# IPMI Sensor Input Plugin Get bare metal metrics using the command line utility [`ipmitool`](https://sourceforge.net/projects/ipmitool/files/ipmitool/). If no servers are specified, the plugin will query the local machine sensor stats via the following command: ``` ipmitool sdr ``` or with the version 2 schema: ``` ipmitool sdr elist ``` When one or more servers are specified, the plugin will use the following command to collect remote host sensor stats: ``` ipmitool -I lan -H SERVER -U USERID -P PASSW0RD sdr ``` ### Configuration ```toml # Read metrics from the bare metal servers via IPMI [[inputs.ipmi_sensor]] ## optionally specify the path to the ipmitool executable # path = "/usr/bin/ipmitool" ## ## Setting 'use_sudo' to true will make use of sudo to run ipmitool. ## Sudo must be configured to allow the telegraf user to run ipmitool ## without a password. # use_sudo = false ## ## optionally force session privilege level. Can be CALLBACK, USER, OPERATOR, ADMINISTRATOR # privilege = "ADMINISTRATOR" ## ## optionally specify one or more servers via a url matching ## [username[:password]@][protocol[(address)]] ## e.g. ## root:passwd@lan( ## ## if no servers are specified, local machine sensor stats will be queried ## # servers = ["USERID:PASSW0RD@lan("] ## Recommended: use metric 'interval' that is a multiple of 'timeout' to avoid ## gaps or overlap in pulled data interval = "30s" ## Timeout for the ipmitool command to complete. Default is 20 seconds. timeout = "20s" ## Schema Version: (Optional, defaults to version 1) metric_version = 2 ``` ### Measurements Version 1 schema: - ipmi_sensor: - tags: - name - unit - host - server (only when retrieving stats from remote servers) - fields: - status (int, 1=ok status_code/0=anything else) - value (float) Version 2 schema: - ipmi_sensor: - tags: - name - entity_id (can help uniquify duplicate names) - status_code (two letter code from IPMI documentation) - status_desc (extended status description field) - unit (only on analog values) - host - server (only when retrieving stats from remote) - fields: - value (float) #### Permissions When gathering from the local system, Telegraf will need permission to the ipmi device node. When using udev you can create the device node giving `rw` permissions to the `telegraf` user by adding the following rule to `/etc/udev/rules.d/52-telegraf-ipmi.rules`: ``` KERNEL=="ipmi*", MODE="660", GROUP="telegraf" ``` Alternatively, it is possible to use sudo. You will need the following in your telegraf config: ```toml [[inputs.ipmi_sensor]] use_sudo = true ``` You will also need to update your sudoers file: ```bash $ visudo # Add the following line: Cmnd_Alias IPMITOOL = /usr/bin/ipmitool * telegraf ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: IPMITOOL Defaults!IPMITOOL !logfile, !syslog, !pam_session ``` ### Example Output #### Version 1 Schema When retrieving stats from a remote server: ``` ipmi_sensor,server=,name=uid_light value=0,status=1i 1517125513000000000 ipmi_sensor,server=,name=sys._health_led status=1i,value=0 1517125513000000000 ipmi_sensor,server=,name=power_supply_1,unit=watts status=1i,value=110 1517125513000000000 ipmi_sensor,server=,name=power_supply_2,unit=watts status=1i,value=120 1517125513000000000 ipmi_sensor,server=,name=power_supplies value=0,status=1i 1517125513000000000 ipmi_sensor,server=,name=fan_1,unit=percent status=1i,value=43.12 1517125513000000000 ``` When retrieving stats from the local machine (no server specified): ``` ipmi_sensor,name=uid_light value=0,status=1i 1517125513000000000 ipmi_sensor,name=sys._health_led status=1i,value=0 1517125513000000000 ipmi_sensor,name=power_supply_1,unit=watts status=1i,value=110 1517125513000000000 ipmi_sensor,name=power_supply_2,unit=watts status=1i,value=120 1517125513000000000 ipmi_sensor,name=power_supplies value=0,status=1i 1517125513000000000 ipmi_sensor,name=fan_1,unit=percent status=1i,value=43.12 1517125513000000000 ``` #### Version 2 Schema When retrieving stats from the local machine (no server specified): ``` ipmi_sensor,name=uid_light,entity_id=23.1,status_code=ok,status_desc=ok value=0 1517125474000000000 ipmi_sensor,name=sys._health_led,entity_id=23.2,status_code=ok,status_desc=ok value=0 1517125474000000000 ipmi_sensor,entity_id=10.1,name=power_supply_1,status_code=ok,status_desc=presence_detected,unit=watts value=110 1517125474000000000 ipmi_sensor,name=power_supply_2,entity_id=10.2,status_code=ok,unit=watts,status_desc=presence_detected value=125 1517125474000000000 ipmi_sensor,name=power_supplies,entity_id=10.3,status_code=ok,status_desc=fully_redundant value=0 1517125474000000000 ipmi_sensor,entity_id=7.1,name=fan_1,status_code=ok,status_desc=transition_to_running,unit=percent value=43.12 1517125474000000000 ```