package internal

import "testing"

func testGlobMatch(t *testing.T, pattern, subj string) {
	if !Glob(pattern, subj) {
		t.Errorf("%s should match %s", pattern, subj)

func testGlobNoMatch(t *testing.T, pattern, subj string) {
	if Glob(pattern, subj) {
		t.Errorf("%s should not match %s", pattern, subj)

func TestEmptyPattern(t *testing.T) {
	testGlobMatch(t, "", "")
	testGlobNoMatch(t, "", "test")

func TestPatternWithoutGlobs(t *testing.T) {
	testGlobMatch(t, "test", "test")

func TestGlob(t *testing.T) {
	for _, pattern := range []string{
		"*test",           // Leading glob
		"this*",           // Trailing glob
		"*is*a*",          // Lots of globs
		"**test**",        // Double glob characters
		"**is**a***test*", // Varying number of globs
	} {
		testGlobMatch(t, pattern, "this_is_a_test")

	for _, pattern := range []string{
		"test*", // Implicit substring match should fail
		"*is",   // Partial match should fail
		"*no*",  // Globs without a match between them should fail
	} {
		testGlobNoMatch(t, pattern, "this_is_a_test")

type SnakeTest struct {
	input  string
	output string

var tests = []SnakeTest{
	{"a", "a"},
	{"snake", "snake"},
	{"A", "a"},
	{"ID", "id"},
	{"MOTD", "motd"},
	{"Snake", "snake"},
	{"SnakeTest", "snake_test"},
	{"APIResponse", "api_response"},
	{"SnakeID", "snake_id"},
	{"SnakeIDGoogle", "snake_id_google"},
	{"LinuxMOTD", "linux_motd"},
	{"OMGWTFBBQ", "omgwtfbbq"},
	{"omg_wtf_bbq", "omg_wtf_bbq"},

func TestSnakeCase(t *testing.T) {
	for _, test := range tests {
		if SnakeCase(test.input) != test.output {
			t.Errorf(`SnakeCase("%s"), wanted "%s", got \%s"`, test.input, test.output, SnakeCase(test.input))