# HTTP Output Plugin This plugin writes to a HTTP Server using the `POST Method`. Data collected from telegraf is sent in the Request Body. ### Configuration: ```toml # Send telegraf metrics to HTTP Server(s) [[outputs.http]] ## It requires a url name. ## Will be transmitted telegraf metrics to the HTTP Server using the below URL. ## Note that not support the HTTPS. url = "" ## Configure dial timeout in seconds. Default : 3 timeout = 3 ## http_headers option can add a custom header to the request. ## Content-Type is required http header in http plugin. ## so content-type of HTTP specification (plain/text, application/json, etc...) must be filled out. [outputs.http.headers] Content-Type = "plain/text" ## Data format to output. ## Each data format has it's own unique set of configuration options, read ## more about them here: ## https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/blob/master/docs/DATA_FORMATS_OUTPUT.md data_format = "influx" ```