diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 217313e02..0ab29f284 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -36,8 +36,21 @@ brew install telegraf * Edit the configuration to match your needs * Run `telegraf -config telegraf.toml -test` to output one full measurement sample to STDOUT * Run `telegraf -config telegraf.toml` to gather and send metrics to InfluxDB +* Run `telegraf -config telegraf.toml -filter system:swap` to enable only two plugins described into config file +### Telegraf Usage +```telegraf --help``` + +* -config="": configuration file to load +* -debug=false: show metrics as they're generated to stdout +* -filter="": filter the plugins to enable, separator is : +* -httptest.serve="": if non-empty, httptest.NewServer serves on this address and blocks +* -pidfile="": file to write our pid to +* -sample-config=false: print out full sample configuration +* -test=false: gather metrics, print them out, and exit +* -version=false: display the version + ## Telegraf Options Telegraf has a few options you can configure under the `agent` section of the