## Zookeeper Input Plugin The zookeeper plugin collects variables outputted from the 'mntr' command [Zookeeper Admin](https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperAdmin.html). ### Configuration ```toml # Reads 'mntr' stats from one or many zookeeper servers [[inputs.zookeeper]] ## An array of address to gather stats about. Specify an ip or hostname ## with port. ie localhost:2181,, etc. ## If no servers are specified, then localhost is used as the host. ## If no port is specified, 2181 is used servers = [":2181"] ## Timeout for metric collections from all servers. Minimum timeout is "1s". # timeout = "5s" ## Optional TLS Config # enable_ssl = true # tls_ca = "/etc/telegraf/ca.pem" # tls_cert = "/etc/telegraf/cert.pem" # tls_key = "/etc/telegraf/key.pem" ## If false, skip chain & host verification # insecure_skip_verify = true ``` ### Metrics: Exact field names are based on Zookeeper response and may vary between configuration, platform, and version. - zookeeper - tags: - server - port - state - fields: - approximate_data_size (integer) - avg_latency (integer) - ephemerals_count (integer) - max_file_descriptor_count (integer) - max_latency (integer) - min_latency (integer) - num_alive_connections (integer) - open_file_descriptor_count (integer) - outstanding_requests (integer) - packets_received (integer) - packets_sent (integer) - version (string) - watch_count (integer) - znode_count (integer) - followers (integer, leader only) - synced_followers (integer, leader only) - pending_syncs (integer, leader only) ### Debugging: If you have any issues please check the direct Zookeeper output using netcat: ```sh $ echo mntr | nc localhost 2181 zk_version 3.4.9-3--1, built on Thu, 01 Jun 2017 16:26:44 -0700 zk_avg_latency 0 zk_max_latency 0 zk_min_latency 0 zk_packets_received 8 zk_packets_sent 7 zk_num_alive_connections 1 zk_outstanding_requests 0 zk_server_state standalone zk_znode_count 129 zk_watch_count 0 zk_ephemerals_count 0 zk_approximate_data_size 10044 zk_open_file_descriptor_count 44 zk_max_file_descriptor_count 4096 ``` ### Example Output ``` zookeeper,server=localhost,port=2181,state=standalone ephemerals_count=0i,approximate_data_size=10044i,open_file_descriptor_count=44i,max_latency=0i,packets_received=7i,outstanding_requests=0i,znode_count=129i,max_file_descriptor_count=4096i,version="3.4.9-3--1",avg_latency=0i,packets_sent=6i,num_alive_connections=1i,watch_count=0i,min_latency=0i 1522351112000000000 ```