# Apache Input Plugin The Apache plugin collects server performance information using the [`mod_status`](https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_status.html) module of the [Apache HTTP Server](https://httpd.apache.org/). Typically, the `mod_status` module is configured to expose a page at the `/server-status?auto` location of the Apache server. The [ExtendedStatus](https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/core.html#extendedstatus) option must be enabled in order to collect all available fields. For information about how to configure your server reference the [module documentation](https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_status.html#enable). ### Configuration: ```toml # Read Apache status information (mod_status) [[inputs.apache]] ## An array of URLs to gather from, must be directed at the machine ## readable version of the mod_status page including the auto query string. ## Default is "http://localhost/server-status?auto". urls = ["http://localhost/server-status?auto"] ## Credentials for basic HTTP authentication. # username = "myuser" # password = "mypassword" ## Maximum time to receive response. # response_timeout = "5s" ## Optional SSL Config # ssl_ca = "/etc/telegraf/ca.pem" # ssl_cert = "/etc/telegraf/cert.pem" # ssl_key = "/etc/telegraf/key.pem" ## Use SSL but skip chain & host verification # insecure_skip_verify = false ``` ### Measurements & Fields: - apache - BusyWorkers (float) - BytesPerReq (float) - BytesPerSec (float) - ConnsAsyncClosing (float) - ConnsAsyncKeepAlive (float) - ConnsAsyncWriting (float) - ConnsTotal (float) - CPUChildrenSystem (float) - CPUChildrenUser (float) - CPULoad (float) - CPUSystem (float) - CPUUser (float) - IdleWorkers (float) - Load1 (float) - Load5 (float) - Load15 (float) - ParentServerConfigGeneration (float) - ParentServerMPMGeneration (float) - ReqPerSec (float) - ServerUptimeSeconds (float) - TotalAccesses (float) - TotalkBytes (float) - Uptime (float) The following fields are collected from the `Scoreboard`, and represent the number of requests in the given state: - apache - scboard_closing (float) - scboard_dnslookup (float) - scboard_finishing (float) - scboard_idle_cleanup (float) - scboard_keepalive (float) - scboard_logging (float) - scboard_open (float) - scboard_reading (float) - scboard_sending (float) - scboard_starting (float) - scboard_waiting (float) ### Tags: - All measurements have the following tags: - port - server ### Example Output: ``` apache,port=80,server=debian-stretch-apache BusyWorkers=1,BytesPerReq=0,BytesPerSec=0,CPUChildrenSystem=0,CPUChildrenUser=0,CPULoad=0.00995025,CPUSystem=0.01,CPUUser=0.01,ConnsAsyncClosing=0,ConnsAsyncKeepAlive=0,ConnsAsyncWriting=0,ConnsTotal=0,IdleWorkers=49,Load1=0.01,Load15=0,Load5=0,ParentServerConfigGeneration=3,ParentServerMPMGeneration=2,ReqPerSec=0.00497512,ServerUptimeSeconds=201,TotalAccesses=1,TotalkBytes=0,Uptime=201,scboard_closing=0,scboard_dnslookup=0,scboard_finishing=0,scboard_idle_cleanup=0,scboard_keepalive=0,scboard_logging=0,scboard_open=100,scboard_reading=0,scboard_sending=1,scboard_starting=0,scboard_waiting=49 1502489900000000000 ```