# Docker Input Plugin The docker plugin uses the docker remote API to gather metrics on running docker containers. You can read Docker's documentation for their remote API [here](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/api/docker_remote_api_v1.20/#get-container-stats-based-on-resource-usage) The docker plugin uses the excellent [docker engine-api](https://github.com/docker/engine-api) library to gather stats. Documentation for the library can be found [here](https://godoc.org/github.com/docker/engine-api) and documentation for the stat structure can be found [here](https://godoc.org/github.com/docker/engine-api/types#Stats) ### Configuration: ``` # Read metrics about docker containers [[inputs.docker]] ## Docker Endpoint ## To use TCP, set endpoint = "tcp://[ip]:[port]" ## To use environment variables (ie, docker-machine), set endpoint = "ENV" endpoint = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock" ## Only collect metrics for these containers. Values will be appended to ## container_name_include. ## Deprecated (1.4.0), use container_name_include container_names = [] ## Containers to include and exclude. Collect all if empty. Globs accepted. container_name_include = [] container_name_exclude = [] ## Timeout for docker list, info, and stats commands timeout = "5s" ## Whether to report for each container per-device blkio (8:0, 8:1...) and ## network (eth0, eth1, ...) stats or not perdevice = true ## Whether to report for each container total blkio and network stats or not total = false ## Which environment variables should we use as a tag tag_env = ["JAVA_HOME", "HEAP_SIZE"] ## docker labels to include and exclude as tags. Globs accepted. ## Note that an empty array for both will include all labels as tags docker_label_include = [] docker_label_exclude = [] ## Which environment variables should we use as a tag tag_env = ["JAVA_HOME", "HEAP_SIZE"] ## Optional SSL Config # ssl_ca = "/etc/telegraf/ca.pem" # ssl_cert = "/etc/telegraf/cert.pem" # ssl_key = "/etc/telegraf/key.pem" ## Use SSL but skip chain & host verification # insecure_skip_verify = false ``` ### Measurements & Fields: Every effort was made to preserve the names based on the JSON response from the docker API. Note that the docker_container_cpu metric may appear multiple times per collection, based on the availability of per-cpu stats on your system. - docker_container_mem - total_pgmafault - cache - mapped_file - total_inactive_file - pgpgout - rss - total_mapped_file - writeback - unevictable - pgpgin - total_unevictable - pgmajfault - total_rss - total_rss_huge - total_writeback - total_inactive_anon - rss_huge - hierarchical_memory_limit - total_pgfault - total_active_file - active_anon - total_active_anon - total_pgpgout - total_cache - inactive_anon - active_file - pgfault - inactive_file - total_pgpgin - max_usage - usage - failcnt - limit - container_id - docker_container_cpu - throttling_periods - throttling_throttled_periods - throttling_throttled_time - usage_in_kernelmode - usage_in_usermode - usage_system - usage_total - usage_percent - container_id - docker_container_net - rx_dropped - rx_bytes - rx_errors - tx_packets - tx_dropped - rx_packets - tx_errors - tx_bytes - container_id - docker_container_blkio - io_service_bytes_recursive_async - io_service_bytes_recursive_read - io_service_bytes_recursive_sync - io_service_bytes_recursive_total - io_service_bytes_recursive_write - io_serviced_recursive_async - io_serviced_recursive_read - io_serviced_recursive_sync - io_serviced_recursive_total - io_serviced_recursive_write - container_id - docker_ - n_used_file_descriptors - n_cpus - n_containers - n_containers_running - n_containers_stopped - n_containers_paused - n_images - n_goroutines - n_listener_events - memory_total - pool_blocksize - docker_data - available - total - used - docker_metadata - available - total - used ### Tags: #### Docker Engine tags - docker (memory_total) - unit=bytes - engine_host - docker (pool_blocksize) - unit=bytes - engine_host - docker_data - unit=bytes - engine_host - docker_metadata - unit=bytes - engine_host #### Docker Container tags - Tags on all containers: - engine_host - container_image - container_name - container_version - docker_container_mem specific: - docker_container_cpu specific: - cpu - docker_container_net specific: - network - docker_container_blkio specific: - device ### Example Output: ``` % ./telegraf --config ~/ws/telegraf.conf --input-filter docker --test * Plugin: docker, Collection 1 > docker n_cpus=8i 1456926671065383978 > docker n_used_file_descriptors=15i 1456926671065383978 > docker n_containers=7i 1456926671065383978 > docker n_containers_running=7i 1456926671065383978 > docker n_containers_stopped=3i 1456926671065383978 > docker n_containers_paused=0i 1456926671065383978 > docker n_images=152i 1456926671065383978 > docker n_goroutines=36i 1456926671065383978 > docker n_listener_events=0i 1456926671065383978 > docker,unit=bytes memory_total=18935443456i 1456926671065383978 > docker,unit=bytes pool_blocksize=65540i 1456926671065383978 > docker_data,unit=bytes available=24340000000i,total=107400000000i,used=14820000000i 1456926671065383978 > docker_metadata,unit=bytes available=2126999999i,total=2146999999i,used=20420000i 145692667106538 > docker_container_mem, container_image=spotify/kafka,container_name=kafka \ active_anon=52568064i,active_file=6926336i,cache=12038144i,fail_count=0i,\ hierarchical_memory_limit=9223372036854771712i,inactive_anon=52707328i,\ inactive_file=5111808i,limit=1044578304i,mapped_file=10301440i,\ max_usage=140656640i,pgfault=63762i,pgmajfault=2837i,pgpgin=73355i,\ pgpgout=45736i,rss=105275392i,rss_huge=4194304i,total_active_anon=52568064i,\ total_active_file=6926336i,total_cache=12038144i,total_inactive_anon=52707328i,\ total_inactive_file=5111808i,total_mapped_file=10301440i,total_pgfault=63762i,\ total_pgmafault=0i,total_pgpgin=73355i,total_pgpgout=45736i,\ total_rss=105275392i,total_rss_huge=4194304i,total_unevictable=0i,\ total_writeback=0i,unevictable=0i,usage=117440512i,writeback=0i 1453409536840126713 > docker_container_cpu, container_image=spotify/kafka,container_name=kafka,cpu=cpu-total \ throttling_periods=0i,throttling_throttled_periods=0i,\ throttling_throttled_time=0i,usage_in_kernelmode=440000000i,\ usage_in_usermode=2290000000i,usage_system=84795360000000i,\ usage_total=6628208865i 1453409536840126713 > docker_container_cpu, container_image=spotify/kafka,container_name=kafka,cpu=cpu0 \ usage_total=6628208865i 1453409536840126713 > docker_container_net,\ container_image=spotify/kafka,container_name=kafka,network=eth0 \ rx_bytes=7468i,rx_dropped=0i,rx_errors=0i,rx_packets=94i,tx_bytes=946i,\ tx_dropped=0i,tx_errors=0i,tx_packets=13i 1453409536840126713 > docker_container_blkio, container_image=spotify/kafka,container_name=kafka,device=8:0 \ io_service_bytes_recursive_async=80216064i,io_service_bytes_recursive_read=79925248i,\ io_service_bytes_recursive_sync=77824i,io_service_bytes_recursive_total=80293888i,\ io_service_bytes_recursive_write=368640i,io_serviced_recursive_async=6562i,\ io_serviced_recursive_read=6492i,io_serviced_recursive_sync=37i,\ io_serviced_recursive_total=6599i,io_serviced_recursive_write=107i 1453409536840126713 ```