package wavefront import ( "fmt" "log" "regexp" "strings" "" "" wavefront "" ) type Wavefront struct { Url string Token string Host string Port int Prefix string SimpleFields bool MetricSeparator string ConvertPaths bool ConvertBool bool UseRegex bool UseStrict bool SourceOverride []string StringToNumber map[string][]map[string]float64 sender wavefront.Sender } // catch many of the invalid chars that could appear in a metric or tag name var sanitizedChars = strings.NewReplacer( "!", "-", "@", "-", "#", "-", "$", "-", "%", "-", "^", "-", "&", "-", "*", "-", "(", "-", ")", "-", "+", "-", "`", "-", "'", "-", "\"", "-", "[", "-", "]", "-", "{", "-", "}", "-", ":", "-", ";", "-", "<", "-", ">", "-", ",", "-", "?", "-", "/", "-", "\\", "-", "|", "-", " ", "-", "=", "-", ) // catch many of the invalid chars that could appear in a metric or tag name var strictSanitizedChars = strings.NewReplacer( "!", "-", "@", "-", "#", "-", "$", "-", "%", "-", "^", "-", "&", "-", "*", "-", "(", "-", ")", "-", "+", "-", "`", "-", "'", "-", "\"", "-", "[", "-", "]", "-", "{", "-", "}", "-", ":", "-", ";", "-", "<", "-", ">", "-", "?", "-", "\\", "-", "|", "-", " ", "-", "=", "-", ) // instead of Replacer which may miss some special characters we can use a regex pattern, but this is significantly slower than Replacer var sanitizedRegex = regexp.MustCompile("[^a-zA-Z\\d_.-]") var tagValueReplacer = strings.NewReplacer("*", "-") var pathReplacer = strings.NewReplacer("_", "_") var sampleConfig = ` ## Url for Wavefront Direct Ingestion or using HTTP with Wavefront Proxy ## If using Wavefront Proxy, also specify port. example: http://proxyserver:2878 url = "" ## Authentication Token for Wavefront. Only required if using Direct Ingestion #token = "DUMMY_TOKEN" ## DNS name of the wavefront proxy server. Do not use if url is specified #host = "" ## Port that the Wavefront proxy server listens on. Do not use if url is specified #port = 2878 ## prefix for metrics keys #prefix = "my.specific.prefix." ## whether to use "value" for name of simple fields. default is false #simple_fields = false ## character to use between metric and field name. default is . (dot) #metric_separator = "." ## Convert metric name paths to use metricSeparator character ## When true will convert all _ (underscore) characters in final metric name. default is true #convert_paths = true ## Use Strict rules to sanitize metric and tag names from invalid characters ## When enabled forward slash (/) and comma (,) will be accpeted #use_strict = false ## Use Regex to sanitize metric and tag names from invalid characters ## Regex is more thorough, but significantly slower. default is false #use_regex = false ## point tags to use as the source name for Wavefront (if none found, host will be used) #source_override = ["hostname", "address", "agent_host", "node_host"] ## whether to convert boolean values to numeric values, with false -> 0.0 and true -> 1.0. default is true #convert_bool = true ## Define a mapping, namespaced by metric prefix, from string values to numeric values ## deprecated in 1.9; use the enum processor plugin #[[outputs.wavefront.string_to_number.elasticsearch]] # green = 1.0 # yellow = 0.5 # red = 0.0 ` type MetricPoint struct { Metric string Value float64 Timestamp int64 Source string Tags map[string]string } func (w *Wavefront) Connect() error { if len(w.StringToNumber) > 0 { log.Print("W! [outputs.wavefront] The string_to_number option is deprecated; please use the enum processor instead") } if w.Url != "" { log.Printf("D! [outputs.wavefront] connecting over http/https using Url: %s", w.Url) sender, err := wavefront.NewDirectSender(&wavefront.DirectConfiguration{ Server: w.Url, Token: w.Token, FlushIntervalSeconds: 5, }) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Wavefront: Could not create Wavefront Sender for Url: %s", w.Url) } w.sender = sender } else { log.Printf("D! Output [wavefront] connecting over tcp using Host: %s and Port: %d", w.Host, w.Port) sender, err := wavefront.NewProxySender(&wavefront.ProxyConfiguration{ Host: w.Host, MetricsPort: w.Port, FlushIntervalSeconds: 5, }) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Wavefront: Could not create Wavefront Sender for Host: %s and Port: %d", w.Host, w.Port) } w.sender = sender } if w.ConvertPaths && w.MetricSeparator == "_" { w.ConvertPaths = false } if w.ConvertPaths { pathReplacer = strings.NewReplacer("_", w.MetricSeparator) } return nil } func (w *Wavefront) Write(metrics []telegraf.Metric) error { for _, m := range metrics { for _, point := range buildMetrics(m, w) { err := w.sender.SendMetric(point.Metric, point.Value, point.Timestamp, point.Source, point.Tags) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Wavefront sending error: %s", err.Error()) } } } return nil } func buildMetrics(m telegraf.Metric, w *Wavefront) []*MetricPoint { ret := []*MetricPoint{} for fieldName, value := range m.Fields() { var name string if !w.SimpleFields && fieldName == "value" { name = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", w.Prefix, m.Name()) } else { name = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s%s", w.Prefix, m.Name(), w.MetricSeparator, fieldName) } if w.UseRegex { name = sanitizedRegex.ReplaceAllLiteralString(name, "-") } else if w.UseStrict { name = strictSanitizedChars.Replace(name) } else { name = sanitizedChars.Replace(name) } if w.ConvertPaths { name = pathReplacer.Replace(name) } metric := &MetricPoint{ Metric: name, Timestamp: m.Time().Unix(), } metricValue, buildError := buildValue(value, metric.Metric, w) if buildError != nil { log.Printf("D! [outputs.wavefront] %s\n", buildError.Error()) continue } metric.Value = metricValue source, tags := buildTags(m.Tags(), w) metric.Source = source metric.Tags = tags ret = append(ret, metric) } return ret } func buildTags(mTags map[string]string, w *Wavefront) (string, map[string]string) { // Remove all empty tags. for k, v := range mTags { if v == "" { delete(mTags, k) } } // find source, use source_override property if needed var source string if s, ok := mTags["source"]; ok { source = s delete(mTags, "source") } else { sourceTagFound := false for _, s := range w.SourceOverride { for k, v := range mTags { if k == s { source = v mTags["telegraf_host"] = mTags["host"] sourceTagFound = true delete(mTags, k) break } } if sourceTagFound { break } } if !sourceTagFound { source = mTags["host"] } } source = tagValueReplacer.Replace(source) // remove default host tag delete(mTags, "host") // sanitize tag keys and values tags := make(map[string]string) for k, v := range mTags { var key string if w.UseRegex { key = sanitizedRegex.ReplaceAllLiteralString(k, "-") } else if w.UseStrict { key = strictSanitizedChars.Replace(k) } else { key = sanitizedChars.Replace(k) } val := tagValueReplacer.Replace(v) tags[key] = val } return source, tags } func buildValue(v interface{}, name string, w *Wavefront) (float64, error) { switch p := v.(type) { case bool: if w.ConvertBool { if p { return 1, nil } else { return 0, nil } } case int64: return float64(v.(int64)), nil case uint64: return float64(v.(uint64)), nil case float64: return v.(float64), nil case string: for prefix, mappings := range w.StringToNumber { if strings.HasPrefix(name, prefix) { for _, mapping := range mappings { val, hasVal := mapping[string(p)] if hasVal { return val, nil } } } } return 0, fmt.Errorf("unexpected type: %T, with value: %v, for: %s", v, v, name) default: return 0, fmt.Errorf("unexpected type: %T, with value: %v, for: %s", v, v, name) } return 0, fmt.Errorf("unexpected type: %T, with value: %v, for: %s", v, v, name) } func (w *Wavefront) SampleConfig() string { return sampleConfig } func (w *Wavefront) Description() string { return "Configuration for Wavefront server to send metrics to" } func (w *Wavefront) Close() error { w.sender.Close() return nil } func init() { outputs.Add("wavefront", func() telegraf.Output { return &Wavefront{ Token: "DUMMY_TOKEN", MetricSeparator: ".", ConvertPaths: true, ConvertBool: true, } }) }