# Webhooks This is a Telegraf service plugin that start an http server and register multiple webhook listeners. ```sh $ telegraf config -input-filter webhooks -output-filter influxdb > config.conf.new ``` Change the config file to point to the InfluxDB server you are using and adjust the settings to match your environment. Once that is complete: ```sh $ cp config.conf.new /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf $ sudo service telegraf start ``` ## Available webhooks - [Filestack](filestack/) - [Github](github/) - [Mandrill](mandrill/) - [Rollbar](rollbar/) - [Papertrail](papertrail/) ## Adding new webhooks plugin 1. Add your webhook plugin inside the `webhooks` folder 1. Your plugin must implement the `Webhook` interface 1. Import your plugin in the `webhooks.go` file and add it to the `Webhooks` struct Both [Github](github/) and [Rollbar](rollbar/) are good example to follow.