package zipkin import ( "encoding/binary" "fmt" "net" "strconv" "time" "" "" ) // DefaultServiceName when the span does not have any serviceName const DefaultServiceName = "unknown" //now is a moackable time for now var now = time.Now // LineProtocolConverter implements the Recorder interface; it is a // type meant to encapsulate the storage of zipkin tracing data in // telegraf as line protocol. type LineProtocolConverter struct { acc telegraf.Accumulator } // NewLineProtocolConverter returns an instance of LineProtocolConverter that // will add to the given telegraf.Accumulator func NewLineProtocolConverter(acc telegraf.Accumulator) *LineProtocolConverter { return &LineProtocolConverter{ acc: acc, } } // Record is LineProtocolConverter's implementation of the Record method of // the Recorder interface; it takes a trace as input, and adds it to an internal // telegraf.Accumulator. func (l *LineProtocolConverter) Record(t Trace) error { for _, s := range t { fields := map[string]interface{}{ "duration_ns": s.Duration.Nanoseconds(), } tags := map[string]string{ "id": s.ID, "parent_id": s.ParentID, "trace_id": s.TraceID, "name": s.Name, "service_name": s.ServiceName, } l.acc.AddFields("zipkin", fields, tags, s.Timestamp) for _, a := range s.Annotations { tags := map[string]string{ "id": s.ID, "parent_id": s.ParentID, "trace_id": s.TraceID, "name": s.Name, "service_name": a.ServiceName, "annotation": a.Value, "endpoint_host": a.Host, } l.acc.AddFields("zipkin", fields, tags, s.Timestamp) } for _, b := range s.BinaryAnnotations { tags := map[string]string{ "id": s.ID, "parent_id": s.ParentID, "trace_id": s.TraceID, "name": s.Name, "service_name": b.ServiceName, "annotation": b.Value, "endpoint_host": b.Host, "annotation_key": b.Key, } l.acc.AddFields("zipkin", fields, tags, s.Timestamp) } } return nil } func (l *LineProtocolConverter) Error(err error) { l.acc.AddError(err) } // NewTrace converts a slice of []*zipkincore.Spans into a new Trace func NewTrace(spans []*zipkincore.Span) Trace { trace := make(Trace, len(spans)) for i, span := range spans { endpoint := serviceEndpoint(span.GetAnnotations(), span.GetBinaryAnnotations()) trace[i] = Span{ ID: formatID(span.GetID()), TraceID: formatTraceID(span.GetTraceIDHigh(), span.GetTraceID()), Name: span.GetName(), Timestamp: guessTimestamp(span), Duration: convertDuration(span), ParentID: parentID(span), ServiceName: serviceName(endpoint), Annotations: NewAnnotations(span.GetAnnotations(), endpoint), BinaryAnnotations: NewBinaryAnnotations(span.GetBinaryAnnotations(), endpoint), } } return trace } // NewAnnotations converts a slice of *zipkincore.Annotation into a slice // of new Annotations func NewAnnotations(annotations []*zipkincore.Annotation, endpoint *zipkincore.Endpoint) []Annotation { formatted := make([]Annotation, len(annotations)) for i, annotation := range annotations { formatted[i] = Annotation{ Host: host(endpoint), ServiceName: serviceName(endpoint), Timestamp: microToTime(annotation.GetTimestamp()), Value: annotation.GetValue(), } } return formatted } // NewBinaryAnnotations is very similar to NewAnnotations, but it // converts zipkincore.BinaryAnnotations instead of the normal zipkincore.Annotation func NewBinaryAnnotations(annotations []*zipkincore.BinaryAnnotation, endpoint *zipkincore.Endpoint) []BinaryAnnotation { formatted := make([]BinaryAnnotation, len(annotations)) for i, annotation := range annotations { formatted[i] = BinaryAnnotation{ Host: host(endpoint), ServiceName: serviceName(endpoint), Key: annotation.GetKey(), Value: string(annotation.GetValue()), Type: annotation.GetAnnotationType().String(), } } return formatted } func microToTime(micro int64) time.Time { return time.Unix(0, micro*int64(time.Microsecond)).UTC() } func formatID(id int64) string { return strconv.FormatInt(id, 10) } func formatTraceID(high, low int64) string { if high == 0 { return fmt.Sprintf("%x", low) } return fmt.Sprintf("%x%016x", high, low) } func minMax(span *zipkincore.Span) (time.Time, time.Time) { min := now().UTC() max := time.Time{}.UTC() for _, annotation := range span.Annotations { ts := microToTime(annotation.GetTimestamp()) if !ts.IsZero() && ts.Before(min) { min = ts } if !ts.IsZero() && ts.After(max) { max = ts } } if max.IsZero() { max = min } return min, max } func guessTimestamp(span *zipkincore.Span) time.Time { if span.GetTimestamp() != 0 { return microToTime(span.GetTimestamp()) } min, _ := minMax(span) return min } func convertDuration(span *zipkincore.Span) time.Duration { duration := time.Duration(span.GetDuration()) * time.Microsecond if duration != 0 { return duration } min, max := minMax(span) return max.Sub(min) } func parentID(span *zipkincore.Span) string { // A parent ID of 0 means that this is a parent span. In this case, // we set the parent ID of the span to be its own id, so it points to // itself. id := span.GetParentID() if id != 0 { return formatID(id) } return formatID(span.ID) } func ipv4(addr int32) string { buf := make([]byte, 4) binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf, uint32(addr)) return net.IP(buf).String() } func host(h *zipkincore.Endpoint) string { if h == nil { return ipv4(int32(0)) } if h.GetPort() == 0 { return ipv4(h.GetIpv4()) } // Zipkin uses a signed int16 for the port, but, warns us that they actually treat it // as an unsigned int16. So, we convert from int16 to int32 followed by taking & 0xffff // to convert from signed to unsigned // return ipv4(h.GetIpv4()) + ":" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(int(h.GetPort())&0xffff), 10) } func serviceName(h *zipkincore.Endpoint) string { if h == nil { return DefaultServiceName } return h.GetServiceName() } func serviceEndpoint(ann []*zipkincore.Annotation, bann []*zipkincore.BinaryAnnotation) *zipkincore.Endpoint { for _, a := range ann { switch a.Value { case zipkincore.SERVER_RECV, zipkincore.SERVER_SEND, zipkincore.CLIENT_RECV, zipkincore.CLIENT_SEND: if a.Host != nil && a.Host.ServiceName != "" { return a.Host } } } for _, a := range bann { if a.Key == zipkincore.LOCAL_COMPONENT && a.Host != nil && a.Host.ServiceName != "" { return a.Host } } // Unable to find any "standard" endpoint host, so, use any that exist in the regular annotations for _, a := range ann { if a.Host != nil && a.Host.ServiceName != "" { return a.Host } } return nil }