package ecs import ( "fmt" "strings" "time" "" "" "" ) func parseContainerStats(c Container, acc telegraf.Accumulator, tags map[string]string) { id := c.ID stats := c.Stats tm := stats.Read if tm.Before(time.Unix(0, 0)) { tm = time.Now() } metastats(id, c, acc, tags, tm) memstats(id, stats, acc, tags, tm) cpustats(id, stats, acc, tags, tm) netstats(id, stats, acc, tags, tm) blkstats(id, stats, acc, tags, tm) } func metastats(id string, c Container, acc telegraf.Accumulator, tags map[string]string, tm time.Time) { metafields := map[string]interface{}{ "container_id": id, "docker_name": c.DockerName, "image": c.Image, "image_id": c.ImageID, "desired_status": c.DesiredStatus, "known_status": c.KnownStatus, "limit_cpu": c.Limits["CPU"], "limit_mem": c.Limits["Memory"], "created_at": c.CreatedAt, "started_at": c.StartedAt, "type": c.Type, } acc.AddFields("ecs_container_meta", metafields, tags, tm) } func memstats(id string, stats types.StatsJSON, acc telegraf.Accumulator, tags map[string]string, tm time.Time) { memfields := map[string]interface{}{ "container_id": id, } memstats := []string{ "active_anon", "active_file", "cache", "hierarchical_memory_limit", "inactive_anon", "inactive_file", "mapped_file", "pgfault", "pgmajfault", "pgpgin", "pgpgout", "rss", "rss_huge", "total_active_anon", "total_active_file", "total_cache", "total_inactive_anon", "total_inactive_file", "total_mapped_file", "total_pgfault", "total_pgmajfault", "total_pgpgin", "total_pgpgout", "total_rss", "total_rss_huge", "total_unevictable", "total_writeback", "unevictable", "writeback", } for _, field := range memstats { if value, ok := stats.MemoryStats.Stats[field]; ok { memfields[field] = value } } if stats.MemoryStats.Failcnt != 0 { memfields["fail_count"] = stats.MemoryStats.Failcnt } memfields["limit"] = stats.MemoryStats.Limit memfields["max_usage"] = stats.MemoryStats.MaxUsage mem := docker.CalculateMemUsageUnixNoCache(stats.MemoryStats) memLimit := float64(stats.MemoryStats.Limit) memfields["usage"] = uint64(mem) memfields["usage_percent"] = docker.CalculateMemPercentUnixNoCache(memLimit, mem) acc.AddFields("ecs_container_mem", memfields, tags, tm) } func cpustats(id string, stats types.StatsJSON, acc telegraf.Accumulator, tags map[string]string, tm time.Time) { cpufields := map[string]interface{}{ "usage_total": stats.CPUStats.CPUUsage.TotalUsage, "usage_in_usermode": stats.CPUStats.CPUUsage.UsageInUsermode, "usage_in_kernelmode": stats.CPUStats.CPUUsage.UsageInKernelmode, "usage_system": stats.CPUStats.SystemUsage, "throttling_periods": stats.CPUStats.ThrottlingData.Periods, "throttling_throttled_periods": stats.CPUStats.ThrottlingData.ThrottledPeriods, "throttling_throttled_time": stats.CPUStats.ThrottlingData.ThrottledTime, "container_id": id, } previousCPU := stats.PreCPUStats.CPUUsage.TotalUsage previousSystem := stats.PreCPUStats.SystemUsage cpuPercent := docker.CalculateCPUPercentUnix(previousCPU, previousSystem, &stats) cpufields["usage_percent"] = cpuPercent cputags := copyTags(tags) cputags["cpu"] = "cpu-total" acc.AddFields("ecs_container_cpu", cpufields, cputags, tm) // If we have OnlineCPUs field, then use it to restrict stats gathering to only Online CPUs // ( var percpuusage []uint64 if stats.CPUStats.OnlineCPUs > 0 { percpuusage = stats.CPUStats.CPUUsage.PercpuUsage[:stats.CPUStats.OnlineCPUs] } else { percpuusage = stats.CPUStats.CPUUsage.PercpuUsage } for i, percpu := range percpuusage { percputags := copyTags(tags) percputags["cpu"] = fmt.Sprintf("cpu%d", i) fields := map[string]interface{}{ "usage_total": percpu, "container_id": id, } acc.AddFields("ecs_container_cpu", fields, percputags, tm) } } func netstats(id string, stats types.StatsJSON, acc telegraf.Accumulator, tags map[string]string, tm time.Time) { totalNetworkStatMap := make(map[string]interface{}) for network, netstats := range stats.Networks { netfields := map[string]interface{}{ "rx_dropped": netstats.RxDropped, "rx_bytes": netstats.RxBytes, "rx_errors": netstats.RxErrors, "tx_packets": netstats.TxPackets, "tx_dropped": netstats.TxDropped, "rx_packets": netstats.RxPackets, "tx_errors": netstats.TxErrors, "tx_bytes": netstats.TxBytes, "container_id": id, } nettags := copyTags(tags) nettags["network"] = network acc.AddFields("ecs_container_net", netfields, nettags, tm) for field, value := range netfields { if field == "container_id" { continue } var uintV uint64 switch v := value.(type) { case uint64: uintV = v case int64: uintV = uint64(v) default: continue } _, ok := totalNetworkStatMap[field] if ok { totalNetworkStatMap[field] = totalNetworkStatMap[field].(uint64) + uintV } else { totalNetworkStatMap[field] = uintV } } } // totalNetworkStatMap could be empty if container is running with --net=host. if len(totalNetworkStatMap) != 0 { nettags := copyTags(tags) nettags["network"] = "total" totalNetworkStatMap["container_id"] = id acc.AddFields("ecs_container_net", totalNetworkStatMap, nettags, tm) } } func blkstats(id string, stats types.StatsJSON, acc telegraf.Accumulator, tags map[string]string, tm time.Time) { blkioStats := stats.BlkioStats // Make a map of devices to their block io stats deviceStatMap := make(map[string]map[string]interface{}) for _, metric := range blkioStats.IoServiceBytesRecursive { device := fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d", metric.Major, metric.Minor) _, ok := deviceStatMap[device] if !ok { deviceStatMap[device] = make(map[string]interface{}) } field := fmt.Sprintf("io_service_bytes_recursive_%s", strings.ToLower(metric.Op)) deviceStatMap[device][field] = metric.Value } for _, metric := range blkioStats.IoServicedRecursive { device := fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d", metric.Major, metric.Minor) _, ok := deviceStatMap[device] if !ok { deviceStatMap[device] = make(map[string]interface{}) } field := fmt.Sprintf("io_serviced_recursive_%s", strings.ToLower(metric.Op)) deviceStatMap[device][field] = metric.Value } for _, metric := range blkioStats.IoQueuedRecursive { device := fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d", metric.Major, metric.Minor) field := fmt.Sprintf("io_queue_recursive_%s", strings.ToLower(metric.Op)) deviceStatMap[device][field] = metric.Value } for _, metric := range blkioStats.IoServiceTimeRecursive { device := fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d", metric.Major, metric.Minor) field := fmt.Sprintf("io_service_time_recursive_%s", strings.ToLower(metric.Op)) deviceStatMap[device][field] = metric.Value } for _, metric := range blkioStats.IoWaitTimeRecursive { device := fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d", metric.Major, metric.Minor) field := fmt.Sprintf("io_wait_time_%s", strings.ToLower(metric.Op)) deviceStatMap[device][field] = metric.Value } for _, metric := range blkioStats.IoMergedRecursive { device := fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d", metric.Major, metric.Minor) field := fmt.Sprintf("io_merged_recursive_%s", strings.ToLower(metric.Op)) deviceStatMap[device][field] = metric.Value } for _, metric := range blkioStats.IoTimeRecursive { device := fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d", metric.Major, metric.Minor) deviceStatMap[device]["io_time_recursive"] = metric.Value } for _, metric := range blkioStats.SectorsRecursive { device := fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d", metric.Major, metric.Minor) deviceStatMap[device]["sectors_recursive"] = metric.Value } totalStatMap := make(map[string]interface{}) for device, fields := range deviceStatMap { fields["container_id"] = id iotags := copyTags(tags) iotags["device"] = device acc.AddFields("ecs_container_blkio", fields, iotags, tm) for field, value := range fields { if field == "container_id" { continue } var uintV uint64 switch v := value.(type) { case uint64: uintV = v case int64: uintV = uint64(v) default: continue } _, ok := totalStatMap[field] if ok { totalStatMap[field] = totalStatMap[field].(uint64) + uintV } else { totalStatMap[field] = uintV } } } totalStatMap["container_id"] = id iotags := copyTags(tags) iotags["device"] = "total" acc.AddFields("ecs_container_blkio", totalStatMap, iotags, tm) }