# Kubernetes Input Plugin **This plugin is experimental and may cause high cardinality issues with moderate to large Kubernetes deployments** This input plugin talks to the kubelet api using the `/stats/summary` endpoint to gather metrics about the running pods and containers for a single host. It is assumed that this plugin is running as part of a `daemonset` within a kubernetes installation. This means that telegraf is running on every node within the cluster. Therefore, you should configure this plugin to talk to its locally running kubelet. To find the ip address of the host you are running on you can issue a command like the following: ``` $ curl -s $API_URL/api/v1/namespaces/$POD_NAMESPACE/pods/$HOSTNAME --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" --insecure | jq -r '.status.hostIP' ``` In this case we used the downward API to pass in the `$POD_NAMESPACE` and `$HOSTNAME` is the hostname of the pod which is set by the kubernetes API. ## Summary Data ```json { "node": { "nodeName": "node1", "systemContainers": [ { "name": "kubelet", "startTime": "2016-08-25T18:46:52Z", "cpu": { "time": "2016-09-27T16:57:31Z", "usageNanoCores": 56652446, "usageCoreNanoSeconds": 101437561712262 }, "memory": { "time": "2016-09-27T16:57:31Z", "usageBytes": 62529536, "workingSetBytes": 62349312, "rssBytes": 47509504, "pageFaults": 4769397409, "majorPageFaults": 13 }, "rootfs": { "availableBytes": 84379979776, "capacityBytes": 105553100800 }, "logs": { "availableBytes": 84379979776, "capacityBytes": 105553100800 }, "userDefinedMetrics": null }, { "name": "bar", "startTime": "2016-08-25T18:46:52Z", "cpu": { "time": "2016-09-27T16:57:31Z", "usageNanoCores": 56652446, "usageCoreNanoSeconds": 101437561712262 }, "memory": { "time": "2016-09-27T16:57:31Z", "usageBytes": 62529536, "workingSetBytes": 62349312, "rssBytes": 47509504, "pageFaults": 4769397409, "majorPageFaults": 13 }, "rootfs": { "availableBytes": 84379979776, "capacityBytes": 105553100800 }, "logs": { "availableBytes": 84379979776, "capacityBytes": 105553100800 }, "userDefinedMetrics": null } ], "startTime": "2016-08-25T18:46:52Z", "cpu": { "time": "2016-09-27T16:57:41Z", "usageNanoCores": 576996212, "usageCoreNanoSeconds": 774129887054161 }, "memory": { "time": "2016-09-27T16:57:41Z", "availableBytes": 10726387712, "usageBytes": 12313182208, "workingSetBytes": 5081538560, "rssBytes": 35586048, "pageFaults": 351742, "majorPageFaults": 1236 }, "network": { "time": "2016-09-27T16:57:41Z", "rxBytes": 213281337459, "rxErrors": 0, "txBytes": 292869995684, "txErrors": 0 }, "fs": { "availableBytes": 84379979776, "capacityBytes": 105553100800, "usedBytes": 16754286592 }, "runtime": { "imageFs": { "availableBytes": 84379979776, "capacityBytes": 105553100800, "usedBytes": 5809371475 } } }, "pods": [ { "podRef": { "name": "foopod", "namespace": "foons", "uid": "6d305b06-8419-11e6-825c-42010af000ae" }, "startTime": "2016-09-26T18:45:42Z", "containers": [ { "name": "foocontainer", "startTime": "2016-09-26T18:46:43Z", "cpu": { "time": "2016-09-27T16:57:32Z", "usageNanoCores": 846503, "usageCoreNanoSeconds": 56507553554 }, "memory": { "time": "2016-09-27T16:57:32Z", "usageBytes": 30789632, "workingSetBytes": 30789632, "rssBytes": 30695424, "pageFaults": 10761, "majorPageFaults": 0 }, "rootfs": { "availableBytes": 84379979776, "capacityBytes": 105553100800, "usedBytes": 57344 }, "logs": { "availableBytes": 84379979776, "capacityBytes": 105553100800, "usedBytes": 24576 }, "userDefinedMetrics": null } ], "network": { "time": "2016-09-27T16:57:34Z", "rxBytes": 70749124, "rxErrors": 0, "txBytes": 47813506, "txErrors": 0 }, "volume": [ { "availableBytes": 7903948800, "capacityBytes": 7903961088, "usedBytes": 12288, "name": "volume1" }, { "availableBytes": 7903956992, "capacityBytes": 7903961088, "usedBytes": 4096, "name": "volume2" }, { "availableBytes": 7903948800, "capacityBytes": 7903961088, "usedBytes": 12288, "name": "volume3" }, { "availableBytes": 7903952896, "capacityBytes": 7903961088, "usedBytes": 8192, "name": "volume4" } ] } ] } ``` ### Daemonset YAML ```yaml apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: DaemonSet metadata: name: telegraf namespace: telegraf spec: template: metadata: labels: app: telegraf spec: serviceAccount: telegraf containers: - name: telegraf image: quay.io/org/image:latest imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent env: - name: POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.namespace - name: "HOST_PROC" value: "/rootfs/proc" - name: "HOST_SYS" value: "/rootfs/sys" volumeMounts: - name: sysro mountPath: /rootfs/sys readOnly: true - name: procro mountPath: /rootfs/proc readOnly: true - name: varrunutmpro mountPath: /var/run/utmp readOnly: true - name: logger-redis-creds mountPath: /var/run/secrets/deis/redis/creds volumes: - name: sysro hostPath: path: /sys - name: procro hostPath: path: /proc - name: varrunutmpro hostPath: path: /var/run/utmp ``` ### Line Protocol #### kubernetes_pod_container ``` kubernetes_pod_container,host=ip-10-0-0-0.ec2.internal, container_name=deis-controller,namespace=deis, node_name=ip-10-0-0-0.ec2.internal, pod_name=deis-controller-3058870187-xazsr, cpu_usage_core_nanoseconds=2432835i,cpu_usage_nanocores=0i, logsfs_avaialble_bytes=121128271872i,logsfs_capacity_bytes=153567944704i, logsfs_used_bytes=20787200i,memory_major_page_faults=0i, memory_page_faults=175i,memory_rss_bytes=0i, memory_usage_bytes=0i,memory_working_set_bytes=0i, rootfs_available_bytes=121128271872i,rootfs_capacity_bytes=153567944704i, rootfs_used_bytes=1110016i 1476477530000000000 ``` #### kubernetes_pod_volume ``` kubernetes_pod_volume,host=ip-10-0-0-0.ec2.internal,name=default-token-f7wts, namespace=kube-system,node_name=ip-10-0-0-0.ec2.internal, pod_name=kubernetes-dashboard-v1.1.1-t4x4t, available_bytes=8415240192i, capacity_bytes=8415252480i,used_bytes=12288i 1476477530000000000 ``` #### kubernetes_pod_network ``` kubernetes_pod_network,host=ip-10-0-0-0.ec2.internal,namespace=deis, node_name=ip-10-0-0-0.ec2.internal,pod_name=deis-controller-3058870187-xazsr, rx_bytes=120671099i,rx_errors=0i, tx_bytes=102451983i,tx_errors=0i 1476477530000000000 ```