package internal_models import ( "testing" ) func TestFilter_Empty(t *testing.T) { f := Filter{} measurements := []string{ "foo", "bar", "barfoo", "foo_bar", "", "foo-bar", "supercalifradjulisticexpialidocious", } for _, measurement := range measurements { if !f.ShouldFieldsPass(measurement) { t.Errorf("Expected measurement %s to pass", measurement) } } } func TestFilter_NamePass(t *testing.T) { f := Filter{ NamePass: []string{"foo*", "cpu_usage_idle"}, } passes := []string{ "foo", "foo_bar", "", "foo-bar", "cpu_usage_idle", } drops := []string{ "bar", "barfoo", "bar_foo", "cpu_usage_busy", } for _, measurement := range passes { if !f.ShouldNamePass(measurement) { t.Errorf("Expected measurement %s to pass", measurement) } } for _, measurement := range drops { if f.ShouldNamePass(measurement) { t.Errorf("Expected measurement %s to drop", measurement) } } } func TestFilter_NameDrop(t *testing.T) { f := Filter{ NameDrop: []string{"foo*", "cpu_usage_idle"}, } drops := []string{ "foo", "foo_bar", "", "foo-bar", "cpu_usage_idle", } passes := []string{ "bar", "barfoo", "bar_foo", "cpu_usage_busy", } for _, measurement := range passes { if !f.ShouldNamePass(measurement) { t.Errorf("Expected measurement %s to pass", measurement) } } for _, measurement := range drops { if f.ShouldNamePass(measurement) { t.Errorf("Expected measurement %s to drop", measurement) } } } func TestFilter_FieldPass(t *testing.T) { f := Filter{ FieldPass: []string{"foo*", "cpu_usage_idle"}, } passes := []string{ "foo", "foo_bar", "", "foo-bar", "cpu_usage_idle", } drops := []string{ "bar", "barfoo", "bar_foo", "cpu_usage_busy", } for _, measurement := range passes { if !f.ShouldFieldsPass(measurement) { t.Errorf("Expected measurement %s to pass", measurement) } } for _, measurement := range drops { if f.ShouldFieldsPass(measurement) { t.Errorf("Expected measurement %s to drop", measurement) } } } func TestFilter_FieldDrop(t *testing.T) { f := Filter{ FieldDrop: []string{"foo*", "cpu_usage_idle"}, } drops := []string{ "foo", "foo_bar", "", "foo-bar", "cpu_usage_idle", } passes := []string{ "bar", "barfoo", "bar_foo", "cpu_usage_busy", } for _, measurement := range passes { if !f.ShouldFieldsPass(measurement) { t.Errorf("Expected measurement %s to pass", measurement) } } for _, measurement := range drops { if f.ShouldFieldsPass(measurement) { t.Errorf("Expected measurement %s to drop", measurement) } } } func TestFilter_TagPass(t *testing.T) { filters := []TagFilter{ TagFilter{ Name: "cpu", Filter: []string{"cpu-*"}, }, TagFilter{ Name: "mem", Filter: []string{"mem_free"}, }} f := Filter{ TagPass: filters, } passes := []map[string]string{ {"cpu": "cpu-total"}, {"cpu": "cpu-0"}, {"cpu": "cpu-1"}, {"cpu": "cpu-2"}, {"mem": "mem_free"}, } drops := []map[string]string{ {"cpu": "cputotal"}, {"cpu": "cpu0"}, {"cpu": "cpu1"}, {"cpu": "cpu2"}, {"mem": "mem_used"}, } for _, tags := range passes { if !f.ShouldTagsPass(tags) { t.Errorf("Expected tags %v to pass", tags) } } for _, tags := range drops { if f.ShouldTagsPass(tags) { t.Errorf("Expected tags %v to drop", tags) } } } func TestFilter_TagDrop(t *testing.T) { filters := []TagFilter{ TagFilter{ Name: "cpu", Filter: []string{"cpu-*"}, }, TagFilter{ Name: "mem", Filter: []string{"mem_free"}, }} f := Filter{ TagDrop: filters, } drops := []map[string]string{ {"cpu": "cpu-total"}, {"cpu": "cpu-0"}, {"cpu": "cpu-1"}, {"cpu": "cpu-2"}, {"mem": "mem_free"}, } passes := []map[string]string{ {"cpu": "cputotal"}, {"cpu": "cpu0"}, {"cpu": "cpu1"}, {"cpu": "cpu2"}, {"mem": "mem_used"}, } for _, tags := range passes { if !f.ShouldTagsPass(tags) { t.Errorf("Expected tags %v to pass", tags) } } for _, tags := range drops { if f.ShouldTagsPass(tags) { t.Errorf("Expected tags %v to drop", tags) } } }