# Instrumental Output Plugin

This plugin writes to the [Instrumental Collector API](https://instrumentalapp.com/docs/tcp-collector)
and requires a Project-specific API token.

Instrumental accepts stats in a format very close to Graphite, with the only difference being that
the type of stat (gauge, increment) is the first token, separated from the metric itself
by whitespace. The `increment` type is only used if the metric comes in as a counter through `[[input.statsd]]`.

## Configuration:

  ## Project API Token (required)
  api_token = "API Token"  # required
  ## Prefix the metrics with a given name
  prefix = ""
  ## Stats output template (Graphite formatting)
  ## see https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/blob/master/docs/DATA_FORMATS_OUTPUT.md#graphite
  template = "host.tags.measurement.field"
  ## Timeout in seconds to connect
  timeout = "2s"
  ## Debug true - Print communcation to Instrumental
  debug = false