# Exec Input Plugin

The `exec` plugin executes the `commands` on every interval and parses metrics from
their output in any one of the accepted [Input Data Formats](https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/blob/master/docs/DATA_FORMATS_INPUT.md).

This plugin can be used to poll for custom metrics from any source.

### Configuration:

  ## Commands array
  commands = [
    "/usr/bin/mycollector --foo=bar",

  ## Timeout for each command to complete.
  timeout = "5s"

  ## measurement name suffix (for separating different commands)
  name_suffix = "_mycollector"

  ## Data format to consume.
  ## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
  ## more about them here:
  ## https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/blob/master/docs/DATA_FORMATS_INPUT.md
  data_format = "influx"

Glob patterns in the `command` option are matched on every run, so adding new
scripts that match the pattern will cause them to be picked up immediately.

### Example:

This script produces static values, since no timestamp is specified the values are at the current time.
echo 'example,tag1=a,tag2=b i=42i,j=43i,k=44i'

It can be paired with the following configuration and will be run at the `interval` of the agent.
  commands = ["sh /tmp/test.sh"]
  timeout = "5s"
  data_format = "influx"

### Common Issues:

#### Q: My script works when I run it by hand, but not when Telegraf is running as a service.

This may be related to the Telegraf service running as a different user.  The
official packages run Telegraf as the `telegraf` user and group on Linux