# Procstat Input Plugin The procstat plugin can be used to monitor the system resource usage of one or more processes. The procstat_lookup metric displays the query information, specifically the number of PIDs returned on a search Processes can be selected for monitoring using one of several methods: - pidfile - exe - pattern - user - systemd_unit - cgroup - win_service ### Configuration: ```toml # Monitor process cpu and memory usage [[inputs.procstat]] ## PID file to monitor process pid_file = "/var/run/nginx.pid" ## executable name (ie, pgrep ) # exe = "nginx" ## pattern as argument for pgrep (ie, pgrep -f ) # pattern = "nginx" ## user as argument for pgrep (ie, pgrep -u ) # user = "nginx" ## Systemd unit name # systemd_unit = "nginx.service" ## CGroup name or path # cgroup = "systemd/system.slice/nginx.service" ## Windows service name # win_service = "" ## override for process_name ## This is optional; default is sourced from /proc//status # process_name = "bar" ## Field name prefix # prefix = "" ## When true add the full cmdline as a tag. # cmdline_tag = false ## Add PID as a tag instead of a field; useful to differentiate between ## processes whose tags are otherwise the same. Can create a large number ## of series, use judiciously. # pid_tag = false ## Method to use when finding process IDs. Can be one of 'pgrep', or ## 'native'. The pgrep finder calls the pgrep executable in the PATH while ## the native finder performs the search directly in a manor dependent on the ## platform. Default is 'pgrep' # pid_finder = "pgrep" ``` #### Windows support Preliminary support for Windows has been added, however you may prefer using the `win_perf_counters` input plugin as a more mature alternative. When using the `pid_finder = "native"` in Windows, the pattern lookup method is implemented as a WMI query. The pattern allows fuzzy matching using only [WMI query patterns](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa392263(v=vs.85).aspx): ```toml [[inputs.procstat]] pattern = "%influx%" pid_finder = "native" ``` ### Metrics: - procstat - tags: - pid (when `pid_tag` is true) - cmdline (when 'cmdline_tag' is true) - process_name - pidfile (when defined) - exe (when defined) - pattern (when defined) - user (when selected) - systemd_unit (when defined) - cgroup (when defined) - win_service (when defined) - fields: - child_major_faults (int) - child_minor_faults (int) - cpu_time (int) - cpu_time_guest (float) - cpu_time_guest_nice (float) - cpu_time_idle (float) - cpu_time_iowait (float) - cpu_time_irq (float) - cpu_time_nice (float) - cpu_time_soft_irq (float) - cpu_time_steal (float) - cpu_time_system (float) - cpu_time_user (float) - cpu_usage (float) - involuntary_context_switches (int) - major_faults (int) - memory_data (int) - memory_locked (int) - memory_rss (int) - memory_stack (int) - memory_swap (int) - memory_usage (float) - memory_vms (int) - minor_faults (int) - nice_priority (int) - num_fds (int, *telegraf* may need to be ran as **root**) - num_threads (int) - pid (int) - read_bytes (int, *telegraf* may need to be ran as **root**) - read_count (int, *telegraf* may need to be ran as **root**) - realtime_priority (int) - rlimit_cpu_time_hard (int) - rlimit_cpu_time_soft (int) - rlimit_file_locks_hard (int) - rlimit_file_locks_soft (int) - rlimit_memory_data_hard (int) - rlimit_memory_data_soft (int) - rlimit_memory_locked_hard (int) - rlimit_memory_locked_soft (int) - rlimit_memory_rss_hard (int) - rlimit_memory_rss_soft (int) - rlimit_memory_stack_hard (int) - rlimit_memory_stack_soft (int) - rlimit_memory_vms_hard (int) - rlimit_memory_vms_soft (int) - rlimit_nice_priority_hard (int) - rlimit_nice_priority_soft (int) - rlimit_num_fds_hard (int) - rlimit_num_fds_soft (int) - rlimit_realtime_priority_hard (int) - rlimit_realtime_priority_soft (int) - rlimit_signals_pending_hard (int) - rlimit_signals_pending_soft (int) - signals_pending (int) - voluntary_context_switches (int) - write_bytes (int, *telegraf* may need to be ran as **root**) - write_count (int, *telegraf* may need to be ran as **root**) - procstat_lookup - tags: - exe - pid_finder - pid_file - pattern - prefix - user - systemd_unit - cgroup - win_service - result - fields: - pid_count (int) - running (int) - result_code (int, success = 0, lookup_error = 1) *NOTE: Resource limit > 2147483647 will be reported as 2147483647.* ### Example Output: ``` procstat,pidfile=/var/run/lxc/dnsmasq.pid,process_name=dnsmasq rlimit_file_locks_soft=2147483647i,rlimit_signals_pending_hard=1758i,voluntary_context_switches=478i,read_bytes=307200i,cpu_time_user=0.01,cpu_time_guest=0,memory_swap=0i,memory_locked=0i,rlimit_num_fds_hard=4096i,rlimit_nice_priority_hard=0i,num_fds=11i,involuntary_context_switches=20i,read_count=23i,memory_rss=1388544i,rlimit_memory_rss_soft=2147483647i,rlimit_memory_rss_hard=2147483647i,nice_priority=20i,rlimit_cpu_time_hard=2147483647i,cpu_time=0i,write_bytes=0i,cpu_time_idle=0,cpu_time_nice=0,memory_data=229376i,memory_stack=135168i,rlimit_cpu_time_soft=2147483647i,rlimit_memory_data_hard=2147483647i,rlimit_memory_locked_hard=65536i,rlimit_signals_pending_soft=1758i,write_count=11i,cpu_time_iowait=0,cpu_time_steal=0,rlimit_memory_stack_soft=8388608i,cpu_time_system=0.02,cpu_time_guest_nice=0,rlimit_memory_locked_soft=65536i,rlimit_memory_vms_soft=2147483647i,rlimit_file_locks_hard=2147483647i,rlimit_realtime_priority_hard=0i,pid=828i,num_threads=1i,cpu_time_soft_irq=0,rlimit_memory_vms_hard=2147483647i,rlimit_realtime_priority_soft=0i,memory_vms=15884288i,rlimit_memory_stack_hard=2147483647i,cpu_time_irq=0,rlimit_memory_data_soft=2147483647i,rlimit_num_fds_soft=1024i,signals_pending=0i,rlimit_nice_priority_soft=0i,realtime_priority=0i procstat,exe=influxd,process_name=influxd rlimit_num_fds_hard=16384i,rlimit_signals_pending_hard=1758i,realtime_priority=0i,rlimit_memory_vms_hard=2147483647i,rlimit_signals_pending_soft=1758i,rlimit_memory_stack_hard=2147483647i,rlimit_realtime_priority_hard=0i,cpu_time=0i,pid=500i,voluntary_context_switches=975i,cpu_time_idle=0,memory_rss=3072000i,memory_locked=0i,rlimit_nice_priority_soft=0i,signals_pending=0i,nice_priority=20i,read_bytes=823296i,cpu_time_soft_irq=0,rlimit_memory_data_hard=2147483647i,rlimit_memory_locked_soft=65536i,write_count=8i,cpu_time_irq=0,memory_vms=33501184i,rlimit_memory_stack_soft=8388608i,cpu_time_iowait=0,rlimit_memory_vms_soft=2147483647i,rlimit_nice_priority_hard=0i,num_fds=29i,memory_data=229376i,rlimit_cpu_time_soft=2147483647i,rlimit_file_locks_soft=2147483647i,num_threads=1i,write_bytes=0i,cpu_time_steal=0,rlimit_memory_rss_hard=2147483647i,cpu_time_guest=0,cpu_time_guest_nice=0,cpu_usage=0,rlimit_memory_locked_hard=65536i,rlimit_file_locks_hard=2147483647i,involuntary_context_switches=38i,read_count=16851i,memory_swap=0i,rlimit_memory_data_soft=2147483647i,cpu_time_user=0.11,rlimit_cpu_time_hard=2147483647i,rlimit_num_fds_soft=16384i,rlimit_realtime_priority_soft=0i,cpu_time_system=0.27,cpu_time_nice=0,memory_stack=135168i,rlimit_memory_rss_soft=2147483647i ```