package kube_inventory

import (

	metav1 ""

func TestPod(t *testing.T) {
	cli := &client{}
	now := time.Now()
	started := time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day(), now.Hour()-1, 1, 36, 0, now.Location())
	created := time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day(), now.Hour()-2, 1, 36, 0, now.Location())
	cond1 := time.Date(now.Year(), 7, 5, 7, 53, 29, 0, now.Location())
	cond2 := time.Date(now.Year(), 7, 5, 7, 53, 31, 0, now.Location())

	tests := []struct {
		name     string
		handler  *mockHandler
		output   *testutil.Accumulator
		hasError bool
			name: "no pods",
			handler: &mockHandler{
				responseMap: map[string]interface{}{
					"/pods/": &v1.PodList{},
			hasError: false,
			name: "collect pods",
			handler: &mockHandler{
				responseMap: map[string]interface{}{
					"/pods/": &v1.PodList{
						Items: []*v1.Pod{
								Spec: &v1.PodSpec{
									NodeName: toStrPtr("node1"),
									Containers: []*v1.Container{
											Name:  toStrPtr("forwarder"),
											Image: toStrPtr("image1"),
											Ports: []*v1.ContainerPort{
													ContainerPort: toInt32Ptr(8080),
													Protocol:      toStrPtr("TCP"),
											Resources: &v1.ResourceRequirements{
												Limits: map[string]*resource.Quantity{
													"cpu": {String_: toStrPtr("100m")},
												Requests: map[string]*resource.Quantity{
													"cpu": {String_: toStrPtr("100m")},
									Volumes: []*v1.Volume{
											Name: toStrPtr("vol1"),
											VolumeSource: &v1.VolumeSource{
												PersistentVolumeClaim: &v1.PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource{
													ClaimName: toStrPtr("pc1"),
													ReadOnly:  toBoolPtr(true),
											Name: toStrPtr("vol2"),
								Status: &v1.PodStatus{
									Phase:     toStrPtr("Running"),
									HostIP:    toStrPtr(""),
									PodIP:     toStrPtr(""),
									StartTime: &metav1.Time{Seconds: toInt64Ptr(started.Unix())},
									Conditions: []*v1.PodCondition{
											Type:               toStrPtr("Initialized"),
											Status:             toStrPtr("True"),
											LastTransitionTime: &metav1.Time{Seconds: toInt64Ptr(cond1.Unix())},
											Type:               toStrPtr("Ready"),
											Status:             toStrPtr("True"),
											LastTransitionTime: &metav1.Time{Seconds: toInt64Ptr(cond2.Unix())},
											Type:               toStrPtr("Scheduled"),
											Status:             toStrPtr("True"),
											LastTransitionTime: &metav1.Time{Seconds: toInt64Ptr(cond1.Unix())},
									ContainerStatuses: []*v1.ContainerStatus{
											Name: toStrPtr("forwarder"),
											State: &v1.ContainerState{
												Running: &v1.ContainerStateRunning{
													StartedAt: &metav1.Time{Seconds: toInt64Ptr(cond2.Unix())},
											Ready:        toBoolPtr(true),
											RestartCount: toInt32Ptr(3),
											Image:        toStrPtr("image1"),
											ImageID:      toStrPtr("image_id1"),
											ContainerID:  toStrPtr("docker://54abe32d0094479d3d"),
								Metadata: &metav1.ObjectMeta{
									OwnerReferences: []*metav1.OwnerReference{
											ApiVersion: toStrPtr("apps/v1"),
											Kind:       toStrPtr("DaemonSet"),
											Name:       toStrPtr("forwarder"),
											Controller: toBoolPtr(true),
									Generation: toInt64Ptr(11232),
									Namespace:  toStrPtr("ns1"),
									Name:       toStrPtr("pod1"),
									Labels: map[string]string{
										"lab1": "v1",
										"lab2": "v2",
									CreationTimestamp: &metav1.Time{Seconds: toInt64Ptr(created.Unix())},
			output: &testutil.Accumulator{
				Metrics: []*testutil.Metric{
						Measurement: podContainerMeasurement,
						Fields: map[string]interface{}{
							"restarts_total":                   int32(3),
							"state_code":                       0,
							"resource_requests_millicpu_units": int64(100),
							"resource_limits_millicpu_units":   int64(100),
						Tags: map[string]string{
							"namespace":      "ns1",
							"container_name": "forwarder",
							"node_name":      "node1",
							"pod_name":       "pod1",
							"state":          "running",
			hasError: false,
	for _, v := range tests {
		ks := &KubernetesInventory{
			client: cli,
		acc := new(testutil.Accumulator)
		for _, pod := range ((v.handler.responseMap["/pods/"]).(*v1.PodList)).Items {
			err := ks.gatherPod(*pod, acc)
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("Failed to gather pod - %s", err.Error())

		err := acc.FirstError()
		if err == nil && v.hasError {
			t.Fatalf("%s failed, should have error",
		} else if err != nil && !v.hasError {
			t.Fatalf("%s failed, err: %v",, err)
		if v.output == nil && len(acc.Metrics) > 0 {
			t.Fatalf("%s: collected extra data",
		} else if v.output != nil && len(v.output.Metrics) > 0 {
			for i := range v.output.Metrics {
				for k, m := range v.output.Metrics[i].Tags {
					if acc.Metrics[i].Tags[k] != m {
						t.Fatalf("%s: tag %s metrics unmatch Expected %s, got %s, i %d\n",, k, m, acc.Metrics[i].Tags[k], i)
				for k, m := range v.output.Metrics[i].Fields {
					if acc.Metrics[i].Fields[k] != m {
						t.Fatalf("%s: field %s metrics unmatch Expected %v(%T), got %v(%T), i %d\n",, k, m, m, acc.Metrics[i].Fields[k], acc.Metrics[i].Fields[k], i)