# Disk Input Plugin The disk input plugin gathers metrics about disk usage. Note that `used_percent` is calculated by doing `used / (used + free)`, _not_ `used / total`, which is how the unix `df` command does it. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Df_(Unix) for more details. ### Configuration: ```toml [[inputs.disk]] ## By default stats will be gathered for all mount points. ## Set mount_points will restrict the stats to only the specified mount points. # mount_points = ["/"] ## Ignore mount points by filesystem type. ignore_fs = ["tmpfs", "devtmpfs", "devfs", "overlay", "aufs", "squashfs"] ``` #### Docker container To monitor the Docker engine host from within a container you will need to mount the host's filesystem into the container and set the `HOST_PROC` environment variable to the location of the `/proc` filesystem. If desired, you can also set the `HOST_MOUNT_PREFIX` environment variable to the prefix containing the `/proc` directory, when present this variable is stripped from the reported `path` tag. ``` docker run -v /:/hostfs:ro -e HOST_MOUNT_PREFIX=/hostfs -e HOST_PROC=/hostfs/proc telegraf ``` ### Metrics: - disk - tags: - fstype (filesystem type) - device (device file) - path (mount point path) - mode (whether the mount is rw or ro) - fields: - free (integer, bytes) - total (integer, bytes) - used (integer, bytes) - used_percent (float, percent) - inodes_free (integer, files) - inodes_total (integer, files) - inodes_used (integer, files) ### Troubleshooting On Linux, the list of disks is taken from the `/proc/self/mounts` file and a [statfs] call is made on the second column. If any expected filesystems are missing ensure that the `telegraf` user can read these files: ``` $ sudo -u telegraf cat /proc/self/mounts | grep sda2 /dev/sda2 /home ext4 rw,relatime,data=ordered 0 0 $ sudo -u telegraf stat /home ``` ### Example Output: ``` disk,fstype=hfs,mode=ro,path=/ free=398407520256i,inodes_free=97267461i,inodes_total=121847806i,inodes_used=24580345i,total=499088621568i,used=100418957312i,used_percent=20.131039916242397 1453832006274071563 disk,fstype=devfs,mode=rw,path=/dev free=0i,inodes_free=0i,inodes_total=628i,inodes_used=628i,total=185856i,used=185856i,used_percent=100 1453832006274137913 disk,fstype=autofs,mode=rw,path=/net free=0i,inodes_free=0i,inodes_total=0i,inodes_used=0i,total=0i,used=0i,used_percent=0 1453832006274157077 disk,fstype=autofs,mode=rw,path=/home free=0i,inodes_free=0i,inodes_total=0i,inodes_used=0i,total=0i,used=0i,used_percent=0 1453832006274169688 ``` [statfs]: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/statfs.2.html