# Telegraf plugin: phpfpm

Get phpfpm stat using either HTTP status page or fpm socket.

# Measurements


- tags: `url=<ip> pool=poolname`

Measurement names:

- accepted_conn
- listen_queue
- max_listen_queue
- listen_queue_len
- idle_processes
- active_processes
- total_processes
- max_active_processes
- max_children_reached
- slow_requests

# Example output

Using this configuration:

  # An array of address to gather stats about. Specify an ip on hostname
  # with optional port and path. ie localhost,, etc.
  # We can configure in three modes:
  #   - unixsocket: the string is the path to fpm socket like
  #      /var/run/php5-fpm.sock
  #   - http: the URL has to start with http:// or https://
  #   - fcgi: the URL has to start with fcgi:// or cgi://, and socket port must present
  # If no servers are specified, then default to
  urls = ["http://localhost/status", "", "fcgi://"]

When run with:

./telegraf -config telegraf.conf -filter phpfpm -test

It produces:

* Plugin: phpfpm, Collection 1
> [url="" pool="www"] phpfpm_idle_processes value=1
> [url="" pool="www"] phpfpm_total_processes value=2
> [url="" pool="www"] phpfpm_max_children_reached value=0
> [url="" pool="www"] phpfpm_max_listen_queue value=0
> [url="" pool="www"] phpfpm_listen_queue value=0
> [url="" pool="www"] phpfpm_listen_queue_len value=0
> [url="" pool="www"] phpfpm_active_processes value=1
> [url="" pool="www"] phpfpm_max_active_processes value=2
> [url="" pool="www"] phpfpm_slow_requests value=0
> [url="" pool="www"] phpfpm_accepted_conn value=305

> [url="localhost" pool="www2"] phpfpm_max_children_reached value=0
> [url="localhost" pool="www2"] phpfpm_slow_requests value=0
> [url="localhost" pool="www2"] phpfpm_max_listen_queue value=0
> [url="localhost" pool="www2"] phpfpm_active_processes value=1
> [url="localhost" pool="www2"] phpfpm_listen_queue_len value=0
> [url="localhost" pool="www2"] phpfpm_idle_processes value=1
> [url="localhost" pool="www2"] phpfpm_total_processes value=2
> [url="localhost" pool="www2"] phpfpm_max_active_processes value=2
> [url="localhost" pool="www2"] phpfpm_accepted_conn value=306
> [url="localhost" pool="www2"] phpfpm_listen_queue value=0

> [url="" pool="www3"] phpfpm_max_children_reached value=0
> [url="" pool="www3"] phpfpm_slow_requests value=1
> [url="" pool="www3"] phpfpm_max_listen_queue value=0
> [url="" pool="www3"] phpfpm_active_processes value=1
> [url="" pool="www3"] phpfpm_listen_queue_len value=0
> [url="" pool="www3"] phpfpm_idle_processes value=2
> [url="" pool="www3"] phpfpm_total_processes value=2
> [url="" pool="www3"] phpfpm_max_active_processes value=2
> [url="" pool="www3"] phpfpm_accepted_conn value=307
> [url="" pool="www3"] phpfpm_listen_queue value=0