package mcrouter

import (


// Mcrouter is a mcrouter plugin
type Mcrouter struct {
	Servers []string
	Timeout internal.Duration

// enum for statType
type statType int

const (
	typeInt   statType = iota
	typeFloat statType = iota

var sampleConfig = `
  ## An array of address to gather stats about. Specify an ip or hostname
  ## with port. ie tcp://localhost:11211, tcp://, etc.
	servers = ["tcp://localhost:11211", "unix:///var/run/mcrouter.sock"]

	## Timeout for metric collections from all servers.  Minimum timeout is "1s".
  # timeout = "5s"

var defaultTimeout = 5 * time.Second

var defaultServerURL = url.URL{
	Scheme: "tcp",
	Host:   "localhost:11211",

// The list of metrics that should be sent
var sendMetrics = map[string]statType{
	"uptime":                                     typeInt,
	"num_servers":                                typeInt,
	"num_servers_new":                            typeInt,
	"num_servers_up":                             typeInt,
	"num_servers_down":                           typeInt,
	"num_servers_closed":                         typeInt,
	"num_clients":                                typeInt,
	"num_suspect_servers":                        typeInt,
	"destination_batches_sum":                    typeInt,
	"destination_requests_sum":                   typeInt,
	"outstanding_route_get_reqs_queued":          typeInt,
	"outstanding_route_update_reqs_queued":       typeInt,
	"outstanding_route_get_avg_queue_size":       typeInt,
	"outstanding_route_update_avg_queue_size":    typeInt,
	"outstanding_route_get_avg_wait_time_sec":    typeInt,
	"outstanding_route_update_avg_wait_time_sec": typeInt,
	"retrans_closed_connections":                 typeInt,
	"destination_pending_reqs":                   typeInt,
	"destination_inflight_reqs":                  typeInt,
	"destination_batch_size":                     typeInt,
	"asynclog_requests":                          typeInt,
	"proxy_reqs_processing":                      typeInt,
	"proxy_reqs_waiting":                         typeInt,
	"client_queue_notify_period":                 typeInt,
	"rusage_system":                              typeFloat,
	"rusage_user":                                typeFloat,
	"ps_num_minor_faults":                        typeInt,
	"ps_num_major_faults":                        typeInt,
	"ps_user_time_sec":                           typeFloat,
	"ps_system_time_sec":                         typeFloat,
	"ps_vsize":                                   typeInt,
	"ps_rss":                                     typeInt,
	"fibers_allocated":                           typeInt,
	"fibers_pool_size":                           typeInt,
	"fibers_stack_high_watermark":                typeInt,
	"successful_client_connections":              typeInt,
	"duration_us":                                typeInt,
	"destination_max_pending_reqs":               typeInt,
	"destination_max_inflight_reqs":              typeInt,
	"retrans_per_kbyte_max":                      typeInt,
	"cmd_get_count":                              typeInt,
	"cmd_delete_out":                             typeInt,
	"cmd_lease_get":                              typeInt,
	"cmd_set":                                    typeInt,
	"cmd_get_out_all":                            typeInt,
	"cmd_get_out":                                typeInt,
	"cmd_lease_set_count":                        typeInt,
	"cmd_other_out_all":                          typeInt,
	"cmd_lease_get_out":                          typeInt,
	"cmd_set_count":                              typeInt,
	"cmd_lease_set_out":                          typeInt,
	"cmd_delete_count":                           typeInt,
	"cmd_other":                                  typeInt,
	"cmd_delete":                                 typeInt,
	"cmd_get":                                    typeInt,
	"cmd_lease_set":                              typeInt,
	"cmd_set_out":                                typeInt,
	"cmd_lease_get_count":                        typeInt,
	"cmd_other_out":                              typeInt,
	"cmd_lease_get_out_all":                      typeInt,
	"cmd_set_out_all":                            typeInt,
	"cmd_other_count":                            typeInt,
	"cmd_delete_out_all":                         typeInt,
	"cmd_lease_set_out_all":                      typeInt,

// SampleConfig returns sample configuration message
func (m *Mcrouter) SampleConfig() string {
	return sampleConfig

// Description returns description of Mcrouter plugin
func (m *Mcrouter) Description() string {
	return "Read metrics from one or many mcrouter servers"

// Gather reads stats from all configured servers accumulates stats
func (m *Mcrouter) Gather(acc telegraf.Accumulator) error {
	ctx := context.Background()

	if m.Timeout.Duration < 1*time.Second {
		m.Timeout.Duration = defaultTimeout

	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, m.Timeout.Duration)
	defer cancel()

	if len(m.Servers) == 0 {
		m.Servers = []string{defaultServerURL.String()}

	for _, serverAddress := range m.Servers {
		acc.AddError(m.gatherServer(ctx, serverAddress, acc))

	return nil

// ParseAddress parses an address string into 'host:port' and 'protocol' parts
func (m *Mcrouter) ParseAddress(address string) (string, string, error) {
	var protocol string
	var host string
	var port string

	u, parseError := url.Parse(address)

	if parseError != nil {
		return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid server address")

	if u.Scheme != "tcp" && u.Scheme != "unix" {
		return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid server protocol")

	protocol = u.Scheme

	if protocol == "unix" {
		if u.Path == "" {
			return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid unix socket path")

		address = u.Path
	} else {
		if u.Host == "" {
			return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid host")

		host = u.Hostname()
		port = u.Port()

		if host == "" {
			host = defaultServerURL.Hostname()

		if port == "" {
			port = defaultServerURL.Port()

		address = host + ":" + port

	return address, protocol, nil

func (m *Mcrouter) gatherServer(ctx context.Context, address string, acc telegraf.Accumulator) error {
	var conn net.Conn
	var err error
	var protocol string
	var dialer net.Dialer

	address, protocol, err = m.ParseAddress(address)

	conn, err = dialer.DialContext(ctx, protocol, address)

	if err != nil {
		return err

	defer conn.Close()

	// Extend connection
	deadline, ok := ctx.Deadline()

	if ok {

	// Read and write buffer
	reader := bufio.NewReader(conn)
	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(reader)

	// Send command
	if _, err := fmt.Fprint(conn, "stats\r\n"); err != nil {
		return err

	values, err := parseResponse(scanner)

	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Add server address as a tag
	tags := map[string]string{"server": address}

	// Process values
	fields := make(map[string]interface{})
	for key, sType := range sendMetrics {
		if value, ok := values[key]; ok {
			switch sType {
			case typeInt:
				if v, errParse := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64); errParse == nil {
					fields[key] = v
			case typeFloat:
				if v, errParse := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64); errParse == nil {
					fields[key] = v
	acc.AddFields("mcrouter", fields, tags)
	return nil

func parseResponse(r *bufio.Scanner) (map[string]string, error) {
	values := make(map[string]string)

	for r.Scan() {
		// Read line
		line := r.Text()

		// Done
		if line == "END" {

		// Read values
		s := strings.SplitN(line, " ", 3)

		if len(s) != 3 || s[0] != "STAT" {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected line in stats response: %s", line)

		// Save values
		values[s[1]] = s[2]

	return values, nil

func init() {
	inputs.Add("mcrouter", func() telegraf.Input {
		return &Mcrouter{}