// Copyrights (c) 2016, Juniper Networks, Inc.
// All rights reserved.

// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Nitin Kumar          04/07/2016
// Abbas Sakarwala      04/07/2016
// This file defines the Openconfig Telemetry RPC APIs (for gRPC).
// https://github.com/openconfig/public/blob/master/release/models/rpc/openconfig-rpc-api.yang
// Version 1.0

syntax = "proto3";

package telemetry;

// Interface exported by Agent
service OpenConfigTelemetry {
    // Request an inline subscription for data at the specified path.
    // The device should send telemetry data back on the same
    // connection as the subscription request.
    rpc telemetrySubscribe(SubscriptionRequest)                     returns (stream OpenConfigData) {}

    // Terminates and removes an exisiting telemetry subscription
    rpc cancelTelemetrySubscription(CancelSubscriptionRequest)      returns (CancelSubscriptionReply) {}

    // Get the list of current telemetry subscriptions from the
    // target. This command returns a list of existing subscriptions
    // not including those that are established via configuration.
    rpc getTelemetrySubscriptions(GetSubscriptionsRequest)          returns (GetSubscriptionsReply) {}

    // Get Telemetry Agent Operational States
    rpc getTelemetryOperationalState(GetOperationalStateRequest)    returns (GetOperationalStateReply) {}

    // Return the set of data encodings supported by the device for
    // telemetry data
    rpc getDataEncodings(DataEncodingRequest)                       returns (DataEncodingReply) {}

// Message sent for a telemetry subscription request
message SubscriptionRequest {
    // Data associated with a telemetry subscription
    SubscriptionInput input                                 = 1;

    // List of data models paths and filters
    // which are used in a telemetry operation.
    repeated Path path_list                                 = 2;

    // The below configuration is not defined in Openconfig RPC.
    // It is a proposed extension to configure additional
    // subscription request features.
    SubscriptionAdditionalConfig additional_config          = 3;

// Data associated with a telemetry subscription
message SubscriptionInput {
    // List of optional collector endpoints to send data for
    // this subscription.
    // If no collector destinations are specified, the collector
    // destination is assumed to be the requester on the rpc channel.
    repeated Collector  collector_list                      = 1;

// Collector endpoints to send data specified as an ip+port combination.
message Collector {
    // IP address of collector endpoint
    string address                                          = 1;

    // Transport protocol port number for the collector destination.
    uint32 port                                             = 2;

// Data model path
message Path {
    // Data model path of interest
    // Path specification for elements of OpenConfig data models
    string path                                             = 1;

    // Regular expression to be used in filtering state leaves
    string filter                                           = 2;

    // If this is set to true, the target device will only send
    // updates to the collector upon a change in data value
    bool suppress_unchanged                                 = 3;

    // Maximum time in ms the target device may go without sending
    // a message to the collector. If this time expires with
    // suppress-unchanged set, the target device must send an update
    // message regardless if the data values have changed.
    uint32 max_silent_interval                              = 4;

    // Time in ms between collection and transmission of the
    // specified data to the collector platform. The target device
    // will sample the corresponding data (e.g,. a counter) and
    // immediately send to the collector destination.
    // If sample-frequency is set to 0, then the network device
    // must emit an update upon every datum change.
    uint32 sample_frequency                                 = 5;

    // EOM needed for each walk cycle of this path?
    //   For periodic sensor, applicable for each complete reap
    //   For event sensor, applicable when initial dump is over 
    //     (same as EOS)
    // This feature is not implemented currently.
    bool need_eom                                           = 6;

// Configure subscription request additional features.
message SubscriptionAdditionalConfig {
    // limit the number of records sent in the stream
    int32 limit_records                                     = 1;

    // limit the time the stream remains open
    int32 limit_time_seconds                                = 2;

    // EOS needed for this subscription?
    bool need_eos                                           = 3;

// Reply to inline subscription for data at the specified path is done in
// two-folds.
// 1. Reply data message sent out using out-of-band channel.
// 2. Telemetry data send back on the same connection as the
//    subscription request.

// 1. Reply data message sent out using out-of-band channel.
message SubscriptionReply {
    // Response message to a telemetry subscription creation or
    // get request.
    SubscriptionResponse response                           = 1;

    // List of data models paths and filters
    // which are used in a telemetry operation.
    repeated Path path_list                                 = 2;

// Response message to a telemetry subscription creation or get request.
message SubscriptionResponse {
    // Unique id for the subscription on the device. This is
    // generated by the device and returned in a subscription
    // request or when listing existing subscriptions
    uint32 subscription_id = 1;

// 2. Telemetry data send back on the same connection as the
//    subscription request.
message OpenConfigData {
    // router name:export IP address
    string system_id                                        = 1;

    // line card / RE (slot number)
    uint32 component_id                                     = 2;

    // PFE (if applicable)
    uint32 sub_component_id                                 = 3;

    // Path specification for elements of OpenConfig data models
    string path                                             = 4;

    // Sequence number, monotonically increasing for each
    // system_id, component_id, sub_component_id + path.
    uint64 sequence_number                                  = 5;

    // timestamp (milliseconds since epoch)
    uint64 timestamp                                        = 6;

    // List of key-value pairs
    repeated KeyValue kv                                    = 7;

    // For delete. If filled, it indicates delete
    repeated Delete delete                                  = 8;

    // If filled, it indicates end of marker for the
    // respective path in the list.
    repeated Eom eom                                        = 9; 

    // If filled, it indicates end of sync for complete subscription
    bool sync_response                                      = 10;

// Simple Key-value, where value could be one of scalar types
message KeyValue {
    // Key
    string key                                              =  1;

    // One of possible values
    oneof value {
        double double_value                                 =  5;
        int64  int_value                                    =  6;
        uint64 uint_value                                   =  7;
        sint64 sint_value                                   =  8;
        bool   bool_value                                   =  9;
        string str_value                                    = 10;
        bytes  bytes_value                                  = 11;

// Message indicating delete for a particular path
message Delete {
    string path                                             = 1;

// Message indicating EOM for a particular path
message Eom {
    string path                                             = 1; 

// Message sent for a telemetry subscription cancellation request
message CancelSubscriptionRequest {
    // Subscription identifier as returned by the device when
    // subscription was requested
    uint32 subscription_id                                  = 1;

// Reply to telemetry subscription cancellation request
message CancelSubscriptionReply {
    // Return code
    ReturnCode code                                         = 1;

    // Return code string
    string     code_str                                     = 2;

// Result of the operation
enum ReturnCode {
    SUCCESS                                                 = 0;
    NO_SUBSCRIPTION_ENTRY                                   = 1;
    UNKNOWN_ERROR                                           = 2;

// Message sent for a telemetry get request
message GetSubscriptionsRequest {
    // Subscription identifier as returned by the device when
    // subscription was requested
    // --- or ---
    // 0xFFFFFFFF for all subscription identifiers
    uint32 subscription_id                                  = 1;

// Reply to telemetry subscription get request
message GetSubscriptionsReply {
    // List of current telemetry subscriptions
    repeated SubscriptionReply subscription_list            = 1;

// Message sent for telemetry agent operational states request
message GetOperationalStateRequest {
    // Per-subscription_id level operational state can be requested.
    // Subscription identifier as returned by the device when
    // subscription was requested
    // --- or ---
    // 0xFFFFFFFF for all subscription identifiers including agent-level
    // operational stats
    // --- or ---
    // If subscription_id is not present then sent only agent-level
    // operational stats
    uint32 subscription_id                                  = 1;

    // Control verbosity of the output
    VerbosityLevel verbosity                                = 2;

// Verbosity Level
enum VerbosityLevel {
    DETAIL                                                  = 0;
    TERSE                                                   = 1;
    BRIEF                                                   = 2;

// Reply to telemetry agent operational states request
message GetOperationalStateReply {
    // List of key-value pairs where
    //     key      = operational state definition
    //     value    = operational state value
    repeated KeyValue kv                                    = 1;

// Message sent for a data encoding request
message DataEncodingRequest {

// Reply to data encodings supported request
message DataEncodingReply {
    repeated EncodingType  encoding_list                    = 1;

// Encoding Type Supported
enum EncodingType {
    UNDEFINED                                               = 0;
    XML                                                     = 1;
    JSON_IETF                                               = 2;
    PROTO3                                                  = 3;