# ValueCounter Aggregator Plugin The valuecounter plugin counts the occurrence of values in fields and emits the counter once every 'period' seconds. A use case for the valuecounter plugin is when you are processing a HTTP access log (with the logparser input) and want to count the HTTP status codes. The fields which will be counted must be configured with the `fields` configuration directive. When no `fields` is provided the plugin will not count any fields. The results are emitted in fields in the format: `originalfieldname_fieldvalue = count`. Valuecounter only works on fields of the type int, bool or string. Float fields are being dropped to prevent the creating of too many fields. ### Configuration: ```toml [[aggregators.valuecounter]] ## General Aggregator Arguments: ## The period on which to flush & clear the aggregator. period = "30s" ## If true, the original metric will be dropped by the ## aggregator and will not get sent to the output plugins. drop_original = false ## The fields for which the values will be counted fields = ["status"] ``` ### Measurements & Fields: - measurement1 - field_value1 - field_value2 ### Tags: No tags are applied by this aggregator. ### Example Output: Example for parsing a HTTP access log. telegraf.conf: ``` [[inputs.logparser]] files = ["/tmp/tst.log"] [inputs.logparser.grok] patterns = ['%{DATA:url:tag} %{NUMBER:response:string}'] measurement = "access" [[aggregators.valuecounter]] namepass = ["access"] fields = ["response"] ``` /tmp/tst.log ``` /some/path 200 /some/path 401 /some/path 200 ``` ``` $ telegraf --config telegraf.conf --quiet access,url=/some/path,path=/tmp/tst.log,host=localhost.localdomain response="200" 1511948755991487011 access,url=/some/path,path=/tmp/tst.log,host=localhost.localdomain response="401" 1511948755991522282 access,url=/some/path,path=/tmp/tst.log,host=localhost.localdomain response="200" 1511948755991531697 access,path=/tmp/tst.log,host=localhost.localdomain,url=/some/path response_200=2i,response_401=1i 1511948761000000000 ```