PREFIX := /usr/local VERSION := $(shell git describe --exact-match --tags 2>/dev/null) BRANCH := $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) COMMIT := $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) GOFILES ?= $(shell find . -name '*.go') GOFMT ?= $(shell gofmt -l $(GOFILES)) ifdef GOBIN PATH := $(GOBIN):$(PATH) else PATH := $(subst :,/bin:,$(GOPATH))/bin:$(PATH) endif TELEGRAF := telegraf$(shell go tool dist env | grep -q '' && echo .exe) LDFLAGS := $(LDFLAGS) -X main.commit=$(COMMIT) -X main.branch=$(BRANCH) ifdef VERSION LDFLAGS += -X main.version=$(VERSION) endif all: $(MAKE) fmtcheck $(MAKE) deps $(MAKE) telegraf ci-test: $(MAKE) deps $(MAKE) fmtcheck $(MAKE) vet $(MAKE) test deps: go get -u go get gdm restore telegraf: go build -i -o $(TELEGRAF) -ldflags "$(LDFLAGS)" ./cmd/telegraf/telegraf.go go-install: go install -ldflags "-w -s $(LDFLAGS)" ./cmd/telegraf install: telegraf mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/ cp $(TELEGRAF) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/ test: go test -short ./... fmt: @gofmt -w $(GOFILES) fmtcheck: @echo '[INFO] running gofmt to identify incorrectly formatted code...' @if [ ! -z $(GOFMT) ]; then \ echo "[ERROR] gofmt has found errors in the following files:" ; \ echo "$(GOFMT)" ; \ echo "" ;\ echo "Run make fmt to fix them." ; \ exit 1 ;\ fi @echo '[INFO] done.' lint: golint ./... test-windows: go test ./plugins/inputs/ping/... go test ./plugins/inputs/win_perf_counters/... go test ./plugins/inputs/win_services/... # vet runs the Go source code static analysis tool `vet` to find # any common errors. vet: @echo 'go vet $$(go list ./...)' @go vet $$(go list ./...) ; if [ $$? -eq 1 ]; then \ echo ""; \ echo "go vet has found suspicious constructs. Please remediate any reported errors"; \ echo "to fix them before submitting code for review."; \ exit 1; \ fi test-all: vet go test ./... package: ./scripts/ --package --platform=all --arch=all clean: rm -f telegraf rm -f telegraf.exe docker-image: ./scripts/ --package --platform=linux --arch=amd64 cp build/telegraf*$(COMMIT)*.deb . docker build -f scripts/dev.docker --build-arg "package=telegraf*$(COMMIT)*.deb" -t "telegraf-dev:$(COMMIT)" . .PHONY: deps telegraf install test test-windows lint vet test-all package clean docker-image fmtcheck