package rethinkdb

import (



type RethinkDB struct {
	Servers []string

var sampleConfig = `
  # An array of URI to gather stats about. Specify an ip or hostname
  # with optional port add password. ie rethinkdb://user:auth_key@,
  # rethinkdb://,, etc.
  # If no servers are specified, then is used as the host and 28015 as the port.
  servers = [""]

func (r *RethinkDB) SampleConfig() string {
	return sampleConfig

func (r *RethinkDB) Description() string {
	return "Read metrics from one or many RethinkDB servers"

var localhost = &Server{Url: &url.URL{Host: ""}}

// Reads stats from all configured servers accumulates stats.
// Returns one of the errors encountered while gather stats (if any).
func (r *RethinkDB) Gather(acc plugins.Accumulator) error {
	if len(r.Servers) == 0 {
		r.gatherServer(localhost, acc)
		return nil

	var wg sync.WaitGroup

	var outerr error

	for _, serv := range r.Servers {
		u, err := url.Parse(serv)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse to address '%s': %s", serv, err)
		} else if u.Scheme == "" {
			// fallback to simple string based address (i.e. "")
			u.Host = serv
		go func(serv string) {
			defer wg.Done()
			outerr = r.gatherServer(&Server{Url: u}, acc)


	return outerr

func (r *RethinkDB) gatherServer(server *Server, acc plugins.Accumulator) error {
	var err error
	connectOpts := gorethink.ConnectOpts{
		Address:       server.Url.Host,
		DiscoverHosts: false,
	if server.Url.User != nil {
		pwd, set := server.Url.User.Password()
		if set && pwd != "" {
			connectOpts.AuthKey = pwd
	server.session, err = gorethink.Connect(connectOpts)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Unable to connect to RethinkDB, %s\n", err.Error())
	defer server.session.Close()

	return server.gatherData(acc)

func init() {
	plugins.Add("rethinkdb", func() plugins.Plugin {
		return &RethinkDB{}