package jolokia import ( _ "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "strings" "testing" "" "" _ "" ) const validMultiValueJSON = ` { "request":{ "mbean":"java.lang:type=Memory", "attribute":"HeapMemoryUsage", "type":"read" }, "value":{ "init":67108864, "committed":456130560, "max":477626368, "used":203288528 }, "timestamp":1446129191, "status":200 }` const validSingleValueJSON = ` { "request":{ "path":"used", "mbean":"java.lang:type=Memory", "attribute":"HeapMemoryUsage", "type":"read" }, "value":209274376, "timestamp":1446129256, "status":200 }` const invalidJSON = "I don't think this is JSON" const empty = "" var Servers = []Server{Server{Name: "as1", Host: "", Port: "8080"}} var HeapMetric = Metric{Name: "heap_memory_usage", Mbean: "java.lang:type=Memory", Attribute: "HeapMemoryUsage"} var UsedHeapMetric = Metric{Name: "heap_memory_usage", Mbean: "java.lang:type=Memory", Attribute: "HeapMemoryUsage"} type jolokiaClientStub struct { responseBody string statusCode int } func (c jolokiaClientStub) MakeRequest(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { resp := http.Response{} resp.StatusCode = c.statusCode resp.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(c.responseBody)) return &resp, nil } // Generates a pointer to an HttpJson object that uses a mock HTTP client. // Parameters: // response : Body of the response that the mock HTTP client should return // statusCode: HTTP status code the mock HTTP client should return // // Returns: // *HttpJson: Pointer to an HttpJson object that uses the generated mock HTTP client func genJolokiaClientStub(response string, statusCode int, servers []Server, metrics []Metric) *Jolokia { return &Jolokia{ jClient: jolokiaClientStub{responseBody: response, statusCode: statusCode}, Servers: servers, Metrics: metrics, } } // Test that the proper values are ignored or collected func TestHttpJsonMultiValue(t *testing.T) { jolokia := genJolokiaClientStub(validMultiValueJSON, 200, Servers, []Metric{HeapMetric}) var acc testutil.Accumulator err := jolokia.Gather(&acc) assert.Nil(t, err) assert.Equal(t, 1, len(acc.Metrics)) fields := map[string]interface{}{ "heap_memory_usage_init": 67108864.0, "heap_memory_usage_committed": 456130560.0, "heap_memory_usage_max": 477626368.0, "heap_memory_usage_used": 203288528.0, } tags := map[string]string{ "jolokia_host": "", "jolokia_port": "8080", "jolokia_name": "as1", } acc.AssertContainsTaggedFields(t, "jolokia", fields, tags) } // Test that the proper values are ignored or collected func TestHttpJsonOn404(t *testing.T) { jolokia := genJolokiaClientStub(validMultiValueJSON, 404, Servers, []Metric{UsedHeapMetric}) var acc testutil.Accumulator acc.SetDebug(true) err := jolokia.Gather(&acc) assert.Nil(t, err) assert.Equal(t, 0, len(acc.Metrics)) } // Test that the proper values are ignored or collected func TestHttpInvalidJson(t *testing.T) { jolokia := genJolokiaClientStub(invalidJSON, 200, Servers, []Metric{UsedHeapMetric}) var acc testutil.Accumulator acc.SetDebug(true) err := jolokia.Gather(&acc) assert.Nil(t, err) assert.Equal(t, 0, len(acc.Metrics)) }