# Override Processor Plugin The override processor plugin allows overriding all modifications that are supported by input plugins and aggregators: * name_override * name_prefix * name_suffix * tags All metrics passing through this processor will be modified accordingly. Values of *name_override*, *name_prefix*, *name_suffix* and already present *tags* with conflicting keys will be overwritten. Absent *tags* will be created. Use-case of this plugin encompass ensuring certain tags or naming conventions are adhered to irrespective of input plugin configurations, e.g. by `taginclude`. ### Configuration: ```toml # Add a global tag to all metrics [[processors.override]] name_override = "new name_override" name_prefix = "new name_prefix" name_suffix = ":new name_suffix" [processors.tags.add] additional_tag = "tag_value" existing_tag = "new tag_value" ```