snmp: use a shared global translation cache

Prevents the same data from being looked up multiple times. Also prevents multiple simultaneous lookups.

This commit is contained in:
Patrick Hemmer 2016-12-01 23:45:37 -05:00 committed by Cameron Sparr
parent 91143dda1a
commit b58926dd26
3 changed files with 196 additions and 49 deletions

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@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
### Bugfixes
- [#2007]( Make snmptranslate not required when using numeric OID.
- [#2104]( Add a global snmp translation cache.
## v1.1.1 [2016-11-14]

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
@ -199,65 +200,22 @@ func (t *Table) init() error {
return nil
// init() populates Fields if a table OID is provided.
// initBuild initializes the table if it has an OID configured. If so, the
// net-snmp tools will be used to look up the OID and auto-populate the table's
// fields.
func (t *Table) initBuild() error {
if t.Oid == "" {
return nil
mibName, _, oidText, _, err := snmpTranslate(t.Oid)
_, _, oidText, fields, err := snmpTable(t.Oid)
if err != nil {
return Errorf(err, "translating %s", t.Oid)
return Errorf(err, "initializing table %s", t.Oid)
if t.Name == "" {
t.Name = oidText
mibPrefix := mibName + "::"
oidFullName := mibPrefix + oidText
// first attempt to get the table's tags
tagOids := map[string]struct{}{}
// We have to guess that the "entry" oid is `t.Oid+".1"`. snmptable and snmptranslate don't seem to have a way to provide the info.
if out, err := execCmd("snmptranslate", "-Td", oidFullName+".1"); err == nil {
lines := bytes.Split(out, []byte{'\n'})
for _, line := range lines {
if !bytes.HasPrefix(line, []byte(" INDEX")) {
i := bytes.Index(line, []byte("{ "))
if i == -1 { // parse error
line = line[i+2:]
i = bytes.Index(line, []byte(" }"))
if i == -1 { // parse error
line = line[:i]
for _, col := range bytes.Split(line, []byte(", ")) {
tagOids[mibPrefix+string(col)] = struct{}{}
// this won't actually try to run a query. The `-Ch` will just cause it to dump headers.
out, err := execCmd("snmptable", "-Ch", "-Cl", "-c", "public", "", oidFullName)
if err != nil {
return Errorf(err, "getting table columns for %s", t.Oid)
cols := bytes.SplitN(out, []byte{'\n'}, 2)[0]
if len(cols) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to get columns for table %s", t.Oid)
for _, col := range bytes.Split(cols, []byte{' '}) {
if len(col) == 0 {
col := string(col)
_, isTag := tagOids[mibPrefix+col]
t.Fields = append(t.Fields, Field{Name: col, Oid: mibPrefix + col, IsTag: isTag})
t.Fields = append(t.Fields, fields...)
return nil
@ -841,8 +799,131 @@ func fieldConvert(conv string, v interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid conversion type '%s'", conv)
type snmpTableCache struct {
mibName string
oidNum string
oidText string
fields []Field
err error
var snmpTableCaches map[string]snmpTableCache
var snmpTableCachesLock sync.Mutex
// snmpTable resolves the given OID as a table, providing information about the
// table and fields within.
func snmpTable(oid string) (mibName string, oidNum string, oidText string, fields []Field, err error) {
if snmpTableCaches == nil {
snmpTableCaches = map[string]snmpTableCache{}
var stc snmpTableCache
var ok bool
if stc, ok = snmpTableCaches[oid]; !ok {
stc.mibName, stc.oidNum, stc.oidText, stc.fields, stc.err = snmpTableCall(oid)
snmpTableCaches[oid] = stc
return stc.mibName, stc.oidNum, stc.oidText, stc.fields, stc.err
func snmpTableCall(oid string) (mibName string, oidNum string, oidText string, fields []Field, err error) {
mibName, oidNum, oidText, _, err = snmpTranslate(oid)
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", nil, Errorf(err, "translating")
mibPrefix := mibName + "::"
oidFullName := mibPrefix + oidText
// first attempt to get the table's tags
tagOids := map[string]struct{}{}
// We have to guess that the "entry" oid is `oid+".1"`. snmptable and snmptranslate don't seem to have a way to provide the info.
if out, err := execCmd("snmptranslate", "-Td", oidFullName+".1"); err == nil {
lines := bytes.Split(out, []byte{'\n'})
for _, line := range lines {
if !bytes.HasPrefix(line, []byte(" INDEX")) {
i := bytes.Index(line, []byte("{ "))
if i == -1 { // parse error
line = line[i+2:]
i = bytes.Index(line, []byte(" }"))
if i == -1 { // parse error
line = line[:i]
for _, col := range bytes.Split(line, []byte(", ")) {
tagOids[mibPrefix+string(col)] = struct{}{}
// this won't actually try to run a query. The `-Ch` will just cause it to dump headers.
out, err := execCmd("snmptable", "-Ch", "-Cl", "-c", "public", "", oidFullName)
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", nil, Errorf(err, "getting table columns")
cols := bytes.SplitN(out, []byte{'\n'}, 2)[0]
if len(cols) == 0 {
return "", "", "", nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find any columns in table")
for _, col := range bytes.Split(cols, []byte{' '}) {
if len(col) == 0 {
col := string(col)
_, isTag := tagOids[mibPrefix+col]
fields = append(fields, Field{Name: col, Oid: mibPrefix + col, IsTag: isTag})
return mibName, oidNum, oidText, fields, err
type snmpTranslateCache struct {
mibName string
oidNum string
oidText string
conversion string
err error
var snmpTranslateCachesLock sync.Mutex
var snmpTranslateCaches map[string]snmpTranslateCache
// snmpTranslate resolves the given OID.
func snmpTranslate(oid string) (mibName string, oidNum string, oidText string, conversion string, err error) {
if snmpTranslateCaches == nil {
snmpTranslateCaches = map[string]snmpTranslateCache{}
var stc snmpTranslateCache
var ok bool
if stc, ok = snmpTranslateCaches[oid]; !ok {
// This will result in only one call to snmptranslate running at a time.
// We could speed it up by putting a lock in snmpTranslateCache and then
// returning it immediately, and multiple callers would then release the
// snmpTranslateCachesLock and instead wait on the individual
// snmpTranlsation.Lock to release. But I don't know that the extra complexity
// is worth it. Especially when it would slam the system pretty hard if lots
// of lookups are being perfomed.
stc.mibName, stc.oidNum, stc.oidText, stc.conversion, stc.err = snmpTranslateCall(oid)
snmpTranslateCaches[oid] = stc
return stc.mibName, stc.oidNum, stc.oidText, stc.conversion, stc.err
func snmpTranslateCall(oid string) (mibName string, oidNum string, oidText string, conversion string, err error) {
var out []byte
if strings.ContainsAny(oid, ":abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ") {
out, err = execCmd("snmptranslate", "-Td", "-Ob", oid)

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@ -648,6 +648,71 @@ func TestFieldConvert(t *testing.T) {
func TestSnmpTranslateCache_miss(t *testing.T) {
snmpTranslateCaches = nil
oid := "IF-MIB::ifPhysAddress.1"
mibName, oidNum, oidText, conversion, err := snmpTranslate(oid)
assert.Len(t, snmpTranslateCaches, 1)
stc := snmpTranslateCaches[oid]
require.NotNil(t, stc)
assert.Equal(t, mibName, stc.mibName)
assert.Equal(t, oidNum, stc.oidNum)
assert.Equal(t, oidText, stc.oidText)
assert.Equal(t, conversion, stc.conversion)
assert.Equal(t, err, stc.err)
func TestSnmpTranslateCache_hit(t *testing.T) {
snmpTranslateCaches = map[string]snmpTranslateCache{
"foo": snmpTranslateCache{
mibName: "a",
oidNum: "b",
oidText: "c",
conversion: "d",
err: fmt.Errorf("e"),
mibName, oidNum, oidText, conversion, err := snmpTranslate("foo")
assert.Equal(t, "a", mibName)
assert.Equal(t, "b", oidNum)
assert.Equal(t, "c", oidText)
assert.Equal(t, "d", conversion)
assert.Equal(t, fmt.Errorf("e"), err)
snmpTranslateCaches = nil
func TestSnmpTableCache_miss(t *testing.T) {
snmpTableCaches = nil
oid := "."
mibName, oidNum, oidText, fields, err := snmpTable(oid)
assert.Len(t, snmpTableCaches, 1)
stc := snmpTableCaches[oid]
require.NotNil(t, stc)
assert.Equal(t, mibName, stc.mibName)
assert.Equal(t, oidNum, stc.oidNum)
assert.Equal(t, oidText, stc.oidText)
assert.Equal(t, fields, stc.fields)
assert.Equal(t, err, stc.err)
func TestSnmpTableCache_hit(t *testing.T) {
snmpTableCaches = map[string]snmpTableCache{
"foo": snmpTableCache{
mibName: "a",
oidNum: "b",
oidText: "c",
fields: []Field{{Name: "d"}},
err: fmt.Errorf("e"),
mibName, oidNum, oidText, fields, err := snmpTable("foo")
assert.Equal(t, "a", mibName)
assert.Equal(t, "b", oidNum)
assert.Equal(t, "c", oidText)
assert.Equal(t, []Field{{Name: "d"}}, fields)
assert.Equal(t, fmt.Errorf("e"), err)
func TestError(t *testing.T) {
e := fmt.Errorf("nested error")
err := Errorf(e, "top error %d", 123)