package newrelic // newrelic.go import ( "context" "fmt" "net/http" "time" "" "" "" "" "" ) // NewRelic nr structure type NewRelic struct { InsightsKey string `toml:"insights_key"` MetricPrefix string `toml:"metric_prefix"` Timeout internal.Duration `toml:"timeout"` harvestor *telemetry.Harvester dc *cumulative.DeltaCalculator savedErrors map[int]interface{} errorCount int Client http.Client `toml:"-"` } // Description returns a one-sentence description on the Output func (nr *NewRelic) Description() string { return "Send metrics to New Relic metrics endpoint" } // SampleConfig : return default configuration of the Output func (nr *NewRelic) SampleConfig() string { return ` ## New Relic Insights API key insights_key = "insights api key" ## Prefix to add to add to metric name for easy identification. # metric_prefix = "" ## Timeout for writes to the New Relic API. # timeout = "15s" ` } // Connect to the Output func (nr *NewRelic) Connect() error { if nr.InsightsKey == "" { return fmt.Errorf("InsightKey is a required for newrelic") } var err error nr.harvestor, err = telemetry.NewHarvester(telemetry.ConfigAPIKey(nr.InsightsKey), telemetry.ConfigHarvestPeriod(0), func(cfg *telemetry.Config) { cfg.Product = "NewRelic-Telegraf-Plugin" cfg.ProductVersion = "1.0" cfg.HarvestTimeout = nr.Timeout.Duration cfg.Client = &nr.Client cfg.ErrorLogger = func(e map[string]interface{}) { var errorString string for k, v := range e { errorString += fmt.Sprintf("%s = %s ", k, v) } nr.errorCount++ nr.savedErrors[nr.errorCount] = errorString } }) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to connect to newrelic %v", err) } nr.dc = cumulative.NewDeltaCalculator() return nil } // Close any connections to the Output func (nr *NewRelic) Close() error { nr.errorCount = 0 nr.Client.CloseIdleConnections() return nil } // Write takes in group of points to be written to the Output func (nr *NewRelic) Write(metrics []telegraf.Metric) error { nr.errorCount = 0 nr.savedErrors = make(map[int]interface{}) for _, metric := range metrics { // create tag map tags := make(map[string]interface{}) for _, tag := range metric.TagList() { tags[tag.Key] = tag.Value } for _, field := range metric.FieldList() { var mvalue float64 var mname string if nr.MetricPrefix != "" { mname = nr.MetricPrefix + "." + metric.Name() + "." + field.Key } else { mname = metric.Name() + "." + field.Key } switch n := field.Value.(type) { case int64: mvalue = float64(n) case uint64: mvalue = float64(n) case float64: mvalue = float64(n) case bool: mvalue = float64(0) if n { mvalue = float64(1) } case string: // Do not log everytime we encounter string // we just skip continue default: return fmt.Errorf("Undefined field type: %T", field.Value) } switch metric.Type() { case telegraf.Counter: if counter, ok := nr.dc.CountMetric(mname, tags, mvalue, metric.Time()); ok { nr.harvestor.RecordMetric(counter) } default: nr.harvestor.RecordMetric(telemetry.Gauge{ Timestamp: metric.Time(), Value: mvalue, Name: mname, Attributes: tags}) } } } // By default, the Harvester sends metrics and spans to the New Relic // backend every 5 seconds. You can force data to be sent at any time // using HarvestNow. nr.harvestor.HarvestNow(context.Background()) //Check if we encountered errors if nr.errorCount != 0 { return fmt.Errorf("unable to harvest metrics %s ", nr.savedErrors[nr.errorCount]) } return nil } func init() { outputs.Add("newrelic", func() telegraf.Output { return &NewRelic{ Timeout: internal.Duration{Duration: time.Second * 15}, Client: http.Client{}, } }) }