// +build windows package win_perf_counters import ( "errors" "fmt" "log" "strings" "time" "github.com/influxdata/telegraf" "github.com/influxdata/telegraf/internal" "github.com/influxdata/telegraf/plugins/inputs" ) var sampleConfig = ` ## By default this plugin returns basic CPU and Disk statistics. ## See the README file for more examples. ## Uncomment examples below or write your own as you see fit. If the system ## being polled for data does not have the Object at startup of the Telegraf ## agent, it will not be gathered. ## Settings: # PrintValid = false # Print All matching performance counters # Whether request a timestamp along with the PerfCounter data or just use current time # UsePerfCounterTime=true # If UseWildcardsExpansion params is set to true, wildcards (partial wildcards in instance names and wildcards in counters names) in configured counter paths will be expanded # and in case of localized Windows, counter paths will be also localized. It also returns instance indexes in instance names. # If false, wildcards (not partial) in instance names will still be expanded, but instance indexes will not be returned in instance names. #UseWildcardsExpansion = false # Period after which counters will be reread from configuration and wildcards in counter paths expanded CountersRefreshInterval="1m" [[inputs.win_perf_counters.object]] # Processor usage, alternative to native, reports on a per core. ObjectName = "Processor" Instances = ["*"] Counters = [ "%% Idle Time", "%% Interrupt Time", "%% Privileged Time", "%% User Time", "%% Processor Time" ] Measurement = "win_cpu" # Set to true to include _Total instance when querying for all (*). # IncludeTotal=false # Print out when the performance counter is missing from object, counter or instance. # WarnOnMissing = false [[inputs.win_perf_counters.object]] # Disk times and queues ObjectName = "LogicalDisk" Instances = ["*"] Counters = [ "%% Idle Time", "%% Disk Time","%% Disk Read Time", "%% Disk Write Time", "%% User Time", "Current Disk Queue Length" ] Measurement = "win_disk" [[inputs.win_perf_counters.object]] ObjectName = "System" Counters = ["Context Switches/sec","System Calls/sec"] Instances = ["------"] Measurement = "win_system" [[inputs.win_perf_counters.object]] # Example counterPath where the Instance portion must be removed to get data back, # such as from the Memory object. ObjectName = "Memory" Counters = [ "Available Bytes", "Cache Faults/sec", "Demand Zero Faults/sec", "Page Faults/sec", "Pages/sec", "Transition Faults/sec", "Pool Nonpaged Bytes", "Pool Paged Bytes" ] Instances = ["------"] # Use 6 x - to remove the Instance bit from the counterPath. Measurement = "win_mem" ` type Win_PerfCounters struct { PrintValid bool //deprecated: determined dynamically PreVistaSupport bool UsePerfCounterTime bool Object []perfobject CountersRefreshInterval internal.Duration UseWildcardsExpansion bool lastRefreshed time.Time counters []*counter query PerformanceQuery } type perfobject struct { ObjectName string Counters []string Instances []string Measurement string WarnOnMissing bool FailOnMissing bool IncludeTotal bool } type counter struct { counterPath string objectName string counter string instance string measurement string includeTotal bool counterHandle PDH_HCOUNTER } type instanceGrouping struct { name string instance string objectname string } var sanitizedChars = strings.NewReplacer("/sec", "_persec", "/Sec", "_persec", " ", "_", "%", "Percent", `\`, "") // extractCounterInfoFromCounterPath gets object name, instance name (if available) and counter name from counter path // General Counter path pattern is: \\computer\object(parent/instance#index)\counter // parent/instance#index part is skipped in single instance objects (e.g. Memory): \\computer\object\counter func extractCounterInfoFromCounterPath(counterPath string) (object string, instance string, counter string, err error) { rightObjectBorderIndex := -1 leftObjectBorderIndex := -1 leftCounterBorderIndex := -1 rightInstanceBorderIndex := -1 leftInstanceBorderIndex := -1 bracketLevel := 0 for i := len(counterPath) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { switch counterPath[i] { case '\\': if bracketLevel == 0 { if leftCounterBorderIndex == -1 { leftCounterBorderIndex = i } else if leftObjectBorderIndex == -1 { leftObjectBorderIndex = i } } case '(': bracketLevel-- if leftInstanceBorderIndex == -1 && bracketLevel == 0 && leftObjectBorderIndex == -1 && leftCounterBorderIndex > -1 { leftInstanceBorderIndex = i rightObjectBorderIndex = i } case ')': if rightInstanceBorderIndex == -1 && bracketLevel == 0 && leftCounterBorderIndex > -1 { rightInstanceBorderIndex = i } bracketLevel++ } } if rightObjectBorderIndex == -1 { rightObjectBorderIndex = leftCounterBorderIndex } if rightObjectBorderIndex == -1 || leftObjectBorderIndex == -1 { err = errors.New("cannot parse object from: " + counterPath) return } if leftInstanceBorderIndex > -1 && rightInstanceBorderIndex > -1 { instance = counterPath[leftInstanceBorderIndex+1 : rightInstanceBorderIndex] } else if (leftInstanceBorderIndex == -1 && rightInstanceBorderIndex > -1) || (leftInstanceBorderIndex > -1 && rightInstanceBorderIndex == -1) { err = errors.New("cannot parse instance from: " + counterPath) return } object = counterPath[leftObjectBorderIndex+1 : rightObjectBorderIndex] counter = counterPath[leftCounterBorderIndex+1:] return } func (m *Win_PerfCounters) Description() string { return "Input plugin to counterPath Performance Counters on Windows operating systems" } func (m *Win_PerfCounters) SampleConfig() string { return sampleConfig } //objectName string, counter string, instance string, measurement string, include_total bool func (m *Win_PerfCounters) AddItem(counterPath string, objectName string, instance string, counterName string, measurement string, includeTotal bool) error { var err error var counterHandle PDH_HCOUNTER if !m.query.IsVistaOrNewer() { counterHandle, err = m.query.AddCounterToQuery(counterPath) if err != nil { return err } } else { counterHandle, err = m.query.AddEnglishCounterToQuery(counterPath) if err != nil { return err } } if m.UseWildcardsExpansion { origInstance := instance counterPath, err = m.query.GetCounterPath(counterHandle) if err != nil { return err } counters, err := m.query.ExpandWildCardPath(counterPath) if err != nil { return err } for _, counterPath := range counters { var err error counterHandle, err := m.query.AddCounterToQuery(counterPath) objectName, instance, counterName, err = extractCounterInfoFromCounterPath(counterPath) if err != nil { return err } if instance == "_Total" && origInstance == "*" && !includeTotal { continue } newItem := &counter{counterPath, objectName, counterName, instance, measurement, includeTotal, counterHandle} m.counters = append(m.counters, newItem) if m.PrintValid { log.Printf("Valid: %s\n", counterPath) } } } else { newItem := &counter{counterPath, objectName, counterName, instance, measurement, includeTotal, counterHandle} m.counters = append(m.counters, newItem) if m.PrintValid { log.Printf("Valid: %s\n", counterPath) } } return nil } func (m *Win_PerfCounters) ParseConfig() error { var counterPath string if len(m.Object) > 0 { for _, PerfObject := range m.Object { for _, counter := range PerfObject.Counters { for _, instance := range PerfObject.Instances { objectname := PerfObject.ObjectName if instance == "------" { counterPath = "\\" + objectname + "\\" + counter } else { counterPath = "\\" + objectname + "(" + instance + ")\\" + counter } err := m.AddItem(counterPath, objectname, instance, counter, PerfObject.Measurement, PerfObject.IncludeTotal) if err != nil { if PerfObject.FailOnMissing || PerfObject.WarnOnMissing { log.Printf("Invalid counterPath: '%s'. Error: %s\n", counterPath, err.Error()) } if PerfObject.FailOnMissing { return err } } } } } return nil } else { err := errors.New("no performance objects configured") return err } } func (m *Win_PerfCounters) Gather(acc telegraf.Accumulator) error { // Parse the config once var err error if m.lastRefreshed.IsZero() || (m.CountersRefreshInterval.Duration.Nanoseconds() > 0 && m.lastRefreshed.Add(m.CountersRefreshInterval.Duration).Before(time.Now())) { if m.counters != nil { m.counters = m.counters[:0] } if err = m.query.Open(); err != nil { return err } if err = m.ParseConfig(); err != nil { return err } //some counters need two data samples before computing a value if err = m.query.CollectData(); err != nil { return err } m.lastRefreshed = time.Now() time.Sleep(time.Second) } var collectFields = make(map[instanceGrouping]map[string]interface{}) var timestamp time.Time if m.UsePerfCounterTime && m.query.IsVistaOrNewer() { timestamp, err = m.query.CollectDataWithTime() if err != nil { return err } } else { timestamp = time.Now() if err = m.query.CollectData(); err != nil { return err } } // For iterate over the known metrics and get the samples. for _, metric := range m.counters { // collect if m.UseWildcardsExpansion { value, err := m.query.GetFormattedCounterValueDouble(metric.counterHandle) if err == nil { addCounterMeasurement(metric, metric.instance, value, collectFields) } else { //ignore invalid data as some counters from process instances returns this sometimes if !isKnownCounterDataError(err) { return fmt.Errorf("error while getting value for counter %s: %v", metric.counterPath, err) } } } else { counterValues, err := m.query.GetFormattedCounterArrayDouble(metric.counterHandle) if err == nil { for _, cValue := range counterValues { var add bool if metric.includeTotal { // If IncludeTotal is set, include all. add = true } else if metric.instance == "*" && !strings.Contains(cValue.InstanceName, "_Total") { // Catch if set to * and that it is not a '*_Total*' instance. add = true } else if metric.instance == cValue.InstanceName { // Catch if we set it to total or some form of it add = true } else if strings.Contains(metric.instance, "#") && strings.HasPrefix(metric.instance, cValue.InstanceName) { // If you are using a multiple instance identifier such as "w3wp#1" // phd.dll returns only the first 2 characters of the identifier. add = true cValue.InstanceName = metric.instance } else if metric.instance == "------" { add = true } if add { addCounterMeasurement(metric, cValue.InstanceName, cValue.Value, collectFields) } } } else { //ignore invalid data as some counters from process instances returns this sometimes if !isKnownCounterDataError(err) { return fmt.Errorf("error while getting value for counter %s: %v", metric.counterPath, err) } } } } for instance, fields := range collectFields { var tags = map[string]string{ "objectname": instance.objectname, } if len(instance.instance) > 0 { tags["instance"] = instance.instance } acc.AddFields(instance.name, fields, tags, timestamp) } return nil } func addCounterMeasurement(metric *counter, instanceName string, value float64, collectFields map[instanceGrouping]map[string]interface{}) { measurement := sanitizedChars.Replace(metric.measurement) if measurement == "" { measurement = "win_perf_counters" } var instance = instanceGrouping{measurement, instanceName, metric.objectName} if collectFields[instance] == nil { collectFields[instance] = make(map[string]interface{}) } collectFields[instance][sanitizedChars.Replace(metric.counter)] = float32(value) } func isKnownCounterDataError(err error) bool { if pdhErr, ok := err.(*PdhError); ok && (pdhErr.ErrorCode == PDH_INVALID_DATA || pdhErr.ErrorCode == PDH_CALC_NEGATIVE_VALUE || pdhErr.ErrorCode == PDH_CSTATUS_INVALID_DATA) { return true } return false } func init() { inputs.Add("win_perf_counters", func() telegraf.Input { return &Win_PerfCounters{query: &PerformanceQueryImpl{}, CountersRefreshInterval: internal.Duration{Duration: time.Second * 60}} }) }