package filestack func DialogOpenJSON() string { return `{ "action": "fp.dialog", "timestamp": 1435584646, "id": 102, "text": { "mimetypes": ["*/*"], "iframe": false, "language": "en", "id": "1435584650723", "mobile": false, "app":{ "upsell": "false", "apikey": "YOUR_API_KEY", "customization":{ "saveas_subheader": "Save it down to your local device or onto the Cloud", "folder_subheader": "Choose a folder to share with this application", "open_subheader": "Choose from the files on your local device or the ones you have online", "folder_header": "Select a folder", "help_text": "", "saveas_header": "Save your file", "open_header": "Upload a file" } }, "dialogType": "open", "auth": false, "welcome_header": "Upload a file", "welcome_subheader": "Choose from the files on your local device or the ones you have online", "help_text": "", "recent_path": "/", "extensions": null, "maxSize": 0, "signature": null, "policy": null, "custom_providers": "imgur,cloudapp", "intra": false } }` } func UploadJSON() string { return `{ "action":"fp.upload", "timestamp":1443444905, "id":100946, "text":{ "url":"", "client":"Facebook", "type":"image/jpeg", "filename":"1579337399020824.jpg", "size":139154 } }` }