# Elasticsearch Input Plugin The [elasticsearch](https://www.elastic.co/) plugin queries endpoints to obtain [node](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/cluster-nodes-stats.html) and optionally [cluster-health](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/cluster-health.html) or [cluster-stats](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/cluster-stats.html) metrics. ### Configuration ```toml [[inputs.elasticsearch]] ## specify a list of one or more Elasticsearch servers servers = ["http://localhost:9200"] ## Timeout for HTTP requests to the elastic search server(s) http_timeout = "5s" ## When local is true (the default), the node will read only its own stats. ## Set local to false when you want to read the node stats from all nodes ## of the cluster. local = true ## Set cluster_health to true when you want to also obtain cluster health stats cluster_health = false ## Adjust cluster_health_level when you want to also obtain detailed health stats ## The options are ## - indices (default) ## - cluster # cluster_health_level = "indices" ## Set cluster_stats to true when you want to also obtain cluster stats. cluster_stats = false ## Only gather cluster_stats from the master node. To work this require local = true cluster_stats_only_from_master = true ## node_stats is a list of sub-stats that you want to have gathered. Valid options ## are "indices", "os", "process", "jvm", "thread_pool", "fs", "transport", "http", ## "breaker". Per default, all stats are gathered. # node_stats = ["jvm", "http"] ## Optional TLS Config # tls_ca = "/etc/telegraf/ca.pem" # tls_cert = "/etc/telegraf/cert.pem" # tls_key = "/etc/telegraf/key.pem" ## Use TLS but skip chain & host verification # insecure_skip_verify = false ``` ### Metrics Emitted when `cluster_health = true`: - elasticsearch_cluster_health - tags: - name - fields: - active_primary_shards (integer) - active_shards (integer) - active_shards_percent_as_number (float) - delayed_unassigned_shards (integer) - initializing_shards (integer) - number_of_data_nodes (integer) - number_of_in_flight_fetch (integer) - number_of_nodes (integer) - number_of_pending_tasks (integer) - relocating_shards (integer) - status (string, one of green, yellow or red) - status_code (integer, green = 1, yellow = 2, red = 3), - task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis (integer) - timed_out (boolean) - unassigned_shards (integer) Emitted when `cluster_health = true` and `cluster_health_level = "indices"`: - elasticsearch_cluster_health_indices - tags: - index - name - fields: - active_primary_shards (integer) - active_shards (integer) - initializing_shards (integer) - number_of_replicas (integer) - number_of_shards (integer) - relocating_shards (integer) - status (string, one of green, yellow or red) - status_code (integer, green = 1, yellow = 2, red = 3), - unassigned_shards (integer) Emitted when `cluster__stats = true`: - elasticsearch_clusterstats_indices - tags: - cluster_name - node_name - status - fields: - completion_size_in_bytes (float) - count (float) - docs_count (float) - docs_deleted (float) - fielddata_evictions (float) - fielddata_memory_size_in_bytes (float) - query_cache_cache_count (float) - query_cache_cache_size (float) - query_cache_evictions (float) - query_cache_hit_count (float) - query_cache_memory_size_in_bytes (float) - query_cache_miss_count (float) - query_cache_total_count (float) - segments_count (float) - segments_doc_values_memory_in_bytes (float) - segments_fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes (float) - segments_index_writer_memory_in_bytes (float) - segments_max_unsafe_auto_id_timestamp (float) - segments_memory_in_bytes (float) - segments_norms_memory_in_bytes (float) - segments_points_memory_in_bytes (float) - segments_stored_fields_memory_in_bytes (float) - segments_term_vectors_memory_in_bytes (float) - segments_terms_memory_in_bytes (float) - segments_version_map_memory_in_bytes (float) - shards_index_primaries_avg (float) - shards_index_primaries_max (float) - shards_index_primaries_min (float) - shards_index_replication_avg (float) - shards_index_replication_max (float) - shards_index_replication_min (float) - shards_index_shards_avg (float) - shards_index_shards_max (float) - shards_index_shards_min (float) - shards_primaries (float) - shards_replication (float) - shards_total (float) - store_size_in_bytes (float) + elasticsearch_clusterstats_nodes - tags: - cluster_name - node_name - status - fields: - count_coordinating_only (float) - count_data (float) - count_ingest (float) - count_master (float) - count_total (float) - fs_available_in_bytes (float) - fs_free_in_bytes (float) - fs_total_in_bytes (float) - jvm_max_uptime_in_millis (float) - jvm_mem_heap_max_in_bytes (float) - jvm_mem_heap_used_in_bytes (float) - jvm_threads (float) - jvm_versions_0_count (float) - jvm_versions_0_version (string) - jvm_versions_0_vm_name (string) - jvm_versions_0_vm_vendor (string) - jvm_versions_0_vm_version (string) - network_types_http_types_security4 (float) - network_types_transport_types_security4 (float) - os_allocated_processors (float) - os_available_processors (float) - os_mem_free_in_bytes (float) - os_mem_free_percent (float) - os_mem_total_in_bytes (float) - os_mem_used_in_bytes (float) - os_mem_used_percent (float) - os_names_0_count (float) - os_names_0_name (string) - os_pretty_names_0_count (float) - os_pretty_names_0_pretty_name (string) - process_cpu_percent (float) - process_open_file_descriptors_avg (float) - process_open_file_descriptors_max (float) - process_open_file_descriptors_min (float) - versions_0 (string) Emitted when the appropriate `node_stats` options are set. - elasticsearch_transport - tags: - cluster_name - node_attribute_ml.enabled - node_attribute_ml.machine_memory - node_attribute_ml.max_open_jobs - node_attribute_xpack.installed - node_host - node_id - node_name - fields: - rx_count (float) - rx_size_in_bytes (float) - server_open (float) - tx_count (float) - tx_size_in_bytes (float) + elasticsearch_breakers - tags: - cluster_name - node_attribute_ml.enabled - node_attribute_ml.machine_memory - node_attribute_ml.max_open_jobs - node_attribute_xpack.installed - node_host - node_id - node_name - fields: - accounting_estimated_size_in_bytes (float) - accounting_limit_size_in_bytes (float) - accounting_overhead (float) - accounting_tripped (float) - fielddata_estimated_size_in_bytes (float) - fielddata_limit_size_in_bytes (float) - fielddata_overhead (float) - fielddata_tripped (float) - in_flight_requests_estimated_size_in_bytes (float) - in_flight_requests_limit_size_in_bytes (float) - in_flight_requests_overhead (float) - in_flight_requests_tripped (float) - parent_estimated_size_in_bytes (float) - parent_limit_size_in_bytes (float) - parent_overhead (float) - parent_tripped (float) - request_estimated_size_in_bytes (float) - request_limit_size_in_bytes (float) - request_overhead (float) - request_tripped (float) - elasticsearch_fs - tags: - cluster_name - node_attribute_ml.enabled - node_attribute_ml.machine_memory - node_attribute_ml.max_open_jobs - node_attribute_xpack.installed - node_host - node_id - node_name - fields: - data_0_available_in_bytes (float) - data_0_free_in_bytes (float) - data_0_total_in_bytes (float) - io_stats_devices_0_operations (float) - io_stats_devices_0_read_kilobytes (float) - io_stats_devices_0_read_operations (float) - io_stats_devices_0_write_kilobytes (float) - io_stats_devices_0_write_operations (float) - io_stats_total_operations (float) - io_stats_total_read_kilobytes (float) - io_stats_total_read_operations (float) - io_stats_total_write_kilobytes (float) - io_stats_total_write_operations (float) - timestamp (float) - total_available_in_bytes (float) - total_free_in_bytes (float) - total_total_in_bytes (float) + elasticsearch_http - tags: - cluster_name - node_attribute_ml.enabled - node_attribute_ml.machine_memory - node_attribute_ml.max_open_jobs - node_attribute_xpack.installed - node_host - node_id - node_name - fields: - current_open (float) - total_opened (float) - elasticsearch_indices - tags: - cluster_name - node_attribute_ml.enabled - node_attribute_ml.machine_memory - node_attribute_ml.max_open_jobs - node_attribute_xpack.installed - node_host - node_id - node_name - fields: - completion_size_in_bytes (float) - docs_count (float) - docs_deleted (float) - fielddata_evictions (float) - fielddata_memory_size_in_bytes (float) - flush_periodic (float) - flush_total (float) - flush_total_time_in_millis (float) - get_current (float) - get_exists_time_in_millis (float) - get_exists_total (float) - get_missing_time_in_millis (float) - get_missing_total (float) - get_time_in_millis (float) - get_total (float) - indexing_delete_current (float) - indexing_delete_time_in_millis (float) - indexing_delete_total (float) - indexing_index_current (float) - indexing_index_failed (float) - indexing_index_time_in_millis (float) - indexing_index_total (float) - indexing_noop_update_total (float) - indexing_throttle_time_in_millis (float) - merges_current (float) - merges_current_docs (float) - merges_current_size_in_bytes (float) - merges_total (float) - merges_total_auto_throttle_in_bytes (float) - merges_total_docs (float) - merges_total_size_in_bytes (float) - merges_total_stopped_time_in_millis (float) - merges_total_throttled_time_in_millis (float) - merges_total_time_in_millis (float) - query_cache_cache_count (float) - query_cache_cache_size (float) - query_cache_evictions (float) - query_cache_hit_count (float) - query_cache_memory_size_in_bytes (float) - query_cache_miss_count (float) - query_cache_total_count (float) - recovery_current_as_source (float) - recovery_current_as_target (float) - recovery_throttle_time_in_millis (float) - refresh_listeners (float) - refresh_total (float) - refresh_total_time_in_millis (float) - request_cache_evictions (float) - request_cache_hit_count (float) - request_cache_memory_size_in_bytes (float) - request_cache_miss_count (float) - search_fetch_current (float) - search_fetch_time_in_millis (float) - search_fetch_total (float) - search_open_contexts (float) - search_query_current (float) - search_query_time_in_millis (float) - search_query_total (float) - search_scroll_current (float) - search_scroll_time_in_millis (float) - search_scroll_total (float) - search_suggest_current (float) - search_suggest_time_in_millis (float) - search_suggest_total (float) - segments_count (float) - segments_doc_values_memory_in_bytes (float) - segments_fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes (float) - segments_index_writer_memory_in_bytes (float) - segments_max_unsafe_auto_id_timestamp (float) - segments_memory_in_bytes (float) - segments_norms_memory_in_bytes (float) - segments_points_memory_in_bytes (float) - segments_stored_fields_memory_in_bytes (float) - segments_term_vectors_memory_in_bytes (float) - segments_terms_memory_in_bytes (float) - segments_version_map_memory_in_bytes (float) - store_size_in_bytes (float) - translog_earliest_last_modified_age (float) - translog_operations (float) - translog_size_in_bytes (float) - translog_uncommitted_operations (float) - translog_uncommitted_size_in_bytes (float) - warmer_current (float) - warmer_total (float) - warmer_total_time_in_millis (float) + elasticsearch_jvm - tags: - cluster_name - node_attribute_ml.enabled - node_attribute_ml.machine_memory - node_attribute_ml.max_open_jobs - node_attribute_xpack.installed - node_host - node_id - node_name - fields: - buffer_pools_direct_count (float) - buffer_pools_direct_total_capacity_in_bytes (float) - buffer_pools_direct_used_in_bytes (float) - buffer_pools_mapped_count (float) - buffer_pools_mapped_total_capacity_in_bytes (float) - buffer_pools_mapped_used_in_bytes (float) - classes_current_loaded_count (float) - classes_total_loaded_count (float) - classes_total_unloaded_count (float) - gc_collectors_old_collection_count (float) - gc_collectors_old_collection_time_in_millis (float) - gc_collectors_young_collection_count (float) - gc_collectors_young_collection_time_in_millis (float) - mem_heap_committed_in_bytes (float) - mem_heap_max_in_bytes (float) - mem_heap_used_in_bytes (float) - mem_heap_used_percent (float) - mem_non_heap_committed_in_bytes (float) - mem_non_heap_used_in_bytes (float) - mem_pools_old_max_in_bytes (float) - mem_pools_old_peak_max_in_bytes (float) - mem_pools_old_peak_used_in_bytes (float) - mem_pools_old_used_in_bytes (float) - mem_pools_survivor_max_in_bytes (float) - mem_pools_survivor_peak_max_in_bytes (float) - mem_pools_survivor_peak_used_in_bytes (float) - mem_pools_survivor_used_in_bytes (float) - mem_pools_young_max_in_bytes (float) - mem_pools_young_peak_max_in_bytes (float) - mem_pools_young_peak_used_in_bytes (float) - mem_pools_young_used_in_bytes (float) - threads_count (float) - threads_peak_count (float) - timestamp (float) - uptime_in_millis (float) - elasticsearch_os - tags: - cluster_name - node_attribute_ml.enabled - node_attribute_ml.machine_memory - node_attribute_ml.max_open_jobs - node_attribute_xpack.installed - node_host - node_id - node_name - fields: - cgroup_cpu_cfs_period_micros (float) - cgroup_cpu_cfs_quota_micros (float) - cgroup_cpu_stat_number_of_elapsed_periods (float) - cgroup_cpu_stat_number_of_times_throttled (float) - cgroup_cpu_stat_time_throttled_nanos (float) - cgroup_cpuacct_usage_nanos (float) - cpu_load_average_15m (float) - cpu_load_average_1m (float) - cpu_load_average_5m (float) - cpu_percent (float) - mem_free_in_bytes (float) - mem_free_percent (float) - mem_total_in_bytes (float) - mem_used_in_bytes (float) - mem_used_percent (float) - swap_free_in_bytes (float) - swap_total_in_bytes (float) - swap_used_in_bytes (float) - timestamp (float) + elasticsearch_process - tags: - cluster_name - node_attribute_ml.enabled - node_attribute_ml.machine_memory - node_attribute_ml.max_open_jobs - node_attribute_xpack.installed - node_host - node_id - node_name - fields: - cpu_percent (float) - cpu_total_in_millis (float) - max_file_descriptors (float) - mem_total_virtual_in_bytes (float) - open_file_descriptors (float) - timestamp (float) - elasticsearch_thread_pool - tags: - cluster_name - node_attribute_ml.enabled - node_attribute_ml.machine_memory - node_attribute_ml.max_open_jobs - node_attribute_xpack.installed - node_host - node_id - node_name - fields: - analyze_active (float) - analyze_completed (float) - analyze_largest (float) - analyze_queue (float) - analyze_rejected (float) - analyze_threads (float) - ccr_active (float) - ccr_completed (float) - ccr_largest (float) - ccr_queue (float) - ccr_rejected (float) - ccr_threads (float) - fetch_shard_started_active (float) - fetch_shard_started_completed (float) - fetch_shard_started_largest (float) - fetch_shard_started_queue (float) - fetch_shard_started_rejected (float) - fetch_shard_started_threads (float) - fetch_shard_store_active (float) - fetch_shard_store_completed (float) - fetch_shard_store_largest (float) - fetch_shard_store_queue (float) - fetch_shard_store_rejected (float) - fetch_shard_store_threads (float) - flush_active (float) - flush_completed (float) - flush_largest (float) - flush_queue (float) - flush_rejected (float) - flush_threads (float) - force_merge_active (float) - force_merge_completed (float) - force_merge_largest (float) - force_merge_queue (float) - force_merge_rejected (float) - force_merge_threads (float) - generic_active (float) - generic_completed (float) - generic_largest (float) - generic_queue (float) - generic_rejected (float) - generic_threads (float) - get_active (float) - get_completed (float) - get_largest (float) - get_queue (float) - get_rejected (float) - get_threads (float) - index_active (float) - index_completed (float) - index_largest (float) - index_queue (float) - index_rejected (float) - index_threads (float) - listener_active (float) - listener_completed (float) - listener_largest (float) - listener_queue (float) - listener_rejected (float) - listener_threads (float) - management_active (float) - management_completed (float) - management_largest (float) - management_queue (float) - management_rejected (float) - management_threads (float) - ml_autodetect_active (float) - ml_autodetect_completed (float) - ml_autodetect_largest (float) - ml_autodetect_queue (float) - ml_autodetect_rejected (float) - ml_autodetect_threads (float) - ml_datafeed_active (float) - ml_datafeed_completed (float) - ml_datafeed_largest (float) - ml_datafeed_queue (float) - ml_datafeed_rejected (float) - ml_datafeed_threads (float) - ml_utility_active (float) - ml_utility_completed (float) - ml_utility_largest (float) - ml_utility_queue (float) - ml_utility_rejected (float) - ml_utility_threads (float) - refresh_active (float) - refresh_completed (float) - refresh_largest (float) - refresh_queue (float) - refresh_rejected (float) - refresh_threads (float) - rollup_indexing_active (float) - rollup_indexing_completed (float) - rollup_indexing_largest (float) - rollup_indexing_queue (float) - rollup_indexing_rejected (float) - rollup_indexing_threads (float) - search_active (float) - search_completed (float) - search_largest (float) - search_queue (float) - search_rejected (float) - search_threads (float) - search_throttled_active (float) - search_throttled_completed (float) - search_throttled_largest (float) - search_throttled_queue (float) - search_throttled_rejected (float) - search_throttled_threads (float) - security-token-key_active (float) - security-token-key_completed (float) - security-token-key_largest (float) - security-token-key_queue (float) - security-token-key_rejected (float) - security-token-key_threads (float) - snapshot_active (float) - snapshot_completed (float) - snapshot_largest (float) - snapshot_queue (float) - snapshot_rejected (float) - snapshot_threads (float) - warmer_active (float) - warmer_completed (float) - warmer_largest (float) - warmer_queue (float) - warmer_rejected (float) - warmer_threads (float) - watcher_active (float) - watcher_completed (float) - watcher_largest (float) - watcher_queue (float) - watcher_rejected (float) - watcher_threads (float) - write_active (float) - write_completed (float) - write_largest (float) - write_queue (float) - write_rejected (float) - write_threads (float)