# This config file tells tivan how and what to collect stats from this # system. # These are the setting that govern the agents overall operation. [agent] # How often to gather stats. 5s = 5 seconds, 10m = 10 minutes, etc. interval = "5s" # If the agent should run in debug mode, printing out the stats it # gathers as well as sending them to InfluxDB. debug = true # This section governs how tivan talks to influxdb [influxdb] # The location, in http url form, of your influxdb server url = "http://localhost:8086" # Username to connect to influx as username = "root" # Password for said user password = "root" # The database to store the metrics into database = "tivan" # A map of addition tags to apply to all metrics, for instance: # # tags = { dc = "us-east-1" } # # could be used to add a indicate which datacenter the metrics are # coming from # This section governs how and if tivan gathers stats from redis [redis] # Do not gather stats on redis, even if the address is configured # disabled = true # The address of your redis server to gather stats on # address = ":6379"