package metric import ( "testing" "time" "" ) const trues = `booltest b=T booltest b=t booltest b=True booltest b=TRUE booltest b=true ` const falses = `booltest b=F booltest b=f booltest b=False booltest b=FALSE booltest b=false ` const withEscapes = `w\,\ eather,host=local temp=99 1465839830100400200 w\,eather,host=local temp=99 1465839830100400200 weather,location=us\,midwest temperature=82 1465839830100400200 weather,location=us-midwest temp\=rature=82 1465839830100400200 weather,location\ place=us-midwest temperature=82 1465839830100400200 weather,location=us-midwest temperature="too\"hot\"" 1465839830100400200 ` const withTimestamps = `cpu usage=99 1480595849000000000 cpu usage=99 1480595850000000000 cpu usage=99 1480595851700030000 cpu usage=99 1480595852000000300 ` const sevenMetrics = `cpu,host=foo,datacenter=us-east idle=99,busy=1i,b=true,s="string" cpu,host=foo,datacenter=us-east idle=99,busy=1i,b=true,s="string" cpu,host=foo,datacenter=us-east idle=99,busy=1i,b=true,s="string" cpu,host=foo,datacenter=us-east idle=99,busy=1i,b=true,s="string" cpu,host=foo,datacenter=us-east idle=99,busy=1i,b=true,s="string" cpu,host=foo,datacenter=us-east idle=99,busy=1i,b=true,s="string" cpu,host=foo,datacenter=us-east idle=99,busy=1i,b=true,s="string" ` const negMetrics = `weather,host=local temp=-99i,temp_float=-99.4 1465839830100400200 ` // some metrics are invalid const someInvalid = `cpu,host=foo,datacenter=us-east usage_idle=99,usage_busy=1 cpu,host=foo,datacenter=us-east usage_idle=99,usage_busy=1 cpu,host=foo,datacenter=us-east usage_idle=99,usage_busy=1 cpu,cpu=cpu3, host=foo,datacenter=us-east usage_idle=99,usage_busy=1 cpu,cpu=cpu4 , usage_idle=99,usage_busy=1 cpu 1480595852000000300 cpu usage=99 1480595852foobar300 cpu,host=foo,datacenter=us-east usage_idle=99,usage_busy=1 ` func TestParse(t *testing.T) { start := time.Now() metrics, err := Parse([]byte(sevenMetrics)) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Len(t, metrics, 7) // all metrics parsed together w/o a timestamp should have the same time. firstTime := metrics[0].Time() for _, m := range metrics { assert.Equal(t, map[string]interface{}{ "idle": float64(99), "busy": int64(1), "b": true, "s": "string", }, m.Fields(), ) assert.Equal(t, map[string]string{ "host": "foo", "datacenter": "us-east", }, m.Tags(), ) assert.True(t, m.Time().After(start)) assert.True(t, m.Time().Equal(firstTime)) } } func TestParseNegNumbers(t *testing.T) { metrics, err := Parse([]byte(negMetrics)) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Len(t, metrics, 1) assert.Equal(t, map[string]interface{}{ "temp": int64(-99), "temp_float": float64(-99.4), }, metrics[0].Fields(), ) assert.Equal(t, map[string]string{ "host": "local", }, metrics[0].Tags(), ) } func TestParseErrors(t *testing.T) { start := time.Now() metrics, err := Parse([]byte(someInvalid)) assert.Error(t, err) assert.Len(t, metrics, 4) // all metrics parsed together w/o a timestamp should have the same time. firstTime := metrics[0].Time() for _, m := range metrics { assert.Equal(t, map[string]interface{}{ "usage_idle": float64(99), "usage_busy": float64(1), }, m.Fields(), ) assert.Equal(t, map[string]string{ "host": "foo", "datacenter": "us-east", }, m.Tags(), ) assert.True(t, m.Time().After(start)) assert.True(t, m.Time().Equal(firstTime)) } } func TestParseWithTimestamps(t *testing.T) { metrics, err := Parse([]byte(withTimestamps)) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Len(t, metrics, 4) expectedTimestamps := []time.Time{ time.Unix(0, 1480595849000000000), time.Unix(0, 1480595850000000000), time.Unix(0, 1480595851700030000), time.Unix(0, 1480595852000000300), } // all metrics parsed together w/o a timestamp should have the same time. for i, m := range metrics { assert.Equal(t, map[string]interface{}{ "usage": float64(99), }, m.Fields(), ) assert.True(t, m.Time().Equal(expectedTimestamps[i])) } } func TestParseEscapes(t *testing.T) { metrics, err := Parse([]byte(withEscapes)) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Len(t, metrics, 6) tests := []struct { name string fields map[string]interface{} tags map[string]string }{ { name: `w, eather`, fields: map[string]interface{}{"temp": float64(99)}, tags: map[string]string{"host": "local"}, }, { name: `w,eather`, fields: map[string]interface{}{"temp": float64(99)}, tags: map[string]string{"host": "local"}, }, { name: `weather`, fields: map[string]interface{}{"temperature": float64(82)}, tags: map[string]string{"location": `us,midwest`}, }, { name: `weather`, fields: map[string]interface{}{`temp=rature`: float64(82)}, tags: map[string]string{"location": `us-midwest`}, }, { name: `weather`, fields: map[string]interface{}{"temperature": float64(82)}, tags: map[string]string{`location place`: `us-midwest`}, }, { name: `weather`, fields: map[string]interface{}{`temperature`: `too"hot"`}, tags: map[string]string{"location": `us-midwest`}, }, } for i, test := range tests { assert.Equal(t,, metrics[i].Name()) assert.Equal(t, test.fields, metrics[i].Fields()) assert.Equal(t, test.tags, metrics[i].Tags()) } } func TestParseTrueBooleans(t *testing.T) { metrics, err := Parse([]byte(trues)) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Len(t, metrics, 5) for _, metric := range metrics { assert.Equal(t, "booltest", metric.Name()) assert.Equal(t, true, metric.Fields()["b"]) } } func TestParseFalseBooleans(t *testing.T) { metrics, err := Parse([]byte(falses)) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Len(t, metrics, 5) for _, metric := range metrics { assert.Equal(t, "booltest", metric.Name()) assert.Equal(t, false, metric.Fields()["b"]) } } func TestParsePointBadNumber(t *testing.T) { for _, tt := range []string{ "cpu v=- ", "cpu v=-i ", "cpu v=-. ", "cpu v=. ", "cpu v=1.0i ", "cpu v=1ii ", "cpu v=1a ", "cpu v=-e-e-e ", "cpu v=42+3 ", "cpu v= ", } { _, err := Parse([]byte(tt + "\n")) assert.Error(t, err, tt) } } func TestParseTagsMissingParts(t *testing.T) { for _, tt := range []string{ `cpu,host`, `cpu,host,`, `cpu,host=`, `cpu,f=oo=bar value=1`, `cpu,host value=1i`, `cpu,host=serverA,region value=1i`, `cpu,host=serverA,region= value=1i`, `cpu,host=serverA,region=,zone=us-west value=1i`, `cpu, value=1`, `cpu, ,,`, `cpu,,,`, `cpu,host=serverA,=us-east value=1i`, `cpu,host=serverAa\,,=us-east value=1i`, `cpu,host=serverA\,,=us-east value=1i`, `cpu, =serverA value=1i`, } { _, err := Parse([]byte(tt + "\n")) assert.Error(t, err, tt) } } func TestParsePointWhitespace(t *testing.T) { for _, tt := range []string{ `cpu value=1.0 1257894000000000000`, `cpu value=1.0 1257894000000000000`, `cpu value=1.0 1257894000000000000`, `cpu value=1.0 1257894000000000000 `, } { m, err := Parse([]byte(tt + "\n")) assert.NoError(t, err, tt) assert.Equal(t, "cpu", m[0].Name()) assert.Equal(t, map[string]interface{}{"value": float64(1)}, m[0].Fields()) } } func TestParsePointInvalidFields(t *testing.T) { for _, tt := range []string{ "test,foo=bar a=101,=value", "test,foo=bar =value", "test,foo=bar a=101,key=", "test,foo=bar key=", `test,foo=bar a=101,b="foo`, } { _, err := Parse([]byte(tt + "\n")) assert.Error(t, err, tt) } } func TestParsePointNoFields(t *testing.T) { for _, tt := range []string{ "cpu_load_short,host=server01,region=us-west", "very_long_measurement_name", "cpu,host==", "============", "cpu", "cpu\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", " ", } { _, err := Parse([]byte(tt + "\n")) assert.Error(t, err, tt) } } // a b=1 << this is the shortest possible metric // any shorter is just ignored func TestParseBufTooShort(t *testing.T) { for _, tt := range []string{ "", "a", "a ", "a b=", } { _, err := Parse([]byte(tt + "\n")) assert.Error(t, err, tt) } } func TestParseInvalidBooleans(t *testing.T) { for _, tt := range []string{ "test b=tru", "test b=fals", "test b=faLse", "test q=foo", "test b=lambchops", } { _, err := Parse([]byte(tt + "\n")) assert.Error(t, err, tt) } } func TestParseInvalidNumbers(t *testing.T) { for _, tt := range []string{ "test b=-", "test b=1.1.1", "test b=nan", "test b=9i10", "test b=9999999999999999999i", } { _, err := Parse([]byte(tt + "\n")) assert.Error(t, err, tt) } } func TestParseNegativeTimestamps(t *testing.T) { for _, tt := range []string{ "test foo=101 -1257894000000000000", } { metrics, err := Parse([]byte(tt + "\n")) assert.NoError(t, err, tt) assert.True(t, metrics[0].Time().Equal(time.Unix(0, -1257894000000000000))) } } func TestParsePrecision(t *testing.T) { for _, tt := range []struct { line string precision string expected int64 }{ {"test v=42 1491847420", "s", 1491847420000000000}, {"test v=42 1491847420123", "ms", 1491847420123000000}, {"test v=42 1491847420123456", "u", 1491847420123456000}, {"test v=42 1491847420123456789", "ns", 1491847420123456789}, {"test v=42 1491847420123456789", "1s", 1491847420123456789}, {"test v=42 1491847420123456789", "asdf", 1491847420123456789}, } { metrics, err := ParseWithDefaultTimePrecision( []byte(tt.line+"\n"), time.Now(), tt.precision) assert.NoError(t, err, tt) assert.Equal(t, tt.expected, metrics[0].UnixNano()) } } func TestParseMaxKeyLength(t *testing.T) { key := "" for { if len(key) > MaxKeyLength { break } key += "test" } _, err := Parse([]byte(key + " value=1\n")) assert.Error(t, err) }