package mysql import ( "database/sql" "fmt" "testing" "" "" "" ) func TestMysqlDefaultsToLocal(t *testing.T) { if testing.Short() { t.Skip("Skipping integration test in short mode") } m := &Mysql{ Servers: []string{fmt.Sprintf("root@tcp(%s:3306)/", testutil.GetLocalHost())}, } var acc testutil.Accumulator err := m.Gather(&acc) require.NoError(t, err) assert.True(t, acc.HasMeasurement("mysql")) } func TestMysqlMultipleInstances(t *testing.T) { // Invoke Gather() from two separate configurations and // confirm they don't interfere with each other if testing.Short() { t.Skip("Skipping integration test in short mode") } testServer := "root@tcp(" m := &Mysql{ Servers: []string{testServer}, IntervalSlow: "30s", } var acc, acc2 testutil.Accumulator err := m.Gather(&acc) require.NoError(t, err) assert.True(t, acc.HasMeasurement("mysql")) // acc should have global variables assert.True(t, acc.HasMeasurement("mysql_variables")) m2 := &Mysql{ Servers: []string{testServer}, } err = m2.Gather(&acc2) require.NoError(t, err) assert.True(t, acc2.HasMeasurement("mysql")) // acc2 should not have global variables assert.False(t, acc2.HasMeasurement("mysql_variables")) } func TestMysqlMultipleInits(t *testing.T) { m := &Mysql{ IntervalSlow: "30s", } m2 := &Mysql{} m.InitMysql() assert.True(t, m.initDone) assert.False(t, m2.initDone) assert.Equal(t, m.scanIntervalSlow, uint32(30)) assert.Equal(t, m2.scanIntervalSlow, uint32(0)) m2.InitMysql() assert.True(t, m.initDone) assert.True(t, m2.initDone) assert.Equal(t, m.scanIntervalSlow, uint32(30)) assert.Equal(t, m2.scanIntervalSlow, uint32(0)) } func TestMysqlGetDSNTag(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { input string output string }{ { "", "", }, { "localhost", "", }, { "", "", }, { "tcp(", "", }, { "tcp(localhost)/", "localhost:3306", }, { "root:passwd@tcp(", "", }, { "root@tcp(", "", }, { "root:passwd@tcp(localhost:3036)/dbname?allowOldPasswords=1", "localhost:3036", }, { "root:foo@bar@tcp(", "", }, { "root:f00@b4r@tcp(", "", }, { "root:fl!p11@tcp(", "", }, } for _, test := range tests { output := getDSNTag(test.input) if output != test.output { t.Errorf("Input: %s Expected %s, got %s\n", test.input, test.output, output) } } } func TestMysqlDNSAddTimeout(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { input string output string }{ { "", "tcp(", }, { "tcp(", "tcp(", }, { "root:passwd@tcp(", "root:passwd@tcp(", }, { "root:passwd@tcp(", "root:passwd@tcp(", }, { "tcp(", "tcp(", }, { "root:@!~(*&$#%(&@#(@&#Password@tcp(", "root:@!~(*&$#%(&@#(@&#Password@tcp(", }, { "root:Test3a#@!@tcp(", "root:Test3a#@!@tcp(", }, } for _, test := range tests { output, _ := dsnAddTimeout(test.input) if output != test.output { t.Errorf("Expected %s, got %s\n", test.output, output) } } } func TestParseValue(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { rawByte sql.RawBytes output interface{} boolValue bool }{ {sql.RawBytes("123"), int64(123), true}, {sql.RawBytes("abc"), "abc", true}, {sql.RawBytes("10.1"), 10.1, true}, {sql.RawBytes("ON"), 1, true}, {sql.RawBytes("OFF"), 0, true}, {sql.RawBytes("NO"), 0, true}, {sql.RawBytes("YES"), 1, true}, {sql.RawBytes("No"), 0, true}, {sql.RawBytes("Yes"), 1, true}, {sql.RawBytes(""), nil, false}, } for _, cases := range testCases { if got, ok := parseValue(cases.rawByte); got != cases.output && ok != cases.boolValue { t.Errorf("for %s wanted %t, got %t", string(cases.rawByte), cases.output, got) } } } func TestNewNamespace(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { words []string namespace string }{ { []string{"thread", "info_scheme", "query update"}, "thread_info_scheme_query_update", }, { []string{"thread", "info_scheme", "query_update"}, "thread_info_scheme_query_update", }, { []string{"thread", "info", "scheme", "query", "update"}, "thread_info_scheme_query_update", }, } for _, cases := range testCases { if got := newNamespace(cases.words...); got != cases.namespace { t.Errorf("want %s, got %s", cases.namespace, got) } } }