package application_insights import ( "math" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func TestConnectFailsIfNoIkey(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) transmitter := new(mocks.Transmitter) transmitter.On("Close").Return(closed) ai := ApplicationInsights{ transmitter: transmitter, // Very long timeout to ensure we do not rely on timeouts for closing the transmitter Timeout: internal.Duration{Duration: time.Hour}, } err := ai.Connect() assert.Error(err) } func TestOutputCloseTimesOut(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) transmitter := new(mocks.Transmitter) transmitter.On("Close").Return(unfinished) ai := ApplicationInsights{ transmitter: transmitter, Timeout: internal.Duration{Duration: time.Millisecond * 50}, } err := ai.Close() assert.NoError(err) transmitter.AssertCalled(t, "Close") } func TestCloseRemovesDiagMsgListener(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) transmitter := new(mocks.Transmitter) transmitter.On("Close").Return(closed) diagMsgListener := new(mocks.DiagnosticsMessageListener) diagMsgListener.On("Remove") diagMsgSubscriber := new(mocks.DiagnosticsMessageSubscriber) diagMsgSubscriber. On("Subscribe", mock.AnythingOfType("appinsights.DiagnosticsMessageHandler")). Return(diagMsgListener) ai := ApplicationInsights{ transmitter: transmitter, Timeout: internal.Duration{Duration: time.Hour}, EnableDiagnosticLogging: true, diagMsgSubscriber: diagMsgSubscriber, InstrumentationKey: "1234", // Fake, but necessary to enable tracking } err := ai.Connect() assert.NoError(err) diagMsgSubscriber.AssertCalled(t, "Subscribe", mock.AnythingOfType("appinsights.DiagnosticsMessageHandler")) err = ai.Close() assert.NoError(err) transmitter.AssertCalled(t, "Close") diagMsgListener.AssertCalled(t, "Remove") } func TestAggregateMetricCreated(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string fields map[string]interface{} valueField string countField string additionalMetricValueFields []string }{ {"value and count", map[string]interface{}{"value": 16.5, "count": 23}, "value", "count", nil}, {"value and samples", map[string]interface{}{"value": 16.5, "samples": 23}, "value", "samples", nil}, {"sum and count", map[string]interface{}{"sum": 16.5, "count": 23}, "sum", "count", nil}, {"sum and samples", map[string]interface{}{"samples": 23, "sum": 16.5}, "sum", "samples", nil}, {"value and count, sum is wrong type", map[string]interface{}{"sum": "J23", "value": 16.5, "count": 23}, "value", "count", nil}, { "with aggregates", map[string]interface{}{ "value": 16.5, "count": 23, "min": -2.1, "max": 34, "stddev": 3.4, }, "value", "count", nil, }, { "some aggregates with invalid values", map[string]interface{}{ "value": 16.5, "count": 23, "min": "min", "max": []float64{3.4, 5.6}, "stddev": struct { name string value float64 }{"delta", 7.0}, }, "value", "count", nil, }, { "aggregate with additional fields", map[string]interface{}{"value": 16.5, "samples": 23, "alpha": -34e12, "bravo": -3, "charlie": "charlie"}, "value", "samples", []string{"alpha", "bravo"}, }, } for _, tt := range tests { tf := func(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) now := time.Now().UTC() transmitter := new(mocks.Transmitter) transmitter.On("Track", mock.Anything) metricName := "ShouldBeAggregateMetric" m, err := metric.New( metricName, nil, // tags tt.fields, now, ) assert.NoError(err) ai := ApplicationInsights{ transmitter: transmitter, InstrumentationKey: "1234", // Fake, but necessary to enable tracking } err = ai.Connect() assert.NoError(err) mSet := []telegraf.Metric{m} ai.Write(mSet) transmitter.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Track", 1+len(tt.additionalMetricValueFields)) var pAggregateTelemetry *appinsights.AggregateMetricTelemetry assert.IsType(pAggregateTelemetry, transmitter.Calls[len(transmitter.Calls)-1].Arguments.Get(0), "Expected last telemetry to be AggregateMetricTelemetry") aggregateTelemetry := transmitter.Calls[len(transmitter.Calls)-1].Arguments.Get(0).(*appinsights.AggregateMetricTelemetry) verifyAggregateTelemetry(assert, m, tt.valueField, tt.countField, aggregateTelemetry) verifyAdditionalTelemetry(assert, m, transmitter, tt.additionalMetricValueFields, metricName) } t.Run(, tf) } } func TestSimpleMetricCreated(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string fields map[string]interface{} primaryMetricValueField string additionalMetricValueFields []string }{ {"just a single value field", map[string]interface{}{"value": 16.5}, "value", nil}, {"single field not named value", map[string]interface{}{"first": 32.9}, "first", nil}, {"value but no count", map[string]interface{}{"value": 16.5, "other": "bulba"}, "", []string{"value"}}, {"count but no value", map[string]interface{}{"v1": "v1Val", "count": 23}, "", []string{"count"}}, {"neither value nor count", map[string]interface{}{"v1": "alpha", "v2": 45.8}, "", []string{"v2"}}, {"value is of wrong type", map[string]interface{}{"value": "alpha", "count": 15}, "", []string{"count"}}, {"count is of wrong type", map[string]interface{}{"value": 23.77, "count": 7.5}, "", []string{"count", "value"}}, {"count is out of range", map[string]interface{}{"value": -98.45e4, "count": math.MaxUint64 - uint64(20)}, "", []string{"value", "count"}}, {"several additional fields", map[string]interface{}{"alpha": 10, "bravo": "bravo", "charlie": 30, "delta": 40.7}, "", []string{"alpha", "charlie", "delta"}}, } for _, tt := range tests { tf := func(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) now := time.Now().UTC() transmitter := new(mocks.Transmitter) transmitter.On("Track", mock.Anything) metricName := "ShouldBeSimpleMetric" m, err := metric.New( metricName, nil, // tags tt.fields, now, ) assert.NoError(err) ai := ApplicationInsights{ transmitter: transmitter, InstrumentationKey: "1234", // Fake, but necessary to enable tracking } err = ai.Connect() assert.NoError(err) mSet := []telegraf.Metric{m} ai.Write(mSet) expectedNumberOfCalls := len(tt.additionalMetricValueFields) if tt.primaryMetricValueField != "" { expectedNumberOfCalls++ } transmitter.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Track", expectedNumberOfCalls) if tt.primaryMetricValueField != "" { var pMetricTelemetry *appinsights.MetricTelemetry assert.IsType(pMetricTelemetry, transmitter.Calls[0].Arguments.Get(0), "First created telemetry should be simple MetricTelemetry") metricTelemetry := transmitter.Calls[0].Arguments.Get(0).(*appinsights.MetricTelemetry) var expectedTelemetryName string if tt.primaryMetricValueField == "value" { expectedTelemetryName = m.Name() } else { expectedTelemetryName = m.Name() + "_" + tt.primaryMetricValueField } verifySimpleTelemetry(assert, m, tt.primaryMetricValueField, expectedTelemetryName, metricTelemetry) } verifyAdditionalTelemetry(assert, m, transmitter, tt.additionalMetricValueFields, metricName) } t.Run(, tf) } } func TestTagsAppliedToTelemetry(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string fields map[string]interface{} tags map[string]string metricValueFields []string }{ { "value but no count", map[string]interface{}{"value": 16.5, "alpha": 3.5, "bravo": 17}, map[string]string{"alpha": "a tag is not a field", "charlie": "charlie"}, []string{"value", "alpha", "bravo"}, }, } for _, tt := range tests { tf := func(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) now := time.Now().UTC() transmitter := new(mocks.Transmitter) transmitter.On("Track", mock.Anything) metricName := "ShouldBeSimpleMetric" m, err := metric.New( metricName, tt.tags, tt.fields, now, ) assert.NoError(err) ai := ApplicationInsights{ transmitter: transmitter, InstrumentationKey: "1234", // Fake, but necessary to enable tracking } err = ai.Connect() assert.NoError(err) mSet := []telegraf.Metric{m} ai.Write(mSet) transmitter.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Track", len(tt.metricValueFields)) transmitter.AssertCalled(t, "Track", mock.AnythingOfType("*appinsights.MetricTelemetry")) // Will verify that all original tags are present in telemetry.Properies map verifyAdditionalTelemetry(assert, m, transmitter, tt.metricValueFields, metricName) } t.Run(, tf) } } func TestContextTagsSetOnSimpleTelemetry(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) now := time.Now().UTC() transmitter := new(mocks.Transmitter) transmitter.On("Track", mock.Anything) m, err := metric.New( "SimpleMetric", map[string]string{"kubernetes_container_name": "atcsvc", "kubernetes_pod_name": "bunkie17554"}, map[string]interface{}{"value": 23.0}, now, ) assert.NoError(err) ai := ApplicationInsights{ transmitter: transmitter, InstrumentationKey: "1234", // Fake, but necessary to enable tracking ContextTagSources: map[string]string{ "": "kubernetes_container_name", "": "kubernetes_pod_name", "": "nonexistent", }, } err = ai.Connect() assert.NoError(err) mSet := []telegraf.Metric{m} ai.Write(mSet) transmitter.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Track", 1) metricTelemetry := transmitter.Calls[0].Arguments.Get(0).(*appinsights.MetricTelemetry) cloudTags := metricTelemetry.Tags.Cloud() assert.Equal("atcsvc", cloudTags.GetRole()) assert.Equal("bunkie17554", cloudTags.GetRoleInstance()) } func TestContextTagsSetOnAggregateTelemetry(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) now := time.Now().UTC() transmitter := new(mocks.Transmitter) transmitter.On("Track", mock.Anything) m, err := metric.New( "AggregateMetric", map[string]string{"kubernetes_container_name": "atcsvc", "kubernetes_pod_name": "bunkie17554"}, map[string]interface{}{"value": 23.0, "count": 5}, now, ) assert.NoError(err) ai := ApplicationInsights{ transmitter: transmitter, InstrumentationKey: "1234", // Fake, but necessary to enable tracking ContextTagSources: map[string]string{ "": "kubernetes_container_name", "": "kubernetes_pod_name", "": "nonexistent", }, } err = ai.Connect() assert.NoError(err) mSet := []telegraf.Metric{m} ai.Write(mSet) transmitter.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Track", 1) metricTelemetry := transmitter.Calls[0].Arguments.Get(0).(*appinsights.AggregateMetricTelemetry) cloudTags := metricTelemetry.Tags.Cloud() assert.Equal("atcsvc", cloudTags.GetRole()) assert.Equal("bunkie17554", cloudTags.GetRoleInstance()) } func closed() <-chan struct{} { closed := make(chan struct{}) close(closed) return closed } func unfinished() <-chan struct{} { unfinished := make(chan struct{}) return unfinished } func verifyAggregateTelemetry( assert *assert.Assertions, metric telegraf.Metric, valueField string, countField string, telemetry *appinsights.AggregateMetricTelemetry, ) { verifyAggregateField := func(fieldName string, telemetryValue float64) { metricRawFieldValue, found := metric.Fields()[fieldName] if !found { return } if _, err := toFloat64(metricRawFieldValue); err == nil { assert.EqualValues(metricRawFieldValue, telemetryValue, "Telemetry property %s does not match the metric field", fieldName) } } assert.Equal(metric.Name(), telemetry.Name, "Telemetry name should be the same as metric name") assert.EqualValues(metric.Fields()[valueField], telemetry.Value, "Telemetry value does not match metric value field") assert.EqualValues(metric.Fields()[countField], telemetry.Count, "Telemetry sample count does not mach metric sample count field") verifyAggregateField("min", telemetry.Min) verifyAggregateField("max", telemetry.Max) verifyAggregateField("stdev", telemetry.StdDev) verifyAggregateField("variance", telemetry.Variance) assert.Equal(metric.Time(), telemetry.Timestamp, "Telemetry and metric timestamps do not match") assertMapContains(assert, metric.Tags(), telemetry.Properties) } func verifySimpleTelemetry( assert *assert.Assertions, metric telegraf.Metric, valueField string, expectedTelemetryName string, telemetry *appinsights.MetricTelemetry, ) { assert.Equal(expectedTelemetryName, telemetry.Name, "Telemetry name is not what was expected") assert.EqualValues(metric.Fields()[valueField], telemetry.Value, "Telemetry value does not match metric value field") assert.Equal(metric.Time(), telemetry.Timestamp, "Telemetry and metric timestamps do not match") assertMapContains(assert, metric.Tags(), telemetry.Properties) } func verifyAdditionalTelemetry( assert *assert.Assertions, metric telegraf.Metric, transmitter *mocks.Transmitter, additionalMetricValueFields []string, telemetryNamePrefix string, ) { for _, fieldName := range additionalMetricValueFields { expectedTelemetryName := telemetryNamePrefix + "_" + fieldName telemetry := findTransmittedTelemetry(transmitter, expectedTelemetryName) assert.NotNil(telemetry, "Expected telemetry named %s to be created, but could not find it", expectedTelemetryName) if telemetry != nil { verifySimpleTelemetry(assert, metric, fieldName, expectedTelemetryName, telemetry) } } } func findTransmittedTelemetry(transmitter *mocks.Transmitter, telemetryName string) *appinsights.MetricTelemetry { for _, call := range transmitter.Calls { telemetry, isMetricTelemetry := call.Arguments.Get(0).(*appinsights.MetricTelemetry) if isMetricTelemetry && telemetry.Name == telemetryName { return telemetry } } return nil } func keys(m map[string]string) []string { keys := make([]string, 0, len(m)) for k := range m { keys = append(keys, k) } return keys } func assertMapContains(assert *assert.Assertions, expected, actual map[string]string) { if expected == nil && actual == nil { return } assert.NotNil(expected, "Maps not equal: expected is nil but actual is not") assert.NotNil(actual, "Maps not equal: actual is nil but expected is not") for k, v := range expected { av, ok := actual[k] assert.True(ok, "Actual map does not contain a value for key '%s'", k) assert.Equal(v, av, "The expected value for key '%s' is '%s' but the actual value is '%s", k, v, av) } }