package kube_inventory import ( "testing" "time" "" metav1 "" "" ) func TestEndpoint(t *testing.T) { cli := &client{} now := time.Now() now = time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day(), now.Hour(), 1, 36, 0, now.Location()) tests := []struct { name string handler *mockHandler output *testutil.Accumulator hasError bool }{ { name: "no endpoints", handler: &mockHandler{ responseMap: map[string]interface{}{ "/endpoints/": &v1.EndpointsList{}, }, }, hasError: false, }, { name: "collect ready endpoints", handler: &mockHandler{ responseMap: map[string]interface{}{ "/endpoints/": &v1.EndpointsList{ Items: []*v1.Endpoints{ { Subsets: []*v1.EndpointSubset{ { Addresses: []*v1.EndpointAddress{ { Hostname: toStrPtr("storage-6"), NodeName: toStrPtr(""), TargetRef: &v1.ObjectReference{ Kind: toStrPtr("pod"), Name: toStrPtr("storage-6"), }, }, }, Ports: []*v1.EndpointPort{ { Name: toStrPtr("server"), Protocol: toStrPtr("TCP"), Port: toInt32Ptr(8080), }, }, }, }, Metadata: &metav1.ObjectMeta{ Generation: toInt64Ptr(12), Namespace: toStrPtr("ns1"), Name: toStrPtr("storage"), CreationTimestamp: &metav1.Time{Seconds: toInt64Ptr(now.Unix())}, }, }, }, }, }, }, output: &testutil.Accumulator{ Metrics: []*testutil.Metric{ { Fields: map[string]interface{}{ "ready": true, "port": int32(8080), "generation": int64(12), "created": now.UnixNano(), }, Tags: map[string]string{ "endpoint_name": "storage", "namespace": "ns1", "hostname": "storage-6", "node_name": "", "port_name": "server", "port_protocol": "TCP", "pod": "storage-6", }, }, }, }, hasError: false, }, { name: "collect notready endpoints", handler: &mockHandler{ responseMap: map[string]interface{}{ "/endpoints/": &v1.EndpointsList{ Items: []*v1.Endpoints{ { Subsets: []*v1.EndpointSubset{ { NotReadyAddresses: []*v1.EndpointAddress{ { Hostname: toStrPtr("storage-6"), NodeName: toStrPtr(""), TargetRef: &v1.ObjectReference{ Kind: toStrPtr("pod"), Name: toStrPtr("storage-6"), }, }, }, Ports: []*v1.EndpointPort{ { Name: toStrPtr("server"), Protocol: toStrPtr("TCP"), Port: toInt32Ptr(8080), }, }, }, }, Metadata: &metav1.ObjectMeta{ Generation: toInt64Ptr(12), Namespace: toStrPtr("ns1"), Name: toStrPtr("storage"), CreationTimestamp: &metav1.Time{Seconds: toInt64Ptr(now.Unix())}, }, }, }, }, }, }, output: &testutil.Accumulator{ Metrics: []*testutil.Metric{ { Fields: map[string]interface{}{ "ready": false, "port": int32(8080), "generation": int64(12), "created": now.UnixNano(), }, Tags: map[string]string{ "endpoint_name": "storage", "namespace": "ns1", "hostname": "storage-6", "node_name": "", "port_name": "server", "port_protocol": "TCP", "pod": "storage-6", }, }, }, }, hasError: false, }, } for _, v := range tests { ks := &KubernetesInventory{ client: cli, } acc := new(testutil.Accumulator) for _, endpoint := range ((v.handler.responseMap["/endpoints/"]).(*v1.EndpointsList)).Items { err := ks.gatherEndpoint(*endpoint, acc) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Failed to gather endpoint - %s", err.Error()) } } err := acc.FirstError() if err == nil && v.hasError { t.Fatalf("%s failed, should have error", } else if err != nil && !v.hasError { t.Fatalf("%s failed, err: %v",, err) } if v.output == nil && len(acc.Metrics) > 0 { t.Fatalf("%s: collected extra data", } else if v.output != nil && len(v.output.Metrics) > 0 { for i := range v.output.Metrics { for k, m := range v.output.Metrics[i].Tags { if acc.Metrics[i].Tags[k] != m { t.Fatalf("%s: tag %s metrics unmatch Expected %s, got '%v'\n",, k, m, acc.Metrics[i].Tags[k]) } } for k, m := range v.output.Metrics[i].Fields { if acc.Metrics[i].Fields[k] != m { t.Fatalf("%s: field %s metrics unmatch Expected %v(%T), got %v(%T)\n",, k, m, m, acc.Metrics[i].Fields[k], acc.Metrics[i].Fields[k]) } } } } } }