package nginx_vts import ( "bufio" "encoding/json" "fmt" "net" "net/http" "net/url" "strings" "sync" "time" "" "" "" ) type NginxVTS struct { Urls []string client *http.Client ResponseTimeout internal.Duration } var sampleConfig = ` ## An array of ngx_http_status_module or status URI to gather stats. urls = ["http://localhost/status"] ## HTTP response timeout (default: 5s) response_timeout = "5s" ` func (n *NginxVTS) SampleConfig() string { return sampleConfig } func (n *NginxVTS) Description() string { return "Read Nginx virtual host traffic status module information (nginx-module-vts)" } func (n *NginxVTS) Gather(acc telegraf.Accumulator) error { var wg sync.WaitGroup // Create an HTTP client that is re-used for each // collection interval if n.client == nil { client, err := n.createHTTPClient() if err != nil { return err } n.client = client } for _, u := range n.Urls { addr, err := url.Parse(u) if err != nil { acc.AddError(fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse address '%s': %s", u, err)) continue } wg.Add(1) go func(addr *url.URL) { defer wg.Done() acc.AddError(n.gatherURL(addr, acc)) }(addr) } wg.Wait() return nil } func (n *NginxVTS) createHTTPClient() (*http.Client, error) { if n.ResponseTimeout.Duration < time.Second { n.ResponseTimeout.Duration = time.Second * 5 } client := &http.Client{ Transport: &http.Transport{}, Timeout: n.ResponseTimeout.Duration, } return client, nil } func (n *NginxVTS) gatherURL(addr *url.URL, acc telegraf.Accumulator) error { resp, err := n.client.Get(addr.String()) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error making HTTP request to %s: %s", addr.String(), err) } defer resp.Body.Close() if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { return fmt.Errorf("%s returned HTTP status %s", addr.String(), resp.Status) } contentType := strings.Split(resp.Header.Get("Content-Type"), ";")[0] switch contentType { case "application/json": return gatherStatusURL(bufio.NewReader(resp.Body), getTags(addr), acc) default: return fmt.Errorf("%s returned unexpected content type %s", addr.String(), contentType) } } type NginxVTSResponse struct { Connections struct { Active uint64 `json:"active"` Reading uint64 `json:"reading"` Writing uint64 `json:"writing"` Waiting uint64 `json:"waiting"` Accepted uint64 `json:"accepted"` Handled uint64 `json:"handled"` Requests uint64 `json:"requests"` } `json:"connections"` ServerZones map[string]Server `json:"serverZones"` FilterZones map[string]map[string]Server `json:"filterZones"` UpstreamZones map[string][]Upstream `json:"upstreamZones"` CacheZones map[string]Cache `json:"cacheZones"` } type Server struct { RequestCounter uint64 `json:"requestCounter"` InBytes uint64 `json:"inBytes"` OutBytes uint64 `json:"outBytes"` RequestMsec uint64 `json:"requestMsec"` Responses struct { OneXx uint64 `json:"1xx"` TwoXx uint64 `json:"2xx"` ThreeXx uint64 `json:"3xx"` FourXx uint64 `json:"4xx"` FiveXx uint64 `json:"5xx"` Miss uint64 `json:"miss"` Bypass uint64 `json:"bypass"` Expired uint64 `json:"expired"` Stale uint64 `json:"stale"` Updating uint64 `json:"updating"` Revalidated uint64 `json:"revalidated"` Hit uint64 `json:"hit"` Scarce uint64 `json:"scarce"` } `json:"responses"` } type Upstream struct { Server string `json:"server"` RequestCounter uint64 `json:"requestCounter"` InBytes uint64 `json:"inBytes"` OutBytes uint64 `json:"outBytes"` Responses struct { OneXx uint64 `json:"1xx"` TwoXx uint64 `json:"2xx"` ThreeXx uint64 `json:"3xx"` FourXx uint64 `json:"4xx"` FiveXx uint64 `json:"5xx"` } `json:"responses"` ResponseMsec uint64 `json:"responseMsec"` RequestMsec uint64 `json:"requestMsec"` Weight uint64 `json:"weight"` MaxFails uint64 `json:"maxFails"` FailTimeout uint64 `json:"failTimeout"` Backup bool `json:"backup"` Down bool `json:"down"` } type Cache struct { MaxSize uint64 `json:"maxSize"` UsedSize uint64 `json:"usedSize"` InBytes uint64 `json:"inBytes"` OutBytes uint64 `json:"outBytes"` Responses struct { Miss uint64 `json:"miss"` Bypass uint64 `json:"bypass"` Expired uint64 `json:"expired"` Stale uint64 `json:"stale"` Updating uint64 `json:"updating"` Revalidated uint64 `json:"revalidated"` Hit uint64 `json:"hit"` Scarce uint64 `json:"scarce"` } `json:"responses"` } func gatherStatusURL(r *bufio.Reader, tags map[string]string, acc telegraf.Accumulator) error { dec := json.NewDecoder(r) status := &NginxVTSResponse{} if err := dec.Decode(status); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error while decoding JSON response") } acc.AddFields("nginx_vts_connections", map[string]interface{}{ "active": status.Connections.Active, "reading": status.Connections.Reading, "writing": status.Connections.Writing, "waiting": status.Connections.Waiting, "accepted": status.Connections.Accepted, "handled": status.Connections.Handled, "requests": status.Connections.Requests, }, tags) for zoneName, zone := range status.ServerZones { zoneTags := map[string]string{} for k, v := range tags { zoneTags[k] = v } zoneTags["zone"] = zoneName acc.AddFields("nginx_vts_server", map[string]interface{}{ "requests": zone.RequestCounter, "request_time": zone.RequestMsec, "in_bytes": zone.InBytes, "out_bytes": zone.OutBytes, "response_1xx_count": zone.Responses.OneXx, "response_2xx_count": zone.Responses.TwoXx, "response_3xx_count": zone.Responses.ThreeXx, "response_4xx_count": zone.Responses.FourXx, "response_5xx_count": zone.Responses.FiveXx, "cache_miss": zone.Responses.Miss, "cache_bypass": zone.Responses.Bypass, "cache_expired": zone.Responses.Expired, "cache_stale": zone.Responses.Stale, "cache_updating": zone.Responses.Updating, "cache_revalidated": zone.Responses.Revalidated, "cache_hit": zone.Responses.Hit, "cache_scarce": zone.Responses.Scarce, }, zoneTags) } for filterName, filters := range status.FilterZones { for filterKey, upstream := range filters { filterTags := map[string]string{} for k, v := range tags { filterTags[k] = v } filterTags["filter_key"] = filterKey filterTags["filter_name"] = filterName acc.AddFields("nginx_vts_filter", map[string]interface{}{ "requests": upstream.RequestCounter, "request_time": upstream.RequestMsec, "in_bytes": upstream.InBytes, "out_bytes": upstream.OutBytes, "response_1xx_count": upstream.Responses.OneXx, "response_2xx_count": upstream.Responses.TwoXx, "response_3xx_count": upstream.Responses.ThreeXx, "response_4xx_count": upstream.Responses.FourXx, "response_5xx_count": upstream.Responses.FiveXx, "cache_miss": upstream.Responses.Miss, "cache_bypass": upstream.Responses.Bypass, "cache_expired": upstream.Responses.Expired, "cache_stale": upstream.Responses.Stale, "cache_updating": upstream.Responses.Updating, "cache_revalidated": upstream.Responses.Revalidated, "cache_hit": upstream.Responses.Hit, "cache_scarce": upstream.Responses.Scarce, }, filterTags) } } for upstreamName, upstreams := range status.UpstreamZones { for _, upstream := range upstreams { upstreamServerTags := map[string]string{} for k, v := range tags { upstreamServerTags[k] = v } upstreamServerTags["upstream"] = upstreamName upstreamServerTags["upstream_address"] = upstream.Server acc.AddFields("nginx_vts_upstream", map[string]interface{}{ "requests": upstream.RequestCounter, "request_time": upstream.RequestMsec, "response_time": upstream.ResponseMsec, "in_bytes": upstream.InBytes, "out_bytes": upstream.OutBytes, "response_1xx_count": upstream.Responses.OneXx, "response_2xx_count": upstream.Responses.TwoXx, "response_3xx_count": upstream.Responses.ThreeXx, "response_4xx_count": upstream.Responses.FourXx, "response_5xx_count": upstream.Responses.FiveXx, "weight": upstream.Weight, "max_fails": upstream.MaxFails, "fail_timeout": upstream.FailTimeout, "backup": upstream.Backup, "down": upstream.Down, }, upstreamServerTags) } } for zoneName, zone := range status.CacheZones { zoneTags := map[string]string{} for k, v := range tags { zoneTags[k] = v } zoneTags["zone"] = zoneName acc.AddFields("nginx_vts_cache", map[string]interface{}{ "max_bytes": zone.MaxSize, "used_bytes": zone.UsedSize, "in_bytes": zone.InBytes, "out_bytes": zone.OutBytes, "miss": zone.Responses.Miss, "bypass": zone.Responses.Bypass, "expired": zone.Responses.Expired, "stale": zone.Responses.Stale, "updating": zone.Responses.Updating, "revalidated": zone.Responses.Revalidated, "hit": zone.Responses.Hit, "scarce": zone.Responses.Scarce, }, zoneTags) } return nil } // Get tag(s) for the nginx plugin func getTags(addr *url.URL) map[string]string { h := addr.Host host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(h) if err != nil { host = addr.Host if addr.Scheme == "http" { port = "80" } else if addr.Scheme == "https" { port = "443" } else { port = "" } } return map[string]string{"source": host, "port": port} } func init() { inputs.Add("nginx_vts", func() telegraf.Input { return &NginxVTS{} }) }