement, and exits if the command returns a non-zero code.
function exit_if_fail {
echo "Executing '$command'"
if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then
echo "'$command' returned $rc."
exit $rc
# Check that go fmt has been run.
function check_go_fmt {
fmtcount=`git ls-files | grep '.go$' | xargs gofmt -l 2>&1 | wc -l`
if [ $fmtcount -gt 0 ]; then
echo "run 'go fmt ./...' to format your source code."
exit 1
# Check that go vet passes.
function check_go_vet {
# Due to the way composites work, vet will fail for some of our tests so we ignore it
vetcount=`go tool vet --composites=false ./ 2>&1 | wc -l`
if [ $vetcount -gt 0 ]; then
echo "run 'go tool vet --composites=false ./' to see the errors it flags and correct your source code."
exit 1
source $HOME/.gvm/scripts/gvm
exit_if_fail gvm use $GO_VERSION
# Set up the build directory, and then GOPATH.
exit_if_fail mkdir $BUILD_DIR
exit_if_fail mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/influxdb
# Dump some test config to the log.
echo "Test configuration"
echo "========================================"
echo "\$HOME: $HOME"
echo "\$GOPATH: $GOPATH"
# Move the checked-out source to a better location.
exit_if_fail mv $HOME/influxdb $GOPATH/src/github.com/influxdb
exit_if_fail cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/influxdb/influxdb
exit_if_fail git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/$CIRCLE_BRANCH $CIRCLE_BRANCH
# Install the code.
exit_if_fail cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/influxdb/influxdb
exit_if_fail go get -t -d -v ./...
exit_if_fail git checkout $CIRCLE_BRANCH # 'go get' switches to master. Who knew? Switch back.
exit_if_fail go build -v ./...
# Run the tests.
go test $PARALLELISM $TIMEOUT -v ./... 2>&1 | tee $CIRCLE_ARTIFACTS/test_logs.txt
# 32bit tests.
if [[ -e ~/docker/image.tar ]]; then docker load -i ~/docker/image.tar; fi
docker build -f Dockerfile_test_ubuntu32 -t ubuntu-32-influxdb-test .
mkdir -p ~/docker; docker save ubuntu-32-influxdb-test > ~/docker/image.tar
exit_if_fail docker build -f Dockerfile_test_ubuntu32 -t ubuntu-32-influxdb-test .
docker run -v $(pwd):/root/go/src/github.com/influxdb/influxdb -e "CI=${CI}" \
-v ${CIRCLE_ARTIFACTS}:/tmp/artifacts \
-t ubuntu-32-influxdb-test bash \
-c "cd /root/go/src/github.com/influxdb/influxdb && go get -t -d -v ./... && go build -v ./... && go test ${PARALLELISM} ${TIMEOUT} -v ./... 2>&1 | tee /tmp/artifacts/test_logs_i386.txt && exit \${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
GORACE="halt_on_error=1" go test $PARALLELISM $TIMEOUT -v -race ./... 2>&1 | tee $CIRCLE_ARTIFACTS/test_logs_race.txt
exit $rc

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
- docker
- bash < <(curl -s -S -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/moovweb/gvm/master/binscripts/gvm-installer)
- source $HOME/.gvm/scripts/gvm; gvm install go1.5 --binary
- mkdir -p ~/docker
- "~/docker"
- bash circle-test.sh:
parallel: true

View File

@ -45,7 +45,12 @@ the configuration below.
package main package main
import "github.com/influxdb/influxdb/client" import "github.com/influxdb/influxdb/client"
import "net/url" import (
const ( const (
MyHost = "localhost" MyHost = "localhost"

View File

@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ type Config struct {
Password string Password string
UserAgent string UserAgent string
Timeout time.Duration Timeout time.Duration
Precision string
} }
// NewConfig will create a config to be used in connecting to the client // NewConfig will create a config to be used in connecting to the client
@ -95,6 +96,7 @@ type Client struct {
password string password string
httpClient *http.Client httpClient *http.Client
userAgent string userAgent string
precision string
} }
const ( const (
@ -112,6 +114,7 @@ func NewClient(c Config) (*Client, error) {
password: c.Password, password: c.Password,
httpClient: &http.Client{Timeout: c.Timeout}, httpClient: &http.Client{Timeout: c.Timeout},
userAgent: c.UserAgent, userAgent: c.UserAgent,
precision: c.Precision,
} }
if client.userAgent == "" { if client.userAgent == "" {
client.userAgent = "InfluxDBClient" client.userAgent = "InfluxDBClient"
@ -125,6 +128,11 @@ func (c *Client) SetAuth(u, p string) {
c.password = p c.password = p
} }
// SetPrecision will update the precision
func (c *Client) SetPrecision(precision string) {
c.precision = precision
// Query sends a command to the server and returns the Response // Query sends a command to the server and returns the Response
func (c *Client) Query(q Query) (*Response, error) { func (c *Client) Query(q Query) (*Response, error) {
u := c.url u := c.url
@ -133,6 +141,9 @@ func (c *Client) Query(q Query) (*Response, error) {
values := u.Query() values := u.Query()
values.Set("q", q.Command) values.Set("q", q.Command)
values.Set("db", q.Database) values.Set("db", q.Database)
if c.precision != "" {
values.Set("epoch", c.precision)
u.RawQuery = values.Encode() u.RawQuery = values.Encode()
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", u.String(), nil) req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", u.String(), nil)
@ -449,7 +460,11 @@ func (p *Point) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
} }
func (p *Point) MarshalString() string { func (p *Point) MarshalString() string {
return tsdb.NewPoint(p.Measurement, p.Tags, p.Fields, p.Time).String() pt := tsdb.NewPoint(p.Measurement, p.Tags, p.Fields, p.Time)
if p.Precision == "" || p.Precision == "ns" || p.Precision == "n" {
return pt.String()
return pt.PrecisionString(p.Precision)
} }
// UnmarshalJSON decodes the data into the Point struct // UnmarshalJSON decodes the data into the Point struct

View File

@ -498,13 +498,12 @@ func TestBatchPoints_Normal(t *testing.T) {
} }
func TestClient_Timeout(t *testing.T) { func TestClient_Timeout(t *testing.T) {
done := make(chan bool)
ts := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ts := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) <-done
var data client.Response
_ = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(data)
})) }))
defer ts.Close() defer ts.Close()
defer func() { done <- true }()
u, _ := url.Parse(ts.URL) u, _ := url.Parse(ts.URL)
config := client.Config{URL: *u, Timeout: 500 * time.Millisecond} config := client.Config{URL: *u, Timeout: 500 * time.Millisecond}
@ -517,13 +516,33 @@ func TestClient_Timeout(t *testing.T) {
_, err = c.Query(query) _, err = c.Query(query)
if err == nil { if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected success. expected timeout error") t.Fatalf("unexpected success. expected timeout error")
} else if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "use of closed network connection") { } else if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "request canceled") &&
t.Fatalf("unexpected error. expected 'use of closed network connection' error, got %v", err) !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "use of closed network connection") {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error. expected 'request canceled' error, got %v", err)
} }
confignotimeout := client.Config{URL: *u} func TestClient_NoTimeout(t *testing.T) {
cnotimeout, err := client.NewClient(confignotimeout) if testing.Short() {
_, err = cnotimeout.Query(query) t.Skip("skipping in short mode")
ts := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
var data client.Response
_ = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(data)
defer ts.Close()
u, _ := url.Parse(ts.URL)
config := client.Config{URL: *u}
c, err := client.NewClient(config)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error. expected %v, actual %v", nil, err)
query := client.Query{}
_, err = c.Query(query)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error. expected %v, actual %v", nil, err) t.Fatalf("unexpected error. expected %v, actual %v", nil, err)
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
package cluster
import (
type clientPool struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
pool map[uint64]pool.Pool
func newClientPool() *clientPool {
return &clientPool{
pool: make(map[uint64]pool.Pool),
func (c *clientPool) setPool(nodeID uint64, p pool.Pool) {
c.pool[nodeID] = p
func (c *clientPool) getPool(nodeID uint64) (pool.Pool, bool) {
p, ok := c.pool[nodeID]
return p, ok
func (c *clientPool) size() int {
var size int
for _, p := range c.pool {
size += p.Len()
return size
func (c *clientPool) conn(nodeID uint64) (net.Conn, error) {
conn, err := c.pool[nodeID].Get()
return conn, err
func (c *clientPool) close() {
for _, p := range c.pool {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
package cluster
import (
const (
// DefaultWriteTimeout is the default timeout for a complete write to succeed.
DefaultWriteTimeout = 5 * time.Second
// DefaultShardWriterTimeout is the default timeout set on shard writers.
DefaultShardWriterTimeout = 5 * time.Second
// DefaultShardMapperTimeout is the default timeout set on shard mappers.
DefaultShardMapperTimeout = 5 * time.Second
// Config represents the configuration for the clustering service.
type Config struct {
ForceRemoteShardMapping bool `toml:"force-remote-mapping"`
WriteTimeout toml.Duration `toml:"write-timeout"`
ShardWriterTimeout toml.Duration `toml:"shard-writer-timeout"`
ShardMapperTimeout toml.Duration `toml:"shard-mapper-timeout"`
// NewConfig returns an instance of Config with defaults.
func NewConfig() Config {
return Config{
WriteTimeout: toml.Duration(DefaultWriteTimeout),
ShardWriterTimeout: toml.Duration(DefaultShardWriterTimeout),
ShardMapperTimeout: toml.Duration(DefaultShardMapperTimeout),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package cluster_test
import (
func TestConfig_Parse(t *testing.T) {
// Parse configuration.
var c cluster.Config
if _, err := toml.Decode(`
shard-writer-timeout = "10s"
write-timeout = "20s"
`, &c); err != nil {
// Validate configuration.
if time.Duration(c.ShardWriterTimeout) != 10*time.Second {
t.Fatalf("unexpected shard-writer timeout: %s", c.ShardWriterTimeout)
} else if time.Duration(c.WriteTimeout) != 20*time.Second {
t.Fatalf("unexpected write timeout s: %s", c.WriteTimeout)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-gogo.
// source: internal/data.proto
Package internal is a generated protocol buffer package.
It is generated from these files:
It has these top-level messages:
package internal
import proto "github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto"
import math "math"
// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
var _ = proto.Marshal
var _ = math.Inf
type WriteShardRequest struct {
ShardID *uint64 `protobuf:"varint,1,req" json:"ShardID,omitempty"`
Points [][]byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep" json:"Points,omitempty"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
func (m *WriteShardRequest) Reset() { *m = WriteShardRequest{} }
func (m *WriteShardRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
func (*WriteShardRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
func (m *WriteShardRequest) GetShardID() uint64 {
if m != nil && m.ShardID != nil {
return *m.ShardID
return 0
func (m *WriteShardRequest) GetPoints() [][]byte {
if m != nil {
return m.Points
return nil
type WriteShardResponse struct {
Code *int32 `protobuf:"varint,1,req" json:"Code,omitempty"`
Message *string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt" json:"Message,omitempty"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
func (m *WriteShardResponse) Reset() { *m = WriteShardResponse{} }
func (m *WriteShardResponse) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
func (*WriteShardResponse) ProtoMessage() {}
func (m *WriteShardResponse) GetCode() int32 {
if m != nil && m.Code != nil {
return *m.Code
return 0
func (m *WriteShardResponse) GetMessage() string {
if m != nil && m.Message != nil {
return *m.Message
return ""
type MapShardRequest struct {
ShardID *uint64 `protobuf:"varint,1,req" json:"ShardID,omitempty"`
Query *string `protobuf:"bytes,2,req" json:"Query,omitempty"`
ChunkSize *int32 `protobuf:"varint,3,req" json:"ChunkSize,omitempty"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
func (m *MapShardRequest) Reset() { *m = MapShardRequest{} }
func (m *MapShardRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
func (*MapShardRequest) ProtoMessage() {}
func (m *MapShardRequest) GetShardID() uint64 {
if m != nil && m.ShardID != nil {
return *m.ShardID
return 0
func (m *MapShardRequest) GetQuery() string {
if m != nil && m.Query != nil {
return *m.Query
return ""
func (m *MapShardRequest) GetChunkSize() int32 {
if m != nil && m.ChunkSize != nil {
return *m.ChunkSize
return 0
type MapShardResponse struct {
Code *int32 `protobuf:"varint,1,req" json:"Code,omitempty"`
Message *string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt" json:"Message,omitempty"`
Data []byte `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt" json:"Data,omitempty"`
TagSets []string `protobuf:"bytes,4,rep" json:"TagSets,omitempty"`
Fields []string `protobuf:"bytes,5,rep" json:"Fields,omitempty"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
func (m *MapShardResponse) Reset() { *m = MapShardResponse{} }
func (m *MapShardResponse) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
func (*MapShardResponse) ProtoMessage() {}
func (m *MapShardResponse) GetCode() int32 {
if m != nil && m.Code != nil {
return *m.Code
return 0
func (m *MapShardResponse) GetMessage() string {
if m != nil && m.Message != nil {
return *m.Message
return ""
func (m *MapShardResponse) GetData() []byte {
if m != nil {
return m.Data
return nil
func (m *MapShardResponse) GetTagSets() []string {
if m != nil {
return m.TagSets
return nil
func (m *MapShardResponse) GetFields() []string {
if m != nil {
return m.Fields
return nil
func init() {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package internal;
message WriteShardRequest {
required uint64 ShardID = 1;
repeated bytes Points = 2;
message WriteShardResponse {
required int32 Code = 1;
optional string Message = 2;
message MapShardRequest {
required uint64 ShardID = 1;
required string Query = 2;
required int32 ChunkSize = 3;
message MapShardResponse {
required int32 Code = 1;
optional string Message = 2;
optional bytes Data = 3;
repeated string TagSets = 4;
repeated string Fields = 5;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
package cluster
import (
// ConsistencyLevel represent a required replication criteria before a write can
// be returned as successful
type ConsistencyLevel int
// The statistics generated by the "write" mdoule
const (
statWriteReq = "req"
statPointWriteReq = "point_req"
statPointWriteReqLocal = "point_req_local"
statPointWriteReqRemote = "point_req_remote"
statWriteOK = "write_ok"
statWritePartial = "write_partial"
statWriteTimeout = "write_timeout"
statWriteErr = "write_error"
statWritePointReqHH = "point_req_hh"
const (
// ConsistencyLevelAny allows for hinted hand off, potentially no write happened yet
ConsistencyLevelAny ConsistencyLevel = iota
// ConsistencyLevelOne requires at least one data node acknowledged a write
// ConsistencyLevelOne requires a quorum of data nodes to acknowledge a write
// ConsistencyLevelAll requires all data nodes to acknowledge a write
var (
// ErrTimeout is returned when a write times out.
ErrTimeout = errors.New("timeout")
// ErrPartialWrite is returned when a write partially succeeds but does
// not meet the requested consistency level.
ErrPartialWrite = errors.New("partial write")
// ErrWriteFailed is returned when no writes succeeded.
ErrWriteFailed = errors.New("write failed")
// ErrInvalidConsistencyLevel is returned when parsing the string version
// of a consistency level.
ErrInvalidConsistencyLevel = errors.New("invalid consistency level")
func ParseConsistencyLevel(level string) (ConsistencyLevel, error) {
switch strings.ToLower(level) {
case "any":
return ConsistencyLevelAny, nil
case "one":
return ConsistencyLevelOne, nil
case "quorum":
return ConsistencyLevelQuorum, nil
case "all":
return ConsistencyLevelAll, nil
return 0, ErrInvalidConsistencyLevel
// PointsWriter handles writes across multiple local and remote data nodes.
type PointsWriter struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
closing chan struct{}
WriteTimeout time.Duration
Logger *log.Logger
MetaStore interface {
NodeID() uint64
Database(name string) (di *meta.DatabaseInfo, err error)
RetentionPolicy(database, policy string) (*meta.RetentionPolicyInfo, error)
CreateShardGroupIfNotExists(database, policy string, timestamp time.Time) (*meta.ShardGroupInfo, error)
ShardOwner(shardID uint64) (string, string, *meta.ShardGroupInfo)
TSDBStore interface {
CreateShard(database, retentionPolicy string, shardID uint64) error
WriteToShard(shardID uint64, points []tsdb.Point) error
ShardWriter interface {
WriteShard(shardID, ownerID uint64, points []tsdb.Point) error
HintedHandoff interface {
WriteShard(shardID, ownerID uint64, points []tsdb.Point) error
statMap *expvar.Map
// NewPointsWriter returns a new instance of PointsWriter for a node.
func NewPointsWriter() *PointsWriter {
return &PointsWriter{
closing: make(chan struct{}),
WriteTimeout: DefaultWriteTimeout,
Logger: log.New(os.Stderr, "[write] ", log.LstdFlags),
statMap: influxdb.NewStatistics("write", "write", nil),
// ShardMapping contains a mapping of a shards to a points.
type ShardMapping struct {
Points map[uint64][]tsdb.Point // The points associated with a shard ID
Shards map[uint64]*meta.ShardInfo // The shards that have been mapped, keyed by shard ID
// NewShardMapping creates an empty ShardMapping
func NewShardMapping() *ShardMapping {
return &ShardMapping{
Points: map[uint64][]tsdb.Point{},
Shards: map[uint64]*meta.ShardInfo{},
// MapPoint maps a point to shard
func (s *ShardMapping) MapPoint(shardInfo *meta.ShardInfo, p tsdb.Point) {
points, ok := s.Points[shardInfo.ID]
if !ok {
s.Points[shardInfo.ID] = []tsdb.Point{p}
} else {
s.Points[shardInfo.ID] = append(points, p)
s.Shards[shardInfo.ID] = shardInfo
func (w *PointsWriter) Open() error {
defer w.mu.Unlock()
if w.closing == nil {
w.closing = make(chan struct{})
return nil
func (w *PointsWriter) Close() error {
defer w.mu.Unlock()
if w.closing != nil {
w.closing = nil
return nil
// MapShards maps the points contained in wp to a ShardMapping. If a point
// maps to a shard group or shard that does not currently exist, it will be
// created before returning the mapping.
func (w *PointsWriter) MapShards(wp *WritePointsRequest) (*ShardMapping, error) {
// holds the start time ranges for required shard groups
timeRanges := map[time.Time]*meta.ShardGroupInfo{}
rp, err := w.MetaStore.RetentionPolicy(wp.Database, wp.RetentionPolicy)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, p := range wp.Points {
timeRanges[p.Time().Truncate(rp.ShardGroupDuration)] = nil
// holds all the shard groups and shards that are required for writes
for t := range timeRanges {
sg, err := w.MetaStore.CreateShardGroupIfNotExists(wp.Database, wp.RetentionPolicy, t)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
timeRanges[t] = sg
mapping := NewShardMapping()
for _, p := range wp.Points {
sg := timeRanges[p.Time().Truncate(rp.ShardGroupDuration)]
sh := sg.ShardFor(p.HashID())
mapping.MapPoint(&sh, p)
return mapping, nil
// WritePoints writes across multiple local and remote data nodes according the consistency level.
func (w *PointsWriter) WritePoints(p *WritePointsRequest) error {
w.statMap.Add(statWriteReq, 1)
w.statMap.Add(statPointWriteReq, int64(len(p.Points)))
if p.RetentionPolicy == "" {
db, err := w.MetaStore.Database(p.Database)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if db == nil {
return influxdb.ErrDatabaseNotFound(p.Database)
p.RetentionPolicy = db.DefaultRetentionPolicy
shardMappings, err := w.MapShards(p)
if err != nil {
return err
// Write each shard in it's own goroutine and return as soon
// as one fails.
ch := make(chan error, len(shardMappings.Points))
for shardID, points := range shardMappings.Points {
go func(shard *meta.ShardInfo, database, retentionPolicy string, points []tsdb.Point) {
ch <- w.writeToShard(shard, p.Database, p.RetentionPolicy, p.ConsistencyLevel, points)
}(shardMappings.Shards[shardID], p.Database, p.RetentionPolicy, points)
for range shardMappings.Points {
select {
case <-w.closing:
return ErrWriteFailed
case err := <-ch:
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// writeToShards writes points to a shard and ensures a write consistency level has been met. If the write
// partially succeeds, ErrPartialWrite is returned.
func (w *PointsWriter) writeToShard(shard *meta.ShardInfo, database, retentionPolicy string,
consistency ConsistencyLevel, points []tsdb.Point) error {
// The required number of writes to achieve the requested consistency level
required := len(shard.Owners)
switch consistency {
case ConsistencyLevelAny, ConsistencyLevelOne:
required = 1
case ConsistencyLevelQuorum:
required = required/2 + 1
// response channel for each shard writer go routine
type AsyncWriteResult struct {
Owner meta.ShardOwner
Err error
ch := make(chan *AsyncWriteResult, len(shard.Owners))
for _, owner := range shard.Owners {
go func(shardID uint64, owner meta.ShardOwner, points []tsdb.Point) {
if w.MetaStore.NodeID() == owner.NodeID {
w.statMap.Add(statPointWriteReqLocal, int64(len(points)))
err := w.TSDBStore.WriteToShard(shardID, points)
// If we've written to shard that should exist on the current node, but the store has
// not actually created this shard, tell it to create it and retry the write
if err == tsdb.ErrShardNotFound {
err = w.TSDBStore.CreateShard(database, retentionPolicy, shardID)
if err != nil {
ch <- &AsyncWriteResult{owner, err}
err = w.TSDBStore.WriteToShard(shardID, points)
ch <- &AsyncWriteResult{owner, err}
w.statMap.Add(statPointWriteReqRemote, int64(len(points)))
err := w.ShardWriter.WriteShard(shardID, owner.NodeID, points)
if err != nil && tsdb.IsRetryable(err) {
// The remote write failed so queue it via hinted handoff
w.statMap.Add(statWritePointReqHH, int64(len(points)))
hherr := w.HintedHandoff.WriteShard(shardID, owner.NodeID, points)
// If the write consistency level is ANY, then a successful hinted handoff can
// be considered a successful write so send nil to the response channel
// otherwise, let the original error propogate to the response channel
if hherr == nil && consistency == ConsistencyLevelAny {
ch <- &AsyncWriteResult{owner, nil}
ch <- &AsyncWriteResult{owner, err}
}(shard.ID, owner, points)
var wrote int
timeout := time.After(w.WriteTimeout)
var writeError error
for range shard.Owners {
select {
case <-w.closing:
return ErrWriteFailed
case <-timeout:
w.statMap.Add(statWriteTimeout, 1)
// return timeout error to caller
return ErrTimeout
case result := <-ch:
// If the write returned an error, continue to the next response
if result.Err != nil {
w.statMap.Add(statWriteErr, 1)
w.Logger.Printf("write failed for shard %d on node %d: %v", shard.ID, result.Owner.NodeID, result.Err)
// Keep track of the first error we see to return back to the client
if writeError == nil {
writeError = result.Err
wrote += 1
// We wrote the required consistency level
if wrote >= required {
w.statMap.Add(statWriteOK, 1)
return nil
if wrote > 0 {
w.statMap.Add(statWritePartial, 1)
return ErrPartialWrite
if writeError != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("write failed: %v", writeError)
return ErrWriteFailed

View File

@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
package cluster_test
import (
// Ensures the points writer maps a single point to a single shard.
func TestPointsWriter_MapShards_One(t *testing.T) {
ms := MetaStore{}
rp := NewRetentionPolicy("myp", time.Hour, 3)
ms.NodeIDFn = func() uint64 { return 1 }
ms.RetentionPolicyFn = func(db, retentionPolicy string) (*meta.RetentionPolicyInfo, error) {
return rp, nil
ms.CreateShardGroupIfNotExistsFn = func(database, policy string, timestamp time.Time) (*meta.ShardGroupInfo, error) {
return &rp.ShardGroups[0], nil
c := cluster.PointsWriter{MetaStore: ms}
pr := &cluster.WritePointsRequest{
Database: "mydb",
RetentionPolicy: "myrp",
ConsistencyLevel: cluster.ConsistencyLevelOne,
pr.AddPoint("cpu", 1.0, time.Now(), nil)
var (
shardMappings *cluster.ShardMapping
err error
if shardMappings, err = c.MapShards(pr); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected an error: %v", err)
if exp := 1; len(shardMappings.Points) != exp {
t.Errorf("MapShards() len mismatch. got %v, exp %v", len(shardMappings.Points), exp)
// Ensures the points writer maps a multiple points across shard group boundaries.
func TestPointsWriter_MapShards_Multiple(t *testing.T) {
ms := MetaStore{}
rp := NewRetentionPolicy("myp", time.Hour, 3)
AttachShardGroupInfo(rp, []meta.ShardOwner{
{NodeID: 1},
{NodeID: 2},
{NodeID: 3},
AttachShardGroupInfo(rp, []meta.ShardOwner{
{NodeID: 1},
{NodeID: 2},
{NodeID: 3},
ms.NodeIDFn = func() uint64 { return 1 }
ms.RetentionPolicyFn = func(db, retentionPolicy string) (*meta.RetentionPolicyInfo, error) {
return rp, nil
ms.CreateShardGroupIfNotExistsFn = func(database, policy string, timestamp time.Time) (*meta.ShardGroupInfo, error) {
for i, sg := range rp.ShardGroups {
if timestamp.Equal(sg.StartTime) || timestamp.After(sg.StartTime) && timestamp.Before(sg.EndTime) {
return &rp.ShardGroups[i], nil
panic("should not get here")
c := cluster.PointsWriter{MetaStore: ms}
pr := &cluster.WritePointsRequest{
Database: "mydb",
RetentionPolicy: "myrp",
ConsistencyLevel: cluster.ConsistencyLevelOne,
// Three points that range over the shardGroup duration (1h) and should map to two
// distinct shards
pr.AddPoint("cpu", 1.0, time.Unix(0, 0), nil)
pr.AddPoint("cpu", 2.0, time.Unix(0, 0).Add(time.Hour), nil)
pr.AddPoint("cpu", 3.0, time.Unix(0, 0).Add(time.Hour+time.Second), nil)
var (
shardMappings *cluster.ShardMapping
err error
if shardMappings, err = c.MapShards(pr); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected an error: %v", err)
if exp := 2; len(shardMappings.Points) != exp {
t.Errorf("MapShards() len mismatch. got %v, exp %v", len(shardMappings.Points), exp)
for _, points := range shardMappings.Points {
// First shard shoud have 1 point w/ first point added
if len(points) == 1 && points[0].Time() != pr.Points[0].Time() {
t.Fatalf("MapShards() value mismatch. got %v, exp %v", points[0].Time(), pr.Points[0].Time())
// Second shard shoud have the last two points added
if len(points) == 2 && points[0].Time() != pr.Points[1].Time() {
t.Fatalf("MapShards() value mismatch. got %v, exp %v", points[0].Time(), pr.Points[1].Time())
if len(points) == 2 && points[1].Time() != pr.Points[2].Time() {
t.Fatalf("MapShards() value mismatch. got %v, exp %v", points[1].Time(), pr.Points[2].Time())
func TestPointsWriter_WritePoints(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
database string
retentionPolicy string
consistency cluster.ConsistencyLevel
// the responses returned by each shard write call. node ID 1 = pos 0
err []error
expErr error
// Consistency one
name: "write one success",
database: "mydb",
retentionPolicy: "myrp",
consistency: cluster.ConsistencyLevelOne,
err: []error{nil, nil, nil},
expErr: nil,
name: "write one error",
database: "mydb",
retentionPolicy: "myrp",
consistency: cluster.ConsistencyLevelOne,
err: []error{fmt.Errorf("a failure"), fmt.Errorf("a failure"), fmt.Errorf("a failure")},
expErr: fmt.Errorf("write failed: a failure"),
// Consistency any
name: "write any success",
database: "mydb",
retentionPolicy: "myrp",
consistency: cluster.ConsistencyLevelAny,
err: []error{fmt.Errorf("a failure"), nil, fmt.Errorf("a failure")},
expErr: nil,
// Consistency all
name: "write all success",
database: "mydb",
retentionPolicy: "myrp",
consistency: cluster.ConsistencyLevelAll,
err: []error{nil, nil, nil},
expErr: nil,
name: "write all, 2/3, partial write",
database: "mydb",
retentionPolicy: "myrp",
consistency: cluster.ConsistencyLevelAll,
err: []error{nil, fmt.Errorf("a failure"), nil},
expErr: cluster.ErrPartialWrite,
name: "write all, 1/3 (failure)",
database: "mydb",
retentionPolicy: "myrp",
consistency: cluster.ConsistencyLevelAll,
err: []error{nil, fmt.Errorf("a failure"), fmt.Errorf("a failure")},
expErr: cluster.ErrPartialWrite,
// Consistency quorum
name: "write quorum, 1/3 failure",
consistency: cluster.ConsistencyLevelQuorum,
database: "mydb",
retentionPolicy: "myrp",
err: []error{fmt.Errorf("a failure"), fmt.Errorf("a failure"), nil},
expErr: cluster.ErrPartialWrite,
name: "write quorum, 2/3 success",
database: "mydb",
retentionPolicy: "myrp",
consistency: cluster.ConsistencyLevelQuorum,
err: []error{nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("a failure")},
expErr: nil,
name: "write quorum, 3/3 success",
database: "mydb",
retentionPolicy: "myrp",
consistency: cluster.ConsistencyLevelQuorum,
err: []error{nil, nil, nil},
expErr: nil,
// Error write error
name: "no writes succeed",
database: "mydb",
retentionPolicy: "myrp",
consistency: cluster.ConsistencyLevelOne,
err: []error{fmt.Errorf("a failure"), fmt.Errorf("a failure"), fmt.Errorf("a failure")},
expErr: fmt.Errorf("write failed: a failure"),
// Hinted handoff w/ ANY
name: "hinted handoff write succeed",
database: "mydb",
retentionPolicy: "myrp",
consistency: cluster.ConsistencyLevelAny,
err: []error{fmt.Errorf("a failure"), fmt.Errorf("a failure"), fmt.Errorf("a failure")},
expErr: nil,
// Write to non-existant database
name: "write to non-existant database",
database: "doesnt_exist",
retentionPolicy: "",
consistency: cluster.ConsistencyLevelAny,
err: []error{nil, nil, nil},
expErr: fmt.Errorf("database not found: doesnt_exist"),
for _, test := range tests {
pr := &cluster.WritePointsRequest{
Database: test.database,
RetentionPolicy: test.retentionPolicy,
ConsistencyLevel: test.consistency,
// Three points that range over the shardGroup duration (1h) and should map to two
// distinct shards
pr.AddPoint("cpu", 1.0, time.Unix(0, 0), nil)
pr.AddPoint("cpu", 2.0, time.Unix(0, 0).Add(time.Hour), nil)
pr.AddPoint("cpu", 3.0, time.Unix(0, 0).Add(time.Hour+time.Second), nil)
// copy to prevent data race
theTest := test
sm := cluster.NewShardMapping()
&meta.ShardInfo{ID: uint64(1), Owners: []meta.ShardOwner{
{NodeID: 1},
{NodeID: 2},
{NodeID: 3},
&meta.ShardInfo{ID: uint64(2), Owners: []meta.ShardOwner{
{NodeID: 1},
{NodeID: 2},
{NodeID: 3},
&meta.ShardInfo{ID: uint64(2), Owners: []meta.ShardOwner{
{NodeID: 1},
{NodeID: 2},
{NodeID: 3},
// Local cluster.Node ShardWriter
// lock on the write increment since these functions get called in parallel
var mu sync.Mutex
sw := &fakeShardWriter{
ShardWriteFn: func(shardID, nodeID uint64, points []tsdb.Point) error {
defer mu.Unlock()
return theTest.err[int(nodeID)-1]
store := &fakeStore{
WriteFn: func(shardID uint64, points []tsdb.Point) error {
defer mu.Unlock()
return theTest.err[0]
hh := &fakeShardWriter{
ShardWriteFn: func(shardID, nodeID uint64, points []tsdb.Point) error {
return nil
ms := NewMetaStore()
ms.DatabaseFn = func(database string) (*meta.DatabaseInfo, error) {
return nil, nil
ms.NodeIDFn = func() uint64 { return 1 }
c := cluster.NewPointsWriter()
c.MetaStore = ms
c.ShardWriter = sw
c.TSDBStore = store
c.HintedHandoff = hh
err := c.WritePoints(pr)
if err == nil && test.expErr != nil {
t.Errorf("PointsWriter.WritePoints(): '%s' error: got %v, exp %v", test.name, err, test.expErr)
if err != nil && test.expErr == nil {
t.Errorf("PointsWriter.WritePoints(): '%s' error: got %v, exp %v", test.name, err, test.expErr)
if err != nil && test.expErr != nil && err.Error() != test.expErr.Error() {
t.Errorf("PointsWriter.WritePoints(): '%s' error: got %v, exp %v", test.name, err, test.expErr)
var shardID uint64
type fakeShardWriter struct {
ShardWriteFn func(shardID, nodeID uint64, points []tsdb.Point) error
func (f *fakeShardWriter) WriteShard(shardID, nodeID uint64, points []tsdb.Point) error {
return f.ShardWriteFn(shardID, nodeID, points)
type fakeStore struct {
WriteFn func(shardID uint64, points []tsdb.Point) error
CreateShardfn func(database, retentionPolicy string, shardID uint64) error
func (f *fakeStore) WriteToShard(shardID uint64, points []tsdb.Point) error {
return f.WriteFn(shardID, points)
func (f *fakeStore) CreateShard(database, retentionPolicy string, shardID uint64) error {
return f.CreateShardfn(database, retentionPolicy, shardID)
func NewMetaStore() *MetaStore {
ms := &MetaStore{}
rp := NewRetentionPolicy("myp", time.Hour, 3)
AttachShardGroupInfo(rp, []meta.ShardOwner{
{NodeID: 1},
{NodeID: 2},
{NodeID: 3},
AttachShardGroupInfo(rp, []meta.ShardOwner{
{NodeID: 1},
{NodeID: 2},
{NodeID: 3},
ms.RetentionPolicyFn = func(db, retentionPolicy string) (*meta.RetentionPolicyInfo, error) {
return rp, nil
ms.CreateShardGroupIfNotExistsFn = func(database, policy string, timestamp time.Time) (*meta.ShardGroupInfo, error) {
for i, sg := range rp.ShardGroups {
if timestamp.Equal(sg.StartTime) || timestamp.After(sg.StartTime) && timestamp.Before(sg.EndTime) {
return &rp.ShardGroups[i], nil
panic("should not get here")
return ms
type MetaStore struct {
NodeIDFn func() uint64
RetentionPolicyFn func(database, name string) (*meta.RetentionPolicyInfo, error)
CreateShardGroupIfNotExistsFn func(database, policy string, timestamp time.Time) (*meta.ShardGroupInfo, error)
DatabaseFn func(database string) (*meta.DatabaseInfo, error)
ShardOwnerFn func(shardID uint64) (string, string, *meta.ShardGroupInfo)
func (m MetaStore) NodeID() uint64 { return m.NodeIDFn() }
func (m MetaStore) RetentionPolicy(database, name string) (*meta.RetentionPolicyInfo, error) {
return m.RetentionPolicyFn(database, name)
func (m MetaStore) CreateShardGroupIfNotExists(database, policy string, timestamp time.Time) (*meta.ShardGroupInfo, error) {
return m.CreateShardGroupIfNotExistsFn(database, policy, timestamp)
func (m MetaStore) Database(database string) (*meta.DatabaseInfo, error) {
return m.DatabaseFn(database)
func (m MetaStore) ShardOwner(shardID uint64) (string, string, *meta.ShardGroupInfo) {
return m.ShardOwnerFn(shardID)
func NewRetentionPolicy(name string, duration time.Duration, nodeCount int) *meta.RetentionPolicyInfo {
shards := []meta.ShardInfo{}
owners := []meta.ShardOwner{}
for i := 1; i <= nodeCount; i++ {
owners = append(owners, meta.ShardOwner{NodeID: uint64(i)})
// each node is fully replicated with each other
shards = append(shards, meta.ShardInfo{
ID: nextShardID(),
Owners: owners,
rp := &meta.RetentionPolicyInfo{
Name: "myrp",
ReplicaN: nodeCount,
Duration: duration,
ShardGroupDuration: duration,
ShardGroups: []meta.ShardGroupInfo{
ID: nextShardID(),
StartTime: time.Unix(0, 0),
EndTime: time.Unix(0, 0).Add(duration).Add(-1),
Shards: shards,
return rp
func AttachShardGroupInfo(rp *meta.RetentionPolicyInfo, owners []meta.ShardOwner) {
var startTime, endTime time.Time
if len(rp.ShardGroups) == 0 {
startTime = time.Unix(0, 0)
} else {
startTime = rp.ShardGroups[len(rp.ShardGroups)-1].StartTime.Add(rp.ShardGroupDuration)
endTime = startTime.Add(rp.ShardGroupDuration).Add(-1)
sh := meta.ShardGroupInfo{
ID: uint64(len(rp.ShardGroups) + 1),
StartTime: startTime,
EndTime: endTime,
Shards: []meta.ShardInfo{
ID: nextShardID(),
Owners: owners,
rp.ShardGroups = append(rp.ShardGroups, sh)
func nextShardID() uint64 {
return atomic.AddUint64(&shardID, 1)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
package cluster
import (
//go:generate protoc --gogo_out=. internal/data.proto
// MapShardRequest represents the request to map a remote shard for a query.
type MapShardRequest struct {
pb internal.MapShardRequest
func (m *MapShardRequest) ShardID() uint64 { return m.pb.GetShardID() }
func (m *MapShardRequest) Query() string { return m.pb.GetQuery() }
func (m *MapShardRequest) ChunkSize() int32 { return m.pb.GetChunkSize() }
func (m *MapShardRequest) SetShardID(id uint64) { m.pb.ShardID = &id }
func (m *MapShardRequest) SetQuery(query string) { m.pb.Query = &query }
func (m *MapShardRequest) SetChunkSize(chunkSize int32) { m.pb.ChunkSize = &chunkSize }
// MarshalBinary encodes the object to a binary format.
func (m *MapShardRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
return proto.Marshal(&m.pb)
// UnmarshalBinary populates MapShardRequest from a binary format.
func (m *MapShardRequest) UnmarshalBinary(buf []byte) error {
if err := proto.Unmarshal(buf, &m.pb); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// MapShardResponse represents the response returned from a remote MapShardRequest call
type MapShardResponse struct {
pb internal.MapShardResponse
func NewMapShardResponse(code int, message string) *MapShardResponse {
m := &MapShardResponse{}
return m
func (r *MapShardResponse) Code() int { return int(r.pb.GetCode()) }
func (r *MapShardResponse) Message() string { return r.pb.GetMessage() }
func (r *MapShardResponse) TagSets() []string { return r.pb.GetTagSets() }
func (r *MapShardResponse) Fields() []string { return r.pb.GetFields() }
func (r *MapShardResponse) Data() []byte { return r.pb.GetData() }
func (r *MapShardResponse) SetCode(code int) { r.pb.Code = proto.Int32(int32(code)) }
func (r *MapShardResponse) SetMessage(message string) { r.pb.Message = &message }
func (r *MapShardResponse) SetTagSets(tagsets []string) { r.pb.TagSets = tagsets }
func (r *MapShardResponse) SetFields(fields []string) { r.pb.Fields = fields }
func (r *MapShardResponse) SetData(data []byte) { r.pb.Data = data }
// MarshalBinary encodes the object to a binary format.
func (r *MapShardResponse) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
return proto.Marshal(&r.pb)
// UnmarshalBinary populates WritePointRequest from a binary format.
func (r *MapShardResponse) UnmarshalBinary(buf []byte) error {
if err := proto.Unmarshal(buf, &r.pb); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// WritePointsRequest represents a request to write point data to the cluster
type WritePointsRequest struct {
Database string
RetentionPolicy string
ConsistencyLevel ConsistencyLevel
Points []tsdb.Point
// AddPoint adds a point to the WritePointRequest with field name 'value'
func (w *WritePointsRequest) AddPoint(name string, value interface{}, timestamp time.Time, tags map[string]string) {
w.Points = append(w.Points, tsdb.NewPoint(
name, tags, map[string]interface{}{"value": value}, timestamp,
// WriteShardRequest represents the a request to write a slice of points to a shard
type WriteShardRequest struct {
pb internal.WriteShardRequest
// WriteShardResponse represents the response returned from a remote WriteShardRequest call
type WriteShardResponse struct {
pb internal.WriteShardResponse
func (w *WriteShardRequest) SetShardID(id uint64) { w.pb.ShardID = &id }
func (w *WriteShardRequest) ShardID() uint64 { return w.pb.GetShardID() }
func (w *WriteShardRequest) Points() []tsdb.Point { return w.unmarshalPoints() }
func (w *WriteShardRequest) AddPoint(name string, value interface{}, timestamp time.Time, tags map[string]string) {
name, tags, map[string]interface{}{"value": value}, timestamp,
func (w *WriteShardRequest) AddPoints(points []tsdb.Point) {
for _, p := range points {
w.pb.Points = append(w.pb.Points, []byte(p.String()))
// MarshalBinary encodes the object to a binary format.
func (w *WriteShardRequest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
return proto.Marshal(&w.pb)
// UnmarshalBinary populates WritePointRequest from a binary format.
func (w *WriteShardRequest) UnmarshalBinary(buf []byte) error {
if err := proto.Unmarshal(buf, &w.pb); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (w *WriteShardRequest) unmarshalPoints() []tsdb.Point {
points := make([]tsdb.Point, len(w.pb.GetPoints()))
for i, p := range w.pb.GetPoints() {
pt, err := tsdb.ParsePoints(p)
if err != nil {
// A error here means that one node parsed the point correctly but sent an
// unparseable version to another node. We could log and drop the point and allow
// anti-entropy to resolve the discrepancy but this shouldn't ever happen.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to parse point: `%v`: %v", string(p), err))
points[i] = pt[0]
return points
func (w *WriteShardResponse) SetCode(code int) { w.pb.Code = proto.Int32(int32(code)) }
func (w *WriteShardResponse) SetMessage(message string) { w.pb.Message = &message }
func (w *WriteShardResponse) Code() int { return int(w.pb.GetCode()) }
func (w *WriteShardResponse) Message() string { return w.pb.GetMessage() }
// MarshalBinary encodes the object to a binary format.
func (w *WriteShardResponse) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
return proto.Marshal(&w.pb)
// UnmarshalBinary populates WritePointRequest from a binary format.
func (w *WriteShardResponse) UnmarshalBinary(buf []byte) error {
if err := proto.Unmarshal(buf, &w.pb); err != nil {
return err
return nil

View File

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
package cluster
import (
func TestWriteShardRequestBinary(t *testing.T) {
sr := &WriteShardRequest{}
if exp := uint64(1); sr.ShardID() != exp {
t.Fatalf("ShardID mismatch: got %v, exp %v", sr.ShardID(), exp)
sr.AddPoint("cpu", 1.0, time.Unix(0, 0), map[string]string{"host": "serverA"})
sr.AddPoint("cpu", 2.0, time.Unix(0, 0).Add(time.Hour), nil)
sr.AddPoint("cpu_load", 3.0, time.Unix(0, 0).Add(time.Hour+time.Second), nil)
b, err := sr.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("WritePointsRequest.MarshalBinary() failed: %v", err)
if len(b) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("WritePointsRequest.MarshalBinary() returned 0 bytes")
got := &WriteShardRequest{}
if err := got.UnmarshalBinary(b); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("WritePointsRequest.UnmarshalMarshalBinary() failed: %v", err)
if got.ShardID() != sr.ShardID() {
t.Errorf("ShardID mismatch: got %v, exp %v", got.ShardID(), sr.ShardID())
if len(got.Points()) != len(sr.Points()) {
t.Errorf("Points count mismatch: got %v, exp %v", len(got.Points()), len(sr.Points()))
srPoints := sr.Points()
gotPoints := got.Points()
for i, p := range srPoints {
g := gotPoints[i]
if g.Name() != p.Name() {
t.Errorf("Point %d name mismatch: got %v, exp %v", i, g.Name(), p.Name())
if !g.Time().Equal(p.Time()) {
t.Errorf("Point %d time mismatch: got %v, exp %v", i, g.Time(), p.Time())
if g.HashID() != p.HashID() {
t.Errorf("Point #%d HashID() mismatch: got %v, exp %v", i, g.HashID(), p.HashID())
for k, v := range p.Tags() {
if g.Tags()[k] != v {
t.Errorf("Point #%d tag mismatch: got %v, exp %v", i, k, v)
if len(p.Fields()) != len(g.Fields()) {
t.Errorf("Point %d field count mismatch: got %v, exp %v", i, len(g.Fields()), len(p.Fields()))
for j, f := range p.Fields() {
if g.Fields()[j] != f {
t.Errorf("Point %d field mismatch: got %v, exp %v", i, g.Fields()[j], f)
func TestWriteShardResponseBinary(t *testing.T) {
sr := &WriteShardResponse{}
b, err := sr.MarshalBinary()
if exp := 10; sr.Code() != exp {
t.Fatalf("Code mismatch: got %v, exp %v", sr.Code(), exp)
if exp := "foo"; sr.Message() != exp {
t.Fatalf("Message mismatch: got %v, exp %v", sr.Message(), exp)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("WritePointsResponse.MarshalBinary() failed: %v", err)
if len(b) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("WritePointsResponse.MarshalBinary() returned 0 bytes")
got := &WriteShardResponse{}
if err := got.UnmarshalBinary(b); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("WritePointsResponse.UnmarshalMarshalBinary() failed: %v", err)
if got.Code() != sr.Code() {
t.Errorf("Code mismatch: got %v, exp %v", got.Code(), sr.Code())
if got.Message() != sr.Message() {
t.Errorf("Message mismatch: got %v, exp %v", got.Message(), sr.Message())

View File

@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
package cluster
import (
// MaxMessageSize defines how large a message can be before we reject it
const MaxMessageSize = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 // 1GB
// MuxHeader is the header byte used in the TCP mux.
const MuxHeader = 2
// Service processes data received over raw TCP connections.
type Service struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
wg sync.WaitGroup
closing chan struct{}
Listener net.Listener
MetaStore interface {
ShardOwner(shardID uint64) (string, string, *meta.ShardGroupInfo)
TSDBStore interface {
CreateShard(database, policy string, shardID uint64) error
WriteToShard(shardID uint64, points []tsdb.Point) error
CreateMapper(shardID uint64, stmt influxql.Statement, chunkSize int) (tsdb.Mapper, error)
Logger *log.Logger
// NewService returns a new instance of Service.
func NewService(c Config) *Service {
return &Service{
closing: make(chan struct{}),
Logger: log.New(os.Stderr, "[tcp] ", log.LstdFlags),
// Open opens the network listener and begins serving requests.
func (s *Service) Open() error {
s.Logger.Println("Starting cluster service")
// Begin serving conections.
go s.serve()
return nil
// SetLogger sets the internal logger to the logger passed in.
func (s *Service) SetLogger(l *log.Logger) {
s.Logger = l
// serve accepts connections from the listener and handles them.
func (s *Service) serve() {
defer s.wg.Done()
for {
// Check if the service is shutting down.
select {
case <-s.closing:
// Accept the next connection.
conn, err := s.Listener.Accept()
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "connection closed") {
s.Logger.Printf("cluster service accept error: %s", err)
s.Logger.Printf("accept error: %s", err)
// Delegate connection handling to a separate goroutine.
go func() {
defer s.wg.Done()
// Close shuts down the listener and waits for all connections to finish.
func (s *Service) Close() error {
if s.Listener != nil {
// Shut down all handlers.
return nil
// handleConn services an individual TCP connection.
func (s *Service) handleConn(conn net.Conn) {
// Ensure connection is closed when service is closed.
closing := make(chan struct{})
defer close(closing)
go func() {
select {
case <-closing:
case <-s.closing:
s.Logger.Printf("accept remote write connection from %v\n", conn.RemoteAddr())
defer func() {
s.Logger.Printf("close remote write connection from %v\n", conn.RemoteAddr())
for {
// Read type-length-value.
typ, buf, err := ReadTLV(conn)
if err != nil {
if strings.HasSuffix(err.Error(), "EOF") {
s.Logger.Printf("unable to read type-length-value %s", err)
// Delegate message processing by type.
switch typ {
case writeShardRequestMessage:
err := s.processWriteShardRequest(buf)
if err != nil {
s.Logger.Printf("process write shard error: %s", err)
s.writeShardResponse(conn, err)
case mapShardRequestMessage:
err := s.processMapShardRequest(conn, buf)
if err != nil {
s.Logger.Printf("process map shard error: %s", err)
if err := writeMapShardResponseMessage(conn, NewMapShardResponse(1, err.Error())); err != nil {
s.Logger.Printf("process map shard error writing response: %s", err.Error())
s.Logger.Printf("cluster service message type not found: %d", typ)
func (s *Service) processWriteShardRequest(buf []byte) error {
// Build request
var req WriteShardRequest
if err := req.UnmarshalBinary(buf); err != nil {
return err
err := s.TSDBStore.WriteToShard(req.ShardID(), req.Points())
// We may have received a write for a shard that we don't have locally because the
// sending node may have just created the shard (via the metastore) and the write
// arrived before the local store could create the shard. In this case, we need
// to check the metastore to determine what database and retention policy this
// shard should reside within.
if err == tsdb.ErrShardNotFound {
// Query the metastore for the owner of this shard
database, retentionPolicy, sgi := s.MetaStore.ShardOwner(req.ShardID())
if sgi == nil {
// If we can't find it, then we need to drop this request
// as it is no longer valid. This could happen if writes were queued via
// hinted handoff and delivered after a shard group was deleted.
s.Logger.Printf("drop write request: shard=%d. shard group does not exist or was deleted", req.ShardID())
return nil
err = s.TSDBStore.CreateShard(database, retentionPolicy, req.ShardID())
if err != nil {
return err
return s.TSDBStore.WriteToShard(req.ShardID(), req.Points())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("write shard %d: %s", req.ShardID(), err)
return nil
func (s *Service) writeShardResponse(w io.Writer, e error) {
// Build response.
var resp WriteShardResponse
if e != nil {
} else {
// Marshal response to binary.
buf, err := resp.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
s.Logger.Printf("error marshalling shard response: %s", err)
// Write to connection.
if err := WriteTLV(w, writeShardResponseMessage, buf); err != nil {
s.Logger.Printf("write shard response error: %s", err)
func (s *Service) processMapShardRequest(w io.Writer, buf []byte) error {
// Decode request
var req MapShardRequest
if err := req.UnmarshalBinary(buf); err != nil {
return err
// Parse the statement.
q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(req.Query())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("processing map shard: %s", err)
} else if len(q.Statements) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("processing map shard: expected 1 statement but got %d", len(q.Statements))
m, err := s.TSDBStore.CreateMapper(req.ShardID(), q.Statements[0], int(req.ChunkSize()))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("create mapper: %s", err)
if m == nil {
return writeMapShardResponseMessage(w, NewMapShardResponse(0, ""))
if err := m.Open(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("mapper open: %s", err)
defer m.Close()
var metaSent bool
for {
var resp MapShardResponse
if !metaSent {
metaSent = true
chunk, err := m.NextChunk()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("next chunk: %s", err)
// NOTE: Even if the chunk is nil, we still need to send one
// empty response to let the other side know we're out of data.
if chunk != nil {
b, err := json.Marshal(chunk)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("encoding: %s", err)
// Write to connection.
if err := writeMapShardResponseMessage(w, &resp); err != nil {
return err
if chunk == nil {
// All mapper data sent.
return nil
func writeMapShardResponseMessage(w io.Writer, msg *MapShardResponse) error {
buf, err := msg.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return err
return WriteTLV(w, mapShardResponseMessage, buf)
// ReadTLV reads a type-length-value record from r.
func ReadTLV(r io.Reader) (byte, []byte, error) {
var typ [1]byte
if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, typ[:]); err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("read message type: %s", err)
// Read the size of the message.
var sz int64
if err := binary.Read(r, binary.BigEndian, &sz); err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("read message size: %s", err)
if sz == 0 {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid message size: %d", sz)
if sz >= MaxMessageSize {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("max message size of %d exceeded: %d", MaxMessageSize, sz)
// Read the value.
buf := make([]byte, sz)
if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, buf); err != nil {
return 0, nil, fmt.Errorf("read message value: %s", err)
return typ[0], buf, nil
// WriteTLV writes a type-length-value record to w.
func WriteTLV(w io.Writer, typ byte, buf []byte) error {
if _, err := w.Write([]byte{typ}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("write message type: %s", err)
// Write the size of the message.
if err := binary.Write(w, binary.BigEndian, int64(len(buf))); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("write message size: %s", err)
// Write the value.
if _, err := w.Write(buf); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("write message value: %s", err)
return nil

View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
package cluster_test
import (
type metaStore struct {
host string
func (m *metaStore) Node(nodeID uint64) (*meta.NodeInfo, error) {
return &meta.NodeInfo{
ID: nodeID,
Host: m.host,
}, nil
type testService struct {
nodeID uint64
ln net.Listener
muxln net.Listener
writeShardFunc func(shardID uint64, points []tsdb.Point) error
createShardFunc func(database, policy string, shardID uint64) error
createMapperFunc func(shardID uint64, stmt influxql.Statement, chunkSize int) (tsdb.Mapper, error)
func newTestWriteService(f func(shardID uint64, points []tsdb.Point) error) testService {
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
if err != nil {
mux := tcp.NewMux()
muxln := mux.Listen(cluster.MuxHeader)
go mux.Serve(ln)
return testService{
writeShardFunc: f,
ln: ln,
muxln: muxln,
func (ts *testService) Close() {
if ts.ln != nil {
type serviceResponses []serviceResponse
type serviceResponse struct {
shardID uint64
ownerID uint64
points []tsdb.Point
func (t testService) WriteToShard(shardID uint64, points []tsdb.Point) error {
return t.writeShardFunc(shardID, points)
func (t testService) CreateShard(database, policy string, shardID uint64) error {
return t.createShardFunc(database, policy, shardID)
func (t testService) CreateMapper(shardID uint64, stmt influxql.Statement, chunkSize int) (tsdb.Mapper, error) {
return t.createMapperFunc(shardID, stmt, chunkSize)
func writeShardSuccess(shardID uint64, points []tsdb.Point) error {
responses <- &serviceResponse{
shardID: shardID,
points: points,
return nil
func writeShardFail(shardID uint64, points []tsdb.Point) error {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to write")
var responses = make(chan *serviceResponse, 1024)
func (testService) ResponseN(n int) ([]*serviceResponse, error) {
var a []*serviceResponse
for {
select {
case r := <-responses:
a = append(a, r)
if len(a) == n {
return a, nil
case <-time.After(time.Second):
return a, fmt.Errorf("unexpected response count: expected: %d, actual: %d", n, len(a))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
package cluster
import (
// ShardMapper is responsible for providing mappers for requested shards. It is
// responsible for creating those mappers from the local store, or reaching
// out to another node on the cluster.
type ShardMapper struct {
ForceRemoteMapping bool // All shards treated as remote. Useful for testing.
MetaStore interface {
NodeID() uint64
Node(id uint64) (ni *meta.NodeInfo, err error)
TSDBStore interface {
CreateMapper(shardID uint64, stmt influxql.Statement, chunkSize int) (tsdb.Mapper, error)
timeout time.Duration
pool *clientPool
// NewShardMapper returns a mapper of local and remote shards.
func NewShardMapper(timeout time.Duration) *ShardMapper {
return &ShardMapper{
pool: newClientPool(),
timeout: timeout,
// CreateMapper returns a Mapper for the given shard ID.
func (s *ShardMapper) CreateMapper(sh meta.ShardInfo, stmt influxql.Statement, chunkSize int) (tsdb.Mapper, error) {
m, err := s.TSDBStore.CreateMapper(sh.ID, stmt, chunkSize)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !sh.OwnedBy(s.MetaStore.NodeID()) || s.ForceRemoteMapping {
// Pick a node in a pseudo-random manner.
conn, err := s.dial(sh.Owners[rand.Intn(len(sh.Owners))].NodeID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
m.SetRemote(NewRemoteMapper(conn, sh.ID, stmt, chunkSize))
return m, nil
func (s *ShardMapper) dial(nodeID uint64) (net.Conn, error) {
ni, err := s.MetaStore.Node(nodeID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", ni.Host)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Write the cluster multiplexing header byte
return conn, nil
// RemoteMapper implements the tsdb.Mapper interface. It connects to a remote node,
// sends a query, and interprets the stream of data that comes back.
type RemoteMapper struct {
shardID uint64
stmt influxql.Statement
chunkSize int
tagsets []string
fields []string
conn net.Conn
bufferedResponse *MapShardResponse
// NewRemoteMapper returns a new remote mapper using the given connection.
func NewRemoteMapper(c net.Conn, shardID uint64, stmt influxql.Statement, chunkSize int) *RemoteMapper {
return &RemoteMapper{
conn: c,
shardID: shardID,
stmt: stmt,
chunkSize: chunkSize,
// Open connects to the remote node and starts receiving data.
func (r *RemoteMapper) Open() (err error) {
defer func() {
if err != nil {
// Build Map request.
var request MapShardRequest
// Marshal into protocol buffers.
buf, err := request.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return err
// Write request.
if err := WriteTLV(r.conn, mapShardRequestMessage, buf); err != nil {
return err
// Read the response.
_, buf, err = ReadTLV(r.conn)
if err != nil {
return err
// Unmarshal response.
r.bufferedResponse = &MapShardResponse{}
if err := r.bufferedResponse.UnmarshalBinary(buf); err != nil {
return err
if r.bufferedResponse.Code() != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("error code %d: %s", r.bufferedResponse.Code(), r.bufferedResponse.Message())
// Decode the first response to get the TagSets.
r.tagsets = r.bufferedResponse.TagSets()
r.fields = r.bufferedResponse.Fields()
return nil
func (r *RemoteMapper) SetRemote(m tsdb.Mapper) error {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot set remote mapper on a remote mapper")
func (r *RemoteMapper) TagSets() []string {
return r.tagsets
func (r *RemoteMapper) Fields() []string {
return r.fields
// NextChunk returns the next chunk read from the remote node to the client.
func (r *RemoteMapper) NextChunk() (chunk interface{}, err error) {
var response *MapShardResponse
if r.bufferedResponse != nil {
response = r.bufferedResponse
r.bufferedResponse = nil
} else {
response = &MapShardResponse{}
// Read the response.
_, buf, err := ReadTLV(r.conn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Unmarshal response.
if err := response.UnmarshalBinary(buf); err != nil {
return nil, err
if response.Code() != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error code %d: %s", response.Code(), response.Message())
if response.Data() == nil {
return nil, nil
return response.Data(), err
// Close the Mapper
func (r *RemoteMapper) Close() {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
package cluster
import (
// remoteShardResponder implements the remoteShardConn interface.
type remoteShardResponder struct {
t *testing.T
rxBytes []byte
buffer *bytes.Buffer
func newRemoteShardResponder(outputs []*tsdb.MapperOutput, tagsets []string) *remoteShardResponder {
r := &remoteShardResponder{}
a := make([]byte, 0, 1024)
r.buffer = bytes.NewBuffer(a)
// Pump the outputs in the buffer for later reading.
for _, o := range outputs {
resp := &MapShardResponse{}
if o != nil {
d, _ := json.Marshal(o)
g, _ := resp.MarshalBinary()
WriteTLV(r.buffer, mapShardResponseMessage, g)
return r
func (r remoteShardResponder) Close() error { return nil }
func (r remoteShardResponder) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
return io.ReadFull(r.buffer, p)
func (r remoteShardResponder) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
if r.rxBytes == nil {
r.rxBytes = make([]byte, 0)
r.rxBytes = append(r.rxBytes, p...)
return len(p), nil
// Ensure a RemoteMapper can process valid responses from a remote shard.
func TestShardWriter_RemoteMapper_Success(t *testing.T) {
expTagSets := []string{"tagsetA"}
expOutput := &tsdb.MapperOutput{
Name: "cpu",
Tags: map[string]string{"host": "serverA"},
c := newRemoteShardResponder([]*tsdb.MapperOutput{expOutput, nil}, expTagSets)
r := NewRemoteMapper(c, 1234, mustParseStmt("SELECT * FROM CPU"), 10)
if err := r.Open(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to open remote mapper: %s", err.Error())
if r.TagSets()[0] != expTagSets[0] {
t.Fatalf("incorrect tagsets received, exp %v, got %v", expTagSets, r.TagSets())
// Get first chunk from mapper.
chunk, err := r.NextChunk()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to get next chunk from mapper: %s", err.Error())
b, ok := chunk.([]byte)
if !ok {
t.Fatal("chunk is not of expected type")
output := &tsdb.MapperOutput{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, output); err != nil {
if output.Name != "cpu" {
t.Fatalf("received output incorrect, exp: %v, got %v", expOutput, output)
// Next chunk should be nil, indicating no more data.
chunk, err = r.NextChunk()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to get next chunk from mapper: %s", err.Error())
if chunk != nil {
t.Fatal("received more chunks when none expected")
// mustParseStmt parses a single statement or panics.
func mustParseStmt(stmt string) influxql.Statement {
q, err := influxql.ParseQuery(stmt)
if err != nil {
} else if len(q.Statements) != 1 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected 1 statement but got %d", len(q.Statements)))
return q.Statements[0]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
package cluster
import (
const (
writeShardRequestMessage byte = iota + 1
// ShardWriter writes a set of points to a shard.
type ShardWriter struct {
pool *clientPool
timeout time.Duration
MetaStore interface {
Node(id uint64) (ni *meta.NodeInfo, err error)
// NewShardWriter returns a new instance of ShardWriter.
func NewShardWriter(timeout time.Duration) *ShardWriter {
return &ShardWriter{
pool: newClientPool(),
timeout: timeout,
func (w *ShardWriter) WriteShard(shardID, ownerID uint64, points []tsdb.Point) error {
c, err := w.dial(ownerID)
if err != nil {
return err
conn, ok := c.(*pool.PoolConn)
if !ok {
panic("wrong connection type")
defer func(conn net.Conn) {
conn.Close() // return to pool
// Build write request.
var request WriteShardRequest
// Marshal into protocol buffers.
buf, err := request.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return err
// Write request.
if err := WriteTLV(conn, writeShardRequestMessage, buf); err != nil {
return err
// Read the response.
_, buf, err = ReadTLV(conn)
if err != nil {
return err
// Unmarshal response.
var response WriteShardResponse
if err := response.UnmarshalBinary(buf); err != nil {
return err
if response.Code() != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("error code %d: %s", response.Code(), response.Message())
return nil
func (c *ShardWriter) dial(nodeID uint64) (net.Conn, error) {
// If we don't have a connection pool for that addr yet, create one
_, ok := c.pool.getPool(nodeID)
if !ok {
factory := &connFactory{nodeID: nodeID, clientPool: c.pool, timeout: c.timeout}
factory.metaStore = c.MetaStore
p, err := pool.NewChannelPool(1, 3, factory.dial)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.pool.setPool(nodeID, p)
return c.pool.conn(nodeID)
func (w *ShardWriter) Close() error {
if w.pool == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("client already closed")
w.pool = nil
return nil
const (
maxConnections = 500
maxRetries = 3
var errMaxConnectionsExceeded = fmt.Errorf("can not exceed max connections of %d", maxConnections)
type connFactory struct {
nodeID uint64
timeout time.Duration
clientPool interface {
size() int
metaStore interface {
Node(id uint64) (ni *meta.NodeInfo, err error)
func (c *connFactory) dial() (net.Conn, error) {
if c.clientPool.size() > maxConnections {
return nil, errMaxConnectionsExceeded
ni, err := c.metaStore.Node(c.nodeID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ni == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("node %d does not exist", c.nodeID)
conn, err := net.DialTimeout("tcp", ni.Host, c.timeout)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Write a marker byte for cluster messages.
_, err = conn.Write([]byte{MuxHeader})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return conn, nil

View File

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
package cluster_test
import (
// Ensure the shard writer can successful write a single request.
func TestShardWriter_WriteShard_Success(t *testing.T) {
ts := newTestWriteService(writeShardSuccess)
s := cluster.NewService(cluster.Config{})
s.Listener = ts.muxln
s.TSDBStore = ts
if err := s.Open(); err != nil {
defer s.Close()
defer ts.Close()
w := cluster.NewShardWriter(time.Minute)
w.MetaStore = &metaStore{host: ts.ln.Addr().String()}
// Build a single point.
now := time.Now()
var points []tsdb.Point
points = append(points, tsdb.NewPoint("cpu", tsdb.Tags{"host": "server01"}, map[string]interface{}{"value": int64(100)}, now))
// Write to shard and close.
if err := w.WriteShard(1, 2, points); err != nil {
} else if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
// Validate response.
responses, err := ts.ResponseN(1)
if err != nil {
} else if responses[0].shardID != 1 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected shard id: %d", responses[0].shardID)
// Validate point.
if p := responses[0].points[0]; p.Name() != "cpu" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected name: %s", p.Name())
} else if p.Fields()["value"] != int64(100) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected 'value' field: %d", p.Fields()["value"])
} else if p.Tags()["host"] != "server01" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected 'host' tag: %s", p.Tags()["host"])
} else if p.Time().UnixNano() != now.UnixNano() {
t.Fatalf("unexpected time: %s", p.Time())
// Ensure the shard writer can successful write a multiple requests.
func TestShardWriter_WriteShard_Multiple(t *testing.T) {
ts := newTestWriteService(writeShardSuccess)
s := cluster.NewService(cluster.Config{})
s.Listener = ts.muxln
s.TSDBStore = ts
if err := s.Open(); err != nil {
defer s.Close()
defer ts.Close()
w := cluster.NewShardWriter(time.Minute)
w.MetaStore = &metaStore{host: ts.ln.Addr().String()}
// Build a single point.
now := time.Now()
var points []tsdb.Point
points = append(points, tsdb.NewPoint("cpu", tsdb.Tags{"host": "server01"}, map[string]interface{}{"value": int64(100)}, now))
// Write to shard twice and close.
if err := w.WriteShard(1, 2, points); err != nil {
} else if err := w.WriteShard(1, 2, points); err != nil {
} else if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
// Validate response.
responses, err := ts.ResponseN(1)
if err != nil {
} else if responses[0].shardID != 1 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected shard id: %d", responses[0].shardID)
// Validate point.
if p := responses[0].points[0]; p.Name() != "cpu" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected name: %s", p.Name())
} else if p.Fields()["value"] != int64(100) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected 'value' field: %d", p.Fields()["value"])
} else if p.Tags()["host"] != "server01" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected 'host' tag: %s", p.Tags()["host"])
} else if p.Time().UnixNano() != now.UnixNano() {
t.Fatalf("unexpected time: %s", p.Time())
// Ensure the shard writer returns an error when the server fails to accept the write.
func TestShardWriter_WriteShard_Error(t *testing.T) {
ts := newTestWriteService(writeShardFail)
s := cluster.NewService(cluster.Config{})
s.Listener = ts.muxln
s.TSDBStore = ts
if err := s.Open(); err != nil {
defer s.Close()
defer ts.Close()
w := cluster.NewShardWriter(time.Minute)
w.MetaStore = &metaStore{host: ts.ln.Addr().String()}
now := time.Now()
shardID := uint64(1)
ownerID := uint64(2)
var points []tsdb.Point
points = append(points, tsdb.NewPoint(
"cpu", tsdb.Tags{"host": "server01"}, map[string]interface{}{"value": int64(100)}, now,
if err := w.WriteShard(shardID, ownerID, points); err == nil || err.Error() != "error code 1: write shard 1: failed to write" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)
// Ensure the shard writer returns an error when dialing times out.
func TestShardWriter_Write_ErrDialTimeout(t *testing.T) {
ts := newTestWriteService(writeShardSuccess)
s := cluster.NewService(cluster.Config{})
s.Listener = ts.muxln
s.TSDBStore = ts
if err := s.Open(); err != nil {
defer s.Close()
defer ts.Close()
w := cluster.NewShardWriter(time.Nanosecond)
w.MetaStore = &metaStore{host: ts.ln.Addr().String()}
now := time.Now()
shardID := uint64(1)
ownerID := uint64(2)
var points []tsdb.Point
points = append(points, tsdb.NewPoint(
"cpu", tsdb.Tags{"host": "server01"}, map[string]interface{}{"value": int64(100)}, now,
if err, exp := w.WriteShard(shardID, ownerID, points), "i/o timeout"; err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), exp) {
t.Fatalf("expected error %v, to contain %s", err, exp)
// Ensure the shard writer returns an error when reading times out.
func TestShardWriter_Write_ErrReadTimeout(t *testing.T) {
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
if err != nil {
w := cluster.NewShardWriter(time.Millisecond)
w.MetaStore = &metaStore{host: ln.Addr().String()}
now := time.Now()
shardID := uint64(1)
ownerID := uint64(2)
var points []tsdb.Point
points = append(points, tsdb.NewPoint(
"cpu", tsdb.Tags{"host": "server01"}, map[string]interface{}{"value": int64(100)}, now,
if err := w.WriteShard(shardID, ownerID, points); err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "i/o timeout") {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %s", err)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,779 @@
package main
import (
// These variables are populated via the Go linker.
var (
version string = "0.9"
const (
// defaultFormat is the default format of the results when issuing queries
defaultFormat = "column"
// defaultPrecision is the default timestamp format of the results when issuing queries
defaultPrecision = "ns"
// defaultPPS is the default points per second that the import will throttle at
// by default it's 0, which means it will not throttle
defaultPPS = 0
type CommandLine struct {
Client *client.Client
Line *liner.State
Host string
Port int
Username string
Password string
Database string
Ssl bool
RetentionPolicy string
Version string
Pretty bool // controls pretty print for json
Format string // controls the output format. Valid values are json, csv, or column
Precision string
WriteConsistency string
Execute string
ShowVersion bool
Import bool
PPS int // Controls how many points per second the import will allow via throttling
Path string
Compressed bool
func main() {
c := CommandLine{}
fs := flag.NewFlagSet("InfluxDB shell version "+version, flag.ExitOnError)
fs.StringVar(&c.Host, "host", client.DefaultHost, "Influxdb host to connect to.")
fs.IntVar(&c.Port, "port", client.DefaultPort, "Influxdb port to connect to.")
fs.StringVar(&c.Username, "username", c.Username, "Username to connect to the server.")
fs.StringVar(&c.Password, "password", c.Password, `Password to connect to the server. Leaving blank will prompt for password (--password="").`)
fs.StringVar(&c.Database, "database", c.Database, "Database to connect to the server.")
fs.BoolVar(&c.Ssl, "ssl", false, "Use https for connecting to cluster.")
fs.StringVar(&c.Format, "format", defaultFormat, "Format specifies the format of the server responses: json, csv, or column.")
fs.StringVar(&c.Precision, "precision", defaultPrecision, "Precision specifies the format of the timestamp: rfc3339,h,m,s,ms,u or ns.")
fs.StringVar(&c.WriteConsistency, "consistency", "any", "Set write consistency level: any, one, quorum, or all.")
fs.BoolVar(&c.Pretty, "pretty", false, "Turns on pretty print for the json format.")
fs.StringVar(&c.Execute, "execute", c.Execute, "Execute command and quit.")
fs.BoolVar(&c.ShowVersion, "version", false, "Displays the InfluxDB version.")
fs.BoolVar(&c.Import, "import", false, "Import a previous database.")
fs.IntVar(&c.PPS, "pps", defaultPPS, "How many points per second the import will allow. By default it is zero and will not throttle importing.")
fs.StringVar(&c.Path, "path", "", "path to the file to import")
fs.BoolVar(&c.Compressed, "compressed", false, "set to true if the import file is compressed")
// Define our own custom usage to print
fs.Usage = func() {
fmt.Println(`Usage of influx:
Display the version and exit.
-host 'host name'
Host to connect to.
-port 'port #'
Port to connect to.
-database 'database name'
Database to connect to the server.
-password 'password'
Password to connect to the server. Leaving blank will prompt for password (--password '').
-username 'username'
Username to connect to the server.
Use https for requests.
-execute 'command'
Execute command and quit.
-format 'json|csv|column'
Format specifies the format of the server responses: json, csv, or column.
-precision 'rfc3339|h|m|s|ms|u|ns'
Precision specifies the format of the timestamp: rfc3339, h, m, s, ms, u or ns.
-consistency 'any|one|quorum|all'
Set write consistency level: any, one, quorum, or all
Turns on pretty print for the json format.
Import a previous database export from file
How many points per second the import will allow. By default it is zero and will not throttle importing.
Path to file to import
Set to true if the import file is compressed
# Use influx in a non-interactive mode to query the database "metrics" and pretty print json:
$ influx -database 'metrics' -execute 'select * from cpu' -format 'json' -pretty
# Connect to a specific database on startup and set database context:
$ influx -database 'metrics' -host 'localhost' -port '8086'
if c.ShowVersion {
var promptForPassword bool
// determine if they set the password flag but provided no value
for _, v := range os.Args {
v = strings.ToLower(v)
if (strings.HasPrefix(v, "-password") || strings.HasPrefix(v, "--password")) && c.Password == "" {
promptForPassword = true
c.Line = liner.NewLiner()
defer c.Line.Close()
if promptForPassword {
p, e := c.Line.PasswordPrompt("password: ")
if e != nil {
fmt.Println("Unable to parse password.")
} else {
c.Password = p
if err := c.connect(""); err != nil {
if c.Execute == "" && !c.Import {
fmt.Printf("Connected to %s version %s\n", c.Client.Addr(), c.Version)
if c.Execute != "" {
// Modify precision before executing query
if err := c.ExecuteQuery(c.Execute); err != nil {
if c.Import {
path := net.JoinHostPort(c.Host, strconv.Itoa(c.Port))
u, e := client.ParseConnectionString(path, c.Ssl)
if e != nil {
config := v8.NewConfig()
config.Username = c.Username
config.Password = c.Password
config.Precision = "ns"
config.WriteConsistency = "any"
config.Path = c.Path
config.Version = version
config.URL = u
config.Compressed = c.Compressed
config.PPS = c.PPS
config.Precision = c.Precision
i := v8.NewImporter(config)
if err := i.Import(); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("ERROR: %s\n", err)
var historyFile string
usr, err := user.Current()
// Only load history if we can get the user
if err == nil {
historyFile = filepath.Join(usr.HomeDir, ".influx_history")
if f, err := os.Open(historyFile); err == nil {
for {
l, e := c.Line.Prompt("> ")
if e != nil {
if c.ParseCommand(l) {
// write out the history
if len(historyFile) > 0 {
if f, err := os.Create(historyFile); err == nil {
} else {
break // exit main loop
func showVersion() {
fmt.Println("InfluxDB shell " + version)
func (c *CommandLine) ParseCommand(cmd string) bool {
lcmd := strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(cmd))
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(lcmd, "exit"):
// signal the program to exit
return false
case strings.HasPrefix(lcmd, "gopher"):
case strings.HasPrefix(lcmd, "connect"):
case strings.HasPrefix(lcmd, "auth"):
case strings.HasPrefix(lcmd, "help"):
case strings.HasPrefix(lcmd, "format"):
case strings.HasPrefix(lcmd, "precision"):
case strings.HasPrefix(lcmd, "consistency"):
case strings.HasPrefix(lcmd, "settings"):
case strings.HasPrefix(lcmd, "pretty"):
c.Pretty = !c.Pretty
if c.Pretty {
fmt.Println("Pretty print enabled")
} else {
fmt.Println("Pretty print disabled")
case strings.HasPrefix(lcmd, "use"):
case strings.HasPrefix(lcmd, "insert"):
case lcmd == "":
return true
func (c *CommandLine) connect(cmd string) error {
var cl *client.Client
var u url.URL
// Remove the "connect" keyword if it exists
path := strings.TrimSpace(strings.Replace(cmd, "connect", "", -1))
// If they didn't provide a connection string, use the current settings
if path == "" {
path = net.JoinHostPort(c.Host, strconv.Itoa(c.Port))
var e error
u, e = client.ParseConnectionString(path, c.Ssl)
if e != nil {
return e
config := client.NewConfig()
config.URL = u
config.Username = c.Username
config.Password = c.Password
config.UserAgent = "InfluxDBShell/" + version
config.Precision = c.Precision
cl, err := client.NewClient(config)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not create client %s", err)
c.Client = cl
if _, v, e := c.Client.Ping(); e != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to connect to %s\n", c.Client.Addr())
} else {
c.Version = v
return nil
func (c *CommandLine) SetAuth(cmd string) {
// If they pass in the entire command, we should parse it
// auth <username> <password>
args := strings.Fields(cmd)
if len(args) == 3 {
args = args[1:]
} else {
args = []string{}
if len(args) == 2 {
c.Username = args[0]
c.Password = args[1]
} else {
u, e := c.Line.Prompt("username: ")
if e != nil {
fmt.Printf("Unable to process input: %s", e)
c.Username = strings.TrimSpace(u)
p, e := c.Line.PasswordPrompt("password: ")
if e != nil {
fmt.Printf("Unable to process input: %s", e)
c.Password = p
// Update the client as well
c.Client.SetAuth(c.Username, c.Password)
func (c *CommandLine) use(cmd string) {
args := strings.Split(strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimSpace(cmd), ";"), " ")
if len(args) != 2 {
fmt.Printf("Could not parse database name from %q.\n", cmd)
d := args[1]
c.Database = d
fmt.Printf("Using database %s\n", d)
func (c *CommandLine) SetPrecision(cmd string) {
// Remove the "precision" keyword if it exists
cmd = strings.TrimSpace(strings.Replace(cmd, "precision", "", -1))
// normalize cmd
cmd = strings.ToLower(cmd)
switch cmd {
case "h", "m", "s", "ms", "u", "ns":
c.Precision = cmd
case "rfc3339":
c.Precision = ""
fmt.Printf("Unknown precision %q. Please use rfc3339, h, m, s, ms, u or ns.\n", cmd)
func (c *CommandLine) SetFormat(cmd string) {
// Remove the "format" keyword if it exists
cmd = strings.TrimSpace(strings.Replace(cmd, "format", "", -1))
// normalize cmd
cmd = strings.ToLower(cmd)
switch cmd {
case "json", "csv", "column":
c.Format = cmd
fmt.Printf("Unknown format %q. Please use json, csv, or column.\n", cmd)
func (c *CommandLine) SetWriteConsistency(cmd string) {
// Remove the "consistency" keyword if it exists
cmd = strings.TrimSpace(strings.Replace(cmd, "consistency", "", -1))
// normalize cmd
cmd = strings.ToLower(cmd)
_, err := cluster.ParseConsistencyLevel(cmd)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Unknown consistency level %q. Please use any, one, quorum, or all.\n", cmd)
c.WriteConsistency = cmd
// isWhitespace returns true if the rune is a space, tab, or newline.
func isWhitespace(ch rune) bool { return ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n' }
// isLetter returns true if the rune is a letter.
func isLetter(ch rune) bool { return (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') }
// isDigit returns true if the rune is a digit.
func isDigit(ch rune) bool { return (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') }
// isIdentFirstChar returns true if the rune can be used as the first char in an unquoted identifer.
func isIdentFirstChar(ch rune) bool { return isLetter(ch) || ch == '_' }
// isIdentChar returns true if the rune can be used in an unquoted identifier.
func isNotIdentChar(ch rune) bool { return !(isLetter(ch) || isDigit(ch) || ch == '_') }
func parseUnquotedIdentifier(stmt string) (string, string) {
if fields := strings.FieldsFunc(stmt, isNotIdentChar); len(fields) > 0 {
return fields[0], strings.TrimPrefix(stmt, fields[0])
return "", stmt
func parseDoubleQuotedIdentifier(stmt string) (string, string) {
escapeNext := false
fields := strings.FieldsFunc(stmt, func(ch rune) bool {
if ch == '\\' {
escapeNext = true
} else if ch == '"' {
if !escapeNext {
return true
escapeNext = false
return false
if len(fields) > 0 {
return fields[0], strings.TrimPrefix(stmt, "\""+fields[0]+"\"")
return "", stmt
func parseNextIdentifier(stmt string) (ident, remainder string) {
if len(stmt) > 0 {
switch {
case isWhitespace(rune(stmt[0])):
return parseNextIdentifier(stmt[1:])
case isIdentFirstChar(rune(stmt[0])):
return parseUnquotedIdentifier(stmt)
case stmt[0] == '"':
return parseDoubleQuotedIdentifier(stmt)
return "", stmt
func (c *CommandLine) parseInto(stmt string) string {
ident, stmt := parseNextIdentifier(stmt)
if strings.HasPrefix(stmt, ".") {
c.Database = ident
fmt.Printf("Using database %s\n", c.Database)
ident, stmt = parseNextIdentifier(stmt[1:])
if strings.HasPrefix(stmt, " ") {
c.RetentionPolicy = ident
fmt.Printf("Using retention policy %s\n", c.RetentionPolicy)
return stmt[1:]
return stmt
func (c *CommandLine) Insert(stmt string) error {
i, point := parseNextIdentifier(stmt)
if !strings.EqualFold(i, "insert") {
fmt.Printf("ERR: found %s, expected INSERT\n", i)
return nil
if i, r := parseNextIdentifier(point); strings.EqualFold(i, "into") {
point = c.parseInto(r)
_, err := c.Client.Write(client.BatchPoints{
Points: []client.Point{
client.Point{Raw: point},
Database: c.Database,
RetentionPolicy: c.RetentionPolicy,
Precision: "n",
WriteConsistency: c.WriteConsistency,
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("ERR: %s\n", err)
if c.Database == "" {
fmt.Println("Note: error may be due to not setting a database or retention policy.")
fmt.Println(`Please set a database with the command "use <database>" or`)
fmt.Println("INSERT INTO <database>.<retention-policy> <point>")
return err
return nil
func (c *CommandLine) ExecuteQuery(query string) error {
response, err := c.Client.Query(client.Query{Command: query, Database: c.Database})
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("ERR: %s\n", err)
return err
c.FormatResponse(response, os.Stdout)
if err := response.Error(); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("ERR: %s\n", response.Error())
if c.Database == "" {
fmt.Println("Warning: It is possible this error is due to not setting a database.")
fmt.Println(`Please set a database with the command "use <database>".`)
return err
return nil
func (c *CommandLine) FormatResponse(response *client.Response, w io.Writer) {
switch c.Format {
case "json":
c.writeJSON(response, w)
case "csv":
c.writeCSV(response, w)
case "column":
c.writeColumns(response, w)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Unknown output format %q.\n", c.Format)
func (c *CommandLine) writeJSON(response *client.Response, w io.Writer) {
var data []byte
var err error
if c.Pretty {
data, err = json.MarshalIndent(response, "", " ")
} else {
data, err = json.Marshal(response)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Unable to parse json: %s\n", err)
fmt.Fprintln(w, string(data))
func (c *CommandLine) writeCSV(response *client.Response, w io.Writer) {
csvw := csv.NewWriter(w)
for _, result := range response.Results {
// Create a tabbed writer for each result as they won't always line up
rows := c.formatResults(result, "\t")
for _, r := range rows {
csvw.Write(strings.Split(r, "\t"))
func (c *CommandLine) writeColumns(response *client.Response, w io.Writer) {
for _, result := range response.Results {
// Create a tabbed writer for each result a they won't always line up
w := new(tabwriter.Writer)
w.Init(os.Stdout, 0, 8, 1, '\t', 0)
csv := c.formatResults(result, "\t")
for _, r := range csv {
fmt.Fprintln(w, r)
// formatResults will behave differently if you are formatting for columns or csv
func (c *CommandLine) formatResults(result client.Result, separator string) []string {
rows := []string{}
// Create a tabbed writer for each result a they won't always line up
for i, row := range result.Series {
// gather tags
tags := []string{}
for k, v := range row.Tags {
tags = append(tags, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v))
columnNames := []string{}
// Only put name/tags in a column if format is csv
if c.Format == "csv" {
if len(tags) > 0 {
columnNames = append([]string{"tags"}, columnNames...)
if row.Name != "" {
columnNames = append([]string{"name"}, columnNames...)
for _, column := range row.Columns {
columnNames = append(columnNames, column)
// Output a line separator if we have more than one set or results and format is column
if i > 0 && c.Format == "column" {
rows = append(rows, "")
// If we are column format, we break out the name/tag to seperate lines
if c.Format == "column" {
if row.Name != "" {
n := fmt.Sprintf("name: %s", row.Name)
rows = append(rows, n)
if len(tags) == 0 {
l := strings.Repeat("-", len(n))
rows = append(rows, l)
if len(tags) > 0 {
t := fmt.Sprintf("tags: %s", (strings.Join(tags, ", ")))
rows = append(rows, t)
rows = append(rows, strings.Join(columnNames, separator))
// if format is column, break tags to their own line/format
if c.Format == "column" && len(tags) > 0 {
lines := []string{}
for _, columnName := range columnNames {
lines = append(lines, strings.Repeat("-", len(columnName)))
rows = append(rows, strings.Join(lines, separator))
for _, v := range row.Values {
var values []string
if c.Format == "csv" {
if row.Name != "" {
values = append(values, row.Name)
if len(tags) > 0 {
values = append(values, strings.Join(tags, ","))
for _, vv := range v {
values = append(values, interfaceToString(vv))
rows = append(rows, strings.Join(values, separator))
// Outout a line separator if in column format
if c.Format == "column" {
rows = append(rows, "")
return rows
func interfaceToString(v interface{}) string {
switch t := v.(type) {
case nil:
return ""
case bool:
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", v)
case int, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, uintptr:
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", t)
case float32, float64:
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", t)
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", t)
func (c *CommandLine) Settings() {
w := new(tabwriter.Writer)
w.Init(os.Stdout, 0, 8, 1, '\t', 0)
if c.Port > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Host\t%s:%d\n", c.Host, c.Port)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Host\t%s\n", c.Host)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Username\t%s\n", c.Username)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Database\t%s\n", c.Database)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Pretty\t%v\n", c.Pretty)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Format\t%s\n", c.Format)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Write Consistency\t%s\n", c.WriteConsistency)
func (c *CommandLine) help() {
connect <host:port> connect to another node
auth prompt for username and password
pretty toggle pretty print
use <db_name> set current databases
format <format> set the output format: json, csv, or column
precision <format> set the timestamp format: h,m,s,ms,u,ns
consistency <level> set write consistency level: any, one, quorum, or all
settings output the current settings for the shell
exit quit the influx shell
show databases show database names
show series show series information
show measurements show measurement information
show tag keys show tag key information
show tag values show tag value information
a full list of influxql commands can be found at:
func (c *CommandLine) gopher() {
.-::-::://:-::- .:/++/'
'://:-''/oo+//++o+/.://o- ./+:
.:-. '++- .o/ '+yydhy' o-
.:/. .h: :osoys .smMN- :/
-/:.' s- /MMMymh. '/y/ s'
-+s:'''' d -mMMms// '-/o:
-/++/++/////:. o: '... s- :s.
:+-+s-' ':/' 's- /+ 'o:
'+-'o: /ydhsh. '//. '-o- o-
.y. o: .MMMdm+y ':+++:::/+:.' s:
.-h/ y- 'sdmds'h -+ydds:::-.' 'h.
.//-.d' o: '.' 'dsNMMMNh:.:++' :y
+y. 'd 's. .s:mddds: ++ o/
'N- odd 'o/. './o-s-' .---+++' o-
'N' yNd .://:/:::::. -s -+/s/./s' 'o/'
so' .h '''' ////s: '+. .s +y'
os/-.y' 's' 'y::+ +d'
'.:o/ -+:-:.' so.---.'
o' 'd-.''/s'
.s' :y.''.y
-s mo:::'
:: yh
// '''' /M'
o+ .s///:/. 'N:
:+ /: -s' ho
's- -/s/:+/.+h' +h
ys' ':' '-. -d
oh .h
/o .s
s. .h
-y .d
m/ -h
+d /o
'N- y:
h: m.
s- -d
o- s+
+- 'm'
s/ oo--.
y- /s ':+'
s' 'od--' .d:
-+ ':o: ':+-/+
y- .:+- '
//o- '.:+/.
.-:+/' ''-/+/.
./:' ''.:o+/-'
.+o:/:/+-' ''.-+ooo/-'
o: -h///++////-.
/: .o/
//+ 'y

View File

@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
package main_test
import (
main "github.com/influxdb/influxdb/cmd/influx"
func TestParseCommand_CommandsExist(t *testing.T) {
c := main.CommandLine{}
tests := []struct {
cmd string
{cmd: "gopher"},
{cmd: "connect"},
{cmd: "help"},
{cmd: "pretty"},
{cmd: "use"},
{cmd: ""}, // test that a blank command just returns
for _, test := range tests {
if !c.ParseCommand(test.cmd) {
t.Fatalf(`Command failed for %q.`, test.cmd)
func TestParseCommand_TogglePretty(t *testing.T) {
c := main.CommandLine{}
if c.Pretty {
t.Fatalf(`Pretty should be false.`)
if !c.Pretty {
t.Fatalf(`Pretty should be true.`)
if c.Pretty {
t.Fatalf(`Pretty should be false.`)
func TestParseCommand_Exit(t *testing.T) {
c := main.CommandLine{}
tests := []struct {
cmd string
{cmd: "exit"},
{cmd: " exit"},
{cmd: "exit "},
{cmd: "Exit "},
for _, test := range tests {
if c.ParseCommand(test.cmd) {
t.Fatalf(`Command "exit" failed for %q.`, test.cmd)
func TestParseCommand_Use(t *testing.T) {
c := main.CommandLine{}
tests := []struct {
cmd string
{cmd: "use db"},
{cmd: " use db"},
{cmd: "use db "},
{cmd: "use db;"},
{cmd: "use db; "},
{cmd: "Use db"},
for _, test := range tests {
if !c.ParseCommand(test.cmd) {
t.Fatalf(`Command "use" failed for %q.`, test.cmd)
if c.Database != "db" {
t.Fatalf(`Command "use" changed database to %q. Expected db`, c.Database)
func TestParseCommand_Consistency(t *testing.T) {
c := main.CommandLine{}
tests := []struct {
cmd string
{cmd: "consistency one"},
{cmd: " consistency one"},
{cmd: "consistency one "},
{cmd: "consistency one;"},
{cmd: "consistency one; "},
{cmd: "Consistency one"},
for _, test := range tests {
if !c.ParseCommand(test.cmd) {
t.Fatalf(`Command "consistency" failed for %q.`, test.cmd)
if c.WriteConsistency != "one" {
t.Fatalf(`Command "consistency" changed consistency to %q. Expected one`, c.WriteConsistency)
func TestParseCommand_Insert(t *testing.T) {
ts := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var data client.Response
_ = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(data)
defer ts.Close()
u, _ := url.Parse(ts.URL)
config := client.Config{URL: *u}
c, err := client.NewClient(config)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error. expected %v, actual %v", nil, err)
m := main.CommandLine{Client: c}
tests := []struct {
cmd string
{cmd: "INSERT cpu,host=serverA,region=us-west value=1.0"},
{cmd: " INSERT cpu,host=serverA,region=us-west value=1.0"},
{cmd: "INSERT cpu,host=serverA,region=us-west value=1.0"},
{cmd: "insert cpu,host=serverA,region=us-west value=1.0 "},
{cmd: "insert"},
{cmd: "Insert "},
{cmd: "insert c"},
{cmd: "insert int"},
for _, test := range tests {
if !m.ParseCommand(test.cmd) {
t.Fatalf(`Command "insert" failed for %q.`, test.cmd)
func TestParseCommand_InsertInto(t *testing.T) {
ts := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var data client.Response
_ = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(data)
defer ts.Close()
u, _ := url.Parse(ts.URL)
config := client.Config{URL: *u}
c, err := client.NewClient(config)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error. expected %v, actual %v", nil, err)
m := main.CommandLine{Client: c}
tests := []struct {
cmd, db, rp string
cmd: `INSERT INTO test cpu,host=serverA,region=us-west value=1.0`,
db: "",
rp: "test",
cmd: ` INSERT INTO .test cpu,host=serverA,region=us-west value=1.0`,
db: "",
rp: "test",
cmd: `INSERT INTO "test test" cpu,host=serverA,region=us-west value=1.0`,
db: "",
rp: "test test",
cmd: `Insert iNTO test.test cpu,host=serverA,region=us-west value=1.0`,
db: "test",
rp: "test",
cmd: `insert into "test test" cpu,host=serverA,region=us-west value=1.0`,
db: "test",
rp: "test test",
cmd: `insert into "d b"."test test" cpu,host=serverA,region=us-west value=1.0`,
db: "d b",
rp: "test test",
for _, test := range tests {
if !m.ParseCommand(test.cmd) {
t.Fatalf(`Command "insert into" failed for %q.`, test.cmd)
if m.Database != test.db {
t.Fatalf(`Command "insert into" db parsing failed, expected: %q, actual: %q`, test.db, m.Database)
if m.RetentionPolicy != test.rp {
t.Fatalf(`Command "insert into" rp parsing failed, expected: %q, actual: %q`, test.rp, m.RetentionPolicy)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
package main
import (
var (
batchSize = flag.Int("batchsize", 5000, "number of points per batch")
seriesCount = flag.Int("series", 100000, "number of unique series to create")
pointCount = flag.Int("points", 100, "number of points per series to create")
concurrency = flag.Int("concurrency", 10, "number of simultaneous writes to run")
batchInterval = flag.Duration("batchinterval", 0*time.Second, "duration between batches")
database = flag.String("database", "stress", "name of database")
address = flag.String("addr", "localhost:8086", "IP address and port of database (e.g., localhost:8086)")
precision = flag.String("precision", "n", "The precision that points in the database will be with")
var ms runner.Measurements
func init() {
flag.Var(&ms, "m", "comma-separated list of intervals to use between events")
func main() {
if len(ms) == 0 {
ms = append(ms, "cpu")
cfg := &runner.Config{
BatchSize: *batchSize,
Measurements: ms,
SeriesCount: *seriesCount,
PointCount: *pointCount,
Concurrency: *concurrency,
BatchInterval: *batchInterval,
Database: *database,
Address: *address,
Precision: *precision,
totalPoints, failedRequests, responseTimes, timer := runner.Run(cfg)
total := int64(0)
for _, t := range responseTimes {
total += int64(t.Value)
mean := total / int64(len(responseTimes))
fmt.Printf("Wrote %d points at average rate of %.0f\n", totalPoints, float64(totalPoints)/timer.Elapsed().Seconds())
fmt.Printf("%d requests failed for %d total points that didn't get posted.\n", failedRequests, failedRequests**batchSize)
fmt.Println("Average response time: ", time.Duration(mean))
fmt.Println("Slowest response times:")
for _, r := range responseTimes[:100] {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
package backup
import (
// Suffix is a suffix added to the backup while it's in-process.
const Suffix = ".pending"
// Command represents the program execution for "influxd backup".
type Command struct {
// The logger passed to the ticker during execution.
Logger *log.Logger
// Standard input/output, overridden for testing.
Stderr io.Writer
// NewCommand returns a new instance of Command with default settings.
func NewCommand() *Command {
return &Command{
Stderr: os.Stderr,
// Run executes the program.
func (cmd *Command) Run(args ...string) error {
// Set up logger.
cmd.Logger = log.New(cmd.Stderr, "", log.LstdFlags)
cmd.Logger.Printf("influxdb backup")
// Parse command line arguments.
host, path, err := cmd.parseFlags(args)
if err != nil {
return err
// Retrieve snapshot from local file.
m, err := snapshot.ReadFileManifest(path)
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("read file snapshot: %s", err)
// Determine temporary path to download to.
tmppath := path + Suffix
// Calculate path of next backup file.
// This uses the path if it doesn't exist.
// Otherwise it appends an autoincrementing number.
path, err = cmd.nextPath(path)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("next path: %s", err)
// Retrieve snapshot.
if err := cmd.download(host, m, tmppath); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("download: %s", err)
// Rename temporary file to final path.
if err := os.Rename(tmppath, path); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("rename: %s", err)
// TODO: Check file integrity.
// Notify user of completion.
cmd.Logger.Println("backup complete")
return nil
// parseFlags parses and validates the command line arguments.
func (cmd *Command) parseFlags(args []string) (host string, path string, err error) {
fs := flag.NewFlagSet("", flag.ContinueOnError)
fs.StringVar(&host, "host", "localhost:8088", "")
fs.Usage = cmd.printUsage
if err := fs.Parse(args); err != nil {
return "", "", err
// Ensure that only one arg is specified.
if fs.NArg() == 0 {
return "", "", errors.New("snapshot path required")
} else if fs.NArg() != 1 {
return "", "", errors.New("only one snapshot path allowed")
path = fs.Arg(0)
return host, path, nil
// nextPath returns the next file to write to.
func (cmd *Command) nextPath(path string) (string, error) {
// Use base path if it doesn't exist.
if _, err := os.Stat(path); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return path, nil
} else if err != nil {
return "", err
// Otherwise iterate through incremental files until one is available.
for i := 0; ; i++ {
s := fmt.Sprintf(path+".%d", i)
if _, err := os.Stat(s); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return s, nil
} else if err != nil {
return "", err
// download downloads a snapshot from a host to a given path.
func (cmd *Command) download(host string, m *snapshot.Manifest, path string) error {
// Create local file to write to.
f, err := os.Create(path)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("open temp file: %s", err)
defer f.Close()
// Connect to snapshotter service.
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", host)
if err != nil {
return err
defer conn.Close()
// Send snapshotter marker byte.
if _, err := conn.Write([]byte{snapshotter.MuxHeader}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("write snapshot header byte: %s", err)
// Write the manifest we currently have.
if err := json.NewEncoder(conn).Encode(m); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("encode snapshot manifest: %s", err)
// Read snapshot from the connection.
if _, err := io.Copy(f, conn); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("copy snapshot to file: %s", err)
// FIXME(benbjohnson): Verify integrity of snapshot.
return nil
// printUsage prints the usage message to STDERR.
func (cmd *Command) printUsage() {
fmt.Fprintf(cmd.Stderr, `usage: influxd backup [flags] PATH
backup downloads a snapshot of a data node and saves it to disk.
-host <host:port>
The host to connect to snapshot.
Defaults to

View File

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
package backup_test
import (
// Ensure the backup can download from the server and save to disk.
func TestBackupCommand(t *testing.T) {
// Mock the backup endpoint.
s := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.URL.Path != "/data/snapshot" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected url path: %s", r.URL.Path)
// Write a simple snapshot to the buffer.
sw := influxdb.NewSnapshotWriter()
sw.Snapshot = &influxdb.Snapshot{Files: []influxdb.SnapshotFile{
{Name: "meta", Size: 5, Index: 10},
sw.FileWriters["meta"] = influxdb.NopWriteToCloser(bytes.NewBufferString("55555"))
if _, err := sw.WriteTo(w); err != nil {
defer s.Close()
// Create a temp path and remove incremental backups at the end.
path := tempfile()
defer os.Remove(path)
defer os.Remove(path + ".0")
defer os.Remove(path + ".1")
// Execute the backup against the mock server.
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
if err := NewBackupCommand().Run("-host", s.URL, path); err != nil {
// Verify snapshot and two incremental snapshots were written.
if _, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("snapshot not found: %s", err)
} else if _, err = os.Stat(path + ".0"); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("incremental snapshot(0) not found: %s", err)
} else if _, err = os.Stat(path + ".1"); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("incremental snapshot(1) not found: %s", err)
// Ensure the backup command returns an error if flags cannot be parsed.
func TestBackupCommand_ErrFlagParse(t *testing.T) {
cmd := NewBackupCommand()
if err := cmd.Run("-bad-flag"); err == nil || err.Error() != `flag provided but not defined: -bad-flag` {
} else if !strings.Contains(cmd.Stderr.String(), "usage") {
t.Fatal("usage message not displayed")
// Ensure the backup command returns an error if the host cannot be parsed.
func TestBackupCommand_ErrInvalidHostURL(t *testing.T) {
if err := NewBackupCommand().Run("-host", "http://%f"); err == nil || err.Error() != `parse host url: parse http://%f: hexadecimal escape in host` {
// Ensure the backup command returns an error if the output path is not specified.
func TestBackupCommand_ErrPathRequired(t *testing.T) {
if err := NewBackupCommand().Run("-host", "//localhost"); err == nil || err.Error() != `snapshot path required` {
// Ensure the backup returns an error if it cannot connect to the server.
func TestBackupCommand_ErrConnectionRefused(t *testing.T) {
// Start and immediately stop a server so we have a dead port.
s := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {}))
// Execute the backup command.
path := tempfile()
defer os.Remove(path)
if err := NewBackupCommand().Run("-host", s.URL, path); err == nil ||
!(strings.Contains(err.Error(), `connection refused`) || strings.Contains(err.Error(), `No connection could be made`)) {
// Ensure the backup returns any non-200 status codes.
func TestBackupCommand_ErrServerError(t *testing.T) {
s := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
defer s.Close()
// Execute the backup command.
path := tempfile()
defer os.Remove(path)
if err := NewBackupCommand().Run("-host", s.URL, path); err == nil || err.Error() != `download: snapshot error: status=500` {
// BackupCommand is a test wrapper for main.BackupCommand.
type BackupCommand struct {
Stderr bytes.Buffer
// NewBackupCommand returns a new instance of BackupCommand.
func NewBackupCommand() *BackupCommand {
cmd := &BackupCommand{BackupCommand: main.NewBackupCommand()}
cmd.BackupCommand.Stderr = &cmd.Stderr
return cmd

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
package help
import (
// Command displays help for command-line sub-commands.
type Command struct {
Stdout io.Writer
// NewCommand returns a new instance of Command.
func NewCommand() *Command {
return &Command{
Stdout: os.Stdout,
// Run executes the command.
func (cmd *Command) Run(args ...string) error {
fmt.Fprintln(cmd.Stdout, strings.TrimSpace(usage))
return nil
const usage = `
Configure and start an InfluxDB server.
influxd [[command] [arguments]]
The commands are:
backup downloads a snapshot of a data node and saves it to disk
config display the default configuration
restore uses a snapshot of a data node to rebuild a cluster
run run node with existing configuration
version displays the InfluxDB version
"run" is the default command.
Use "influxd help [command]" for more information about a command.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
package main
import (
// These variables are populated via the Go linker.
var (
version string = "0.9"
commit string
branch string
func init() {
// If commit or branch are not set, make that clear.
if commit == "" {
commit = "unknown"
if branch == "" {
branch = "unknown"
func main() {
m := NewMain()
if err := m.Run(os.Args[1:]...); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
// Main represents the program execution.
type Main struct {
Logger *log.Logger
Stdin io.Reader
Stdout io.Writer
Stderr io.Writer
// NewMain return a new instance of Main.
func NewMain() *Main {
return &Main{
Logger: log.New(os.Stderr, "[run] ", log.LstdFlags),
Stdin: os.Stdin,
Stdout: os.Stdout,
Stderr: os.Stderr,
// Run determines and runs the command specified by the CLI args.
func (m *Main) Run(args ...string) error {
name, args := ParseCommandName(args)
// Extract name from args.
switch name {
case "", "run":
cmd := run.NewCommand()
// Tell the server the build details.
cmd.Version = version
cmd.Commit = commit
cmd.Branch = branch
if err := cmd.Run(args...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("run: %s", err)
signalCh := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(signalCh, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
m.Logger.Println("Listening for signals")
// Block until one of the signals above is received
select {
case <-signalCh:
m.Logger.Println("Signal received, initializing clean shutdown...")
go func() {
// Block again until another signal is received, a shutdown timeout elapses,
// or the Command is gracefully closed
m.Logger.Println("Waiting for clean shutdown...")
select {
case <-signalCh:
m.Logger.Println("second signal received, initializing hard shutdown")
case <-time.After(time.Second * 30):
m.Logger.Println("time limit reached, initializing hard shutdown")
case <-cmd.Closed:
m.Logger.Println("server shutdown completed")
// goodbye.
case "backup":
name := backup.NewCommand()
if err := name.Run(args...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("backup: %s", err)
case "restore":
name := restore.NewCommand()
if err := name.Run(args...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("restore: %s", err)
case "config":
if err := run.NewPrintConfigCommand().Run(args...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("config: %s", err)
case "version":
if err := NewVersionCommand().Run(args...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("version: %s", err)
case "help":
if err := help.NewCommand().Run(args...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("help: %s", err)
return fmt.Errorf(`unknown command "%s"`+"\n"+`Run 'influxd help' for usage`+"\n\n", name)
return nil
// ParseCommandName extracts the command name and args from the args list.
func ParseCommandName(args []string) (string, []string) {
// Retrieve command name as first argument.
var name string
if len(args) > 0 && !strings.HasPrefix(args[0], "-") {
name = args[0]
// Special case -h immediately following binary name
if len(args) > 0 && args[0] == "-h" {
name = "help"
// If command is "help" and has an argument then rewrite args to use "-h".
if name == "help" && len(args) > 1 {
args[0], args[1] = args[1], "-h"
name = args[0]
// If a named command is specified then return it with its arguments.
if name != "" {
return name, args[1:]
return "", args
// Command represents the command executed by "influxd version".
type VersionCommand struct {
Stdout io.Writer
Stderr io.Writer
// NewVersionCommand return a new instance of VersionCommand.
func NewVersionCommand() *VersionCommand {
return &VersionCommand{
Stdout: os.Stdout,
Stderr: os.Stderr,
// Run prints the current version and commit info.
func (cmd *VersionCommand) Run(args ...string) error {
// Parse flags in case -h is specified.
fs := flag.NewFlagSet("", flag.ContinueOnError)
fs.Usage = func() { fmt.Fprintln(cmd.Stderr, strings.TrimSpace(versionUsage)) }
if err := fs.Parse(args); err != nil {
return err
// Print version info.
fmt.Fprintf(cmd.Stdout, "InfluxDB v%s (git: %s %s)\n", version, branch, commit)
return nil
var versionUsage = `
usage: version
version displays the InfluxDB version, build branch and git commit hash

View File

@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
package restore
import (
// Command represents the program execution for "influxd restore".
type Command struct {
Stdout io.Writer
Stderr io.Writer
// NewCommand returns a new instance of Command with default settings.
func NewCommand() *Command {
return &Command{
Stdout: os.Stdout,
Stderr: os.Stderr,
// Run executes the program.
func (cmd *Command) Run(args ...string) error {
config, path, err := cmd.parseFlags(args)
if err != nil {
return err
return cmd.Restore(config, path)
func (cmd *Command) Restore(config *Config, path string) error {
// Remove meta and data directories.
if err := os.RemoveAll(config.Meta.Dir); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("remove meta dir: %s", err)
} else if err := os.RemoveAll(config.Data.Dir); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("remove data dir: %s", err)
// Open snapshot file and all incremental backups.
mr, files, err := snapshot.OpenFileMultiReader(path)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("open multireader: %s", err)
defer closeAll(files)
// Unpack files from archive.
if err := cmd.unpack(mr, config); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unpack: %s", err)
// Notify user of completion.
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "restore complete using %s", path)
return nil
// parseFlags parses and validates the command line arguments.
func (cmd *Command) parseFlags(args []string) (*Config, string, error) {
fs := flag.NewFlagSet("", flag.ContinueOnError)
configPath := fs.String("config", "", "")
fs.Usage = cmd.printUsage
if err := fs.Parse(args); err != nil {
return nil, "", err
// Parse configuration file from disk.
if *configPath == "" {
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("config required")
// Parse config.
config := Config{
Meta: meta.NewConfig(),
Data: tsdb.NewConfig(),
if _, err := toml.DecodeFile(*configPath, &config); err != nil {
return nil, "", err
// Require output path.
path := fs.Arg(0)
if path == "" {
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("snapshot path required")
return &config, path, nil
func closeAll(a []io.Closer) {
for _, c := range a {
_ = c.Close()
// unpack expands the files in the snapshot archive into a directory.
func (cmd *Command) unpack(mr *snapshot.MultiReader, config *Config) error {
// Loop over files and extract.
for {
// Read entry header.
sf, err := mr.Next()
if err == io.EOF {
} else if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("next: entry=%s, err=%s", sf.Name, err)
// Log progress.
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "unpacking: %s (%d bytes)\n", sf.Name, sf.Size)
// Handle meta and tsdb files separately.
switch sf.Name {
case "meta":
if err := cmd.unpackMeta(mr, sf, config); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("meta: %s", err)
if err := cmd.unpackData(mr, sf, config); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("data: %s", err)
return nil
// unpackMeta reads the metadata from the snapshot and initializes a raft
// cluster and replaces the root metadata.
func (cmd *Command) unpackMeta(mr *snapshot.MultiReader, sf snapshot.File, config *Config) error {
// Read meta into buffer.
var buf bytes.Buffer
if _, err := io.CopyN(&buf, mr, sf.Size); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("copy: %s", err)
// Unpack into metadata.
var data meta.Data
if err := data.UnmarshalBinary(buf.Bytes()); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unmarshal: %s", err)
// Copy meta config and remove peers so it starts in single mode.
c := config.Meta
c.Peers = nil
// Initialize meta store.
store := meta.NewStore(config.Meta)
store.RaftListener = newNopListener()
store.ExecListener = newNopListener()
// Determine advertised address.
_, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(config.Meta.BindAddress)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("split bind address: %s", err)
hostport := net.JoinHostPort(config.Meta.Hostname, port)
// Resolve address.
addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", hostport)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("resolve tcp: addr=%s, err=%s", hostport, err)
store.Addr = addr
// Open the meta store.
if err := store.Open(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("open store: %s", err)
defer store.Close()
// Wait for the store to be ready or error.
select {
case <-store.Ready():
case err := <-store.Err():
return err
// Force set the full metadata.
if err := store.SetData(&data); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("set data: %s", err)
return nil
func (cmd *Command) unpackData(mr *snapshot.MultiReader, sf snapshot.File, config *Config) error {
path := filepath.Join(config.Data.Dir, sf.Name)
// Create parent directory for output file.
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(path), 0777); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("mkdir: entry=%s, err=%s", sf.Name, err)
// Create output file.
f, err := os.Create(path)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("create: entry=%s, err=%s", sf.Name, err)
defer f.Close()
// Copy contents from reader.
if _, err := io.CopyN(f, mr, sf.Size); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("copy: entry=%s, err=%s", sf.Name, err)
return nil
// printUsage prints the usage message to STDERR.
func (cmd *Command) printUsage() {
fmt.Fprintf(cmd.Stderr, `usage: influxd restore [flags] PATH
restore uses a snapshot of a data node to rebuild a cluster.
-config <path>
Set the path to the configuration file.
// Config represents a partial config for rebuilding the server.
type Config struct {
Meta *meta.Config `toml:"meta"`
Data tsdb.Config `toml:"data"`
type nopListener struct {
closing chan struct{}
func newNopListener() *nopListener {
return &nopListener{make(chan struct{})}
func (ln *nopListener) Accept() (net.Conn, error) {
return nil, errors.New("listener closing")
func (ln *nopListener) Close() error { close(ln.closing); return nil }
func (ln *nopListener) Addr() net.Addr { return nil }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
package restore_test
import (
main "github.com/influxdb/influxdb/cmd/influxd"
func newConfig(path string, port int) main.Config {
config := main.NewConfig()
config.Port = port
config.Broker.Enabled = true
config.Broker.Dir = filepath.Join(path, "broker")
config.Data.Enabled = true
config.Data.Dir = filepath.Join(path, "data")
return *config
// Ensure the restore command can expand a snapshot and bootstrap a broker.
func TestRestoreCommand(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("skipping TestRestoreCommand")
now := time.Now()
// Create root path to server.
path := tempfile()
defer os.Remove(path)
// Parse configuration.
config := newConfig(path, 8900)
// Start server.
cmd := main.NewRunCommand()
node := cmd.Open(&config, "")
if node.Broker == nil {
t.Fatal("cannot run broker")
} else if node.DataNode == nil {
t.Fatal("cannot run server")
b := node.Broker
s := node.DataNode
// Create data.
if err := s.CreateDatabase("db"); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cannot create database: %s", err)
if index, err := s.WriteSeries("db", "default", []tsdb.Point{tsdb.NewPoint("cpu", nil, map[string]interface{}{"value": float64(100)}, now)}); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cannot write series: %s", err)
} else if err = s.Sync(1, index); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("shard sync: %s", err)
// Create snapshot writer.
sw, err := s.CreateSnapshotWriter()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("create snapshot writer: %s", err)
// Snapshot to file.
sspath := tempfile()
f, err := os.Create(sspath)
if err != nil {
// Stop server.
// Remove data & broker directories.
if err := os.RemoveAll(path); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("remove: %s", err)
// Execute the restore.
if err := NewRestoreCommand().Restore(&config, sspath); err != nil {
// Rewrite config to a new port and re-parse.
config = newConfig(path, 8910)
// Restart server.
cmd = main.NewRunCommand()
node = cmd.Open(&config, "")
if b == nil {
t.Fatal("cannot run broker")
} else if s == nil {
t.Fatal("cannot run server")
b = node.Broker
s = node.DataNode
// Write new data.
if err := s.CreateDatabase("newdb"); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cannot create new database: %s", err)
if index, err := s.WriteSeries("newdb", "default", []tsdb.Point{tsdb.NewPoint("mem", nil, map[string]interface{}{"value": float64(1000)}, now)}); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cannot write new series: %s", err)
} else if err = s.Sync(2, index); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("shard sync: %s", err)
// Read series data.
if v, err := s.ReadSeries("db", "default", "cpu", nil, now); err != nil {
} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(v, map[string]interface{}{"value": float64(100)}) {
t.Fatalf("read series(0) mismatch: %#v", v)
// Read new series data.
if v, err := s.ReadSeries("newdb", "default", "mem", nil, now); err != nil {
} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(v, map[string]interface{}{"value": float64(1000)}) {
t.Fatalf("read series(1) mismatch: %#v", v)
// Stop server.
// RestoreCommand is a test wrapper for main.RestoreCommand.
type RestoreCommand struct {
Stderr bytes.Buffer
// NewRestoreCommand returns a new instance of RestoreCommand.
func NewRestoreCommand() *RestoreCommand {
cmd := &RestoreCommand{RestoreCommand: main.NewRestoreCommand()}
cmd.RestoreCommand.Stderr = &cmd.Stderr
return cmd
// MustReadFile reads data from a file. Panic on error.
func MustReadFile(filename string) []byte {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return b

View File

@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
package run
import (
const logo = `
8888888 .d888 888 8888888b. 888888b.
888 d88P" 888 888 "Y88b 888 "88b
888 888 888 888 888 888 .88P
888 88888b. 888888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 8888888K.
888 888 "88b 888 888 888 888 Y8bd8P' 888 888 888 "Y88b
888 888 888 888 888 888 888 X88K 888 888 888 888
888 888 888 888 888 Y88b 888 .d8""8b. 888 .d88P 888 d88P
8888888 888 888 888 888 "Y88888 888 888 8888888P" 8888888P"
// Command represents the command executed by "influxd run".
type Command struct {
Version string
Branch string
Commit string
closing chan struct{}
Closed chan struct{}
Stdin io.Reader
Stdout io.Writer
Stderr io.Writer
Server *Server
// NewCommand return a new instance of Command.
func NewCommand() *Command {
return &Command{
closing: make(chan struct{}),
Closed: make(chan struct{}),
Stdin: os.Stdin,
Stdout: os.Stdout,
Stderr: os.Stderr,
// Run parses the config from args and runs the server.
func (cmd *Command) Run(args ...string) error {
// Parse the command line flags.
options, err := cmd.ParseFlags(args...)
if err != nil {
return err
// Print sweet InfluxDB logo.
// Mark start-up in log.
log.Printf("InfluxDB starting, version %s, branch %s, commit %s", cmd.Version, cmd.Branch, cmd.Commit)
log.Printf("Go version %s, GOMAXPROCS set to %d", runtime.Version(), runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0))
// Write the PID file.
if err := cmd.writePIDFile(options.PIDFile); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("write pid file: %s", err)
// Turn on block profiling to debug stuck databases
runtime.SetBlockProfileRate(int(1 * time.Second))
// Parse config
config, err := cmd.ParseConfig(options.ConfigPath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("parse config: %s", err)
// Apply any environment variables on top of the parsed config
if err := config.ApplyEnvOverrides(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("apply env config: %v", err)
// Override config hostname if specified in the command line args.
if options.Hostname != "" {
config.Meta.Hostname = options.Hostname
if options.Join != "" {
config.Meta.Peers = strings.Split(options.Join, ",")
// Validate the configuration.
if err := config.Validate(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s. To generate a valid configuration file run `influxd config > influxdb.generated.conf`.", err)
// Create server from config and start it.
buildInfo := &BuildInfo{Version: cmd.Version, Commit: cmd.Commit, Branch: cmd.Branch}
s, err := NewServer(config, buildInfo)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("create server: %s", err)
s.CPUProfile = options.CPUProfile
s.MemProfile = options.MemProfile
if err := s.Open(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("open server: %s", err)
cmd.Server = s
// Begin monitoring the server's error channel.
go cmd.monitorServerErrors()
return nil
// Close shuts down the server.
func (cmd *Command) Close() error {
defer close(cmd.Closed)
if cmd.Server != nil {
return cmd.Server.Close()
return nil
func (cmd *Command) monitorServerErrors() {
logger := log.New(cmd.Stderr, "", log.LstdFlags)
for {
select {
case err := <-cmd.Server.Err():
case <-cmd.closing:
// ParseFlags parses the command line flags from args and returns an options set.
func (cmd *Command) ParseFlags(args ...string) (Options, error) {
var options Options
fs := flag.NewFlagSet("", flag.ContinueOnError)
fs.StringVar(&options.ConfigPath, "config", "", "")
fs.StringVar(&options.PIDFile, "pidfile", "", "")
fs.StringVar(&options.Hostname, "hostname", "", "")
fs.StringVar(&options.Join, "join", "", "")
fs.StringVar(&options.CPUProfile, "cpuprofile", "", "")
fs.StringVar(&options.MemProfile, "memprofile", "", "")
fs.Usage = func() { fmt.Fprintln(cmd.Stderr, usage) }
if err := fs.Parse(args); err != nil {
return Options{}, err
return options, nil
// writePIDFile writes the process ID to path.
func (cmd *Command) writePIDFile(path string) error {
// Ignore if path is not set.
if path == "" {
return nil
// Ensure the required directory structure exists.
err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(path), 0777)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("mkdir: %s", err)
// Retrieve the PID and write it.
pid := strconv.Itoa(os.Getpid())
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(path, []byte(pid), 0666); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("write file: %s", err)
return nil
// ParseConfig parses the config at path.
// Returns a demo configuration if path is blank.
func (cmd *Command) ParseConfig(path string) (*Config, error) {
// Use demo configuration if no config path is specified.
if path == "" {
log.Println("no configuration provided, using default settings")
return NewDemoConfig()
log.Printf("Using configuration at: %s\n", path)
config := NewConfig()
if _, err := toml.DecodeFile(path, &config); err != nil {
return nil, err
return config, nil
var usage = `usage: run [flags]
run starts the broker and data node server. If this is the first time running
the command then a new cluster will be initialized unless the -join argument
is used.
-config <path>
Set the path to the configuration file.
-hostname <name>
Override the hostname, the 'hostname' configuration
option will be overridden.
-join <url>
Joins the server to an existing cluster.
-pidfile <path>
Write process ID to a file.
// Options represents the command line options that can be parsed.
type Options struct {
ConfigPath string
PIDFile string
Hostname string
Join string
CPUProfile string
MemProfile string

View File

@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
package run
import (
// Config represents the configuration format for the influxd binary.
type Config struct {
Meta *meta.Config `toml:"meta"`
Data tsdb.Config `toml:"data"`
Cluster cluster.Config `toml:"cluster"`
Retention retention.Config `toml:"retention"`
Precreator precreator.Config `toml:"shard-precreation"`
Admin admin.Config `toml:"admin"`
Monitor monitor.Config `toml:"monitor"`
HTTPD httpd.Config `toml:"http"`
Graphites []graphite.Config `toml:"graphite"`
Collectd collectd.Config `toml:"collectd"`
OpenTSDB opentsdb.Config `toml:"opentsdb"`
UDPs []udp.Config `toml:"udp"`
// Snapshot SnapshotConfig `toml:"snapshot"`
ContinuousQuery continuous_querier.Config `toml:"continuous_queries"`
HintedHandoff hh.Config `toml:"hinted-handoff"`
// Server reporting
ReportingDisabled bool `toml:"reporting-disabled"`
// NewConfig returns an instance of Config with reasonable defaults.
func NewConfig() *Config {
c := &Config{}
c.Meta = meta.NewConfig()
c.Data = tsdb.NewConfig()
c.Cluster = cluster.NewConfig()
c.Precreator = precreator.NewConfig()
c.Admin = admin.NewConfig()
c.Monitor = monitor.NewConfig()
c.HTTPD = httpd.NewConfig()
c.Collectd = collectd.NewConfig()
c.OpenTSDB = opentsdb.NewConfig()
c.ContinuousQuery = continuous_querier.NewConfig()
c.Retention = retention.NewConfig()
c.HintedHandoff = hh.NewConfig()
return c
// NewDemoConfig returns the config that runs when no config is specified.
func NewDemoConfig() (*Config, error) {
c := NewConfig()
var homeDir string
// By default, store meta and data files in current users home directory
u, err := user.Current()
if err == nil {
homeDir = u.HomeDir
} else if os.Getenv("HOME") != "" {
homeDir = os.Getenv("HOME")
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to determine current user for storage")
c.Meta.Dir = filepath.Join(homeDir, ".influxdb/meta")
c.Data.Dir = filepath.Join(homeDir, ".influxdb/data")
c.HintedHandoff.Dir = filepath.Join(homeDir, ".influxdb/hh")
c.Data.WALDir = filepath.Join(homeDir, ".influxdb/wal")
c.Admin.Enabled = true
return c, nil
// Validate returns an error if the config is invalid.
func (c *Config) Validate() error {
if c.Meta.Dir == "" {
return errors.New("Meta.Dir must be specified")
} else if c.Data.Dir == "" {
return errors.New("Data.Dir must be specified")
} else if c.HintedHandoff.Dir == "" {
return errors.New("HintedHandoff.Dir must be specified")
} else if c.Data.WALDir == "" {
return errors.New("Data.WALDir must be specified")
for _, g := range c.Graphites {
if err := g.Validate(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid graphite config: %v", err)
return nil
func (c *Config) ApplyEnvOverrides() error {
return c.applyEnvOverrides("INFLUXDB", reflect.ValueOf(c))
func (c *Config) applyEnvOverrides(prefix string, spec reflect.Value) error {
// If we have a pointer, dereference it
s := spec
if spec.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
s = spec.Elem()
// Make sure we have struct
if s.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return nil
typeOfSpec := s.Type()
for i := 0; i < s.NumField(); i++ {
f := s.Field(i)
// Get the toml tag to determine what env var name to use
configName := typeOfSpec.Field(i).Tag.Get("toml")
// Replace hyphens with underscores to avoid issues with shells
configName = strings.Replace(configName, "-", "_", -1)
fieldName := typeOfSpec.Field(i).Name
// Skip any fields that we cannot set
if f.CanSet() || f.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
// Use the upper-case prefix and toml name for the env var
key := strings.ToUpper(configName)
if prefix != "" {
key = strings.ToUpper(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", prefix, configName))
value := os.Getenv(key)
// If the type is s slice, apply to each using the index as a suffix
// e.g. GRAPHITE_0
if f.Kind() == reflect.Slice || f.Kind() == reflect.Array {
for i := 0; i < f.Len(); i++ {
if err := c.applyEnvOverrides(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%d", key, i), f.Index(i)); err != nil {
return err
// If it's a sub-config, recursively apply
if f.Kind() == reflect.Struct || f.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
if err := c.applyEnvOverrides(key, f); err != nil {
return err
// Skip any fields we don't have a value to set
if value == "" {
switch f.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
var intValue int64
// Handle toml.Duration
if f.Type().Name() == "Duration" {
dur, err := time.ParseDuration(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to apply %v to %v using type %v and value '%v'", key, fieldName, f.Type().String(), value)
intValue = dur.Nanoseconds()
} else {
var err error
intValue, err = strconv.ParseInt(value, 0, f.Type().Bits())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to apply %v to %v using type %v and value '%v'", key, fieldName, f.Type().String(), value)
case reflect.Bool:
boolValue, err := strconv.ParseBool(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to apply %v to %v using type %v and value '%v'", key, fieldName, f.Type().String(), value)
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
floatValue, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, f.Type().Bits())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to apply %v to %v using type %v and value '%v'", key, fieldName, f.Type().String(), value)
if err := c.applyEnvOverrides(key, f); err != nil {
return err
return nil

View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
package run
import (
// PrintConfigCommand represents the command executed by "influxd config".
type PrintConfigCommand struct {
Stdin io.Reader
Stdout io.Writer
Stderr io.Writer
// NewPrintConfigCommand return a new instance of PrintConfigCommand.
func NewPrintConfigCommand() *PrintConfigCommand {
return &PrintConfigCommand{
Stdin: os.Stdin,
Stdout: os.Stdout,
Stderr: os.Stderr,
// Run parses and prints the current config loaded.
func (cmd *PrintConfigCommand) Run(args ...string) error {
// Parse command flags.
fs := flag.NewFlagSet("", flag.ContinueOnError)
configPath := fs.String("config", "", "")
hostname := fs.String("hostname", "", "")
fs.Usage = func() { fmt.Fprintln(cmd.Stderr, printConfigUsage) }
if err := fs.Parse(args); err != nil {
return err
// Parse config from path.
config, err := cmd.parseConfig(*configPath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("parse config: %s", err)
// Apply any environment variables on top of the parsed config
if err := config.ApplyEnvOverrides(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("apply env config: %v", err)
// Override config properties.
if *hostname != "" {
config.Meta.Hostname = *hostname
// Validate the configuration.
if err := config.Validate(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s. To generate a valid configuration file run `influxd config > influxdb.generated.conf`.", err)
fmt.Fprint(cmd.Stdout, "\n")
return nil
// ParseConfig parses the config at path.
// Returns a demo configuration if path is blank.
func (cmd *PrintConfigCommand) parseConfig(path string) (*Config, error) {
if path == "" {
return NewDemoConfig()
config := NewConfig()
if _, err := toml.DecodeFile(path, &config); err != nil {
return nil, err
return config, nil
var printConfigUsage = `usage: config
config displays the default configuration

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
package run_test
import (
// Ensure the configuration can be parsed.
func TestConfig_Parse(t *testing.T) {
// Parse configuration.
var c run.Config
if _, err := toml.Decode(`
dir = "/tmp/meta"
dir = "/tmp/data"
bind-address = ":8083"
bind-address = ":8087"
protocol = "udp"
protocol = "tcp"
bind-address = ":1000"
bind-address = ":2000"
bind-address = ":4444"
enabled = true
enabled = true
`, &c); err != nil {
// Validate configuration.
if c.Meta.Dir != "/tmp/meta" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected meta dir: %s", c.Meta.Dir)
} else if c.Data.Dir != "/tmp/data" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected data dir: %s", c.Data.Dir)
} else if c.Admin.BindAddress != ":8083" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected admin bind address: %s", c.Admin.BindAddress)
} else if c.HTTPD.BindAddress != ":8087" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected api bind address: %s", c.HTTPD.BindAddress)
} else if len(c.Graphites) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected graphites count: %d", len(c.Graphites))
} else if c.Graphites[0].Protocol != "udp" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected graphite protocol(0): %s", c.Graphites[0].Protocol)
} else if c.Graphites[1].Protocol != "tcp" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected graphite protocol(1): %s", c.Graphites[1].Protocol)
} else if c.Collectd.BindAddress != ":1000" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected collectd bind address: %s", c.Collectd.BindAddress)
} else if c.OpenTSDB.BindAddress != ":2000" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected opentsdb bind address: %s", c.OpenTSDB.BindAddress)
} else if c.UDPs[0].BindAddress != ":4444" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected udp bind address: %s", c.UDPs[0].BindAddress)
} else if c.ContinuousQuery.Enabled != true {
t.Fatalf("unexpected continuous query enabled: %v", c.ContinuousQuery.Enabled)
// Ensure the configuration can be parsed.
func TestConfig_Parse_EnvOverride(t *testing.T) {
// Parse configuration.
var c run.Config
if _, err := toml.Decode(`
dir = "/tmp/meta"
dir = "/tmp/data"
bind-address = ":8083"
bind-address = ":8087"
protocol = "udp"
protocol = "tcp"
bind-address = ":1000"
bind-address = ":2000"
bind-address = ":4444"
enabled = true
enabled = true
`, &c); err != nil {
if err := os.Setenv("INFLUXDB_UDP_BIND_ADDRESS", ":1234"); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to set env var: %v", err)
if err := os.Setenv("INFLUXDB_GRAPHITE_1_PROTOCOL", "udp"); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to set env var: %v", err)
if err := c.ApplyEnvOverrides(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to apply env overrides: %v", err)
if c.UDPs[0].BindAddress != ":4444" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected udp bind address: %s", c.UDPs[0].BindAddress)
if c.Graphites[1].Protocol != "udp" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected graphite protocol(0): %s", c.Graphites[0].Protocol)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
package run
import (
_ "github.com/influxdb/influxdb/tsdb/engine"
// BuildInfo represents the build details for the server code.
type BuildInfo struct {
Version string
Commit string
Branch string
// Server represents a container for the metadata and storage data and services.
// It is built using a Config and it manages the startup and shutdown of all
// services in the proper order.
type Server struct {
buildInfo BuildInfo
err chan error
closing chan struct{}
Hostname string
BindAddress string
Listener net.Listener
MetaStore *meta.Store
TSDBStore *tsdb.Store
QueryExecutor *tsdb.QueryExecutor
PointsWriter *cluster.PointsWriter
ShardWriter *cluster.ShardWriter
ShardMapper *cluster.ShardMapper
HintedHandoff *hh.Service
Services []Service
// These references are required for the tcp muxer.
ClusterService *cluster.Service
SnapshotterService *snapshotter.Service
CopierService *copier.Service
Monitor *monitor.Monitor
// Server reporting
reportingDisabled bool
// Profiling
CPUProfile string
MemProfile string
// NewServer returns a new instance of Server built from a config.
func NewServer(c *Config, buildInfo *BuildInfo) (*Server, error) {
// Construct base meta store and data store.
tsdbStore := tsdb.NewStore(c.Data.Dir)
tsdbStore.EngineOptions.Config = c.Data
s := &Server{
buildInfo: *buildInfo,
err: make(chan error),
closing: make(chan struct{}),
Hostname: c.Meta.Hostname,
BindAddress: c.Meta.BindAddress,
MetaStore: meta.NewStore(c.Meta),
TSDBStore: tsdbStore,
Monitor: monitor.New(c.Monitor),
reportingDisabled: c.ReportingDisabled,
// Copy TSDB configuration.
s.TSDBStore.EngineOptions.MaxWALSize = c.Data.MaxWALSize
s.TSDBStore.EngineOptions.WALFlushInterval = time.Duration(c.Data.WALFlushInterval)
s.TSDBStore.EngineOptions.WALPartitionFlushDelay = time.Duration(c.Data.WALPartitionFlushDelay)
// Set the shard mapper
s.ShardMapper = cluster.NewShardMapper(time.Duration(c.Cluster.ShardMapperTimeout))
s.ShardMapper.ForceRemoteMapping = c.Cluster.ForceRemoteShardMapping
s.ShardMapper.MetaStore = s.MetaStore
s.ShardMapper.TSDBStore = s.TSDBStore
// Initialize query executor.
s.QueryExecutor = tsdb.NewQueryExecutor(s.TSDBStore)
s.QueryExecutor.MetaStore = s.MetaStore
s.QueryExecutor.MetaStatementExecutor = &meta.StatementExecutor{Store: s.MetaStore}
s.QueryExecutor.MonitorStatementExecutor = &monitor.StatementExecutor{Monitor: s.Monitor}
s.QueryExecutor.ShardMapper = s.ShardMapper
// Set the shard writer
s.ShardWriter = cluster.NewShardWriter(time.Duration(c.Cluster.ShardWriterTimeout))
s.ShardWriter.MetaStore = s.MetaStore
// Create the hinted handoff service
s.HintedHandoff = hh.NewService(c.HintedHandoff, s.ShardWriter)
// Initialize points writer.
s.PointsWriter = cluster.NewPointsWriter()
s.PointsWriter.WriteTimeout = time.Duration(c.Cluster.WriteTimeout)
s.PointsWriter.MetaStore = s.MetaStore
s.PointsWriter.TSDBStore = s.TSDBStore
s.PointsWriter.ShardWriter = s.ShardWriter
s.PointsWriter.HintedHandoff = s.HintedHandoff
// Initialize the monitor
s.Monitor.Version = s.buildInfo.Version
s.Monitor.Commit = s.buildInfo.Commit
s.Monitor.Branch = s.buildInfo.Branch
s.Monitor.MetaStore = s.MetaStore
s.Monitor.PointsWriter = s.PointsWriter
// Append services.
if err := s.appendOpenTSDBService(c.OpenTSDB); err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, g := range c.UDPs {
for _, g := range c.Graphites {
if err := s.appendGraphiteService(g); err != nil {
return nil, err
return s, nil
func (s *Server) appendClusterService(c cluster.Config) {
srv := cluster.NewService(c)
srv.TSDBStore = s.TSDBStore
srv.MetaStore = s.MetaStore
s.Services = append(s.Services, srv)
s.ClusterService = srv
func (s *Server) appendSnapshotterService() {
srv := snapshotter.NewService()
srv.TSDBStore = s.TSDBStore
srv.MetaStore = s.MetaStore
s.Services = append(s.Services, srv)
s.SnapshotterService = srv
func (s *Server) appendCopierService() {
srv := copier.NewService()
srv.TSDBStore = s.TSDBStore
s.Services = append(s.Services, srv)
s.CopierService = srv
func (s *Server) appendRetentionPolicyService(c retention.Config) {
if !c.Enabled {
srv := retention.NewService(c)
srv.MetaStore = s.MetaStore
srv.TSDBStore = s.TSDBStore
s.Services = append(s.Services, srv)
func (s *Server) appendAdminService(c admin.Config) {
if !c.Enabled {
srv := admin.NewService(c)
s.Services = append(s.Services, srv)
func (s *Server) appendHTTPDService(c httpd.Config) {
if !c.Enabled {
srv := httpd.NewService(c)
srv.Handler.MetaStore = s.MetaStore
srv.Handler.QueryExecutor = s.QueryExecutor
srv.Handler.PointsWriter = s.PointsWriter
srv.Handler.Version = s.buildInfo.Version
// If a ContinuousQuerier service has been started, attach it.
for _, srvc := range s.Services {
if cqsrvc, ok := srvc.(continuous_querier.ContinuousQuerier); ok {
srv.Handler.ContinuousQuerier = cqsrvc
s.Services = append(s.Services, srv)
func (s *Server) appendCollectdService(c collectd.Config) {
if !c.Enabled {
srv := collectd.NewService(c)
srv.MetaStore = s.MetaStore
srv.PointsWriter = s.PointsWriter
s.Services = append(s.Services, srv)
func (s *Server) appendOpenTSDBService(c opentsdb.Config) error {
if !c.Enabled {
return nil
srv, err := opentsdb.NewService(c)
if err != nil {
return err
srv.PointsWriter = s.PointsWriter
srv.MetaStore = s.MetaStore
s.Services = append(s.Services, srv)
return nil
func (s *Server) appendGraphiteService(c graphite.Config) error {
if !c.Enabled {
return nil
srv, err := graphite.NewService(c)
if err != nil {
return err
srv.PointsWriter = s.PointsWriter
srv.MetaStore = s.MetaStore
srv.Monitor = s.Monitor
s.Services = append(s.Services, srv)
return nil
func (s *Server) appendPrecreatorService(c precreator.Config) error {
if !c.Enabled {
return nil
srv, err := precreator.NewService(c)
if err != nil {
return err
srv.MetaStore = s.MetaStore
s.Services = append(s.Services, srv)
return nil
func (s *Server) appendUDPService(c udp.Config) {
if !c.Enabled {
srv := udp.NewService(c)
srv.PointsWriter = s.PointsWriter
s.Services = append(s.Services, srv)
func (s *Server) appendContinuousQueryService(c continuous_querier.Config) {
if !c.Enabled {
srv := continuous_querier.NewService(c)
srv.MetaStore = s.MetaStore
srv.QueryExecutor = s.QueryExecutor
srv.PointsWriter = s.PointsWriter
s.Services = append(s.Services, srv)
// Err returns an error channel that multiplexes all out of band errors received from all services.
func (s *Server) Err() <-chan error { return s.err }
// Open opens the meta and data store and all services.
func (s *Server) Open() error {
if err := func() error {
// Start profiling, if set.
startProfile(s.CPUProfile, s.MemProfile)
host, port, err := s.hostAddr()
if err != nil {
return err
hostport := net.JoinHostPort(host, port)
addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", hostport)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("resolve tcp: addr=%s, err=%s", hostport, err)
s.MetaStore.Addr = addr
s.MetaStore.RemoteAddr = &tcpaddr{hostport}
// Open shared TCP connection.
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", s.BindAddress)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("listen: %s", err)
s.Listener = ln
// The port 0 is used, we need to retrieve the port assigned by the kernel
if strings.HasSuffix(s.BindAddress, ":0") {
s.MetaStore.Addr = ln.Addr()
// Multiplex listener.
mux := tcp.NewMux()
s.MetaStore.RaftListener = mux.Listen(meta.MuxRaftHeader)
s.MetaStore.ExecListener = mux.Listen(meta.MuxExecHeader)
s.MetaStore.RPCListener = mux.Listen(meta.MuxRPCHeader)
s.ClusterService.Listener = mux.Listen(cluster.MuxHeader)
s.SnapshotterService.Listener = mux.Listen(snapshotter.MuxHeader)
s.CopierService.Listener = mux.Listen(copier.MuxHeader)
go mux.Serve(ln)
// Open meta store.
if err := s.MetaStore.Open(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("open meta store: %s", err)
go s.monitorErrorChan(s.MetaStore.Err())
// Wait for the store to initialize.
if err := s.Monitor.Open(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("open monitor: %v", err)
// Open TSDB store.
if err := s.TSDBStore.Open(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("open tsdb store: %s", err)
// Open the hinted handoff service
if err := s.HintedHandoff.Open(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("open hinted handoff: %s", err)
for _, service := range s.Services {
if err := service.Open(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("open service: %s", err)
// Start the reporting service, if not disabled.
if !s.reportingDisabled {
go s.startServerReporting()
return nil
}(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Close shuts down the meta and data stores and all services.
func (s *Server) Close() error {
// Close the listener first to stop any new connections
if s.Listener != nil {
// Close services to allow any inflight requests to complete
// and prevent new requests from being accepted.
for _, service := range s.Services {
if s.Monitor != nil {
if s.HintedHandoff != nil {
// Close the TSDBStore, no more reads or writes at this point
if s.TSDBStore != nil {
// Finally close the meta-store since everything else depends on it
if s.MetaStore != nil {
return nil
// startServerReporting starts periodic server reporting.
func (s *Server) startServerReporting() {
for {
select {
case <-s.closing:
if err := s.MetaStore.WaitForLeader(30 * time.Second); err != nil {
log.Printf("no leader available for reporting: %s", err.Error())
<-time.After(24 * time.Hour)
// reportServer reports anonymous statistics about the system.
func (s *Server) reportServer() {
dis, err := s.MetaStore.Databases()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to retrieve databases for reporting: %s", err.Error())
numDatabases := len(dis)
numMeasurements := 0
numSeries := 0
for _, di := range dis {
d := s.TSDBStore.DatabaseIndex(di.Name)
if d == nil {
// No data in this store for this database.
m, s := d.MeasurementSeriesCounts()
numMeasurements += m
numSeries += s
clusterID, err := s.MetaStore.ClusterID()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to retrieve cluster ID for reporting: %s", err.Error())
json := fmt.Sprintf(`[{
"columns":["os", "arch", "version", "server_id", "cluster_id", "num_series", "num_measurements", "num_databases"],
"points":[["%s", "%s", "%s", "%x", "%x", "%d", "%d", "%d"]]
}]`, runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH, s.buildInfo.Version, s.MetaStore.NodeID(), clusterID, numSeries, numMeasurements, numDatabases)
data := bytes.NewBufferString(json)
log.Printf("Sending anonymous usage statistics to m.influxdb.com")
client := http.Client{Timeout: time.Duration(5 * time.Second)}
go client.Post("http://m.influxdb.com:8086/db/reporting/series?u=reporter&p=influxdb", "application/json", data)
// monitorErrorChan reads an error channel and resends it through the server.
func (s *Server) monitorErrorChan(ch <-chan error) {
for {
select {
case err, ok := <-ch:
if !ok {
s.err <- err
case <-s.closing:
// hostAddr returns the host and port that remote nodes will use to reach this
// node.
func (s *Server) hostAddr() (string, string, error) {
// Resolve host to address.
_, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(s.BindAddress)
if err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("split bind address: %s", err)
host := s.Hostname
// See if we might have a port that will override the BindAddress port
if host != "" && host[len(host)-1] >= '0' && host[len(host)-1] <= '9' && strings.Contains(host, ":") {
hostArg, portArg, err := net.SplitHostPort(s.Hostname)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
if hostArg != "" {
host = hostArg
if portArg != "" {
port = portArg
return host, port, nil
// Service represents a service attached to the server.
type Service interface {
Open() error
Close() error
// prof stores the file locations of active profiles.
var prof struct {
cpu *os.File
mem *os.File
// StartProfile initializes the cpu and memory profile, if specified.
func startProfile(cpuprofile, memprofile string) {
if cpuprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(cpuprofile)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("cpuprofile: %v", err)
log.Printf("writing CPU profile to: %s\n", cpuprofile)
prof.cpu = f
if memprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(memprofile)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("memprofile: %v", err)
log.Printf("writing mem profile to: %s\n", memprofile)
prof.mem = f
runtime.MemProfileRate = 4096
// StopProfile closes the cpu and memory profiles if they are running.
func stopProfile() {
if prof.cpu != nil {
log.Println("CPU profile stopped")
if prof.mem != nil {
pprof.Lookup("heap").WriteTo(prof.mem, 0)
log.Println("mem profile stopped")
type tcpaddr struct{ host string }
func (a *tcpaddr) Network() string { return "tcp" }
func (a *tcpaddr) String() string { return a.host }

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@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
// This package is a set of convenience helpers and structs to make integration testing easier
package run_test
import (
// Server represents a test wrapper for run.Server.
type Server struct {
Config *run.Config
// NewServer returns a new instance of Server.
func NewServer(c *run.Config) *Server {
buildInfo := &run.BuildInfo{
Version: "testServer",
Commit: "testCommit",
Branch: "testBranch",
srv, _ := run.NewServer(c, buildInfo)
s := Server{
Server: srv,
Config: c,
s.TSDBStore.EngineOptions.Config = c.Data
return &s
// OpenServer opens a test server.
func OpenServer(c *run.Config, joinURLs string) *Server {
s := NewServer(c)
if err := s.Open(); err != nil {
return s
// OpenServerWithVersion opens a test server with a specific version.
func OpenServerWithVersion(c *run.Config, version string) *Server {
buildInfo := &run.BuildInfo{
Version: version,
Commit: "",
Branch: "",
srv, _ := run.NewServer(c, buildInfo)
s := Server{
Server: srv,
Config: c,
if err := s.Open(); err != nil {
return &s
// Close shuts down the server and removes all temporary paths.
func (s *Server) Close() {
// URL returns the base URL for the httpd endpoint.
func (s *Server) URL() string {
for _, service := range s.Services {
if service, ok := service.(*httpd.Service); ok {
return "http://" + service.Addr().String()
panic("httpd server not found in services")
// CreateDatabaseAndRetentionPolicy will create the database and retention policy.
func (s *Server) CreateDatabaseAndRetentionPolicy(db string, rp *meta.RetentionPolicyInfo) error {
if _, err := s.MetaStore.CreateDatabase(db); err != nil {
return err
} else if _, err := s.MetaStore.CreateRetentionPolicy(db, rp); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Query executes a query against the server and returns the results.
func (s *Server) Query(query string) (results string, err error) {
return s.QueryWithParams(query, nil)
// Query executes a query against the server and returns the results.
func (s *Server) QueryWithParams(query string, values url.Values) (results string, err error) {
if values == nil {
values = url.Values{}
values.Set("q", query)
return s.HTTPGet(s.URL() + "/query?" + values.Encode())
// HTTPGet makes an HTTP GET request to the server and returns the response.
func (s *Server) HTTPGet(url string) (results string, err error) {
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
return "", err
body := string(MustReadAll(resp.Body))
switch resp.StatusCode {
case http.StatusBadRequest:
if !expectPattern(".*error parsing query*.", body) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unexpected status code: code=%d, body=%s", resp.StatusCode, body)
return body, nil
case http.StatusOK:
return body, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("unexpected status code: code=%d, body=%s", resp.StatusCode, body)
// HTTPPost makes an HTTP POST request to the server and returns the response.
func (s *Server) HTTPPost(url string, content []byte) (results string, err error) {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(content)
resp, err := http.Post(url, "application/json", buf)
if err != nil {
return "", err
body := string(MustReadAll(resp.Body))
switch resp.StatusCode {
case http.StatusBadRequest:
if !expectPattern(".*error parsing query*.", body) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unexpected status code: code=%d, body=%s", resp.StatusCode, body)
return body, nil
case http.StatusOK, http.StatusNoContent:
return body, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("unexpected status code: code=%d, body=%s", resp.StatusCode, body)
// Write executes a write against the server and returns the results.
func (s *Server) Write(db, rp, body string, params url.Values) (results string, err error) {
if params == nil {
params = url.Values{}
if params.Get("db") == "" {
params.Set("db", db)
if params.Get("rp") == "" {
params.Set("rp", rp)
resp, err := http.Post(s.URL()+"/write?"+params.Encode(), "", strings.NewReader(body))
if err != nil {
return "", err
} else if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK && resp.StatusCode != http.StatusNoContent {
return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid status code: code=%d, body=%s", resp.StatusCode, MustReadAll(resp.Body))
return string(MustReadAll(resp.Body)), nil
// NewConfig returns the default config with temporary paths.
func NewConfig() *run.Config {
c := run.NewConfig()
c.ReportingDisabled = true
c.Cluster.ShardWriterTimeout = toml.Duration(30 * time.Second)
c.Cluster.WriteTimeout = toml.Duration(30 * time.Second)
c.Meta.Dir = MustTempFile()
c.Meta.BindAddress = ""
c.Meta.HeartbeatTimeout = toml.Duration(50 * time.Millisecond)
c.Meta.ElectionTimeout = toml.Duration(50 * time.Millisecond)
c.Meta.LeaderLeaseTimeout = toml.Duration(50 * time.Millisecond)
c.Meta.CommitTimeout = toml.Duration(5 * time.Millisecond)
c.Data.Dir = MustTempFile()
c.Data.WALDir = MustTempFile()
c.Data.WALLoggingEnabled = false
c.HintedHandoff.Dir = MustTempFile()
c.HTTPD.Enabled = true
c.HTTPD.BindAddress = ""
c.HTTPD.LogEnabled = testing.Verbose()
c.Monitor.StoreEnabled = false
return c
func newRetentionPolicyInfo(name string, rf int, duration time.Duration) *meta.RetentionPolicyInfo {
return &meta.RetentionPolicyInfo{Name: name, ReplicaN: rf, Duration: duration}
func maxFloat64() string {
maxFloat64, _ := json.Marshal(math.MaxFloat64)
return string(maxFloat64)
func maxInt64() string {
maxInt64, _ := json.Marshal(^int64(0))
return string(maxInt64)
func now() time.Time {
return time.Now().UTC()
func yesterday() time.Time {
return now().Add(-1 * time.Hour * 24)
func mustParseTime(layout, value string) time.Time {
tm, err := time.Parse(layout, value)
if err != nil {
return tm
// MustReadAll reads r. Panic on error.
func MustReadAll(r io.Reader) []byte {
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
return b
// MustTempFile returns a path to a temporary file.
func MustTempFile() string {
f, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "influxd-")
if err != nil {
return f.Name()
func expectPattern(exp, act string) bool {
re := regexp.MustCompile(exp)
if !re.MatchString(act) {
return false
return true
type Query struct {
name string
command string
params url.Values
exp, act string
pattern bool
skip bool
repeat int
// Execute runs the command and returns an err if it fails
func (q *Query) Execute(s *Server) (err error) {
if q.params == nil {
q.act, err = s.Query(q.command)
q.act, err = s.QueryWithParams(q.command, q.params)
func (q *Query) success() bool {
if q.pattern {
return expectPattern(q.exp, q.act)
return q.exp == q.act
func (q *Query) Error(err error) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v", q.name, err)
func (q *Query) failureMessage() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: unexpected results\nquery: %s\nexp: %s\nactual: %s\n", q.name, q.command, q.exp, q.act)
type Test struct {
initialized bool
write string
params url.Values
db string
rp string
exp string
queries []*Query
func NewTest(db, rp string) Test {
return Test{
db: db,
rp: rp,
func (t *Test) addQueries(q ...*Query) {
t.queries = append(t.queries, q...)
func (t *Test) init(s *Server) error {
if t.write == "" || t.initialized {
return nil
t.initialized = true
if res, err := s.Write(t.db, t.rp, t.write, t.params); err != nil {
return err
} else if t.exp != res {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected results\nexp: %s\ngot: %s\n", t.exp, res)
return nil
func configureLogging(s *Server) {
// Set the logger to discard unless verbose is on
if !testing.Verbose() {
type logSetter interface {
nullLogger := log.New(ioutil.Discard, "", 0)
s.MetaStore.Logger = nullLogger
s.TSDBStore.Logger = nullLogger
for _, service := range s.Services {
if service, ok := service.(logSetter); ok {

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
# Server Integration Tests
Currently, the file `server_test.go` has integration tests for single node scenarios.
At some point we'll need to add cluster tests, and may add them in a different file, or
rename `server_test.go` to `server_single_node_test.go` or something like that.
## What is in a test?
Each test is broken apart effectively into the following areas:
- Write sample data
- Use cases for table driven test, that include a command (typically a query) and an expected result.
When each test runs it does the following:
- init: determines if there are any writes and if so, writes them to the in-memory database
- queries: iterate through each query, executing the command, and comparing the results to the expected result.
## Idempotent - Allows for parallel tests
Each test should be `idempotent`, meaining that its data will not be affected by other tests, or use cases within the table tests themselves.
This allows for parallel testing, keeping the test suite total execution time very low.
### Basic sample test
// Ensure the server can have a database with multiple measurements.
func TestServer_Query_Multiple_Measurements(t *testing.T) {
s := OpenServer(NewConfig(), "")
defer s.Close()
if err := s.CreateDatabaseAndRetentionPolicy("db0", newRetentionPolicyInfo("rp0", 1, 1*time.Hour)); err != nil {
// Make sure we do writes for measurements that will span across shards
writes := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("cpu,host=server01 value=100,core=4 %d", mustParseTime(time.RFC3339Nano, "2000-01-01T00:00:00Z").UnixNano()),
fmt.Sprintf("cpu1,host=server02 value=50,core=2 %d", mustParseTime(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z").UnixNano()),
test := NewTest("db0", "rp0")
test.write = strings.Join(writes, "\n")
name: "measurement in one shard but not another shouldn't panic server",
command: `SELECT host,value FROM db0.rp0.cpu`,
exp: `{"results":[{"series":[{"name":"cpu","tags":{"host":"server01"},"columns":["time","value"],"values":[["2000-01-01T00:00:00Z",100]]}]}]}`,
if err := test.init(s); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("test init failed: %s", err)
for _, query := range test.queries {
if query.skip {
t.Logf("SKIP:: %s", query.name)
if err := query.Execute(s); err != nil {
} else if !query.success() {
Let's break this down:
In this test, we first tell it to run in parallel with the `t.Parallel()` call.
We then open a new server with:
s := OpenServer(NewConfig(), "")
defer s.Close()
If needed, we create a database and default retention policy. This is usually needed
when inserting and querying data. This is not needed if you are testing commands like `CREATE DATABASE`, `SHOW DIAGNOSTICS`, etc.
if err := s.CreateDatabaseAndRetentionPolicy("db0", newRetentionPolicyInfo("rp0", 1, 1*time.Hour)); err != nil {
Next, set up the write data you need:
writes := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("cpu,host=server01 value=100,core=4 %d", mustParseTime(time.RFC3339Nano, "2000-01-01T00:00:00Z").UnixNano()),
fmt.Sprintf("cpu1,host=server02 value=50,core=2 %d", mustParseTime(time.RFC3339Nano, "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z").UnixNano()),
Create a new test with the database and retention policy:
test := NewTest("db0", "rp0")
Send in the writes:
test.write = strings.Join(writes, "\n")
Add some queries (the second one is mocked out to show how to add more than one):
name: "measurement in one shard but not another shouldn't panic server",
command: `SELECT host,value FROM db0.rp0.cpu`,
exp: `{"results":[{"series":[{"name":"cpu","tags":{"host":"server01"},"columns":["time","value"],"values":[["2000-01-01T00:00:00Z",100]]}]}]}`,
name: "another test here...",
command: `Some query command`,
exp: `the expected results`,
The rest of the code is boilerplate execution code. It is purposefully not refactored out to a helper
to make sure the test failure reports the proper lines for debugging purposes.
#### Running the tests
To run the tests:
go test ./cmd/influxd/run -parallel 500 -timeout 10s
#### Running a specific test
go test ./cmd/influxd/run -parallel 500 -timeout 10s -run TestServer_Query_Fill
#### Verbose feedback
By default, all logs are silenced when testing. If you pass in the `-v` flag, the test suite becomes verbose, and enables all logging in the system
go test ./cmd/influxd/run -parallel 500 -timeout 10s -run TestServer_Query_Fill -v

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
package main
import (
_ "github.com/influxdb/influxdb/tsdb/engine"
func main() {
var path string
flag.StringVar(&path, "p", os.Getenv("HOME")+"/.influxdb", "Root storage path. [$HOME/.influxdb]")
tstore := tsdb.NewStore(filepath.Join(path, "data"))
tstore.Logger = log.New(ioutil.Discard, "", log.LstdFlags)
tstore.EngineOptions.Config.Dir = filepath.Join(path, "data")
tstore.EngineOptions.Config.WALLoggingEnabled = false
tstore.EngineOptions.Config.WALDir = filepath.Join(path, "wal")
if err := tstore.Open(); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to open dir: %v\n", err)
size, err := tstore.DiskSize()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to determine disk usage: %v\n", err)
// Summary stats
fmt.Printf("Shards: %d, Indexes: %d, Databases: %d, Disk Size: %d, Series: %d\n",
tstore.ShardN(), tstore.DatabaseIndexN(), len(tstore.Databases()), size, countSeries(tstore))
tw := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 16, 8, 0, '\t', 0)
fmt.Fprintln(tw, strings.Join([]string{"Shard", "DB", "Measurement", "Tags [#K/#V]", "Fields [Name:Type]", "Series"}, "\t"))
shardIDs := tstore.ShardIDs()
databases := tstore.Databases()
for _, db := range databases {
index := tstore.DatabaseIndex(db)
measurements := index.Measurements()
for _, m := range measurements {
tags := m.TagKeys()
tagValues := 0
for _, tag := range tags {
tagValues += len(m.TagValues(tag))
fields := m.FieldNames()
series := m.SeriesKeys()
// Sample a point from each measurement to determine the field types
for _, shardID := range shardIDs {
shard := tstore.Shard(shardID)
tx, err := shard.ReadOnlyTx()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to get transaction: %v", err)
for _, key := range series {
fieldSummary := []string{}
cursor := tx.Cursor(key, tsdb.Forward)
// Series doesn't exist in this shard
if cursor == nil {
// Seek to the beginning
_, value := cursor.Seek([]byte{})
codec := shard.FieldCodec(m.Name)
if codec != nil {
fields, err := codec.DecodeFieldsWithNames(value)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to decode values: %v", err)
for field, value := range fields {
fieldSummary = append(fieldSummary, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%T", field, value))
fmt.Fprintf(tw, "%d\t%s\t%s\t%d/%d\t%d [%s]\t%d\n", shardID, db, m.Name, len(tags), tagValues,
len(fields), strings.Join(fieldSummary, ","), len(series))
func countSeries(tstore *tsdb.Store) int {
var count int
for _, shardID := range tstore.ShardIDs() {
shard := tstore.Shard(shardID)
cnt, err := shard.SeriesCount()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("series count failed: %v\n", err)
count += cnt
return count
func btou64(b []byte) uint64 {
return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(b)
// u64tob converts a uint64 into an 8-byte slice.
func u64tob(v uint64) []byte {
b := make([]byte, 8)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(b, v)
return b
type ShardIDs []uint64
func (a ShardIDs) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a ShardIDs) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i] < a[j] }
func (a ShardIDs) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
package influxdb
import (
var (
// ErrFieldsRequired is returned when a point does not any fields.
ErrFieldsRequired = errors.New("fields required")
// ErrFieldTypeConflict is returned when a new field already exists with a different type.
ErrFieldTypeConflict = errors.New("field type conflict")
func ErrDatabaseNotFound(name string) error { return fmt.Errorf("database not found: %s", name) }
func ErrMeasurementNotFound(name string) error { return fmt.Errorf("measurement not found: %s", name) }
func Errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) (err error) {
if _, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(2); ok {
a = append(a, file, line)
err = fmt.Errorf(format+" (%s:%d)", a...)
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf(format, a...)
// IsClientError indicates whether an error is a known client error.
func IsClientError(err error) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
if err == ErrFieldsRequired {
return true
if err == ErrFieldTypeConflict {
return true
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), ErrFieldTypeConflict.Error()) {
return true
return false
// mustMarshal encodes a value to JSON.
// This will panic if an error occurs. This should only be used internally when
// an invalid marshal will cause corruption and a panic is appropriate.
func mustMarshalJSON(v interface{}) []byte {
b, err := json.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
panic("marshal: " + err.Error())
return b
// mustUnmarshalJSON decodes a value from JSON.
// This will panic if an error occurs. This should only be used internally when
// an invalid unmarshal will cause corruption and a panic is appropriate.
func mustUnmarshalJSON(b []byte, v interface{}) {
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, v); err != nil {
panic("unmarshal: " + err.Error())
// assert will panic with a given formatted message if the given condition is false.
func assert(condition bool, msg string, v ...interface{}) {
if !condition {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("assert failed: "+msg, v...))

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
rvm use ruby-2.1.0@burn-in --create

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem "colorize"
gem "influxdb"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
remote: https://rubygems.org/
colorize (0.6.0)
influxdb (0.0.16)
json (1.8.1)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
require "influxdb"
require "colorize"
require "benchmark"
require_relative "log"
require_relative "random_gaussian"
BATCH_SIZE = 10_000
Log.info "Starting burn-in suite"
master = InfluxDB::Client.new
master.delete_database("burn-in") rescue nil
master.create_database_user("burn-in", "user", "pass")
master.database = "burn-in"
# master.query "select * from test1 into test2;"
# master.query "select count(value) from test1 group by time(1m) into test2;"
influxdb = InfluxDB::Client.new "burn-in", username: "user", password: "pass"
Log.success "Connected to server #{influxdb.host}:#{influxdb.port}"
Log.log "Creating RandomGaussian(500, 25)"
gaussian = RandomGaussian.new(500, 25)
point_count = 0
while true
Log.log "Generating 10,000 points.."
points = []
BATCH_SIZE.times do |n|
points << {value: gaussian.rand.to_i.abs}
point_count += points.length
Log.info "Sending points to server.."
st = Time.now
foo = influxdb.write_point("test1", points)
et = Time.now
Log.log foo.inspect
Log.log "#{et-st} seconds elapsed"
Log.success "Write successful."
rescue => e
Log.failure "Write failed:"
Log.log e
sleep 0.5
Log.info "Checking regular points"
st = Time.now
response = influxdb.query("select count(value) from test1;")
et = Time.now
Log.log "#{et-st} seconds elapsed"
response_count = response["test1"].first["count"]
if point_count == response_count
Log.success "Point counts match: #{point_count} == #{response_count}"
Log.failure "Point counts don't match: #{point_count} != #{response_count}"
# Log.info "Checking continuous query points for test2"
# st = Time.now
# response = influxdb.query("select count(value) from test2;")
# et = Time.now
# Log.log "#{et-st} seconds elapsed"
# response_count = response["test2"].first["count"]
# if point_count == response_count
# Log.success "Point counts match: #{point_count} == #{response_count}"
# else
# Log.failure "Point counts don't match: #{point_count} != #{response_count}"
# end

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
module Log
def self.info(msg)
print Time.now.strftime("%r") + " | "
puts msg.to_s.colorize(:yellow)
def self.success(msg)
print Time.now.strftime("%r") + " | "
puts msg.to_s.colorize(:green)
def self.failure(msg)
print Time.now.strftime("%r") + " | "
puts msg.to_s.colorize(:red)
def self.log(msg)
print Time.now.strftime("%r") + " | "
puts msg.to_s

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
class RandomGaussian
def initialize(mean, stddev, rand_helper = lambda { Kernel.rand })
@rand_helper = rand_helper
@mean = mean
@stddev = stddev
@valid = false
@next = 0
def rand
if @valid then
@valid = false
return @next
@valid = true
x, y = self.class.gaussian(@mean, @stddev, @rand_helper)
@next = y
return x
def self.gaussian(mean, stddev, rand)
theta = 2 * Math::PI * rand.call
rho = Math.sqrt(-2 * Math.log(1 - rand.call))
scale = stddev * rho
x = mean + scale * Math.cos(theta)
y = mean + scale * Math.sin(theta)
return x, y

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
require "influxdb"
ONE_WEEK_IN_SECONDS = 7*24*60*60
NUM_POINTS = 10_000
master = InfluxDB::Client.new
master.delete_database("ctx") rescue nil
influxdb = InfluxDB::Client.new "ctx"
influxdb.time_precision = "s"
names = ["foo", "bar", "baz", "quu", "qux"]
st = Time.now
BATCHES.times do |m|
points = []
puts "Writing #{NUM_POINTS} points, time ##{m}.."
NUM_POINTS.times do |n|
timestamp = Time.now.to_i - rand(ONE_WEEK_IN_SECONDS)
points << {value: names.sample, time: timestamp}
influxdb.write_point("ct1", points)
puts st
puts Time.now

View File

@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
### Welcome to the InfluxDB configuration file.
# Once every 24 hours InfluxDB will report anonymous data to m.influxdb.com
# The data includes raft id (random 8 bytes), os, arch, version, and metadata.
# We don't track ip addresses of servers reporting. This is only used
# to track the number of instances running and the versions, which
# is very helpful for us.
# Change this option to true to disable reporting.
reporting-disabled = false
### [meta]
### Controls the parameters for the Raft consensus group that stores metadata
### about the InfluxDB cluster.
dir = "/var/opt/influxdb/meta"
hostname = "localhost"
bind-address = ":8088"
retention-autocreate = true
election-timeout = "1s"
heartbeat-timeout = "1s"
leader-lease-timeout = "500ms"
commit-timeout = "50ms"
### [data]
### Controls where the actual shard data for InfluxDB lives and how it is
### flushed from the WAL. "dir" may need to be changed to a suitable place
### for your system, but the WAL settings are an advanced configuration. The
### defaults should work for most systems.
dir = "/var/opt/influxdb/data"
# The following WAL settings are for the b1 storage engine used in 0.9.2. They won't
# apply to any new shards created after upgrading to a version > 0.9.3.
max-wal-size = 104857600 # Maximum size the WAL can reach before a flush. Defaults to 100MB.
wal-flush-interval = "10m" # Maximum time data can sit in WAL before a flush.
wal-partition-flush-delay = "2s" # The delay time between each WAL partition being flushed.
# These are the WAL settings for the storage engine >= 0.9.3
wal-dir = "/var/opt/influxdb/wal"
wal-enable-logging = true
# When a series in the WAL in-memory cache reaches this size in bytes it is marked as ready to
# flush to the index
# wal-ready-series-size = 25600
# Flush and compact a partition once this ratio of series are over the ready size
# wal-compaction-threshold = 0.6
# Force a flush and compaction if any series in a partition gets above this size in bytes
# wal-max-series-size = 2097152
# Force a flush of all series and full compaction if there have been no writes in this
# amount of time. This is useful for ensuring that shards that are cold for writes don't
# keep a bunch of data cached in memory and in the WAL.
# wal-flush-cold-interval = "10m"
# Force a partition to flush its largest series if it reaches this approximate size in
# bytes. Remember there are 5 partitions so you'll need at least 5x this amount of memory.
# The more memory you have, the bigger this can be.
# wal-partition-size-threshold = 20971520
### [cluster]
### Controls non-Raft cluster behavior, which generally includes how data is
### shared across shards.
shard-writer-timeout = "5s" # The time within which a shard must respond to write.
write-timeout = "5s" # The time within which a write operation must complete on the cluster.
### [retention]
### Controls the enforcement of retention policies for evicting old data.
enabled = true
check-interval = "30m"
### Controls the system self-monitoring, statistics and diagnostics.
### The retention policy for this data is the default retention policy within
### the internal database. The internal database is created automatically if
### if it does not already exist, as is the default retention policy. If you
### want to use a non-default retention policy, it must be explicitly created.
store-enabled = true # Whether to record statistics internally.
store-database = "_internal" # The destination database for recorded statistics
store-interval = "10s" # The interval at which to record statistics
### [admin]
### Controls the availability of the built-in, web-based admin interface. If HTTPS is
### enabled for the admin interface, HTTPS must also be enabled on the [http] service.
enabled = true
bind-address = ":8083"
https-enabled = false
https-certificate = "/etc/ssl/influxdb.pem"
### [http]
### Controls how the HTTP endpoints are configured. These are the primary
### mechanism for getting data into and out of InfluxDB.
enabled = true
bind-address = ":8086"
auth-enabled = false
log-enabled = true
write-tracing = false
pprof-enabled = false
https-enabled = false
https-certificate = "/etc/ssl/influxdb.pem"
### [[graphite]]
### Controls one or many listeners for Graphite data.
enabled = false
# bind-address = ":2003"
# protocol = "tcp"
# consistency-level = "one"
# name-separator = "."
# These next lines control how batching works. You should have this enabled
# otherwise you could get dropped metrics or poor performance. Batching
# will buffer points in memory if you have many coming in.
# batch-size = 1000 # will flush if this many points get buffered
# batch-pending = 5 # number of batches that may be pending in memory
# batch-timeout = "1s" # will flush at least this often even if we haven't hit buffer limit
## "name-schema" configures tag names for parsing the metric name from graphite protocol;
## separated by `name-separator`.
## The "measurement" tag is special and the corresponding field will become
## the name of the metric.
## e.g. "type.host.measurement.device" will parse "server.localhost.cpu.cpu0" as
## {
## measurement: "cpu",
## tags: {
## "type": "server",
## "host": "localhost,
## "device": "cpu0"
## }
## }
# name-schema = "type.host.measurement.device"
## If set to true, when the input metric name has more fields than `name-schema` specified,
## the extra fields will be ignored.
## Otherwise an error will be logged and the metric rejected.
# ignore-unnamed = true
### [collectd]
### Controls the listener for collectd data.
enabled = false
# bind-address = ""
# database = ""
# typesdb = ""
# These next lines control how batching works. You should have this enabled
# otherwise you could get dropped metrics or poor performance. Batching
# will buffer points in memory if you have many coming in.
# batch-size = 1000 # will flush if this many points get buffered
# batch-pending = 5 # number of batches that may be pending in memory
# batch-timeout = "1s" # will flush at least this often even if we haven't hit buffer limit
### [opentsdb]
### Controls the listener for OpenTSDB data.
enabled = false
# bind-address = ""
# database = ""
# retention-policy = ""
# These next lines control how batching works. You should have this enabled
# otherwise you could get dropped metrics or poor performance. Only points
# metrics received over the telnet protocol undergo batching.
# batch-size = 1000 # will flush if this many points get buffered
# batch-pending = 5 # number of batches that may be pending in memory
# batch-timeout = "1s" # will flush at least this often even if we haven't hit buffer limit
### [[udp]]
### Controls the listeners for InfluxDB line protocol data via UDP.
enabled = false
# bind-address = ""
# database = ""
# These next lines control how batching works. You should have this enabled
# otherwise you could get dropped metrics or poor performance. Batching
# will buffer points in memory if you have many coming in.
# batch-size = 1000 # will flush if this many points get buffered
# batch-pending = 5 # number of batches that may be pending in memory
# batch-timeout = "1s" # will flush at least this often even if we haven't hit buffer limit
### [continuous_queries]
### Controls how continuous queries are run within InfluxDB.
log-enabled = true
enabled = true
recompute-previous-n = 2
recompute-no-older-than = "10m"
compute-runs-per-interval = 10
compute-no-more-than = "2m"
### [hinted-handoff]
### Controls the hinted handoff feature, which allows nodes to temporarily
### store queued data when one node of a cluster is down for a short period
### of time.
enabled = true
dir = "/var/opt/influxdb/hh"
max-size = 1073741824
max-age = "168h"
retry-rate-limit = 0
retry-interval = "1s"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
# Import/Export
## Exporting from 0.8.9
Version `0.8.9` of InfluxDB adds support to export your data to a format that can be imported into `0.9.3` and later.
Note that `0.8.9` can be found here:
### Design
`0.8.9` exports raw data to a flat file that includes two sections, `DDL` and `DML`. You can choose to export them independently (see below).
The `DDL` section contains the sql commands to create databases and retention policies. the `DML` section is [line protocol](https://github.com/influxdb/influxdb/blob/master/tsdb/README.md) and can be directly posted to the [http endpoint](https://influxdb.com/docs/v0.9/guides/writing_data.html) in `0.9`. Remember that batching is important and we don't recommend batch sizes over 5k.
You need to specify a database and shard group when you export.
To list out your shards, use the following http endpoint:
Then, to export a database with then name "metrics" and a shard space with the name "default", issue the following curl command:
curl -o export http://username:password@http://localhost:8086/export/metrics/default
Compression is supported, and will result in a significantly smaller file size.
Use the following command for compression:
curl -o export.gz --compressed http://username:password@http://localhost:8086/export/metrics/default
You can also export just the `DDL` with this option:
curl -o export.ddl http://username:password@http://localhost:8086/export/metrics/default?l=ddl
Or just the `DML` with this option:
curl -o export.dml.gz --compressed http://username:password@http://localhost:8086/export/metrics/default?l=dml
### Assumptions
- Series name mapping follows these [guidelines](https://influxdb.com/docs/v0.8/advanced_topics/schema_design.html)
- Database name will map directly from `0.8` to `0.9`
- Shard Spaces map to Retention Policies
- Shard Space Duration is ignored, as in `0.9` we determine shard size automatically
- Regex is used to match the correct series names and only exports that data for the database
- Duration becomes the new Retention Policy duration
- Users are not migrated due to inability to get passwords. Anyone using users will need to manually set these back up in `0.9`
### Upgrade Recommendations
It's recommended that you upgrade to `0.9.3` first and have all your writes going there. Then, on the `0.8.X` instances, upgrade to `0.8.9`.
It is important that when exporting you change your config to allow for the http endpoints not timing out. To do so, make this change in your config:
# Configure the http api
read-timeout = "0s"
### Exceptions
If a series can't be exported to tags based on the guidelines mentioned above,
we will insert the entire series name as the measurement name. You can either
allow that to import into the new InfluxDB instance, or you can do your own
data massage on it prior to importing it.
For example, if you have the following series name:
It will export as exactly thta as the measurement name and no tags:
### Export Metrics
When you export, you will now get comments inline in the `DML`:
`# Found 999 Series for export`
As well as count totals for each series exported:
`# Series FOO - Points Exported: 999`
With a total at the bottom:
`# Points Exported: 999`
You can grep the file that was exported at the end to get all the export metrics:
`cat myexport | grep Exported`
## Importing
Version `0.9.3` of InfluxDB adds support to import your data from version `0.8.9`.
## Caveats
For the export/import to work, all requisites have to be met. For export, all series names in `0.8` should be in the following format:
for example:
or any number of tags
Additionally, the fields need to have a consistent type (all float64, int64, etc) for every write in `0.8`. Otherwise they have the potential to fail writes in the import.
See below for more information.
## Running the import command
To import via the cli, you can specify the following command:
influx -import -path=metrics-default.gz -compressed
If the file is not compressed you can issue it without the `-compressed` flag:
influx -import -path=metrics-default
To redirect failed import lines to another file, run this command:
influx -import -path=metrics-default.gz -compressed > failures
The import will use the line protocol in batches of 5,000 lines per batch when sending data to the server.
### Throttiling the import
If you need to throttle the import so the database has time to ingest, you can use the `-pps` flag. This will limit the points per second that will be sent to the server.
influx -import -path=metrics-default.gz -compressed -pps 50000 > failures
Which is stating that you don't want MORE than 50,000 points per second to write to the database. Due to the processing that is taking place however, you will likely never get exactly 50,000 pps, more like 35,000 pps, etc.
## Understanding the results of the import
During the import, a status message will write out for every 100,000 points imported and report stats on the progress of the import:
2015/08/21 14:48:01 Processed 3100000 lines. Time elapsed: 56.740578415s. Points per second (PPS): 54634
The batch will give some basic stats when finished:
2015/07/29 23:15:20 Processed 2 commands
2015/07/29 23:15:20 Processed 70207923 inserts
2015/07/29 23:15:20 Failed 29785000 inserts
Most inserts fail due to the following types of error:
2015/07/29 22:18:28 error writing batch: write failed: field type conflict: input field "value" on measurement "metric" is type float64, already exists as type integer
This is due to the fact that in `0.8` a field could get created and saved as int or float types for independent writes. In `0.9` the field has to have a consistent type.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
package v8
import (
const batchSize = 5000
// Config is the config used to initialize a Importer importer
type Config struct {
Username string
Password string
Precision string
WriteConsistency string
Path string
Version string
Compressed bool
PPS int
// NewConfig returns an initialized *Config
func NewConfig() *Config {
return &Config{}
// Importer is the importer used for importing 0.8 data
type Importer struct {
client *client.Client
database string
retentionPolicy string
config *Config
batch []string
totalInserts int
failedInserts int
totalCommands int
throttlePointsWritten int
lastWrite time.Time
throttle *time.Ticker
// NewImporter will return an intialized Importer struct
func NewImporter(config *Config) *Importer {
return &Importer{
config: config,
batch: make([]string, 0, batchSize),
// Import processes the specified file in the Config and writes the data to the databases in chunks specified by batchSize
func (i *Importer) Import() error {
// Create a client and try to connect
config := client.NewConfig()
config.URL = i.config.URL
config.Username = i.config.Username
config.Password = i.config.Password
config.UserAgent = fmt.Sprintf("influxDB importer/%s", i.config.Version)
cl, err := client.NewClient(config)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not create client %s", err)
i.client = cl
if _, _, e := i.client.Ping(); e != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to connect to %s\n", i.client.Addr())
// Validate args
if i.config.Path == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("file argument required")
defer func() {
if i.totalInserts > 0 {
log.Printf("Processed %d commands\n", i.totalCommands)
log.Printf("Processed %d inserts\n", i.totalInserts)
log.Printf("Failed %d inserts\n", i.failedInserts)
// Open the file
f, err := os.Open(i.config.Path)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
var r io.Reader
// If gzipped, wrap in a gzip reader
if i.config.Compressed {
gr, err := gzip.NewReader(f)
if err != nil {
return err
defer gr.Close()
// Set the reader to the gzip reader
r = gr
} else {
// Standard text file so our reader can just be the file
r = f
// Get our reader
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r)
// Process the DDL
// Set up our throttle channel. Since there is effectively no other activity at this point
// the smaller resolution gets us much closer to the requested PPS
i.throttle = time.NewTicker(time.Microsecond)
defer i.throttle.Stop()
// Prime the last write
i.lastWrite = time.Now()
// Process the DML
// Check if we had any errors scanning the file
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("reading standard input: %s", err)
return nil
func (i *Importer) processDDL(scanner *bufio.Scanner) {
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
// If we find the DML token, we are done with DDL
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "# DML") {
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "#") {
func (i *Importer) processDML(scanner *bufio.Scanner) {
start := time.Now()
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "# CONTEXT-DATABASE:") {
i.database = strings.TrimSpace(strings.Split(line, ":")[1])
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "# CONTEXT-RETENTION-POLICY:") {
i.retentionPolicy = strings.TrimSpace(strings.Split(line, ":")[1])
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "#") {
i.batchAccumulator(line, start)
func (i *Importer) execute(command string) {
response, err := i.client.Query(client.Query{Command: command, Database: i.database})
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error: %s\n", err)
if err := response.Error(); err != nil {
log.Printf("error: %s\n", response.Error())
func (i *Importer) queryExecutor(command string) {
func (i *Importer) batchAccumulator(line string, start time.Time) {
i.batch = append(i.batch, line)
if len(i.batch) == batchSize {
if e := i.batchWrite(); e != nil {
log.Println("error writing batch: ", e)
// Output failed lines to STDOUT so users can capture lines that failed to import
fmt.Println(strings.Join(i.batch, "\n"))
i.failedInserts += len(i.batch)
} else {
i.totalInserts += len(i.batch)
i.batch = i.batch[:0]
// Give some status feedback every 100000 lines processed
processed := i.totalInserts + i.failedInserts
if processed%100000 == 0 {
since := time.Since(start)
pps := float64(processed) / since.Seconds()
log.Printf("Processed %d lines. Time elapsed: %s. Points per second (PPS): %d", processed, since.String(), int64(pps))
func (i *Importer) batchWrite() error {
// Accumulate the batch size to see how many points we have written this second
i.throttlePointsWritten += len(i.batch)
// Find out when we last wrote data
since := time.Since(i.lastWrite)
// Check to see if we've exceeded our points per second for the current timeframe
var currentPPS int
if since.Seconds() > 0 {
currentPPS = int(float64(i.throttlePointsWritten) / since.Seconds())
} else {
currentPPS = i.throttlePointsWritten
// If our currentPPS is greater than the PPS specified, then we wait and retry
if int(currentPPS) > i.config.PPS && i.config.PPS != 0 {
// Wait for the next tick
// Decrement the batch size back out as it is going to get called again
i.throttlePointsWritten -= len(i.batch)
return i.batchWrite()
_, e := i.client.WriteLineProtocol(strings.Join(i.batch, "\n"), i.database, i.retentionPolicy, i.config.Precision, i.config.WriteConsistency)
i.throttlePointsWritten = 0
i.lastWrite = time.Now()
return e

View File

``` ```
## Literals ## Literals
@ -124,9 +124,7 @@ string_lit = `'` { unicode_char } `'`' .
Duration literals specify a length of time. An integer literal followed immediately (with no spaces) by a duration unit listed below is interpreted as a duration literal. Duration literals specify a length of time. An integer literal followed immediately (with no spaces) by a duration unit listed below is interpreted as a duration literal.
``` ### Duration units
Duration unit definitions
| Units | Meaning | | Units | Meaning |
|--------|-----------------------------------------| |--------|-----------------------------------------|
| u or µ | microseconds (1 millionth of a second) | | u or µ | microseconds (1 millionth of a second) |
@ -136,7 +134,6 @@ Duration unit definitions
| h | hour | | h | hour |
| d | day | | d | day |
| w | week | | w | week |
``` ```
duration_lit = int_lit duration_unit . duration_lit = int_lit duration_unit .
@ -191,6 +188,7 @@ statement = alter_retention_policy_stmt |
show_measurements_stmt | show_measurements_stmt |
show_retention_policies | show_retention_policies |
show_series_stmt | show_series_stmt |
show_shards_stmt |
show_tag_keys_stmt | show_tag_keys_stmt |
show_tag_values_stmt | show_tag_values_stmt |
show_users_stmt | show_users_stmt |
@ -455,7 +453,7 @@ SHOW FIELD KEYS FROM cpu;
show_measurements_stmt = [ where_clause ] [ group_by_clause ] [ limit_clause ] show_measurements_stmt = "SHOW MEASUREMENTS" [ where_clause ] [ group_by_clause ] [ limit_clause ]
[ offset_clause ] . [ offset_clause ] .
```sql ```sql
@ -482,7 +480,7 @@ SHOW RETENTION POLICIES ON mydb;
``` ```
show_series_stmt = [ from_clause ] [ where_clause ] [ group_by_clause ] show_series_stmt = "SHOW SERIES" [ from_clause ] [ where_clause ] [ group_by_clause ]
[ limit_clause ] [ offset_clause ] . [ limit_clause ] [ offset_clause ] .
``` ```
@ -492,10 +490,22 @@ show_series_stmt = [ from_clause ] [ where_clause ] [ group_by_clause ]
``` ```
show_shards_stmt = "SHOW SHARDS" .
#### Example:
``` ```
show_tag_keys_stmt = [ from_clause ] [ where_clause ] [ group_by_clause ] show_tag_keys_stmt = "SHOW TAG KEYS" [ from_clause ] [ where_clause ] [ group_by_clause ]
[ limit_clause ] [ offset_clause ] . [ limit_clause ] [ offset_clause ] .
``` ```
@ -518,7 +528,7 @@ SHOW TAG KEYS WHERE host = 'serverA';
``` ```
show_tag_values_stmt = [ from_clause ] with_tag_clause [ where_clause ] show_tag_values_stmt = "SHOW TAG VALUES" [ from_clause ] with_tag_clause [ where_clause ]
[ group_by_clause ] [ limit_clause ] [ offset_clause ] . [ group_by_clause ] [ limit_clause ] [ offset_clause ] .
``` ```
@ -551,7 +561,7 @@ SHOW USERS;
``` ```
revoke_stmt = privilege [ "ON" db_name ] "FROM" user_name revoke_stmt = "REVOKE" privilege [ "ON" db_name ] "FROM" user_name
``` ```
#### Examples: #### Examples:
@ -567,7 +577,7 @@ REVOKE READ ON mydb FROM jdoe;
``` ```
select_stmt = fields from_clause [ into_clause ] [ where_clause ] select_stmt = "SELECT" fields from_clause [ into_clause ] [ where_clause ]
[ group_by_clause ] [ order_by_clause ] [ limit_clause ] [ group_by_clause ] [ order_by_clause ] [ limit_clause ]
[ offset_clause ] [ slimit_clause ] [ soffset_clause ]. [ offset_clause ] [ slimit_clause ] [ soffset_clause ].
``` ```

View File

@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ import (
"strconv" "strconv"
"strings" "strings"
"time" "time"
) )
// DataType represents the primitive data types available in InfluxQL. // DataType represents the primitive data types available in InfluxQL.
@ -105,6 +107,7 @@ func (*ShowFieldKeysStatement) node() {}
func (*ShowRetentionPoliciesStatement) node() {} func (*ShowRetentionPoliciesStatement) node() {}
func (*ShowMeasurementsStatement) node() {} func (*ShowMeasurementsStatement) node() {}
func (*ShowSeriesStatement) node() {} func (*ShowSeriesStatement) node() {}
func (*ShowShardsStatement) node() {}
func (*ShowStatsStatement) node() {} func (*ShowStatsStatement) node() {}
func (*ShowDiagnosticsStatement) node() {} func (*ShowDiagnosticsStatement) node() {}
func (*ShowTagKeysStatement) node() {} func (*ShowTagKeysStatement) node() {}
@ -206,6 +209,7 @@ func (*ShowFieldKeysStatement) stmt() {}
func (*ShowMeasurementsStatement) stmt() {} func (*ShowMeasurementsStatement) stmt() {}
func (*ShowRetentionPoliciesStatement) stmt() {} func (*ShowRetentionPoliciesStatement) stmt() {}
func (*ShowSeriesStatement) stmt() {} func (*ShowSeriesStatement) stmt() {}
func (*ShowShardsStatement) stmt() {}
func (*ShowStatsStatement) stmt() {} func (*ShowStatsStatement) stmt() {}
func (*ShowDiagnosticsStatement) stmt() {} func (*ShowDiagnosticsStatement) stmt() {}
func (*ShowTagKeysStatement) stmt() {} func (*ShowTagKeysStatement) stmt() {}
@ -274,7 +278,7 @@ type SortField struct {
// String returns a string representation of a sort field // String returns a string representation of a sort field
func (field *SortField) String() string { func (field *SortField) String() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer var buf bytes.Buffer
if field.Name == "" { if field.Name != "" {
_, _ = buf.WriteString(field.Name) _, _ = buf.WriteString(field.Name)
_, _ = buf.WriteString(" ") _, _ = buf.WriteString(" ")
} }
@ -302,12 +306,19 @@ func (a SortFields) String() string {
type CreateDatabaseStatement struct { type CreateDatabaseStatement struct {
// Name of the database to be created. // Name of the database to be created.
Name string Name string
// IfNotExists indicates whether to return without error if the database
// already exists.
IfNotExists bool
} }
// String returns a string representation of the create database statement. // String returns a string representation of the create database statement.
func (s *CreateDatabaseStatement) String() string { func (s *CreateDatabaseStatement) String() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer var buf bytes.Buffer
_, _ = buf.WriteString("CREATE DATABASE ") _, _ = buf.WriteString("CREATE DATABASE ")
if s.IfNotExists {
_, _ = buf.WriteString("IF NOT EXISTS ")
_, _ = buf.WriteString(s.Name) _, _ = buf.WriteString(s.Name)
return buf.String() return buf.String()
} }
@ -848,6 +859,48 @@ func (s *SelectStatement) RewriteDistinct() {
} }
} }
// ColumnNames will walk all fields and functions and return the appropriate field names for the select statement
// while maintaining order of the field names
func (s *SelectStatement) ColumnNames() []string {
// Always set the first column to be time, even if they didn't specify it
columnNames := []string{"time"}
// First walk each field
for _, field := range s.Fields {
switch f := field.Expr.(type) {
case *Call:
if f.Name == "top" || f.Name == "bottom" {
if len(f.Args) == 2 {
columnNames = append(columnNames, f.Name)
// We have a special case now where we have to add the column names for the fields TOP or BOTTOM asked for as well
columnNames = slices.Union(columnNames, f.Fields(), true)
columnNames = append(columnNames, field.Name())
// time is always first, and we already added it, so ignore it if they asked for it anywhere else.
if field.Name() != "time" {
columnNames = append(columnNames, field.Name())
return columnNames
// HasTimeFieldSpecified will walk all fields and determine if the user explicitly asked for time
// This is needed to determine re-write behaviors for functions like TOP and BOTTOM
func (s *SelectStatement) HasTimeFieldSpecified() bool {
for _, f := range s.Fields {
if f.Name() == "time" {
return true
return false
// String returns a string representation of the select statement. // String returns a string representation of the select statement.
func (s *SelectStatement) String() string { func (s *SelectStatement) String() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer var buf bytes.Buffer
@ -985,6 +1038,14 @@ func (s *SelectStatement) hasTimeDimensions(node Node) bool {
} }
func (s *SelectStatement) validate(tr targetRequirement) error { func (s *SelectStatement) validate(tr targetRequirement) error {
if err := s.validateFields(); err != nil {
return err
if err := s.validateDimensions(); err != nil {
return err
if err := s.validateDistinct(); err != nil { if err := s.validateDistinct(); err != nil {
return err return err
} }
@ -1001,47 +1062,144 @@ func (s *SelectStatement) validate(tr targetRequirement) error {
return err return err
} }
if err := s.validateWildcard(); err != nil { return nil
return err
} }
func (s *SelectStatement) validateFields() error {
ns := s.NamesInSelect()
if len(ns) == 1 && ns[0] == "time" {
return fmt.Errorf("at least 1 non-time field must be queried")
return nil
func (s *SelectStatement) validateDimensions() error {
var dur time.Duration
for _, dim := range s.Dimensions {
switch expr := dim.Expr.(type) {
case *Call:
// Ensure the call is time() and it only has one duration argument.
// If we already have a duration
if expr.Name != "time" {
return errors.New("only time() calls allowed in dimensions")
} else if len(expr.Args) != 1 {
return errors.New("time dimension expected one argument")
} else if lit, ok := expr.Args[0].(*DurationLiteral); !ok {
return errors.New("time dimension must have one duration argument")
} else if dur != 0 {
return errors.New("multiple time dimensions not allowed")
} else {
dur = lit.Val
case *VarRef:
if strings.ToLower(expr.Val) == "time" {
return errors.New("time() is a function and expects at least one argument")
case *Wildcard:
return errors.New("only time and tag dimensions allowed")
return nil
// validSelectWithAggregate determines if a SELECT statement has the correct
// combination of aggregate functions combined with selected fields and tags
// Currently we don't have support for all aggregates, but aggregates that
// can be combined with fields/tags are:
func (s *SelectStatement) validSelectWithAggregate(numAggregates int) error {
if numAggregates != 0 && numAggregates != len(s.Fields) {
return fmt.Errorf("mixing aggregate and non-aggregate queries is not supported")
return nil return nil
} }
func (s *SelectStatement) validateAggregates(tr targetRequirement) error { func (s *SelectStatement) validateAggregates(tr targetRequirement) error {
// First, if 1 field is an aggregate, then all fields must be an aggregate. This is // Curently most aggregates can be the ONLY thing in a select statement
// a explicit limitation of the current system. // Others, like TOP/BOTTOM can mix aggregates and tags/fields
numAggregates := 0 numAggregates := 0
for _, f := range s.Fields { for _, f := range s.Fields {
if _, ok := f.Expr.(*Call); ok { if _, ok := f.Expr.(*Call); ok {
numAggregates++ numAggregates++
} }
} }
if numAggregates != 0 && numAggregates != len(s.Fields) {
return fmt.Errorf("mixing aggregate and non-aggregate queries is not supported") for _, f := range s.Fields {
switch expr := f.Expr.(type) {
case *Call:
switch expr.Name {
case "derivative", "non_negative_derivative":
if err := s.validSelectWithAggregate(numAggregates); err != nil {
return err
if min, max, got := 1, 2, len(expr.Args); got > max || got < min {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid number of arguments for %s, expected at least %d but no more than %d, got %d", expr.Name, min, max, got)
// Validate that if they have a time dimension, they need a sub-call like min/max, etc.
if s.hasTimeDimensions(s.Condition) {
if _, ok := expr.Args[0].(*Call); !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("aggregate function required inside the call to %s", expr.Name)
} }
// Secondly, determine if specific calls have at least one and only one argument
for _, f := range s.Fields {
if c, ok := f.Expr.(*Call); ok {
switch c.Name {
case "derivative", "non_negative_derivative":
if min, max, got := 1, 2, len(c.Args); got > max || got < min {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid number of arguments for %s, expected at least %d but no more than %d, got %d", c.Name, min, max, got)
case "percentile": case "percentile":
if exp, got := 2, len(c.Args); got != exp { if err := s.validSelectWithAggregate(numAggregates); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid number of arguments for %s, expected %d, got %d", c.Name, exp, got) return err
if exp, got := 2, len(expr.Args); got != exp {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid number of arguments for %s, expected %d, got %d", expr.Name, exp, got)
_, ok := expr.Args[1].(*NumberLiteral)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("expected float argument in percentile()")
case "top", "bottom":
if exp, got := 2, len(expr.Args); got < exp {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid number of arguments for %s, expected at least %d, got %d", expr.Name, exp, got)
if len(expr.Args) > 1 {
callLimit, ok := expr.Args[len(expr.Args)-1].(*NumberLiteral)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("expected integer as last argument in %s(), found %s", expr.Name, expr.Args[len(expr.Args)-1])
// Check if they asked for a limit smaller than what they passed into the call
if int64(callLimit.Val) > int64(s.Limit) && s.Limit != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("limit (%d) in %s function can not be larger than the LIMIT (%d) in the select statement", int64(callLimit.Val), expr.Name, int64(s.Limit))
for _, v := range expr.Args[:len(expr.Args)-1] {
if _, ok := v.(*VarRef); !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("only fields or tags are allowed in %s(), found %s", expr.Name, v)
} }
default: default:
if exp, got := 1, len(c.Args); got != exp { if err := s.validSelectWithAggregate(numAggregates); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid number of arguments for %s, expected %d, got %d", c.Name, exp, got) return err
if exp, got := 1, len(expr.Args); got != exp {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid number of arguments for %s, expected %d, got %d", expr.Name, exp, got)
switch fc := expr.Args[0].(type) {
case *VarRef:
// do nothing
case *Call:
if fc.Name != "distinct" {
return fmt.Errorf("expected field argument in %s()", expr.Name)
case *Distinct:
if expr.Name != "count" {
return fmt.Errorf("expected field argument in %s()", expr.Name)
return fmt.Errorf("expected field argument in %s()", expr.Name)
} }
} }
} }
} }
// Now, check that we have valid duration and where clauses for aggregates // Check that we have valid duration and where clauses for aggregates
// fetch the group by duration // fetch the group by duration
groupByDuration, _ := s.GroupByInterval() groupByDuration, _ := s.GroupByInterval()
@ -1060,13 +1218,6 @@ func (s *SelectStatement) validateAggregates(tr targetRequirement) error {
return nil return nil
} }
func (s *SelectStatement) validateWildcard() error {
if s.HasWildcard() && len(s.Fields) > 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("wildcards can not be combined with other fields")
return nil
func (s *SelectStatement) HasDistinct() bool { func (s *SelectStatement) HasDistinct() bool {
// determine if we have a call named distinct // determine if we have a call named distinct
for _, f := range s.Fields { for _, f := range s.Fields {
@ -1489,6 +1640,9 @@ func (t *Target) String() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer var buf bytes.Buffer
_, _ = buf.WriteString("INTO ") _, _ = buf.WriteString("INTO ")
_, _ = buf.WriteString(t.Measurement.String()) _, _ = buf.WriteString(t.Measurement.String())
if t.Measurement.Name == "" {
_, _ = buf.WriteString(":MEASUREMENT")
return buf.String() return buf.String()
} }
@ -1819,6 +1973,17 @@ func (s *ShowStatsStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges {
return ExecutionPrivileges{{Admin: true, Name: "", Privilege: AllPrivileges}} return ExecutionPrivileges{{Admin: true, Name: "", Privilege: AllPrivileges}}
} }
// ShowShardsStatement represents a command for displaying shards in the cluster.
type ShowShardsStatement struct{}
// String returns a string representation.
func (s *ShowShardsStatement) String() string { return "SHOW SHARDS" }
// RequiredPrivileges returns the privileges required to execute the statement.
func (s *ShowShardsStatement) RequiredPrivileges() ExecutionPrivileges {
return ExecutionPrivileges{{Admin: true, Name: "", Privilege: AllPrivileges}}
// ShowDiagnosticsStatement represents a command for show node diagnostics. // ShowDiagnosticsStatement represents a command for show node diagnostics.
type ShowDiagnosticsStatement struct{} type ShowDiagnosticsStatement struct{}
@ -2088,37 +2253,21 @@ func (a Dimensions) String() string {
// Normalize returns the interval and tag dimensions separately. // Normalize returns the interval and tag dimensions separately.
// Returns 0 if no time interval is specified. // Returns 0 if no time interval is specified.
// Returns an error if multiple time dimensions exist or if non-VarRef dimensions are specified. func (a Dimensions) Normalize() (time.Duration, []string) {
func (a Dimensions) Normalize() (time.Duration, []string, error) {
var dur time.Duration var dur time.Duration
var tags []string var tags []string
for _, dim := range a { for _, dim := range a {
switch expr := dim.Expr.(type) { switch expr := dim.Expr.(type) {
case *Call: case *Call:
// Ensure the call is time() and it only has one duration argument. lit, _ := expr.Args[0].(*DurationLiteral)
// If we already have a duration
if expr.Name != "time" {
return 0, nil, errors.New("only time() calls allowed in dimensions")
} else if len(expr.Args) != 1 {
return 0, nil, errors.New("time dimension expected one argument")
} else if lit, ok := expr.Args[0].(*DurationLiteral); !ok {
return 0, nil, errors.New("time dimension must have one duration argument")
} else if dur != 0 {
return 0, nil, errors.New("multiple time dimensions not allowed")
} else {
dur = lit.Val dur = lit.Val
case *VarRef: case *VarRef:
tags = append(tags, expr.Val) tags = append(tags, expr.Val)
return 0, nil, errors.New("only time and tag dimensions allowed")
} }
} }
return dur, tags, nil return dur, tags
} }
// Dimension represents an expression that a select statement is grouped by. // Dimension represents an expression that a select statement is grouped by.
@ -2147,6 +2296,7 @@ type Measurement struct {
RetentionPolicy string RetentionPolicy string
Name string Name string
Regex *RegexLiteral Regex *RegexLiteral
IsTarget bool
} }
// String returns a string representation of the measurement. // String returns a string representation of the measurement.
@ -2205,6 +2355,33 @@ func (c *Call) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s)", c.Name, strings.Join(str, ", ")) return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s)", c.Name, strings.Join(str, ", "))
} }
// Fields will extract any field names from the call. Only specific calls support this.
func (c *Call) Fields() []string {
switch c.Name {
case "top", "bottom":
// maintain the order the user specified in the query
keyMap := make(map[string]struct{})
keys := []string{}
for i, a := range c.Args {
if i == 0 {
// special case, first argument is always the name of the function regardless of the field name
keys = append(keys, c.Name)
switch v := a.(type) {
case *VarRef:
if _, ok := keyMap[v.Val]; !ok {
keyMap[v.Val] = struct{}{}
keys = append(keys, v.Val)
return keys
return []string{}
// Distinct represents a DISTINCT expression. // Distinct represents a DISTINCT expression.
type Distinct struct { type Distinct struct {
// Identifier following DISTINCT // Identifier following DISTINCT

View File

@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ func TestSelectStatement_IsRawQuerySet(t *testing.T) {
isRaw: false, isRaw: false,
}, },
{ {
stmt: "select mean(*) from foo group by *", stmt: "select mean(value) from foo group by *",
isRaw: false, isRaw: false,
}, },
} }

View File

@ -1,534 +0,0 @@
package influxql
import (
import "sort"
type point struct {
seriesKey string
time int64
value interface{}
type testIterator struct {
values []point
func (t *testIterator) Next() (timestamp int64, value interface{}) {
if len(t.values) > 0 {
v := t.values[0]
t.values = t.values[1:]
return v.time, v.value
return -1, nil
func TestMapMeanNoValues(t *testing.T) {
iter := &testIterator{}
if got := MapMean(iter); got != nil {
t.Errorf("output mismatch: exp nil got %v", got)
func TestMapMean(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
input []point
output *meanMapOutput
{ // Single point
input: []point{point{"0", 1, 1.0}},
output: &meanMapOutput{1, 1, Float64Type},
{ // Two points
input: []point{
point{"0", 1, 2.0},
point{"0", 2, 8.0},
output: &meanMapOutput{2, 5.0, Float64Type},
for _, test := range tests {
iter := &testIterator{
values: test.input,
got := MapMean(iter)
if got == nil {
t.Fatalf("MapMean(%v): output mismatch: exp %v got %v", test.input, test.output, got)
if got.(*meanMapOutput).Count != test.output.Count || got.(*meanMapOutput).Mean != test.output.Mean {
t.Errorf("output mismatch: exp %v got %v", test.output, got)
func TestInitializeMapFuncPercentile(t *testing.T) {
// No args
c := &Call{
Name: "percentile",
Args: []Expr{},
_, err := InitializeMapFunc(c)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("InitializeMapFunc(%v) expected error. got nil", c)
if exp := "expected two arguments for percentile()"; err.Error() != exp {
t.Errorf("InitializeMapFunc(%v) mismatch. exp %v got %v", c, exp, err.Error())
// No percentile arg
c = &Call{
Name: "percentile",
Args: []Expr{
&VarRef{Val: "field1"},
_, err = InitializeMapFunc(c)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("InitializeMapFunc(%v) expected error. got nil", c)
if exp := "expected two arguments for percentile()"; err.Error() != exp {
t.Errorf("InitializeMapFunc(%v) mismatch. exp %v got %v", c, exp, err.Error())
func TestInitializeMapFuncDerivative(t *testing.T) {
for _, fn := range []string{"derivative", "non_negative_derivative"} {
// No args should fail
c := &Call{
Name: fn,
Args: []Expr{},
_, err := InitializeMapFunc(c)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("InitializeMapFunc(%v) expected error. got nil", c)
// Single field arg should return MapEcho
c = &Call{
Name: fn,
Args: []Expr{
&VarRef{Val: " field1"},
&DurationLiteral{Val: time.Hour},
_, err = InitializeMapFunc(c)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("InitializeMapFunc(%v) unexpected error. got %v", c, err)
// Nested Aggregate func should return the map func for the nested aggregate
c = &Call{
Name: fn,
Args: []Expr{
&Call{Name: "mean", Args: []Expr{&VarRef{Val: "field1"}}},
&DurationLiteral{Val: time.Hour},
_, err = InitializeMapFunc(c)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("InitializeMapFunc(%v) unexpected error. got %v", c, err)
func TestInitializeReduceFuncPercentile(t *testing.T) {
// No args
c := &Call{
Name: "percentile",
Args: []Expr{},
_, err := InitializeReduceFunc(c)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("InitializedReduceFunc(%v) expected error. got nil", c)
if exp := "expected float argument in percentile()"; err.Error() != exp {
t.Errorf("InitializedReduceFunc(%v) mismatch. exp %v got %v", c, exp, err.Error())
// No percentile arg
c = &Call{
Name: "percentile",
Args: []Expr{
&VarRef{Val: "field1"},
_, err = InitializeReduceFunc(c)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("InitializedReduceFunc(%v) expected error. got nil", c)
if exp := "expected float argument in percentile()"; err.Error() != exp {
t.Errorf("InitializedReduceFunc(%v) mismatch. exp %v got %v", c, exp, err.Error())
func TestReducePercentileNil(t *testing.T) {
// ReducePercentile should ignore nil values when calculating the percentile
fn := ReducePercentile(100)
input := []interface{}{
got := fn(input)
if got != nil {
t.Fatalf("ReducePercentile(100) returned wrong type. exp nil got %v", got)
func TestMapDistinct(t *testing.T) {
const ( // prove that we're ignoring seriesKey
seriesKey1 = "1"
seriesKey2 = "2"
const ( // prove that we're ignoring time
timeId1 = iota + 1
iter := &testIterator{
values: []point{
{seriesKey1, timeId1, uint64(1)},
{seriesKey1, timeId2, uint64(1)},
{seriesKey1, timeId3, "1"},
{seriesKey2, timeId4, uint64(1)},
{seriesKey2, timeId5, float64(1.0)},
{seriesKey2, timeId6, "1"},
values := MapDistinct(iter).(distinctValues)
if exp, got := 3, len(values); exp != got {
t.Errorf("Wrong number of values. exp %v got %v", exp, got)
exp := distinctValues{
if !reflect.DeepEqual(values, exp) {
t.Errorf("Wrong values. exp %v got %v", spew.Sdump(exp), spew.Sdump(values))
func TestMapDistinctNil(t *testing.T) {
iter := &testIterator{
values: []point{},
values := MapDistinct(iter)
if values != nil {
t.Errorf("Wrong values. exp nil got %v", spew.Sdump(values))
func TestReduceDistinct(t *testing.T) {
v1 := distinctValues{
expect := distinctValues{
got := ReduceDistinct([]interface{}{v1, v1, expect})
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, expect) {
t.Errorf("Wrong values. exp %v got %v", spew.Sdump(expect), spew.Sdump(got))
func TestReduceDistinctNil(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
values []interface{}
name: "nil values",
values: nil,
name: "nil mapper",
values: []interface{}{nil},
name: "no mappers",
values: []interface{}{},
name: "empty mappper (len 1)",
values: []interface{}{distinctValues{}},
name: "empty mappper (len 2)",
values: []interface{}{distinctValues{}, distinctValues{}},
for _, test := range tests {
got := ReduceDistinct(test.values)
if got != nil {
t.Errorf("Wrong values. exp nil got %v", spew.Sdump(got))
func Test_distinctValues_Sort(t *testing.T) {
values := distinctValues{
expect := distinctValues{
if !reflect.DeepEqual(values, expect) {
t.Errorf("Wrong values. exp %v got %v", spew.Sdump(expect), spew.Sdump(values))
func TestMapCountDistinct(t *testing.T) {
const ( // prove that we're ignoring seriesKey
seriesKey1 = "1"
seriesKey2 = "2"
const ( // prove that we're ignoring time
timeId1 = iota + 1
iter := &testIterator{
values: []point{
{seriesKey1, timeId1, uint64(1)},
{seriesKey1, timeId2, uint64(1)},
{seriesKey1, timeId3, "1"},
{seriesKey2, timeId4, uint64(1)},
{seriesKey2, timeId5, float64(1.0)},
{seriesKey2, timeId6, "1"},
{seriesKey2, timeId7, true},
values := MapCountDistinct(iter).(map[interface{}]struct{})
if exp, got := 4, len(values); exp != got {
t.Errorf("Wrong number of values. exp %v got %v", exp, got)
exp := map[interface{}]struct{}{
uint64(1): struct{}{},
float64(1): struct{}{},
"1": struct{}{},
true: struct{}{},
if !reflect.DeepEqual(values, exp) {
t.Errorf("Wrong values. exp %v got %v", spew.Sdump(exp), spew.Sdump(values))
func TestMapCountDistinctNil(t *testing.T) {
iter := &testIterator{
values: []point{},
values := MapCountDistinct(iter)
if values != nil {
t.Errorf("Wrong values. exp nil got %v", spew.Sdump(values))
func TestReduceCountDistinct(t *testing.T) {
v1 := map[interface{}]struct{}{
"2": struct{}{},
"1": struct{}{},
float64(2.0): struct{}{},
float64(1): struct{}{},
uint64(2): struct{}{},
uint64(1): struct{}{},
true: struct{}{},
false: struct{}{},
v2 := map[interface{}]struct{}{
uint64(1): struct{}{},
float64(1): struct{}{},
uint64(2): struct{}{},
float64(2): struct{}{},
false: struct{}{},
true: struct{}{},
"1": struct{}{},
"2": struct{}{},
exp := 8
got := ReduceCountDistinct([]interface{}{v1, v1, v2})
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, exp) {
t.Errorf("Wrong values. exp %v got %v", spew.Sdump(exp), spew.Sdump(got))
func TestReduceCountDistinctNil(t *testing.T) {
emptyResults := make(map[interface{}]struct{})
tests := []struct {
name string
values []interface{}
name: "nil values",
values: nil,
name: "nil mapper",
values: []interface{}{nil},
name: "no mappers",
values: []interface{}{},
name: "empty mappper (len 1)",
values: []interface{}{emptyResults},
name: "empty mappper (len 2)",
values: []interface{}{emptyResults, emptyResults},
for _, test := range tests {
got := ReduceCountDistinct(test.values)
if got != 0 {
t.Errorf("Wrong values. exp nil got %v", spew.Sdump(got))
var getSortedRangeData = []float64{
60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69,
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59,
30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,
var getSortedRangeTests = []struct {
name string
data []float64
start int
count int
expected []float64
{"first 5", getSortedRangeData, 0, 5, []float64{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}},
{"0 length", getSortedRangeData, 8, 0, []float64{}},
{"past end of data", getSortedRangeData, len(getSortedRangeData) - 3, 5, []float64{67, 68, 69}},
func TestGetSortedRange(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range getSortedRangeTests {
results := getSortedRange(tt.data, tt.start, tt.count)
if len(results) != len(tt.expected) {
t.Errorf("Test %s error. Expected getSortedRange to return %v but got %v", tt.name, tt.expected, results)
for i, point := range tt.expected {
if point != results[i] {
t.Errorf("Test %s error. getSortedRange returned wrong result for index %v. Expected %v but got %v", tt.name, i, point, results[i])
var benchGetSortedRangeResults []float64
func BenchmarkGetSortedRangeByPivot(b *testing.B) {
data := make([]float64, len(getSortedRangeData))
var results []float64
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
copy(data, getSortedRangeData)
results = getSortedRange(data, 8, 15)
benchGetSortedRangeResults = results
func BenchmarkGetSortedRangeBySort(b *testing.B) {
data := make([]float64, len(getSortedRangeData))
var results []float64
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
copy(data, getSortedRangeData)
results = data[8:23]
benchGetSortedRangeResults = results

View File

@ -129,6 +129,8 @@ func (p *Parser) parseShowStatement() (Statement, error) {
return nil, newParseError(tokstr(tok, lit), []string{"POLICIES"}, pos) return nil, newParseError(tokstr(tok, lit), []string{"POLICIES"}, pos)
case SERIES: case SERIES:
return p.parseShowSeriesStatement() return p.parseShowSeriesStatement()
case SHARDS:
return p.parseShowShardsStatement()
case STATS: case STATS:
return p.parseShowStatsStatement() return p.parseShowStatsStatement()
@ -488,6 +490,9 @@ func (p *Parser) parseSegmentedIdents() ([]string, error) {
if ch := p.peekRune(); ch == '/' { if ch := p.peekRune(); ch == '/' {
// Next segment is a regex so we're done. // Next segment is a regex so we're done.
break break
} else if ch == ':' {
// Next segment is context-specific so let caller handle it.
} else if ch == '.' { } else if ch == '.' {
// Add an empty identifier. // Add an empty identifier.
idents = append(idents, "") idents = append(idents, "")
@ -799,7 +804,18 @@ func (p *Parser) parseTarget(tr targetRequirement) (*Target, error) {
return nil, err return nil, err
} }
t := &Target{Measurement: &Measurement{}} if len(idents) < 3 {
// Check for source measurement reference.
if ch := p.peekRune(); ch == ':' {
if err := p.parseTokens([]Token{COLON, MEASUREMENT}); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Append empty measurement name.
idents = append(idents, "")
t := &Target{Measurement: &Measurement{IsTarget: true}}
switch len(idents) { switch len(idents) {
case 1: case 1:
@ -1250,6 +1266,16 @@ func (p *Parser) parseCreateContinuousQueryStatement() (*CreateContinuousQuerySt
func (p *Parser) parseCreateDatabaseStatement() (*CreateDatabaseStatement, error) { func (p *Parser) parseCreateDatabaseStatement() (*CreateDatabaseStatement, error) {
stmt := &CreateDatabaseStatement{} stmt := &CreateDatabaseStatement{}
// Look for "IF NOT EXISTS"
if tok, _, _ := p.scanIgnoreWhitespace(); tok == IF {
if err := p.parseTokens([]Token{NOT, EXISTS}); err != nil {
return nil, err
stmt.IfNotExists = true
} else {
// Parse the name of the database to be created. // Parse the name of the database to be created.
lit, err := p.parseIdent() lit, err := p.parseIdent()
if err != nil { if err != nil {
@ -1385,6 +1411,12 @@ func (p *Parser) parseRetentionPolicy() (name string, dfault bool, err error) {
return return
} }
// parseShowShardsStatement parses a string for "SHOW SHARDS" statement.
// This function assumes the "SHOW SHARDS" tokens have already been consumed.
func (p *Parser) parseShowShardsStatement() (*ShowShardsStatement, error) {
return &ShowShardsStatement{}, nil
// parseShowStatsStatement parses a string and returns a ShowStatsStatement. // parseShowStatsStatement parses a string and returns a ShowStatsStatement.
// This function assumes the "SHOW STATS" tokens have already been consumed. // This function assumes the "SHOW STATS" tokens have already been consumed.
func (p *Parser) parseShowStatsStatement() (*ShowStatsStatement, error) { func (p *Parser) parseShowStatsStatement() (*ShowStatsStatement, error) {
@ -1441,13 +1473,6 @@ func (p *Parser) parseDropContinuousQueryStatement() (*DropContinuousQueryStatem
func (p *Parser) parseFields() (Fields, error) { func (p *Parser) parseFields() (Fields, error) {
var fields Fields var fields Fields
// Check for "*" (i.e., "all fields")
if tok, _, _ := p.scanIgnoreWhitespace(); tok == MUL {
fields = append(fields, &Field{&Wildcard{}, ""})
return fields, nil
for { for {
// Parse the field. // Parse the field.
f, err := p.parseField() f, err := p.parseField()
@ -1777,24 +1802,29 @@ func (p *Parser) parseOrderBy() (SortFields, error) {
func (p *Parser) parseSortFields() (SortFields, error) { func (p *Parser) parseSortFields() (SortFields, error) {
var fields SortFields var fields SortFields
// If first token is ASC or DESC, all fields are sorted. tok, pos, lit := p.scanIgnoreWhitespace()
if tok, pos, lit := p.scanIgnoreWhitespace(); tok == ASC || tok == DESC {
if tok == DESC {
// Token must be ASC, until other sort orders are supported.
return nil, errors.New("only ORDER BY time ASC supported at this time")
return append(fields, &SortField{Ascending: (tok == ASC)}), nil
} else if tok != IDENT {
return nil, newParseError(tokstr(tok, lit), []string{"identifier", "ASC", "DESC"}, pos)
// At least one field is required. switch tok {
// The first field after an order by may not have a field name (e.g. ORDER BY ASC)
case ASC, DESC:
fields = append(fields, &SortField{Ascending: (tok == ASC)})
// If it's a token, parse it as a sort field. At least one is required.
case IDENT:
field, err := p.parseSortField() field, err := p.parseSortField()
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return nil, err return nil, err
} }
if lit != "time" {
return nil, errors.New("only ORDER BY time supported at this time")
fields = append(fields, field) fields = append(fields, field)
// Parse error...
return nil, newParseError(tokstr(tok, lit), []string{"identifier", "ASC", "DESC"}, pos)
// Parse additional fields. // Parse additional fields.
for { for {
@ -1813,9 +1843,8 @@ func (p *Parser) parseSortFields() (SortFields, error) {
fields = append(fields, field) fields = append(fields, field)
} }
// First SortField must be time ASC, until other sort orders are supported. if len(fields) > 1 {
if len(fields) > 1 || fields[0].Name != "time" || !fields[0].Ascending { return nil, errors.New("only ORDER BY time supported at this time")
return nil, errors.New("only ORDER BY time ASC supported at this time")
} }
return fields, nil return fields, nil

View File

@ -73,11 +73,45 @@ func TestParser_ParseStatement(t *testing.T) {
Sources: []influxql.Source{&influxql.Measurement{Name: "myseries"}}, Sources: []influxql.Source{&influxql.Measurement{Name: "myseries"}},
}, },
}, },
s: `SELECT * FROM myseries GROUP BY *`,
stmt: &influxql.SelectStatement{
IsRawQuery: true,
Fields: []*influxql.Field{
{Expr: &influxql.Wildcard{}},
Sources: []influxql.Source{&influxql.Measurement{Name: "myseries"}},
Dimensions: []*influxql.Dimension{{Expr: &influxql.Wildcard{}}},
s: `SELECT field1, * FROM myseries GROUP BY *`,
stmt: &influxql.SelectStatement{
IsRawQuery: true,
Fields: []*influxql.Field{
{Expr: &influxql.VarRef{Val: "field1"}},
{Expr: &influxql.Wildcard{}},
Sources: []influxql.Source{&influxql.Measurement{Name: "myseries"}},
Dimensions: []*influxql.Dimension{{Expr: &influxql.Wildcard{}}},
s: `SELECT *, field1 FROM myseries GROUP BY *`,
stmt: &influxql.SelectStatement{
IsRawQuery: true,
Fields: []*influxql.Field{
{Expr: &influxql.Wildcard{}},
{Expr: &influxql.VarRef{Val: "field1"}},
Sources: []influxql.Source{&influxql.Measurement{Name: "myseries"}},
Dimensions: []*influxql.Dimension{{Expr: &influxql.Wildcard{}}},
// SELECT statement // SELECT statement
{ {
skip: true, s: fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT mean(field1), sum(field2) ,count(field3) AS field_x FROM myseries WHERE host = 'hosta.influxdb.org' and time > '%s' GROUP BY time(10h) ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 20 OFFSET 10;`, now.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339Nano)),
s: fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT mean(field1), sum(field2) ,count(field3) AS field_x FROM myseries WHERE host = 'hosta.influxdb.org' and time > '%s' GROUP BY time(10h) ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 20 OFFSET 10;`, now.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339Nano)),
stmt: &influxql.SelectStatement{ stmt: &influxql.SelectStatement{
IsRawQuery: false, IsRawQuery: false,
Fields: []*influxql.Field{ Fields: []*influxql.Field{
@ -101,12 +135,32 @@ func TestParser_ParseStatement(t *testing.T) {
}, },
Dimensions: []*influxql.Dimension{{Expr: &influxql.Call{Name: "time", Args: []influxql.Expr{&influxql.DurationLiteral{Val: 10 * time.Hour}}}}}, Dimensions: []*influxql.Dimension{{Expr: &influxql.Call{Name: "time", Args: []influxql.Expr{&influxql.DurationLiteral{Val: 10 * time.Hour}}}}},
SortFields: []*influxql.SortField{ SortFields: []*influxql.SortField{
{Ascending: true}, {Ascending: false},
}, },
Limit: 20, Limit: 20,
Offset: 10, Offset: 10,
}, },
}, },
s: `SELECT "foo.bar.baz" AS foo FROM myseries`,
stmt: &influxql.SelectStatement{
IsRawQuery: true,
Fields: []*influxql.Field{
{Expr: &influxql.VarRef{Val: "foo.bar.baz"}, Alias: "foo"},
Sources: []influxql.Source{&influxql.Measurement{Name: "myseries"}},
s: `SELECT "foo.bar.baz" AS foo FROM foo`,
stmt: &influxql.SelectStatement{
IsRawQuery: true,
Fields: []*influxql.Field{
{Expr: &influxql.VarRef{Val: "foo.bar.baz"}, Alias: "foo"},
Sources: []influxql.Source{&influxql.Measurement{Name: "foo"}},
// derivative // derivative
{ {
@ -214,6 +268,65 @@ func TestParser_ParseStatement(t *testing.T) {
}, },
}, },
// select percentile statements
s: `select percentile("field1", 2.0) from cpu`,
stmt: &influxql.SelectStatement{
IsRawQuery: false,
Fields: []*influxql.Field{
{Expr: &influxql.Call{Name: "percentile", Args: []influxql.Expr{&influxql.VarRef{Val: "field1"}, &influxql.NumberLiteral{Val: 2.0}}}},
Sources: []influxql.Source{&influxql.Measurement{Name: "cpu"}},
// select top statements
s: `select top("field1", 2) from cpu`,
stmt: &influxql.SelectStatement{
IsRawQuery: false,
Fields: []*influxql.Field{
{Expr: &influxql.Call{Name: "top", Args: []influxql.Expr{&influxql.VarRef{Val: "field1"}, &influxql.NumberLiteral{Val: 2}}}},
Sources: []influxql.Source{&influxql.Measurement{Name: "cpu"}},
s: `select top(field1, 2) from cpu`,
stmt: &influxql.SelectStatement{
IsRawQuery: false,
Fields: []*influxql.Field{
{Expr: &influxql.Call{Name: "top", Args: []influxql.Expr{&influxql.VarRef{Val: "field1"}, &influxql.NumberLiteral{Val: 2}}}},
Sources: []influxql.Source{&influxql.Measurement{Name: "cpu"}},
s: `select top(field1, 2), tag1 from cpu`,
stmt: &influxql.SelectStatement{
IsRawQuery: false,
Fields: []*influxql.Field{
{Expr: &influxql.Call{Name: "top", Args: []influxql.Expr{&influxql.VarRef{Val: "field1"}, &influxql.NumberLiteral{Val: 2}}}},
{Expr: &influxql.VarRef{Val: "tag1"}},
Sources: []influxql.Source{&influxql.Measurement{Name: "cpu"}},
s: `select top(field1, tag1, 2), tag1 from cpu`,
stmt: &influxql.SelectStatement{
IsRawQuery: false,
Fields: []*influxql.Field{
{Expr: &influxql.Call{Name: "top", Args: []influxql.Expr{&influxql.VarRef{Val: "field1"}, &influxql.VarRef{Val: "tag1"}, &influxql.NumberLiteral{Val: 2}}}},
{Expr: &influxql.VarRef{Val: "tag1"}},
Sources: []influxql.Source{&influxql.Measurement{Name: "cpu"}},
// select distinct statements // select distinct statements
{ {
s: `select distinct(field1) from cpu`, s: `select distinct(field1) from cpu`,
@ -587,17 +700,17 @@ func TestParser_ParseStatement(t *testing.T) {
{ {
skip: true, skip: true,
s: `SHOW SERIES WHERE region = 'uswest' ORDER BY ASC, field1, field2 DESC LIMIT 10`, s: `SHOW SERIES WHERE region = 'order by desc' ORDER BY DESC, field1, field2 DESC LIMIT 10`,
stmt: &influxql.ShowSeriesStatement{ stmt: &influxql.ShowSeriesStatement{
Condition: &influxql.BinaryExpr{ Condition: &influxql.BinaryExpr{
Op: influxql.EQ, Op: influxql.EQ,
LHS: &influxql.VarRef{Val: "region"}, LHS: &influxql.VarRef{Val: "region"},
RHS: &influxql.StringLiteral{Val: "uswest"}, RHS: &influxql.StringLiteral{Val: "order by desc"},
}, },
SortFields: []*influxql.SortField{ SortFields: []*influxql.SortField{
{Ascending: true}, &influxql.SortField{Ascending: false},
{Name: "field1"}, &influxql.SortField{Name: "field1", Ascending: true},
{Name: "field2"}, &influxql.SortField{Name: "field2"},
}, },
Limit: 10, Limit: 10,
}, },
@ -830,7 +943,7 @@ func TestParser_ParseStatement(t *testing.T) {
Database: "testdb", Database: "testdb",
Source: &influxql.SelectStatement{ Source: &influxql.SelectStatement{
Fields: []*influxql.Field{{Expr: &influxql.Call{Name: "count", Args: []influxql.Expr{&influxql.VarRef{Val: "field1"}}}}}, Fields: []*influxql.Field{{Expr: &influxql.Call{Name: "count", Args: []influxql.Expr{&influxql.VarRef{Val: "field1"}}}}},
Target: &influxql.Target{Measurement: &influxql.Measurement{Name: "measure1"}}, Target: &influxql.Target{Measurement: &influxql.Measurement{Name: "measure1", IsTarget: true}},
Sources: []influxql.Source{&influxql.Measurement{Name: "myseries"}}, Sources: []influxql.Source{&influxql.Measurement{Name: "myseries"}},
Dimensions: []*influxql.Dimension{ Dimensions: []*influxql.Dimension{
{ {
@ -854,7 +967,7 @@ func TestParser_ParseStatement(t *testing.T) {
Source: &influxql.SelectStatement{ Source: &influxql.SelectStatement{
IsRawQuery: true, IsRawQuery: true,
Fields: []*influxql.Field{{Expr: &influxql.Wildcard{}}}, Fields: []*influxql.Field{{Expr: &influxql.Wildcard{}}},
Target: &influxql.Target{Measurement: &influxql.Measurement{Name: "measure1"}}, Target: &influxql.Target{Measurement: &influxql.Measurement{Name: "measure1", IsTarget: true}},
Sources: []influxql.Source{&influxql.Measurement{Name: "cpu_load_short"}}, Sources: []influxql.Source{&influxql.Measurement{Name: "cpu_load_short"}},
}, },
}, },
@ -869,7 +982,7 @@ func TestParser_ParseStatement(t *testing.T) {
Source: &influxql.SelectStatement{ Source: &influxql.SelectStatement{
Fields: []*influxql.Field{{Expr: &influxql.Call{Name: "count", Args: []influxql.Expr{&influxql.VarRef{Val: "field1"}}}}}, Fields: []*influxql.Field{{Expr: &influxql.Call{Name: "count", Args: []influxql.Expr{&influxql.VarRef{Val: "field1"}}}}},
Target: &influxql.Target{ Target: &influxql.Target{
Measurement: &influxql.Measurement{RetentionPolicy: "1h.policy1", Name: "cpu.load"}, Measurement: &influxql.Measurement{RetentionPolicy: "1h.policy1", Name: "cpu.load", IsTarget: true},
}, },
Sources: []influxql.Source{&influxql.Measurement{Name: "myseries"}}, Sources: []influxql.Source{&influxql.Measurement{Name: "myseries"}},
Dimensions: []*influxql.Dimension{ Dimensions: []*influxql.Dimension{
@ -896,7 +1009,7 @@ func TestParser_ParseStatement(t *testing.T) {
IsRawQuery: true, IsRawQuery: true,
Fields: []*influxql.Field{{Expr: &influxql.VarRef{Val: "value"}}}, Fields: []*influxql.Field{{Expr: &influxql.VarRef{Val: "value"}}},
Target: &influxql.Target{ Target: &influxql.Target{
Measurement: &influxql.Measurement{RetentionPolicy: "policy1", Name: "value"}, Measurement: &influxql.Measurement{RetentionPolicy: "policy1", Name: "value", IsTarget: true},
}, },
Sources: []influxql.Source{&influxql.Measurement{Name: "myseries"}}, Sources: []influxql.Source{&influxql.Measurement{Name: "myseries"}},
}, },
@ -914,18 +1027,52 @@ func TestParser_ParseStatement(t *testing.T) {
Fields: []*influxql.Field{{Expr: &influxql.VarRef{Val: "transmit_rx"}}, Fields: []*influxql.Field{{Expr: &influxql.VarRef{Val: "transmit_rx"}},
{Expr: &influxql.VarRef{Val: "transmit_tx"}}}, {Expr: &influxql.VarRef{Val: "transmit_tx"}}},
Target: &influxql.Target{ Target: &influxql.Target{
Measurement: &influxql.Measurement{RetentionPolicy: "policy1", Name: "network"}, Measurement: &influxql.Measurement{RetentionPolicy: "policy1", Name: "network", IsTarget: true},
}, },
Sources: []influxql.Source{&influxql.Measurement{Name: "myseries"}}, Sources: []influxql.Source{&influxql.Measurement{Name: "myseries"}},
}, },
}, },
}, },
// CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY with backreference measurement name
s: `CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY myquery ON testdb BEGIN SELECT mean(value) INTO "policy1".:measurement FROM /^[a-z]+.*/ GROUP BY time(1m) END`,
stmt: &influxql.CreateContinuousQueryStatement{
Name: "myquery",
Database: "testdb",
Source: &influxql.SelectStatement{
Fields: []*influxql.Field{{Expr: &influxql.Call{Name: "mean", Args: []influxql.Expr{&influxql.VarRef{Val: "value"}}}}},
Target: &influxql.Target{
Measurement: &influxql.Measurement{RetentionPolicy: "policy1", IsTarget: true},
Sources: []influxql.Source{&influxql.Measurement{Regex: &influxql.RegexLiteral{Val: regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-z]+.*`)}}},
Dimensions: []*influxql.Dimension{
Expr: &influxql.Call{
Name: "time",
Args: []influxql.Expr{
&influxql.DurationLiteral{Val: 1 * time.Minute},
// CREATE DATABASE statement // CREATE DATABASE statement
{ {
s: `CREATE DATABASE testdb`, s: `CREATE DATABASE testdb`,
stmt: &influxql.CreateDatabaseStatement{ stmt: &influxql.CreateDatabaseStatement{
Name: "testdb", Name: "testdb",
IfNotExists: false,
stmt: &influxql.CreateDatabaseStatement{
Name: "testdb",
IfNotExists: true,
}, },
}, },
@ -1197,6 +1344,12 @@ func TestParser_ParseStatement(t *testing.T) {
}, },
}, },
stmt: &influxql.ShowShardsStatement{},
{ {
@ -1206,12 +1359,28 @@ func TestParser_ParseStatement(t *testing.T) {
// Errors // Errors
{s: ``, err: `found EOF, expected SELECT, DELETE, SHOW, CREATE, DROP, GRANT, REVOKE, ALTER, SET at line 1, char 1`}, {s: ``, err: `found EOF, expected SELECT, DELETE, SHOW, CREATE, DROP, GRANT, REVOKE, ALTER, SET at line 1, char 1`},
{s: `SELECT`, err: `found EOF, expected identifier, string, number, bool at line 1, char 8`}, {s: `SELECT`, err: `found EOF, expected identifier, string, number, bool at line 1, char 8`},
{s: `SELECT time FROM myseries`, err: `at least 1 non-time field must be queried`},
{s: `blah blah`, err: `found blah, expected SELECT, DELETE, SHOW, CREATE, DROP, GRANT, REVOKE, ALTER, SET at line 1, char 1`}, {s: `blah blah`, err: `found blah, expected SELECT, DELETE, SHOW, CREATE, DROP, GRANT, REVOKE, ALTER, SET at line 1, char 1`},
{s: `SELECT field1 X`, err: `found X, expected FROM at line 1, char 15`}, {s: `SELECT field1 X`, err: `found X, expected FROM at line 1, char 15`},
{s: `SELECT field1 FROM "series" WHERE X +;`, err: `found ;, expected identifier, string, number, bool at line 1, char 38`}, {s: `SELECT field1 FROM "series" WHERE X +;`, err: `found ;, expected identifier, string, number, bool at line 1, char 38`},
{s: `SELECT field1 FROM myseries GROUP`, err: `found EOF, expected BY at line 1, char 35`}, {s: `SELECT field1 FROM myseries GROUP`, err: `found EOF, expected BY at line 1, char 35`},
{s: `SELECT field1 FROM myseries LIMIT`, err: `found EOF, expected number at line 1, char 35`}, {s: `SELECT field1 FROM myseries LIMIT`, err: `found EOF, expected number at line 1, char 35`},
{s: `SELECT field1 FROM myseries LIMIT 10.5`, err: `fractional parts not allowed in LIMIT at line 1, char 35`}, {s: `SELECT field1 FROM myseries LIMIT 10.5`, err: `fractional parts not allowed in LIMIT at line 1, char 35`},
{s: `SELECT top() FROM myseries`, err: `invalid number of arguments for top, expected at least 2, got 0`},
{s: `SELECT top(field1) FROM myseries`, err: `invalid number of arguments for top, expected at least 2, got 1`},
{s: `SELECT top(field1,foo) FROM myseries`, err: `expected integer as last argument in top(), found foo`},
{s: `SELECT top(field1,host,server,foo) FROM myseries`, err: `expected integer as last argument in top(), found foo`},
{s: `SELECT top(field1,5,server,2) FROM myseries`, err: `only fields or tags are allowed in top(), found 5.000`},
{s: `SELECT top(field1,max(foo),server,2) FROM myseries`, err: `only fields or tags are allowed in top(), found max(foo)`},
{s: `SELECT bottom() FROM myseries`, err: `invalid number of arguments for bottom, expected at least 2, got 0`},
{s: `SELECT bottom(field1) FROM myseries`, err: `invalid number of arguments for bottom, expected at least 2, got 1`},
{s: `SELECT bottom(field1,foo) FROM myseries`, err: `expected integer as last argument in bottom(), found foo`},
{s: `SELECT bottom(field1,host,server,foo) FROM myseries`, err: `expected integer as last argument in bottom(), found foo`},
{s: `SELECT bottom(field1,5,server,2) FROM myseries`, err: `only fields or tags are allowed in bottom(), found 5.000`},
{s: `SELECT bottom(field1,max(foo),server,2) FROM myseries`, err: `only fields or tags are allowed in bottom(), found max(foo)`},
{s: `SELECT percentile() FROM myseries`, err: `invalid number of arguments for percentile, expected 2, got 0`},
{s: `SELECT percentile(field1) FROM myseries`, err: `invalid number of arguments for percentile, expected 2, got 1`},
{s: `SELECT percentile(field1, foo) FROM myseries`, err: `expected float argument in percentile()`},
{s: `SELECT field1 FROM myseries OFFSET`, err: `found EOF, expected number at line 1, char 36`}, {s: `SELECT field1 FROM myseries OFFSET`, err: `found EOF, expected number at line 1, char 36`},
{s: `SELECT field1 FROM myseries OFFSET 10.5`, err: `fractional parts not allowed in OFFSET at line 1, char 36`}, {s: `SELECT field1 FROM myseries OFFSET 10.5`, err: `fractional parts not allowed in OFFSET at line 1, char 36`},
{s: `SELECT field1 FROM myseries ORDER`, err: `found EOF, expected BY at line 1, char 35`}, {s: `SELECT field1 FROM myseries ORDER`, err: `found EOF, expected BY at line 1, char 35`},
@ -1219,19 +1388,20 @@ func TestParser_ParseStatement(t *testing.T) {
{s: `SELECT field1 FROM myseries ORDER BY /`, err: `found /, expected identifier, ASC, DESC at line 1, char 38`}, {s: `SELECT field1 FROM myseries ORDER BY /`, err: `found /, expected identifier, ASC, DESC at line 1, char 38`},
{s: `SELECT field1 FROM myseries ORDER BY 1`, err: `found 1, expected identifier, ASC, DESC at line 1, char 38`}, {s: `SELECT field1 FROM myseries ORDER BY 1`, err: `found 1, expected identifier, ASC, DESC at line 1, char 38`},
{s: `SELECT field1 FROM myseries ORDER BY time ASC,`, err: `found EOF, expected identifier at line 1, char 47`}, {s: `SELECT field1 FROM myseries ORDER BY time ASC,`, err: `found EOF, expected identifier at line 1, char 47`},
{s: `SELECT field1 FROM myseries ORDER BY DESC`, err: `only ORDER BY time ASC supported at this time`}, {s: `SELECT field1 FROM myseries ORDER BY time, field1`, err: `only ORDER BY time supported at this time`},
{s: `SELECT field1 FROM myseries ORDER BY field1`, err: `only ORDER BY time ASC supported at this time`},
{s: `SELECT field1 FROM myseries ORDER BY time DESC`, err: `only ORDER BY time ASC supported at this time`},
{s: `SELECT field1 FROM myseries ORDER BY time, field1`, err: `only ORDER BY time ASC supported at this time`},
{s: `SELECT field1 AS`, err: `found EOF, expected identifier at line 1, char 18`}, {s: `SELECT field1 AS`, err: `found EOF, expected identifier at line 1, char 18`},
{s: `SELECT field1 FROM foo group by time(1s)`, err: `GROUP BY requires at least one aggregate function`}, {s: `SELECT field1 FROM foo group by time(1s)`, err: `GROUP BY requires at least one aggregate function`},
{s: `SELECT count(value), value FROM foo`, err: `mixing aggregate and non-aggregate queries is not supported`}, {s: `SELECT count(value), value FROM foo`, err: `mixing aggregate and non-aggregate queries is not supported`},
{s: `SELECT count(value) FROM foo group by time(1s)`, err: `aggregate functions with GROUP BY time require a WHERE time clause`}, {s: `SELECT count(value) FROM foo group by time(1s)`, err: `aggregate functions with GROUP BY time require a WHERE time clause`},
{s: `SELECT count(value) FROM foo group by time(1s) where host = 'hosta.influxdb.org'`, err: `aggregate functions with GROUP BY time require a WHERE time clause`}, {s: `SELECT count(value) FROM foo group by time(1s) where host = 'hosta.influxdb.org'`, err: `aggregate functions with GROUP BY time require a WHERE time clause`},
{s: `SELECT count(value) FROM foo group by time`, err: `time() is a function and expects at least one argument`},
{s: `SELECT count(value) FROM foo group by 'time'`, err: `only time and tag dimensions allowed`},
{s: `SELECT count(value) FROM foo where time > now() and time < now() group by time()`, err: `time dimension expected one argument`},
{s: `SELECT count(value) FROM foo where time > now() and time < now() group by time(b)`, err: `time dimension must have one duration argument`},
{s: `SELECT count(value) FROM foo where time > now() and time < now() group by time(1s), time(2s)`, err: `multiple time dimensions not allowed`},
{s: `SELECT field1 FROM 12`, err: `found 12, expected identifier at line 1, char 20`}, {s: `SELECT field1 FROM 12`, err: `found 12, expected identifier at line 1, char 20`},
{s: `SELECT 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 FROM myseries`, err: `unable to parse number at line 1, char 8`}, {s: `SELECT 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 FROM myseries`, err: `unable to parse number at line 1, char 8`},
{s: `SELECT 10.5h FROM myseries`, err: `found h, expected FROM at line 1, char 12`}, {s: `SELECT 10.5h FROM myseries`, err: `found h, expected FROM at line 1, char 12`},
{s: `SELECT derivative(field1), field1 FROM myseries`, err: `mixing aggregate and non-aggregate queries is not supported`},
{s: `SELECT distinct(field1), sum(field1) FROM myseries`, err: `aggregate function distinct() can not be combined with other functions or fields`}, {s: `SELECT distinct(field1), sum(field1) FROM myseries`, err: `aggregate function distinct() can not be combined with other functions or fields`},
{s: `SELECT distinct(field1), field2 FROM myseries`, err: `aggregate function distinct() can not be combined with other functions or fields`}, {s: `SELECT distinct(field1), field2 FROM myseries`, err: `aggregate function distinct() can not be combined with other functions or fields`},
{s: `SELECT distinct(field1, field2) FROM myseries`, err: `distinct function can only have one argument`}, {s: `SELECT distinct(field1, field2) FROM myseries`, err: `distinct function can only have one argument`},
@ -1242,15 +1412,18 @@ func TestParser_ParseStatement(t *testing.T) {
{s: `SELECT count(distinct field1, field2) FROM myseries`, err: `count(distinct <field>) can only have one argument`}, {s: `SELECT count(distinct field1, field2) FROM myseries`, err: `count(distinct <field>) can only have one argument`},
{s: `select count(distinct(too, many, arguments)) from myseries`, err: `count(distinct <field>) can only have one argument`}, {s: `select count(distinct(too, many, arguments)) from myseries`, err: `count(distinct <field>) can only have one argument`},
{s: `select count() from myseries`, err: `invalid number of arguments for count, expected 1, got 0`}, {s: `select count() from myseries`, err: `invalid number of arguments for count, expected 1, got 0`},
{s: `SELECT derivative(), field1 FROM myseries`, err: `mixing aggregate and non-aggregate queries is not supported`},
{s: `select derivative() from myseries`, err: `invalid number of arguments for derivative, expected at least 1 but no more than 2, got 0`}, {s: `select derivative() from myseries`, err: `invalid number of arguments for derivative, expected at least 1 but no more than 2, got 0`},
{s: `select derivative(mean(value), 1h, 3) from myseries`, err: `invalid number of arguments for derivative, expected at least 1 but no more than 2, got 3`}, {s: `select derivative(mean(value), 1h, 3) from myseries`, err: `invalid number of arguments for derivative, expected at least 1 but no more than 2, got 3`},
{s: `SELECT derivative(value) FROM myseries where time < now() and time > now() - 1d`, err: `aggregate function required inside the call to derivative`},
{s: `SELECT non_negative_derivative(), field1 FROM myseries`, err: `mixing aggregate and non-aggregate queries is not supported`},
{s: `select non_negative_derivative() from myseries`, err: `invalid number of arguments for non_negative_derivative, expected at least 1 but no more than 2, got 0`},
{s: `select non_negative_derivative(mean(value), 1h, 3) from myseries`, err: `invalid number of arguments for non_negative_derivative, expected at least 1 but no more than 2, got 3`},
{s: `SELECT non_negative_derivative(value) FROM myseries where time < now() and time > now() - 1d`, err: `aggregate function required inside the call to non_negative_derivative`},
{s: `SELECT field1 from myseries WHERE host =~ 'asd' LIMIT 1`, err: `found asd, expected regex at line 1, char 42`}, {s: `SELECT field1 from myseries WHERE host =~ 'asd' LIMIT 1`, err: `found asd, expected regex at line 1, char 42`},
{s: `SELECT value > 2 FROM cpu`, err: `invalid operator > in SELECT clause at line 1, char 8; operator is intended for WHERE clause`}, {s: `SELECT value > 2 FROM cpu`, err: `invalid operator > in SELECT clause at line 1, char 8; operator is intended for WHERE clause`},
{s: `SELECT value = 2 FROM cpu`, err: `invalid operator = in SELECT clause at line 1, char 8; operator is intended for WHERE clause`}, {s: `SELECT value = 2 FROM cpu`, err: `invalid operator = in SELECT clause at line 1, char 8; operator is intended for WHERE clause`},
{s: `SELECT s =~ /foo/ FROM cpu`, err: `invalid operator =~ in SELECT clause at line 1, char 8; operator is intended for WHERE clause`}, {s: `SELECT s =~ /foo/ FROM cpu`, err: `invalid operator =~ in SELECT clause at line 1, char 8; operator is intended for WHERE clause`},
{s: `SELECT foo, * from cpu`, err: `wildcards can not be combined with other fields`},
{s: `SELECT *, * from cpu`, err: `found ,, expected FROM at line 1, char 9`},
{s: `SELECT *, foo from cpu`, err: `found ,, expected FROM at line 1, char 9`},
{s: `DELETE`, err: `found EOF, expected FROM at line 1, char 8`}, {s: `DELETE`, err: `found EOF, expected FROM at line 1, char 8`},
{s: `DELETE FROM`, err: `found EOF, expected identifier at line 1, char 13`}, {s: `DELETE FROM`, err: `found EOF, expected identifier at line 1, char 13`},
{s: `DELETE FROM myseries WHERE`, err: `found EOF, expected identifier, string, number, bool at line 1, char 28`}, {s: `DELETE FROM myseries WHERE`, err: `found EOF, expected identifier, string, number, bool at line 1, char 28`},
@ -1275,6 +1448,10 @@ func TestParser_ParseStatement(t *testing.T) {
{s: `CREATE CONTINUOUS`, err: `found EOF, expected QUERY at line 1, char 19`}, {s: `CREATE CONTINUOUS`, err: `found EOF, expected QUERY at line 1, char 19`},
{s: `CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY`, err: `found EOF, expected identifier at line 1, char 25`}, {s: `CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY`, err: `found EOF, expected identifier at line 1, char 25`},
{s: `DROP FOO`, err: `found FOO, expected SERIES, CONTINUOUS, MEASUREMENT at line 1, char 6`}, {s: `DROP FOO`, err: `found FOO, expected SERIES, CONTINUOUS, MEASUREMENT at line 1, char 6`},
{s: `CREATE DATABASE`, err: `found EOF, expected identifier at line 1, char 17`},
{s: `CREATE DATABASE IF`, err: `found EOF, expected NOT at line 1, char 20`},
{s: `CREATE DATABASE IF NOT`, err: `found EOF, expected EXISTS at line 1, char 24`},
{s: `CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS`, err: `found EOF, expected identifier at line 1, char 31`},
{s: `DROP DATABASE`, err: `found EOF, expected identifier at line 1, char 15`}, {s: `DROP DATABASE`, err: `found EOF, expected identifier at line 1, char 15`},
{s: `DROP RETENTION`, err: `found EOF, expected POLICY at line 1, char 16`}, {s: `DROP RETENTION`, err: `found EOF, expected POLICY at line 1, char 16`},
{s: `DROP RETENTION POLICY`, err: `found EOF, expected identifier at line 1, char 23`}, {s: `DROP RETENTION POLICY`, err: `found EOF, expected identifier at line 1, char 23`},
@ -1395,7 +1572,8 @@ func TestParser_ParseStatement(t *testing.T) {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(tt.err, errstring(err)) { if !reflect.DeepEqual(tt.err, errstring(err)) {
t.Errorf("%d. %q: error mismatch:\n exp=%s\n got=%s\n\n", i, tt.s, tt.err, err) t.Errorf("%d. %q: error mismatch:\n exp=%s\n got=%s\n\n", i, tt.s, tt.err, err)
} else if tt.err == "" && !reflect.DeepEqual(tt.stmt, stmt) { } else if tt.err == "" && !reflect.DeepEqual(tt.stmt, stmt) {
t.Logf("\nexp=%s\ngot=%s\n", mustMarshalJSON(tt.stmt), mustMarshalJSON(stmt)) t.Logf("\n# %s\nexp=%s\ngot=%s\n", tt.s, mustMarshalJSON(tt.stmt), mustMarshalJSON(stmt))
t.Logf("\nSQL exp=%s\nSQL got=%s\n", tt.stmt.String(), stmt.String())
t.Errorf("%d. %q\n\nstmt mismatch:\n\nexp=%#v\n\ngot=%#v\n\n", i, tt.s, tt.stmt, stmt) t.Errorf("%d. %q\n\nstmt mismatch:\n\nexp=%#v\n\ngot=%#v\n\n", i, tt.s, tt.stmt, stmt)
} }
} }

View File

@ -95,6 +95,8 @@ func (s *Scanner) Scan() (tok Token, pos Pos, lit string) {
return COMMA, pos, "" return COMMA, pos, ""
case ';': case ';':
return SEMICOLON, pos, "" return SEMICOLON, pos, ""
case ':':
return COLON, pos, ""
} }
return ILLEGAL, pos, string(ch0) return ILLEGAL, pos, string(ch0)

View File

@ -136,8 +136,10 @@ func TestScanner_Scan(t *testing.T) {
{s: `KEYS`, tok: influxql.KEYS}, {s: `KEYS`, tok: influxql.KEYS},
{s: `LIMIT`, tok: influxql.LIMIT}, {s: `LIMIT`, tok: influxql.LIMIT},
{s: `SHOW`, tok: influxql.SHOW}, {s: `SHOW`, tok: influxql.SHOW},
{s: `SHARDS`, tok: influxql.SHARDS},
{s: `MEASUREMENT`, tok: influxql.MEASUREMENT}, {s: `MEASUREMENT`, tok: influxql.MEASUREMENT},
{s: `MEASUREMENTS`, tok: influxql.MEASUREMENTS}, {s: `MEASUREMENTS`, tok: influxql.MEASUREMENTS},
{s: `NOT`, tok: influxql.NOT},
{s: `OFFSET`, tok: influxql.OFFSET}, {s: `OFFSET`, tok: influxql.OFFSET},
{s: `ON`, tok: influxql.ON}, {s: `ON`, tok: influxql.ON},
{s: `ORDER`, tok: influxql.ORDER}, {s: `ORDER`, tok: influxql.ORDER},

View File

@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ const (
COMMA // , COMMA // ,
COLON // :
DOT // . DOT // .
@ -91,6 +92,7 @@ const (
@ -109,6 +111,7 @@ const (
@ -159,6 +162,7 @@ var tokens = [...]string{
LPAREN: "(", LPAREN: "(",
RPAREN: ")", RPAREN: ")",
COMMA: ",", COMMA: ",",
COLON: ":",
DOT: ".", DOT: ".",
@ -198,6 +202,7 @@ var tokens = [...]string{
ON: "ON", ON: "ON",
@ -216,6 +221,7 @@ var tokens = [...]string{

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
package influxdb
import (
var expvarMu sync.Mutex
// NewStatistics returns an expvar-based map with the given key. Within that map
// is another map. Within there "name" is the Measurement name, "tags" are the tags,
// and values are placed at the key "values".
func NewStatistics(key, name string, tags map[string]string) *expvar.Map {
defer expvarMu.Unlock()
// Add expvar for this service.
var v expvar.Var
if v = expvar.Get(key); v == nil {
v = expvar.NewMap(key)
m := v.(*expvar.Map)
// Set the name
nameVar := &expvar.String{}
m.Set("name", nameVar)
// Set the tags
tagsVar := &expvar.Map{}
for k, v := range tags {
value := &expvar.String{}
tagsVar.Set(k, value)
m.Set("tags", tagsVar)
// Create and set the values entry used for actual stats.
statMap := &expvar.Map{}
m.Set("values", statMap)
return statMap

View File

@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ func (data *Data) RetentionPolicy(database, name string) (*RetentionPolicyInfo,
return &di.RetentionPolicies[i], nil return &di.RetentionPolicies[i], nil
} }
} }
return nil, ErrRetentionPolicyNotFound return nil, nil
} }
// CreateRetentionPolicy creates a new retention policy on a database. // CreateRetentionPolicy creates a new retention policy on a database.
@ -172,6 +172,11 @@ func (data *Data) DropRetentionPolicy(database, name string) error {
return ErrDatabaseNotFound return ErrDatabaseNotFound
} }
// Prohibit dropping the default retention policy.
if di.DefaultRetentionPolicy == name {
return ErrRetentionPolicyDefault
// Remove from list. // Remove from list.
for i := range di.RetentionPolicies { for i := range di.RetentionPolicies {
if di.RetentionPolicies[i].Name == name { if di.RetentionPolicies[i].Name == name {
@ -212,6 +217,7 @@ func (data *Data) UpdateRetentionPolicy(database, name string, rpu *RetentionPol
} }
if rpu.Duration != nil { if rpu.Duration != nil {
rpi.Duration = *rpu.Duration rpi.Duration = *rpu.Duration
rpi.ShardGroupDuration = shardGroupDuration(rpi.Duration)
} }
if rpu.ReplicaN != nil { if rpu.ReplicaN != nil {
rpi.ReplicaN = *rpu.ReplicaN rpi.ReplicaN = *rpu.ReplicaN
@ -272,7 +278,6 @@ func (data *Data) ShardGroupsByTimeRange(database, policy string, tmin, tmax tim
} }
groups = append(groups, g) groups = append(groups, g)
} }
return groups, nil return groups, nil
} }
@ -343,13 +348,16 @@ func (data *Data) CreateShardGroup(database, policy string, timestamp time.Time)
si := &sgi.Shards[i] si := &sgi.Shards[i]
for j := 0; j < replicaN; j++ { for j := 0; j < replicaN; j++ {
nodeID := data.Nodes[nodeIndex%len(data.Nodes)].ID nodeID := data.Nodes[nodeIndex%len(data.Nodes)].ID
si.OwnerIDs = append(si.OwnerIDs, nodeID) si.Owners = append(si.Owners, ShardOwner{NodeID: nodeID})
nodeIndex++ nodeIndex++
} }
} }
// Retention policy has a new shard group, so update the policy. // Retention policy has a new shard group, so update the policy. Shard
// Groups must be stored in sorted order, as other parts of the system
// assume this to be the case.
rpi.ShardGroups = append(rpi.ShardGroups, sgi) rpi.ShardGroups = append(rpi.ShardGroups, sgi)
return nil return nil
} }
@ -661,6 +669,31 @@ func (di DatabaseInfo) RetentionPolicy(name string) *RetentionPolicyInfo {
return nil return nil
} }
// ShardInfos returns a list of all shards' info for the database.
func (di DatabaseInfo) ShardInfos() []ShardInfo {
shards := map[uint64]*ShardInfo{}
for i := range di.RetentionPolicies {
for j := range di.RetentionPolicies[i].ShardGroups {
sg := di.RetentionPolicies[i].ShardGroups[j]
// Skip deleted shard groups
if sg.Deleted() {
for k := range sg.Shards {
si := &di.RetentionPolicies[i].ShardGroups[j].Shards[k]
shards[si.ID] = si
infos := make([]ShardInfo, 0, len(shards))
for _, info := range shards {
infos = append(infos, *info)
return infos
// clone returns a deep copy of di. // clone returns a deep copy of di.
func (di DatabaseInfo) clone() DatabaseInfo { func (di DatabaseInfo) clone() DatabaseInfo {
other := di other := di
@ -917,13 +950,13 @@ func (sgi *ShardGroupInfo) unmarshal(pb *internal.ShardGroupInfo) {
// ShardInfo represents metadata about a shard. // ShardInfo represents metadata about a shard.
type ShardInfo struct { type ShardInfo struct {
ID uint64 ID uint64
OwnerIDs []uint64 Owners []ShardOwner
} }
// OwnedBy returns whether the shard's owner IDs includes nodeID. // OwnedBy returns whether the shard's owner IDs includes nodeID.
func (si ShardInfo) OwnedBy(nodeID uint64) bool { func (si ShardInfo) OwnedBy(nodeID uint64) bool {
for _, id := range si.OwnerIDs { for _, so := range si.Owners {
if id == nodeID { if so.NodeID == nodeID {
return true return true
} }
} }
@ -934,9 +967,11 @@ func (si ShardInfo) OwnedBy(nodeID uint64) bool {
func (si ShardInfo) clone() ShardInfo { func (si ShardInfo) clone() ShardInfo {
other := si other := si
if si.OwnerIDs != nil { if si.Owners != nil {
other.OwnerIDs = make([]uint64, len(si.OwnerIDs)) other.Owners = make([]ShardOwner, len(si.Owners))
copy(other.OwnerIDs, si.OwnerIDs) for i := range si.Owners {
other.Owners[i] = si.Owners[i].clone()
} }
return other return other
@ -948,17 +983,64 @@ func (si ShardInfo) marshal() *internal.ShardInfo {
ID: proto.Uint64(si.ID), ID: proto.Uint64(si.ID),
} }
pb.OwnerIDs = make([]uint64, len(si.OwnerIDs)) pb.Owners = make([]*internal.ShardOwner, len(si.Owners))
copy(pb.OwnerIDs, si.OwnerIDs) for i := range si.Owners {
pb.Owners[i] = si.Owners[i].marshal()
return pb return pb
} }
// UnmarshalBinary decodes the object from a binary format.
func (si *ShardInfo) UnmarshalBinary(buf []byte) error {
var pb internal.ShardInfo
if err := proto.Unmarshal(buf, &pb); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// unmarshal deserializes from a protobuf representation. // unmarshal deserializes from a protobuf representation.
func (si *ShardInfo) unmarshal(pb *internal.ShardInfo) { func (si *ShardInfo) unmarshal(pb *internal.ShardInfo) {
si.ID = pb.GetID() si.ID = pb.GetID()
si.OwnerIDs = make([]uint64, len(pb.GetOwnerIDs()))
copy(si.OwnerIDs, pb.GetOwnerIDs()) // If deprecated "OwnerIDs" exists then convert it to "Owners" format.
if len(pb.GetOwnerIDs()) > 0 {
si.Owners = make([]ShardOwner, len(pb.GetOwnerIDs()))
for i, x := range pb.GetOwnerIDs() {
NodeID: proto.Uint64(x),
} else if len(pb.GetOwners()) > 0 {
si.Owners = make([]ShardOwner, len(pb.GetOwners()))
for i, x := range pb.GetOwners() {
// ShardOwner represents a node that owns a shard.
type ShardOwner struct {
NodeID uint64
// clone returns a deep copy of so.
func (so ShardOwner) clone() ShardOwner {
return so
// marshal serializes to a protobuf representation.
func (so ShardOwner) marshal() *internal.ShardOwner {
return &internal.ShardOwner{
NodeID: proto.Uint64(so.NodeID),
// unmarshal deserializes from a protobuf representation.
func (so *ShardOwner) unmarshal(pb *internal.ShardOwner) {
so.NodeID = pb.GetNodeID()
} }
// ContinuousQueryInfo represents metadata about a continuous query. // ContinuousQueryInfo represents metadata about a continuous query.

View File

@ -9,8 +9,10 @@ import (
"time" "time"
"github.com/davecgh/go-spew/spew" "github.com/davecgh/go-spew/spew"
"github.com/influxdb/influxdb/influxql" "github.com/influxdb/influxdb/influxql"
"github.com/influxdb/influxdb/meta" "github.com/influxdb/influxdb/meta"
) )
// Ensure a node can be created. // Ensure a node can be created.
@ -178,7 +180,7 @@ func TestData_UpdateRetentionPolicy(t *testing.T) {
if rpi, _ := data.RetentionPolicy("db0", "rp1"); !reflect.DeepEqual(rpi, &meta.RetentionPolicyInfo{ if rpi, _ := data.RetentionPolicy("db0", "rp1"); !reflect.DeepEqual(rpi, &meta.RetentionPolicyInfo{
Name: "rp1", Name: "rp1",
Duration: 10 * time.Hour, Duration: 10 * time.Hour,
ShardGroupDuration: 604800000000000, ShardGroupDuration: 3600000000000,
ReplicaN: 3, ReplicaN: 3,
}) { }) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected policy: %#v", rpi) t.Fatalf("unexpected policy: %#v", rpi)
@ -299,7 +301,13 @@ func TestData_CreateShardGroup(t *testing.T) {
StartTime: time.Date(2000, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC), StartTime: time.Date(2000, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
EndTime: time.Date(2000, time.January, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC), EndTime: time.Date(2000, time.January, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
Shards: []meta.ShardInfo{ Shards: []meta.ShardInfo{
{ID: 1, OwnerIDs: []uint64{1, 2}}, {
ID: 1,
Owners: []meta.ShardOwner{
{NodeID: 1},
{NodeID: 2},
}, },
}) { }) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected shard group: %#v", sgi) t.Fatalf("unexpected shard group: %#v", sgi)
@ -571,7 +579,11 @@ func TestData_Clone(t *testing.T) {
Shards: []meta.ShardInfo{ Shards: []meta.ShardInfo{
{ {
ID: 200, ID: 200,
OwnerIDs: []uint64{1, 3, 4}, Owners: []meta.ShardOwner{
{NodeID: 1},
{NodeID: 3},
{NodeID: 4},
}, },
}, },
}, },
@ -605,8 +617,8 @@ func TestData_Clone(t *testing.T) {
} }
// Ensure that changing data in the clone does not affect the original. // Ensure that changing data in the clone does not affect the original.
other.Databases[0].RetentionPolicies[0].ShardGroups[0].Shards[0].OwnerIDs[1] = 9 other.Databases[0].RetentionPolicies[0].ShardGroups[0].Shards[0].Owners[1].NodeID = 9
if v := data.Databases[0].RetentionPolicies[0].ShardGroups[0].Shards[0].OwnerIDs[1]; v != 3 { if v := data.Databases[0].RetentionPolicies[0].ShardGroups[0].Shards[0].Owners[1].NodeID; v != 3 {
t.Fatalf("editing clone changed original: %v", v) t.Fatalf("editing clone changed original: %v", v)
} }
} }
@ -638,7 +650,11 @@ func TestData_MarshalBinary(t *testing.T) {
Shards: []meta.ShardInfo{ Shards: []meta.ShardInfo{
{ {
ID: 200, ID: 200,
OwnerIDs: []uint64{1, 3, 4}, Owners: []meta.ShardOwner{
{NodeID: 1},
{NodeID: 3},
{NodeID: 4},
}, },
}, },
}, },
@ -682,3 +698,33 @@ func TestData_MarshalBinary(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected users: %#v", other.Users) t.Fatalf("unexpected users: %#v", other.Users)
} }
} }
// Ensure shards with deprecated "OwnerIDs" can be decoded.
func TestShardInfo_UnmarshalBinary_OwnerIDs(t *testing.T) {
// Encode deprecated form to bytes.
buf, err := proto.Marshal(&internal.ShardInfo{
ID: proto.Uint64(1),
OwnerIDs: []uint64{10, 20, 30},
if err != nil {
// Decode deprecated form.
var si meta.ShardInfo
if err := si.UnmarshalBinary(buf); err != nil {
// Verify data is migrated correctly.
if !reflect.DeepEqual(si, meta.ShardInfo{
ID: 1,
Owners: []meta.ShardOwner{
{NodeID: 10},
{NodeID: 20},
{NodeID: 30},
}) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected shard info: %s", spew.Sdump(si))

View File

@ -43,6 +43,10 @@ var (
// ErrRetentionPolicyExists is returned when creating an already existing policy. // ErrRetentionPolicyExists is returned when creating an already existing policy.
ErrRetentionPolicyExists = errors.New("retention policy already exists") ErrRetentionPolicyExists = errors.New("retention policy already exists")
// ErrRetentionPolicyDefault is returned when attempting a prohibited operation
// on a default retention policy.
ErrRetentionPolicyDefault = errors.New("retention policy is default")
// ErrRetentionPolicyNotFound is returned when mutating a policy that doesn't exist. // ErrRetentionPolicyNotFound is returned when mutating a policy that doesn't exist.
ErrRetentionPolicyNotFound = errors.New("retention policy not found") ErrRetentionPolicyNotFound = errors.New("retention policy not found")

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ It has these top-level messages:
RetentionPolicyInfo RetentionPolicyInfo
ShardGroupInfo ShardGroupInfo
ShardInfo ShardInfo
ContinuousQueryInfo ContinuousQueryInfo
UserInfo UserInfo
UserPrivilege UserPrivilege
@ -418,6 +419,7 @@ func (m *ShardGroupInfo) GetShards() []*ShardInfo {
type ShardInfo struct { type ShardInfo struct {
ID *uint64 `protobuf:"varint,1,req" json:"ID,omitempty"` ID *uint64 `protobuf:"varint,1,req" json:"ID,omitempty"`
OwnerIDs []uint64 `protobuf:"varint,2,rep" json:"OwnerIDs,omitempty"` OwnerIDs []uint64 `protobuf:"varint,2,rep" json:"OwnerIDs,omitempty"`
Owners []*ShardOwner `protobuf:"bytes,3,rep" json:"Owners,omitempty"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
} }
@ -439,6 +441,29 @@ func (m *ShardInfo) GetOwnerIDs() []uint64 {
return nil return nil
} }
func (m *ShardInfo) GetOwners() []*ShardOwner {
if m != nil {
return m.Owners
return nil
type ShardOwner struct {
NodeID *uint64 `protobuf:"varint,1,req" json:"NodeID,omitempty"`
XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"`
func (m *ShardOwner) Reset() { *m = ShardOwner{} }
func (m *ShardOwner) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
func (*ShardOwner) ProtoMessage() {}
func (m *ShardOwner) GetNodeID() uint64 {
if m != nil && m.NodeID != nil {
return *m.NodeID
return 0
type ContinuousQueryInfo struct { type ContinuousQueryInfo struct {
Name *string `protobuf:"bytes,1,req" json:"Name,omitempty"` Name *string `protobuf:"bytes,1,req" json:"Name,omitempty"`
Query *string `protobuf:"bytes,2,req" json:"Query,omitempty"` Query *string `protobuf:"bytes,2,req" json:"Query,omitempty"`

View File

@ -50,7 +50,12 @@ message ShardGroupInfo {
message ShardInfo { message ShardInfo {
required uint64 ID = 1; required uint64 ID = 1;
repeated uint64 OwnerIDs = 2; repeated uint64 OwnerIDs = 2 [deprecated=true];
repeated ShardOwner Owners = 3;
message ShardOwner {
required uint64 NodeID = 1;
} }
message ContinuousQueryInfo { message ContinuousQueryInfo {

View File

@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ func TestRPCFetchDataMatchesBlocking(t *testing.T) {
// Simulate the rmote index changing and unblocking // Simulate the rmote index changing and unblocking
fs.mu.Lock() fs.mu.Lock()
fs.md.Index = 100 fs.md = &Data{Index: 100}
fs.mu.Unlock() fs.mu.Unlock()
close(fs.blockChan) close(fs.blockChan)
wg.Wait() wg.Wait()

View File

@ -334,8 +334,6 @@ func (r *localRaft) leader() string {
} }
func (r *localRaft) isLeader() bool { func (r *localRaft) isLeader() bool {
defer r.store.mu.RUnlock()
if r.raft == nil { if r.raft == nil {
return false return false
} }

View File

@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
package meta package meta
import ( import (
"fmt" "fmt"
"github.com/influxdb/influxdb/influxql" "github.com/influxdb/influxdb/influxql"
) )
@ -80,6 +83,8 @@ func (e *StatementExecutor) ExecuteStatement(stmt influxql.Statement) *influxql.
return e.executeDropContinuousQueryStatement(stmt) return e.executeDropContinuousQueryStatement(stmt)
case *influxql.ShowContinuousQueriesStatement: case *influxql.ShowContinuousQueriesStatement:
return e.executeShowContinuousQueriesStatement(stmt) return e.executeShowContinuousQueriesStatement(stmt)
case *influxql.ShowShardsStatement:
return e.executeShowShardsStatement(stmt)
case *influxql.ShowStatsStatement: case *influxql.ShowStatsStatement:
return e.executeShowStatsStatement(stmt) return e.executeShowStatsStatement(stmt)
default: default:
@ -89,6 +94,9 @@ func (e *StatementExecutor) ExecuteStatement(stmt influxql.Statement) *influxql.
func (e *StatementExecutor) executeCreateDatabaseStatement(q *influxql.CreateDatabaseStatement) *influxql.Result { func (e *StatementExecutor) executeCreateDatabaseStatement(q *influxql.CreateDatabaseStatement) *influxql.Result {
_, err := e.Store.CreateDatabase(q.Name) _, err := e.Store.CreateDatabase(q.Name)
if err == ErrDatabaseExists && q.IfNotExists {
err = nil
return &influxql.Result{Err: err} return &influxql.Result{Err: err}
} }
@ -281,6 +289,50 @@ func (e *StatementExecutor) executeShowContinuousQueriesStatement(stmt *influxql
return &influxql.Result{Series: rows} return &influxql.Result{Series: rows}
} }
func (e *StatementExecutor) executeShowShardsStatement(stmt *influxql.ShowShardsStatement) *influxql.Result {
dis, err := e.Store.Databases()
if err != nil {
return &influxql.Result{Err: err}
rows := []*influxql.Row{}
for _, di := range dis {
row := &influxql.Row{Columns: []string{"id", "start_time", "end_time", "expiry_time", "owners"}, Name: di.Name}
for _, rpi := range di.RetentionPolicies {
for _, sgi := range rpi.ShardGroups {
for _, si := range sgi.Shards {
ownerIDs := make([]uint64, len(si.Owners))
for i, owner := range si.Owners {
ownerIDs[i] = owner.NodeID
row.Values = append(row.Values, []interface{}{
rows = append(rows, row)
return &influxql.Result{Series: rows}
func (e *StatementExecutor) executeShowStatsStatement(stmt *influxql.ShowStatsStatement) *influxql.Result { func (e *StatementExecutor) executeShowStatsStatement(stmt *influxql.ShowStatsStatement) *influxql.Result {
return &influxql.Result{Err: fmt.Errorf("SHOW STATS is not implemented yet")} return &influxql.Result{Err: fmt.Errorf("SHOW STATS is not implemented yet")}
} }
// joinUint64 returns a comma-delimited string of uint64 numbers.
func joinUint64(a []uint64) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
for i, x := range a {
buf.WriteString(strconv.FormatUint(x, 10))
if i < len(a)-1 {
return buf.String()

View File

@ -625,13 +625,13 @@ func TestStatementExecutor_ExecuteStatement_CreateContinuousQuery(t *testing.T)
t.Fatalf("unexpected database: %s", database) t.Fatalf("unexpected database: %s", database)
} else if name != "cq0" { } else if name != "cq0" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected name: %s", name) t.Fatalf("unexpected name: %s", name)
} else if query != `CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY cq0 ON db0 BEGIN SELECT count(*) INTO db1 FROM db0 GROUP BY time(1h) END` { } else if query != `CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY cq0 ON db0 BEGIN SELECT count(field1) INTO db1 FROM db0 GROUP BY time(1h) END` {
t.Fatalf("unexpected query: %s", query) t.Fatalf("unexpected query: %s", query)
} }
return nil return nil
} }
stmt := influxql.MustParseStatement(`CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY cq0 ON db0 BEGIN SELECT count(*) INTO db1 FROM db0 GROUP BY time(1h) END`) stmt := influxql.MustParseStatement(`CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY cq0 ON db0 BEGIN SELECT count(field1) INTO db1 FROM db0 GROUP BY time(1h) END`)
if res := e.ExecuteStatement(stmt); res.Err != nil { if res := e.ExecuteStatement(stmt); res.Err != nil {
t.Fatal(res.Err) t.Fatal(res.Err)
} else if res.Series != nil { } else if res.Series != nil {
@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ func TestStatementExecutor_ExecuteStatement_CreateContinuousQuery_Err(t *testing
return errors.New("marker") return errors.New("marker")
} }
stmt := influxql.MustParseStatement(`CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY cq0 ON db0 BEGIN SELECT count(*) INTO db1 FROM db0 GROUP BY time(1h) END`) stmt := influxql.MustParseStatement(`CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY cq0 ON db0 BEGIN SELECT count(field1) INTO db1 FROM db0 GROUP BY time(1h) END`)
if res := e.ExecuteStatement(stmt); res.Err == nil || res.Err.Error() != "marker" { if res := e.ExecuteStatement(stmt); res.Err == nil || res.Err.Error() != "marker" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %s", res.Err) t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %s", res.Err)
} }
@ -693,14 +693,14 @@ func TestStatementExecutor_ExecuteStatement_ShowContinuousQueries(t *testing.T)
{ {
Name: "db0", Name: "db0",
ContinuousQueries: []meta.ContinuousQueryInfo{ ContinuousQueries: []meta.ContinuousQueryInfo{
{Name: "cq0", Query: "SELECT count(*) INTO db1 FROM db0"}, {Name: "cq0", Query: "SELECT count(field1) INTO db1 FROM db0"},
{Name: "cq1", Query: "SELECT count(*) INTO db2 FROM db0"}, {Name: "cq1", Query: "SELECT count(field1) INTO db2 FROM db0"},
}, },
}, },
{ {
Name: "db1", Name: "db1",
ContinuousQueries: []meta.ContinuousQueryInfo{ ContinuousQueries: []meta.ContinuousQueryInfo{
{Name: "cq2", Query: "SELECT count(*) INTO db3 FROM db1"}, {Name: "cq2", Query: "SELECT count(field1) INTO db3 FROM db1"},
}, },
}, },
}, nil }, nil
@ -714,15 +714,15 @@ func TestStatementExecutor_ExecuteStatement_ShowContinuousQueries(t *testing.T)
Name: "db0", Name: "db0",
Columns: []string{"name", "query"}, Columns: []string{"name", "query"},
Values: [][]interface{}{ Values: [][]interface{}{
{"cq0", "SELECT count(*) INTO db1 FROM db0"}, {"cq0", "SELECT count(field1) INTO db1 FROM db0"},
{"cq1", "SELECT count(*) INTO db2 FROM db0"}, {"cq1", "SELECT count(field1) INTO db2 FROM db0"},
}, },
}, },
{ {
Name: "db1", Name: "db1",
Columns: []string{"name", "query"}, Columns: []string{"name", "query"},
Values: [][]interface{}{ Values: [][]interface{}{
{"cq2", "SELECT count(*) INTO db3 FROM db1"}, {"cq2", "SELECT count(field1) INTO db3 FROM db1"},
}, },
}, },
}) { }) {
@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ func TestStatementExecutor_ExecuteStatement_Unsupported(t *testing.T) {
// Execute a SELECT statement. // Execute a SELECT statement.
NewStatementExecutor().ExecuteStatement( NewStatementExecutor().ExecuteStatement(
influxql.MustParseStatement(`SELECT count(*) FROM db0`), influxql.MustParseStatement(`SELECT count(field1) FROM db0`),
) )
}() }()
@ -765,6 +765,57 @@ func TestStatementExecutor_ExecuteStatement_Unsupported(t *testing.T) {
} }
} }
// Ensure a SHOW SHARDS statement can be executed.
func TestStatementExecutor_ExecuteStatement_ShowShards(t *testing.T) {
e := NewStatementExecutor()
e.Store.DatabasesFn = func() ([]meta.DatabaseInfo, error) {
return []meta.DatabaseInfo{
Name: "foo",
RetentionPolicies: []meta.RetentionPolicyInfo{
Duration: time.Second,
ShardGroups: []meta.ShardGroupInfo{
StartTime: time.Unix(0, 0),
EndTime: time.Unix(1, 0),
Shards: []meta.ShardInfo{
ID: 1,
Owners: []meta.ShardOwner{
{NodeID: 1},
{NodeID: 2},
{NodeID: 3},
ID: 2,
}, nil
if res := e.ExecuteStatement(influxql.MustParseStatement(`SHOW SHARDS`)); res.Err != nil {
} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(res.Series, influxql.Rows{
Name: "foo",
Columns: []string{"id", "start_time", "end_time", "expiry_time", "owners"},
Values: [][]interface{}{
{uint64(1), "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "1970-01-01T00:00:01Z", "1970-01-01T00:00:02Z", "1,2,3"},
{uint64(2), "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "1970-01-01T00:00:01Z", "1970-01-01T00:00:02Z", ""},
}) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected rows: %s", spew.Sdump(res.Series))
// StatementExecutor represents a test wrapper for meta.StatementExecutor. // StatementExecutor represents a test wrapper for meta.StatementExecutor.
type StatementExecutor struct { type StatementExecutor struct {
*meta.StatementExecutor *meta.StatementExecutor

View File

@ -254,7 +254,10 @@ func (s *Store) Open() error {
close(s.ready) close(s.ready)
} }
return nil // Wait for a leader to be elected so we know the raft log is loaded
// and up to date
return s.WaitForLeader(0)
} }
// syncNodeInfo continuously tries to update the current nodes hostname // syncNodeInfo continuously tries to update the current nodes hostname
@ -858,6 +861,7 @@ func (s *Store) CreateDatabase(name string) (*DatabaseInfo, error) {
); err != nil { ); err != nil {
return nil, err return nil, err
} }
s.Logger.Printf("database '%s' created", name)
if s.retentionAutoCreate { if s.retentionAutoCreate {
// Read node count. // Read node count.
@ -977,6 +981,7 @@ func (s *Store) CreateRetentionPolicy(database string, rpi *RetentionPolicyInfo)
return nil, err return nil, err
} }
s.Logger.Printf("retention policy '%s' for database '%s' created", rpi.Name, database)
return s.RetentionPolicy(database, rpi.Name) return s.RetentionPolicy(database, rpi.Name)
} }
@ -1389,28 +1394,26 @@ func (s *Store) UserCount() (count int, err error) {
return return
} }
// PrecreateShardGroups creates shard groups whose endtime is before the cutoff time passed in. This // PrecreateShardGroups creates shard groups whose endtime is before the 'to' time passed in, but
// avoid the need for these shards to be created when data for the corresponding time range arrives. // is yet to expire before 'from'. This is to avoid the need for these shards to be created when data
// Shard creation involves Raft consensus, and precreation avoids taking the hit at write-time. // for the corresponding time range arrives. Shard creation involves Raft consensus, and precreation
func (s *Store) PrecreateShardGroups(cutoff time.Time) error { // avoids taking the hit at write-time.
func (s *Store) PrecreateShardGroups(from, to time.Time) error {
s.read(func(data *Data) error { s.read(func(data *Data) error {
for _, di := range data.Databases { for _, di := range data.Databases {
for _, rp := range di.RetentionPolicies { for _, rp := range di.RetentionPolicies {
for _, g := range rp.ShardGroups { if len(rp.ShardGroups) == 0 {
// Check to see if it is not deleted and going to end before our interval // No data was ever written to this group, or all groups have been deleted.
if !g.Deleted() && g.EndTime.Before(cutoff) {
nextShardGroupTime := g.EndTime.Add(1 * time.Nanosecond)
// Check if successive shard group exists.
if sgi, err := s.ShardGroupByTimestamp(di.Name, rp.Name, nextShardGroupTime); err != nil {
s.Logger.Printf("failed to check if successive shard group for group exists %d: %s",
g.ID, err.Error())
} else if sgi != nil && !sgi.Deleted() {
continue continue
} }
g := rp.ShardGroups[len(rp.ShardGroups)-1] // Get the last group in time.
if !g.Deleted() && g.EndTime.Before(to) && g.EndTime.After(from) {
// Group is not deleted, will end before the future time, but is still yet to expire.
// This last check is important, so the system doesn't create shards groups wholly
// in the past.
// It doesn't. Create it. // Create successive shard group.
nextShardGroupTime := g.EndTime.Add(1 * time.Nanosecond)
if newGroup, err := s.CreateShardGroupIfNotExists(di.Name, rp.Name, nextShardGroupTime); err != nil { if newGroup, err := s.CreateShardGroupIfNotExists(di.Name, rp.Name, nextShardGroupTime); err != nil {
s.Logger.Printf("failed to create successive shard group for group %d: %s", s.Logger.Printf("failed to create successive shard group for group %d: %s",
g.ID, err.Error()) g.ID, err.Error())
@ -1420,8 +1423,6 @@ func (s *Store) PrecreateShardGroups(cutoff time.Time) error {
} }
} }
} }
} }
return nil return nil
}) })

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@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ func TestStore_UpdateRetentionPolicy(t *testing.T) {
} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(rpi, &meta.RetentionPolicyInfo{ } else if !reflect.DeepEqual(rpi, &meta.RetentionPolicyInfo{
Name: "rp1", Name: "rp1",
Duration: 10 * time.Hour, Duration: 10 * time.Hour,
ShardGroupDuration: 7 * 24 * time.Hour, ShardGroupDuration: 1 * time.Hour,
ReplicaN: 1, ReplicaN: 1,
}) { }) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected policy: %#v", rpi) t.Fatalf("unexpected policy: %#v", rpi)
@ -489,30 +489,57 @@ func TestStore_PrecreateShardGroup(t *testing.T) {
s := MustOpenStore() s := MustOpenStore()
defer s.Close() defer s.Close()
// Create node, database, policy, & group. // Create node, database, policy, & groups.
if _, err := s.CreateNode("host0"); err != nil { if _, err := s.CreateNode("host0"); err != nil {
t.Fatal(err) t.Fatal(err)
} else if _, err := s.CreateDatabase("db0"); err != nil { } else if _, err := s.CreateDatabase("db0"); err != nil {
t.Fatal(err) t.Fatal(err)
} else if _, err = s.CreateRetentionPolicy("db0", &meta.RetentionPolicyInfo{Name: "rp0", ReplicaN: 2, Duration: 1 * time.Hour}); err != nil { } else if _, err = s.CreateRetentionPolicy("db0", &meta.RetentionPolicyInfo{Name: "rp0", ReplicaN: 2, Duration: 1 * time.Hour}); err != nil {
t.Fatal(err) t.Fatal(err)
} else if _, err := s.CreateShardGroup("db0", "rp0", time.Date(2000, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)); err != nil { } else if _, err = s.CreateRetentionPolicy("db0", &meta.RetentionPolicyInfo{Name: "rp1", ReplicaN: 2, Duration: 1 * time.Hour}); err != nil {
t.Fatal(err) t.Fatal(err)
} else if err := s.PrecreateShardGroups(time.Date(2001, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)); err != nil { } else if _, err = s.CreateRetentionPolicy("db0", &meta.RetentionPolicyInfo{Name: "rp2", ReplicaN: 2, Duration: 1 * time.Hour}); err != nil {
} else if _, err := s.CreateShardGroup("db0", "rp0", time.Date(2001, time.January, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)); err != nil {
} else if _, err := s.CreateShardGroup("db0", "rp1", time.Date(2000, time.January, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)); err != nil {
t.Fatal(err) t.Fatal(err)
} }
if err := s.PrecreateShardGroups(time.Date(2001, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC), time.Date(2001, time.January, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)); err != nil {
// rp0 should undergo precreation.
groups, err := s.ShardGroups("db0", "rp0") groups, err := s.ShardGroups("db0", "rp0")
if err != nil { if err != nil {
t.Fatal(err) t.Fatal(err)
} }
if len(groups) != 2 { if len(groups) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("shard group precreation failed to create new shard group") t.Fatalf("shard group precreation failed to create new shard group for rp0")
} }
if groups[1].StartTime != time.Date(2000, time.January, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) { if groups[1].StartTime != time.Date(2001, time.January, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) {
t.Fatalf("precreated shard group has wrong start time, exp %s, got %s", t.Fatalf("precreated shard group has wrong start time, exp %s, got %s",
time.Date(2000, time.January, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC), groups[1].StartTime) time.Date(2000, time.January, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC), groups[1].StartTime)
} }
// rp1 should not undergo precreation since it is completely in the past.
groups, err = s.ShardGroups("db0", "rp1")
if err != nil {
if len(groups) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("shard group precreation created new shard group for rp1")
// rp2 should not undergo precreation since it has no shards.
groups, err = s.ShardGroups("db0", "rp2")
if err != nil {
if len(groups) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("shard group precreation created new shard group for rp2")
} }
// Ensure the store can create a new continuous query. // Ensure the store can create a new continuous query.
@ -828,14 +855,14 @@ func TestCluster_Restart(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatal("no leader found") t.Fatal("no leader found")
} }
// Add 5 more ndes, 2 should become raft peers, 3 remote raft clients // Add 5 more nodes, 2 should become raft peers, 3 remote raft clients
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
if err := c.Join(); err != nil { if err := c.Join(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to join cluster: %v", err) t.Fatalf("failed to join cluster: %v", err)
} }
} }
// The tests use a host host assigned listener port. We need to re-use // The tests use a host assigned listener port. We need to re-use
// the original ports when the new cluster is restarted so that the existing // the original ports when the new cluster is restarted so that the existing
// peer store addresses can be reached. // peer store addresses can be reached.
addrs := []string{} addrs := []string{}
@ -858,10 +885,25 @@ func TestCluster_Restart(t *testing.T) {
// Re-create the cluster nodes from existing disk paths and addresses // Re-create the cluster nodes from existing disk paths and addresses
stores := []*Store{} stores := []*Store{}
storeChan := make(chan *Store)
for i, s := range c.Stores { for i, s := range c.Stores {
store := MustOpenStoreWithPath(addrs[i], s.Path())
// Need to start each instance asynchronously because they have existing raft peers
// store. Starting one will block indefinitely because it will not be able to become
// leader until another peer is available to hold an election.
go func(addr, path string) {
store := MustOpenStoreWithPath(addr, path)
storeChan <- store
}(addrs[i], s.Path())
// Collect up our restart meta-stores
for range c.Stores {
store := <-storeChan
stores = append(stores, store) stores = append(stores, store)
} }
c.Stores = stores c.Stores = stores
// Wait for the cluster to stabilize // Wait for the cluster to stabilize

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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
# System Monitoring
_This functionality should be considered experimental and is subject to change._
_System Monitoring_ means all statistical and diagnostic information made availabe to the user of InfluxDB system, about the system itself. Its purpose is to assist with troubleshooting and performance analysis of the database itself.
## Statistics vs. Diagnostics
A distinction is made between _statistics_ and _diagnostics_ for the purposes of monitoring. Generally a statistical quality is something that is being counted, and for which it makes sense to store persistently for historical analysis. Diagnostic information is not necessarily numerical, and may not make sense to store.
An example of statistical information would be the number of points received over UDP, or the number of queries executed. Examples of diagnostic information would be a list of current Graphite TCP connections, the version of InfluxDB, or the uptime of the process.
## System Statistics
`SHOW STATS` displays statisics about subsystems within the running `influxd` process. Statistics include points received, points indexed, bytes written to disk, TCP connections handled etc. These statistics are all zero when the InfluxDB process starts.
All statistics are written, by default, by each node to a "monitor" database within the InfluxDB system, allowing analysis of aggregated statistical data using the standard InfluxQL language. This allows users to track the performance of their system. Importantly, this allows cluster-level statistics to be viewed, since by querying the monitor database, statistics from all nodes may be queried. This can be a very powerful approach for troubleshooting your InfluxDB system and understanding its behaviour.
## System Diagnostics
`SHOW DIAGNOSTICS` displays various diagnostic information about the `influxd` process. This information is not stored persistently within the InfluxDB system.
## Standard expvar support
All statistical information is available at HTTP API endpoint `/debug/vars`, in [expvar](https://golang.org/pkg/expvar/) format, allowing external systems to monitor an InfluxDB node. By default, the full path to this endpoint is `http://localhost:8086/debug/vars`.
## Configuration
The `monitor` module allows the following configuration:
* Whether to write statistical and diagnostic information to an InfluxDB system. This is enabled by default.
* The name of the database to where this information should be written. Defaults to `_internal`. The information is written to the default retention policy for the given database.
* The name of the retention policy, along with full configuration control of the retention policy, if the default retention policy is not suitable.
* The rate at which this information should be written. The default rate is once every 10 seconds.
# Design and Implementation
A new module named `monitor` supports all basic statistics and diagnostic functionality. This includes:
* Allowing other modules to register statistics and diagnostics information, allowing it to be accessed on demand by the `monitor` module.
* Serving the statistics and diagnostic information to the user, in response to commands such as `SHOW DIAGNOSTICS`.
* Expose standard Go runtime information such as garbage collection statistics.
* Make all collected expvar data via HTTP, for collection by 3rd-party tools.
* Writing the statistical information to the "monitor" database, for query purposes.
## Registering statistics and diagnostics
To export statistical information with the `monitor` system, code simply calls `influxdb.NewStatistics()` and receives an `expvar.Map` instance in response. This object can then be used to store statistics. To register diagnostic information, `monitor.RegisterDiagnosticsClient` is called, passing a `influxdb.monitor.DiagsClient` object to `monitor`.
## expvar
Statistical information is gathered by each package using [expvar](https://golang.org/pkg/expvar). Each package registers a map using its package name.
Due to the nature of `expvar`, statistical information is reset to its initial state when a server is restarted.

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package monitor
// system captures build diagnostics
type build struct {
Version string
Commit string
Branch string
func (b *build) Diagnostics() (*Diagnostic, error) {
diagnostics := map[string]interface{}{
"Version": b.Version,
"Commit": b.Commit,
"Branch": b.Branch,
return DiagnosticFromMap(diagnostics), nil

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
package monitor
import (
const (
// DefaultStoreEnabled is whether the system writes gathered information in
// an InfluxDB system for historical analysis.
DefaultStoreEnabled = true
// DefaultStoreDatabase is the name of the database where gathered information is written
DefaultStoreDatabase = "_internal"
// DefaultStoreInterval is the period between storing gathered information.
DefaultStoreInterval = 10 * time.Second
// Config represents the configuration for the monitor service.
type Config struct {
StoreEnabled bool `toml:"store-enabled"`
StoreDatabase string `toml:"store-database"`
StoreInterval toml.Duration `toml:"store-interval"`
// NewConfig returns an instance of Config with defaults.
func NewConfig() Config {
return Config{
StoreEnabled: true,
StoreDatabase: DefaultStoreDatabase,
StoreInterval: toml.Duration(DefaultStoreInterval),

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package monitor_test
import (
func TestConfig_Parse(t *testing.T) {
// Parse configuration.
var c monitor.Config
if _, err := toml.Decode(`
`, &c); err != nil {
// Validate configuration.
if !c.StoreEnabled {
t.Fatalf("unexpected store-enabled: %v", c.StoreEnabled)
} else if c.StoreDatabase != "the_db" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected store-database: %s", c.StoreDatabase)
} else if time.Duration(c.StoreInterval) != 10*time.Minute {
t.Fatalf("unexpected store-interval: %s", c.StoreInterval)

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
package monitor
import (
// goRuntime captures Go runtime diagnostics
type goRuntime struct{}
func (g *goRuntime) Diagnostics() (*Diagnostic, error) {
diagnostics := map[string]interface{}{
"GOARCH": runtime.GOARCH,
"GOOS": runtime.GOOS,
"version": runtime.Version(),
return DiagnosticFromMap(diagnostics), nil

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
package monitor
import (
// network captures network diagnostics
type network struct{}
func (n *network) Diagnostics() (*Diagnostic, error) {
h, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
diagnostics := map[string]interface{}{
"hostname": h,
return DiagnosticFromMap(diagnostics), nil

View File

@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
package monitor
import (
const leaderWaitTimeout = 30 * time.Second
const (
MonitorRetentionPolicy = "monitor"
MonitorRetentionPolicyDuration = 7 * 24 * time.Hour
// DiagsClient is the interface modules implement if they register diags with monitor.
type DiagsClient interface {
Diagnostics() (*Diagnostic, error)
// The DiagsClientFunc type is an adapter to allow the use of
// ordinary functions as Diagnostis clients.
type DiagsClientFunc func() (*Diagnostic, error)
// Diagnostics calls f().
func (f DiagsClientFunc) Diagnostics() (*Diagnostic, error) {
return f()
// Diagnostic represents a table of diagnostic information. The first value
// is the name of the columns, the second is a slice of interface slices containing
// the values for each column, by row. This information is never written to an InfluxDB
// system and is display-only. An example showing, say, connections follows:
// source_ip source_port dest_ip dest_port
// 2890 38901
// 2924 38902
type Diagnostic struct {
Columns []string
Rows [][]interface{}
func NewDiagnostic(columns []string) *Diagnostic {
return &Diagnostic{
Columns: columns,
Rows: make([][]interface{}, 0),
func (d *Diagnostic) AddRow(r []interface{}) {
d.Rows = append(d.Rows, r)
// Monitor represents an instance of the monitor system.
type Monitor struct {
// Build information for diagnostics.
Version string
Commit string
Branch string
wg sync.WaitGroup
done chan struct{}
mu sync.Mutex
diagRegistrations map[string]DiagsClient
storeEnabled bool
storeDatabase string
storeRetentionPolicy string
storeRetentionDuration time.Duration
storeReplicationFactor int
storeAddress string
storeInterval time.Duration
MetaStore interface {
ClusterID() (uint64, error)
NodeID() uint64
WaitForLeader(d time.Duration) error
CreateDatabaseIfNotExists(name string) (*meta.DatabaseInfo, error)
CreateRetentionPolicyIfNotExists(database string, rpi *meta.RetentionPolicyInfo) (*meta.RetentionPolicyInfo, error)
SetDefaultRetentionPolicy(database, name string) error
DropRetentionPolicy(database, name string) error
PointsWriter interface {
WritePoints(p *cluster.WritePointsRequest) error
Logger *log.Logger
// New returns a new instance of the monitor system.
func New(c Config) *Monitor {
return &Monitor{
done: make(chan struct{}),
diagRegistrations: make(map[string]DiagsClient),
storeEnabled: c.StoreEnabled,
storeDatabase: c.StoreDatabase,
storeInterval: time.Duration(c.StoreInterval),
Logger: log.New(os.Stderr, "[monitor] ", log.LstdFlags),
// Open opens the monitoring system, using the given clusterID, node ID, and hostname
// for identification purposem.
func (m *Monitor) Open() error {
m.Logger.Printf("Starting monitor system")
// Self-register various stats and diagnostics.
m.RegisterDiagnosticsClient("build", &build{
Version: m.Version,
Commit: m.Commit,
Branch: m.Branch,
m.RegisterDiagnosticsClient("runtime", &goRuntime{})
m.RegisterDiagnosticsClient("network", &network{})
m.RegisterDiagnosticsClient("system", &system{})
// If enabled, record stats in a InfluxDB system.
if m.storeEnabled {
// Start periodic writes to system.
go m.storeStatistics()
return nil
// Close closes the monitor system.
func (m *Monitor) Close() {
m.Logger.Println("shutting down monitor system")
m.done = nil
// SetLogger sets the internal logger to the logger passed in.
func (m *Monitor) SetLogger(l *log.Logger) {
m.Logger = l
// RegisterDiagnosticsClient registers a diagnostics client with the given name and tags.
func (m *Monitor) RegisterDiagnosticsClient(name string, client DiagsClient) error {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
m.diagRegistrations[name] = client
m.Logger.Printf(`'%s' registered for diagnostics monitoring`, name)
return nil
// Statistics returns the combined statistics for all expvar data. The given
// tags are added to each of the returned statistics.
func (m *Monitor) Statistics(tags map[string]string) ([]*statistic, error) {
statistics := make([]*statistic, 0)
expvar.Do(func(kv expvar.KeyValue) {
// Skip built-in expvar stats.
if kv.Key == "memstats" || kv.Key == "cmdline" {
statistic := &statistic{
Tags: make(map[string]string),
Values: make(map[string]interface{}),
// Add any supplied tags.
for k, v := range tags {
statistic.Tags[k] = v
// Every other top-level expvar value is a map.
m := kv.Value.(*expvar.Map)
m.Do(func(subKV expvar.KeyValue) {
switch subKV.Key {
case "name":
// straight to string name.
u, err := strconv.Unquote(subKV.Value.String())
if err != nil {
statistic.Name = u
case "tags":
// string-string tags map.
n := subKV.Value.(*expvar.Map)
n.Do(func(t expvar.KeyValue) {
u, err := strconv.Unquote(t.Value.String())
if err != nil {
statistic.Tags[t.Key] = u
case "values":
// string-interface map.
n := subKV.Value.(*expvar.Map)
n.Do(func(kv expvar.KeyValue) {
var f interface{}
var err error
switch v := kv.Value.(type) {
case *expvar.Float:
f, err = strconv.ParseFloat(v.String(), 64)
if err != nil {
case *expvar.Int:
f, err = strconv.ParseInt(v.String(), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
statistic.Values[kv.Key] = f
// If a registered client has no field data, don't include it in the results
if len(statistic.Values) == 0 {
statistics = append(statistics, statistic)
// Add Go memstats.
statistic := &statistic{
Name: "runtime",
Tags: make(map[string]string),
Values: make(map[string]interface{}),
var rt runtime.MemStats
statistic.Values = map[string]interface{}{
"Alloc": int64(rt.Alloc),
"TotalAlloc": int64(rt.TotalAlloc),
"Sys": int64(rt.Sys),
"Lookups": int64(rt.Lookups),
"Mallocs": int64(rt.Mallocs),
"Frees": int64(rt.Frees),
"HeapAlloc": int64(rt.HeapAlloc),
"HeapSys": int64(rt.HeapSys),
"HeapIdle": int64(rt.HeapIdle),
"HeapInUse": int64(rt.HeapInuse),
"HeapReleased": int64(rt.HeapReleased),
"HeapObjects": int64(rt.HeapObjects),
"PauseTotalNs": int64(rt.PauseTotalNs),
"NumGC": int64(rt.NumGC),
"NumGoroutine": int64(runtime.NumGoroutine()),
statistics = append(statistics, statistic)
return statistics, nil
func (m *Monitor) Diagnostics() (map[string]*Diagnostic, error) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
diags := make(map[string]*Diagnostic, len(m.diagRegistrations))
for k, v := range m.diagRegistrations {
d, err := v.Diagnostics()
if err != nil {
diags[k] = d
return diags, nil
// storeStatistics writes the statistics to an InfluxDB system.
func (m *Monitor) storeStatistics() {
defer m.wg.Done()
m.Logger.Printf("Storing statistics in database '%s' retention policy '%s', at interval %s",
m.storeDatabase, m.storeRetentionPolicy, m.storeInterval)
if err := m.MetaStore.WaitForLeader(leaderWaitTimeout); err != nil {
m.Logger.Printf("failed to detect a cluster leader, terminating storage: %s", err.Error())
// Get cluster-level metadata. Nothing different is going to happen if errors occur.
clusterID, _ := m.MetaStore.ClusterID()
nodeID := m.MetaStore.NodeID()
hostname, _ := os.Hostname()
clusterTags := map[string]string{
"clusterID": fmt.Sprintf("%d", clusterID),
"nodeID": fmt.Sprintf("%d", nodeID),
"hostname": hostname,
if _, err := m.MetaStore.CreateDatabaseIfNotExists(m.storeDatabase); err != nil {
m.Logger.Printf("failed to create database '%s', terminating storage: %s",
m.storeDatabase, err.Error())
rpi := meta.NewRetentionPolicyInfo(MonitorRetentionPolicy)
rpi.Duration = MonitorRetentionPolicyDuration
rpi.ReplicaN = 1
if _, err := m.MetaStore.CreateRetentionPolicyIfNotExists(m.storeDatabase, rpi); err != nil {
m.Logger.Printf("failed to create retention policy '%s', terminating storage: %s",
rpi.Name, err.Error())
if err := m.MetaStore.SetDefaultRetentionPolicy(m.storeDatabase, rpi.Name); err != nil {
m.Logger.Printf("failed to set default retention policy on '%s', terminating storage: %s",
m.storeDatabase, err.Error())
if err := m.MetaStore.DropRetentionPolicy(m.storeDatabase, "default"); err != nil && err != meta.ErrRetentionPolicyNotFound {
m.Logger.Printf("failed to delete retention policy 'default', terminating storage: %s", err.Error())
tick := time.NewTicker(m.storeInterval)
defer tick.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-tick.C:
stats, err := m.Statistics(clusterTags)
if err != nil {
m.Logger.Printf("failed to retrieve registered statistics: %s", err)
points := make(tsdb.Points, 0, len(stats))
for _, s := range stats {
points = append(points, tsdb.NewPoint(s.Name, s.Tags, s.Values, time.Now()))
err = m.PointsWriter.WritePoints(&cluster.WritePointsRequest{
Database: m.storeDatabase,
RetentionPolicy: m.storeRetentionPolicy,
ConsistencyLevel: cluster.ConsistencyLevelOne,
Points: points,
if err != nil {
m.Logger.Printf("failed to store statistics: %s", err)
case <-m.done:
m.Logger.Printf("terminating storage of statistics")
// statistic represents the information returned by a single monitor client.
type statistic struct {
Name string
Tags map[string]string
Values map[string]interface{}
// newStatistic returns a new statistic object.
func newStatistic(name string, tags map[string]string, values map[string]interface{}) *statistic {
return &statistic{
Name: name,
Tags: tags,
Values: values,
// valueNames returns a sorted list of the value names, if any.
func (s *statistic) valueNames() []string {
a := make([]string, 0, len(s.Values))
for k, _ := range s.Values {
a = append(a, k)
return a
// DiagnosticFromMap returns a Diagnostic from a map.
func DiagnosticFromMap(m map[string]interface{}) *Diagnostic {
// Display columns in deterministic order.
sortedKeys := make([]string, 0, len(m))
for k, _ := range m {
sortedKeys = append(sortedKeys, k)
d := NewDiagnostic(sortedKeys)
row := make([]interface{}, len(sortedKeys))
for i, k := range sortedKeys {
row[i] = m[k]
return d

View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
package monitor
import (
// Test that a registered stats client results in the correct SHOW STATS output.
func Test_RegisterStats(t *testing.T) {
monitor := openMonitor(t)
executor := &StatementExecutor{Monitor: monitor}
// Register stats without tags.
statMap := influxdb.NewStatistics("foo", "foo", nil)
statMap.Add("bar", 1)
statMap.AddFloat("qux", 2.4)
json := executeShowStatsJSON(t, executor)
if !strings.Contains(json, `"columns":["bar","qux"],"values":[[1,2.4]]`) || !strings.Contains(json, `"name":"foo"`) {
t.Fatalf("SHOW STATS response incorrect, got: %s\n", json)
// Register a client with tags.
statMap = influxdb.NewStatistics("bar", "baz", map[string]string{"proto": "tcp"})
statMap.Add("bar", 1)
statMap.AddFloat("qux", 2.4)
json = executeShowStatsJSON(t, executor)
if !strings.Contains(json, `"columns":["bar","qux"],"values":[[1,2.4]]`) ||
!strings.Contains(json, `"name":"baz"`) ||
!strings.Contains(json, `"proto":"tcp"`) {
t.Fatalf("SHOW STATS response incorrect, got: %s\n", json)
type mockMetastore struct{}
func (m *mockMetastore) ClusterID() (uint64, error) { return 1, nil }
func (m *mockMetastore) NodeID() uint64 { return 2 }
func (m *mockMetastore) WaitForLeader(d time.Duration) error { return nil }
func (m *mockMetastore) SetDefaultRetentionPolicy(database, name string) error { return nil }
func (m *mockMetastore) DropRetentionPolicy(database, name string) error { return nil }
func (m *mockMetastore) CreateDatabaseIfNotExists(name string) (*meta.DatabaseInfo, error) {
return nil, nil
func (m *mockMetastore) CreateRetentionPolicyIfNotExists(database string, rpi *meta.RetentionPolicyInfo) (*meta.RetentionPolicyInfo, error) {
return nil, nil
func openMonitor(t *testing.T) *Monitor {
monitor := New(NewConfig())
monitor.MetaStore = &mockMetastore{}
err := monitor.Open()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to open monitor: %s", err.Error())
return monitor
func executeShowStatsJSON(t *testing.T, s *StatementExecutor) string {
r := s.ExecuteStatement(&influxql.ShowStatsStatement{})
b, err := r.MarshalJSON()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to decode SHOW STATS response: %s", err.Error())
return string(b)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
package monitor
import (
// StatementExecutor translates InfluxQL queries to Monitor methods.
type StatementExecutor struct {
Monitor interface {
Statistics(map[string]string) ([]*statistic, error)
Diagnostics() (map[string]*Diagnostic, error)
// ExecuteStatement executes monitor-related query statements.
func (s *StatementExecutor) ExecuteStatement(stmt influxql.Statement) *influxql.Result {
switch stmt := stmt.(type) {
case *influxql.ShowStatsStatement:
return s.executeShowStatistics()
case *influxql.ShowDiagnosticsStatement:
return s.executeShowDiagnostics()
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported statement type: %T", stmt))
func (s *StatementExecutor) executeShowStatistics() *influxql.Result {
stats, err := s.Monitor.Statistics(nil)
if err != nil {
return &influxql.Result{Err: err}
rows := make([]*influxql.Row, len(stats))
for n, stat := range stats {
row := &influxql.Row{Name: stat.Name, Tags: stat.Tags}
values := make([]interface{}, 0, len(stat.Values))
for _, k := range stat.valueNames() {
row.Columns = append(row.Columns, k)
values = append(values, stat.Values[k])
row.Values = [][]interface{}{values}
rows[n] = row
return &influxql.Result{Series: rows}
func (s *StatementExecutor) executeShowDiagnostics() *influxql.Result {
diags, err := s.Monitor.Diagnostics()
if err != nil {
return &influxql.Result{Err: err}
rows := make([]*influxql.Row, 0, len(diags))
for k, v := range diags {
row := &influxql.Row{Name: k}
row.Columns = v.Columns
row.Values = v.Rows
rows = append(rows, row)
return &influxql.Result{Series: rows}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
package monitor
import (
var startTime time.Time
func init() {
startTime = time.Now().UTC()
// system captures system-level diagnostics
type system struct{}
func (s *system) Diagnostics() (*Diagnostic, error) {
diagnostics := map[string]interface{}{
"PID": os.Getpid(),
"currentTime": time.Now().UTC(),
"started": startTime,
"uptime": time.Since(startTime).String(),
return DiagnosticFromMap(diagnostics), nil

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
REPO_DIR=`mktemp -d`
echo "Using $REPO_DIR for all work..."
export GOPATH=`pwd`
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/influxdb
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/influxdb
git clone https://github.com/influxdb/influxdb.git
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/influxdb/influxdb
NIGHTLY_BUILD=true ./package.sh 0.9.5-nightly-`git log --pretty=format:'%h' -n 1`
rm -rf $REPO_DIR

View File

@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Packaging script which creates debian and RPM packages. It optionally
# tags the repo with the given version.
# Requirements: GOPATH must be set. 'fpm' must be on the path, and the AWS
# CLI tools must also be installed.
# https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm
# http://aws.amazon.com/cli/
# Packaging process: to package a build, simple execute:
# package.sh <version>
# where <version> is the desired version. If generation of a debian and RPM
# package is successful, the script will offer to tag the repo using the
# supplied version string.
# See package.sh -h for options
# AWS upload: the script will also offer to upload the packages to S3. If
# this option is selected, the credentials should be present in the file
# ~/aws.conf. The contents should be of the form:
# [default]
# aws_access_key_id=<access ID>
# aws_secret_access_key=<secret key>
# region = us-east-1
# Trim the leading spaces when creating the file. The script will exit if
# S3 upload is requested, but this file does not exist.
[ -z $DEBUG ] || set -x
TMP_WORK_DIR=`mktemp -d`
ARCH=`uname -i`
DESCRIPTION="Distributed time-series database"
# Allow path to FPM to be set by environment variables. Some execution contexts
# like cron don't have PATH set correctly to pick it up.
if [ -z "$FPM" ]; then
FPM=`which fpm`
# Helper functions.
# usage prints simple usage information.
usage() {
cat << EOF >&2
$0 [-h] [-p|-w] [-t <dist>] <version>
-p just build packages
-w build packages for current working directory
imply -p
-t <dist>
build package for <dist>
<dist> can be rpm, tar or deb
can have multiple -t
cleanup_exit $1
# cleanup_exit removes all resources created during the process and exits with
# the supplied returned code.
cleanup_exit() {
exit $1
# current_branch echos the current git branch.
current_branch() {
echo `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
# check_gopath sanity checks the value of the GOPATH env variable, and determines
# the path where build artifacts are installed. GOPATH may be a colon-delimited
# list of directories.
check_gopath() {
[ -z "$GOPATH" ] && echo "GOPATH is not set." && cleanup_exit 1
GOPATH_INSTALL=`echo $GOPATH | cut -d ':' -f 1`
[ ! -d "$GOPATH_INSTALL" ] && echo "GOPATH_INSTALL is not a directory." && cleanup_exit 1
echo "GOPATH ($GOPATH) looks sane, using $GOPATH_INSTALL for installation."
check_gvm() {
if [ -n "$GOPATH" ]; then
source $HOME/.gvm/scripts/gvm
which gvm
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "gvm not found -- aborting."
cleanup_exit $1
gvm use $GO_VERSION
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "gvm cannot find Go version $GO_VERSION -- aborting."
cleanup_exit $1
# Keep any existing GOPATH set.
if [ -n "$existing_gopath" ]; then
# check_clean_tree ensures that no source file is locally modified.
check_clean_tree() {
modified=$(git ls-files --modified | wc -l)
if [ $modified -ne 0 ]; then
echo "The source tree is not clean -- aborting."
cleanup_exit 1
echo "Git tree is clean."
# update_tree ensures the tree is in-sync with the repo.
update_tree() {
git pull origin $TARGET_BRANCH
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to pull latest code -- aborting."
cleanup_exit 1
git fetch --tags
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to fetch tags -- aborting."
cleanup_exit 1
echo "Git tree updated successfully."
# check_tag_exists checks if the existing release already exists in the tags.
check_tag_exists () {
git tag | grep -q "^v$version$"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Proposed version $version already exists as a tag -- aborting."
cleanup_exit 1
# make_dir_tree creates the directory structure within the packages.
make_dir_tree() {
mkdir -p $work_dir/$INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/versions/$version/scripts
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to create installation directory -- aborting."
cleanup_exit 1
mkdir -p $work_dir/$CONFIG_ROOT_DIR
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to create configuration directory -- aborting."
cleanup_exit 1
mkdir -p $work_dir/$LOGROTATE_DIR
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to create logrotate directory -- aborting."
cleanup_exit 1
# do_build builds the code. The version and commit must be passed in.
do_build() {
for b in ${BINS[*]}; do
rm -f $GOPATH_INSTALL/bin/$b
if [ -n "$WORKING_DIR" ]; then
STASH=`git stash create -a`
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "WARNING: failed to stash uncommited local changes"
git reset --hard
go get -u -f -d ./...
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "WARNING: failed to 'go get' packages."
git checkout $TARGET_BRANCH # go get switches to master, so ensure we're back.
if [ -n "$WORKING_DIR" ]; then
git stash apply $STASH
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then #and apply previous uncommited local changes
echo "WARNING: failed to restore uncommited local changes"
commit=`git rev-parse HEAD`
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Unable to retrieve current commit -- aborting"
cleanup_exit 1
go install -a -ldflags="-X main.version=$version -X main.branch=$branch -X main.commit=$commit" ./...
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Build failed, unable to create package -- aborting"
cleanup_exit 1
echo "Build completed successfully."
# generate_postinstall_script creates the post-install script for the
# package. It must be passed the version.
generate_postinstall_script() {
rm -f $INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/influxd
rm -f $INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/influx
rm -f $INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/init.sh
ln -s $INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/versions/$version/influxd $INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/influxd
ln -s $INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/versions/$version/influx $INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/influx
ln -s $INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/versions/$version/scripts/init.sh $INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/init.sh
if ! id influxdb >/dev/null 2>&1; then
useradd --system -U -M influxdb
# Systemd
if which systemctl > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
cp $INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/versions/$version/scripts/influxdb.service \
systemctl enable influxdb
# Sysv
rm -f /etc/init.d/influxdb
ln -sfn $INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/init.sh /etc/init.d/influxdb
chmod +x /etc/init.d/influxdb
if which update-rc.d > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
update-rc.d -f influxdb remove
update-rc.d influxdb defaults
chkconfig --add influxdb
chown -R -L influxdb:influxdb $INSTALL_ROOT_DIR
chown -R -L influxdb:influxdb $INFLUXDB_LOG_DIR
chown -R -L influxdb:influxdb $INFLUXDB_DATA_DIR
echo "Post-install script created successfully at $POST_INSTALL_PATH"
# Process options
while :
case $1 in
-h | --help)
usage 0
-p | --packages-only)
-t | --target)
case "$2" in
'tar') TAR_WANTED="gz"
'deb') DEB_WANTED="deb"
'rpm') RPM_WANTED="rpm"
echo "Unknown target distribution $2"
usage 1
shift 2
-w | --working-directory)
echo "Unknown option $1"
usage 1
if [ -z $VERSION ]; then
echo "$1 : aborting version already set to $VERSION"
usage 1
*) break
if [ -z "$VERSION" ]; then
echo -e "Missing version"
usage 1
# Start the packaging process.
echo -e "\nStarting package process...\n"
# Ensure the current is correct.
if [ -z "$NIGHTLY_BUILD" -a -z "$PACKAGES_ONLY" ]; then
echo -n "Current branch is $TARGET_BRANCH. Start packaging this branch? [Y/n] "
read response
response=`echo $response | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'`
if [ "x$response" == "xn" ]; then
echo "Packaging aborted."
cleanup_exit 1
if [ -z "$NIGHTLY_BUILD" -a -z "$PACKAGES_ONLY" ]; then
check_tag_exists $VERSION
do_build $VERSION
make_dir_tree $TMP_WORK_DIR $VERSION
# Copy the assets to the installation directories.
for b in ${BINS[*]}; do
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to copy binaries to packaging directory -- aborting."
cleanup_exit 1
echo "${BINS[*]} copied to $TMP_WORK_DIR/$INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/versions/$VERSION"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to copy init.d script to packaging directory -- aborting."
cleanup_exit 1
echo "$INITD_SCRIPT copied to $TMP_WORK_DIR/$INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/versions/$VERSION/scripts"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to copy systemd script to packaging directory -- aborting."
cleanup_exit 1
echo "$SYSTEMD_SCRIPT copied to $TMP_WORK_DIR/$INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/versions/$VERSION/scripts"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to copy $SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION to packaging directory -- aborting."
cleanup_exit 1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to copy logrotate configuration to packaging directory -- aborting."
cleanup_exit 1
generate_postinstall_script $VERSION
# Create the actual packages.
if [ -z "$NIGHTLY_BUILD" -a -z "$PACKAGES_ONLY" ]; then
echo -n "Commence creation of $ARCH packages, version $VERSION? [Y/n] "
read response
response=`echo $response | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'`
if [ "x$response" == "xn" ]; then
echo "Packaging aborted."
cleanup_exit 1
if [ $ARCH == "i386" ]; then
rpm_package=influxdb-${VERSION}-1.i686.rpm # RPM packages use 1 for default package release.
deb_args="-a i686"
rpm_args="setarch i686"
elif [ $ARCH == "arm" ]; then
COMMON_FPM_ARGS="--log error -C $TMP_WORK_DIR --vendor $VENDOR --url $URL --license $LICENSE --maintainer $MAINTAINER --after-install $POST_INSTALL_PATH --name influxdb --version $VERSION --config-files $CONFIG_ROOT_DIR --config-files $LOGROTATE_DIR ."
if [ -n "$DEB_WANTED" ]; then
$FPM -s dir -t deb $deb_args --description "$DESCRIPTION" $COMMON_FPM_ARGS
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to create Debian package -- aborting."
cleanup_exit 1
echo "Debian package created successfully."
if [ -n "$TAR_WANTED" ]; then
$FPM -s dir -t tar --prefix influxdb_${VERSION}_${ARCH} -p influxdb_${VERSION}_${ARCH}.tar.gz --description "$DESCRIPTION" $COMMON_FPM_ARGS
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to create Tar package -- aborting."
cleanup_exit 1
echo "Tar package created successfully."
if [ -n "$RPM_WANTED" ]; then
$rpm_args $FPM -s dir -t rpm --description "$DESCRIPTION" $COMMON_FPM_ARGS
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to create RPM package -- aborting."
cleanup_exit 1
echo "RPM package created successfully."
# Offer to tag the repo.
if [ -z "$NIGHTLY_BUILD" -a -z "$PACKAGES_ONLY" ]; then
echo -n "Tag source tree with v$VERSION and push to repo? [y/N] "
read response
response=`echo $response | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'`
if [ "x$response" == "xy" ]; then
echo "Creating tag v$VERSION and pushing to repo"
git tag v$VERSION
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to create tag v$VERSION -- aborting"
cleanup_exit 1
echo "Tag v$VERSION created"
git push origin v$VERSION
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to push tag v$VERSION to repo -- aborting"
cleanup_exit 1
echo "Tag v$VERSION pushed to repo"
echo "Not creating tag v$VERSION."
# Offer to publish the packages.
if [ -z "$NIGHTLY_BUILD" -a -z "$PACKAGES_ONLY" ]; then
echo -n "Publish packages to S3? [y/N] "
read response
response=`echo $response | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'`
if [ "x$response" == "xy" -o -n "$NIGHTLY_BUILD" ]; then
echo "Publishing packages to S3."
if [ ! -e "$AWS_FILE" ]; then
echo "$AWS_FILE does not exist -- aborting."
cleanup_exit 1
for filepath in `ls *.{$DEB_WANTED,$RPM_WANTED,$TAR_WANTED} 2> /dev/null`; do
filename=`basename $filepath`
if [ -n "$NIGHTLY_BUILD" ]; then
filename=`echo $filename | sed s/$VERSION/nightly/`
filename=`echo $filename | sed s/$VERSION_UNDERSCORED/nightly/`
AWS_CONFIG_FILE=$AWS_FILE aws s3 cp $filepath s3://influxdb/$filename --acl public-read --region us-east-1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Upload failed ($filename) -- aborting".
cleanup_exit 1
echo "$filename uploaded"
echo "Not publishing packages to S3."
# All done.
echo -e "\nPackaging process complete."
cleanup_exit 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# If you modify this, please also make sure to edit init.sh
Description=InfluxDB is an open-source, distributed, time series database
ExecStart=/opt/influxdb/influxd -config /etc/opt/influxdb/influxdb.conf $INFLUXD_OPTS

View File

@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
#! /usr/bin/env bash
# Provides: influxd
# Required-Start: $all
# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Start influxd at boot time
# If you modify this, please make sure to also edit influxdb.service
# this init script supports three different variations:
# 1. New lsb that define start-stop-daemon
# 2. Old lsb that don't have start-stop-daemon but define, log, pidofproc and killproc
# 3. Centos installations without lsb-core installed
# In the third case we have to define our own functions which are very dumb
# and expect the args to be positioned correctly.
# Command-line options that can be set in /etc/default/influxdb. These will override
# any config file values. Example: "-join"
# Daemon options
# Process name ( For display )
# User and group
# Daemon name, where is the actual executable
# If the daemon is not there, then exit.
[ -x $DAEMON ] || exit 5
# Configuration file
# PID file for the daemon
if [ ! -d "$PIDDIR" ]; then
mkdir -p $PIDDIR
# Max open files
if [ -r /lib/lsb/init-functions ]; then
source /lib/lsb/init-functions
# Logging
if [ -z "$STDOUT" ]; then
if [ ! -f "$STDOUT" ]; then
mkdir -p $(dirname $STDOUT)
if [ -z "$STDERR" ]; then
if [ ! -f "$STDERR" ]; then
mkdir -p $(dirname $STDERR)
# Overwrite init script variables with /etc/default/influxdb values
if [ -r $DEFAULT ]; then
source $DEFAULT
function pidofproc() {
if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
echo "Expected three arguments, e.g. $0 -p pidfile daemon-name"
PID=`pgrep -f $3`
local PIDFILE=`cat $2`
if [ "x$PIDFILE" == "x" ]; then
return 1
if [ "x$PID" != "x" -a "$PIDFILE" == "$PID" ]; then
return 0
return 1
function killproc() {
if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
echo "Expected three arguments, e.g. $0 -p pidfile signal"
PID=`cat $2`
/bin/kill -s $3 $PID
while true; do
pidof `basename $DAEMON` >/dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
return 0
sleep 1
n=$(expr $n + 1)
if [ $n -eq 30 ]; then
/bin/kill -s SIGKILL $PID
return 0
function log_failure_msg() {
echo "$@" "[ FAILED ]"
function log_success_msg() {
echo "$@" "[ OK ]"
case $1 in
# Check if config file exist
if [ ! -r $CONFIG ]; then
log_failure_msg "config file doesn't exists"
exit 4
# Checked the PID file exists and check the actual status of process
if [ -e $PIDFILE ]; then
pidofproc -p $PIDFILE $DAEMON > /dev/null 2>&1 && STATUS="0" || STATUS="$?"
# If the status is SUCCESS then don't need to start again.
if [ "x$STATUS" = "x0" ]; then
log_failure_msg "$NAME process is running"
exit 0 # Exit
# if PID file does not exist, check if writable
su -c "touch $PIDFILE" $USER > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
log_failure_msg "$PIDFILE not writable, check permissions"
exit 5
# Bump the file limits, before launching the daemon. These will carry over to
# launched processes.
ulimit -n $OPEN_FILE_LIMIT
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
log_failure_msg "set open file limit to $OPEN_FILE_LIMIT"
exit 1
log_success_msg "Starting the process" "$NAME"
if which start-stop-daemon > /dev/null 2>&1; then
start-stop-daemon --chuid $GROUP:$USER --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON -- -pidfile $PIDFILE -config $CONFIG $INFLUXD_OPTS >>$STDOUT 2>>$STDERR &
su -s /bin/sh -c "nohup $DAEMON -pidfile $PIDFILE -config $CONFIG $INFLUXD_OPTS >>$STDOUT 2>>$STDERR &" $USER
log_success_msg "$NAME process was started"
# Stop the daemon.
if [ -e $PIDFILE ]; then
pidofproc -p $PIDFILE $DAEMON > /dev/null 2>&1 && STATUS="0" || STATUS="$?"
if [ "$STATUS" = 0 ]; then
if killproc -p $PIDFILE SIGTERM && /bin/rm -rf $PIDFILE; then
log_success_msg "$NAME process was stopped"
log_failure_msg "$NAME failed to stop service"
log_failure_msg "$NAME process is not running"
# Restart the daemon.
$0 stop && sleep 2 && $0 start
# Check the status of the process.
if [ -e $PIDFILE ]; then
if pidofproc -p $PIDFILE $DAEMON > /dev/null; then
log_success_msg "$NAME Process is running"
exit 0
log_failure_msg "$NAME Process is not running"
exit 1
log_failure_msg "$NAME Process is not running"
exit 3
$DAEMON version
# For invalid arguments, print the usage message.
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status|version}"
exit 2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
/var/log/influxdb/influxd.log {
rotate 7

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
package admin
const (
// DefaultBindAddress is the default bind address for the HTTP server.
DefaultBindAddress = ":8083"
type Config struct {
Enabled bool `toml:"enabled"`
BindAddress string `toml:"bind-address"`
HttpsEnabled bool `toml:"https-enabled"`
HttpsCertificate string `toml:"https-certificate"`
func NewConfig() Config {
return Config{
BindAddress: DefaultBindAddress,
HttpsEnabled: false,
HttpsCertificate: "/etc/ssl/influxdb.pem",

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More