package http_listener import ( "bytes" "compress/gzip" "crypto/subtle" "crypto/tls" "io" "log" "net" "net/http" "sync" "time" "" "" tlsint "" "" "" "" ) const ( // DEFAULT_MAX_BODY_SIZE is the default maximum request body size, in bytes. // if the request body is over this size, we will return an HTTP 413 error. // 500 MB DEFAULT_MAX_BODY_SIZE = 500 * 1024 * 1024 // MAX_LINE_SIZE is the maximum size, in bytes, that can be allocated for // a single InfluxDB point. // 64 KB DEFAULT_MAX_LINE_SIZE = 64 * 1024 ) type TimeFunc func() time.Time type HTTPListener struct { ServiceAddress string ReadTimeout internal.Duration WriteTimeout internal.Duration MaxBodySize int64 MaxLineSize int Port int tlsint.ServerConfig BasicUsername string BasicPassword string TimeFunc mu sync.Mutex wg sync.WaitGroup listener net.Listener handler *influx.MetricHandler parser *influx.Parser acc telegraf.Accumulator pool *pool BytesRecv selfstat.Stat RequestsServed selfstat.Stat WritesServed selfstat.Stat QueriesServed selfstat.Stat PingsServed selfstat.Stat RequestsRecv selfstat.Stat WritesRecv selfstat.Stat QueriesRecv selfstat.Stat PingsRecv selfstat.Stat NotFoundsServed selfstat.Stat BuffersCreated selfstat.Stat AuthFailures selfstat.Stat } const sampleConfig = ` ## Address and port to host HTTP listener on service_address = ":8186" ## maximum duration before timing out read of the request read_timeout = "10s" ## maximum duration before timing out write of the response write_timeout = "10s" ## Maximum allowed http request body size in bytes. ## 0 means to use the default of 536,870,912 bytes (500 mebibytes) max_body_size = 0 ## Maximum line size allowed to be sent in bytes. ## 0 means to use the default of 65536 bytes (64 kibibytes) max_line_size = 0 ## Set one or more allowed client CA certificate file names to ## enable mutually authenticated TLS connections tls_allowed_cacerts = ["/etc/telegraf/clientca.pem"] ## Add service certificate and key tls_cert = "/etc/telegraf/cert.pem" tls_key = "/etc/telegraf/key.pem" ## Optional username and password to accept for HTTP basic authentication. ## You probably want to make sure you have TLS configured above for this. # basic_username = "foobar" # basic_password = "barfoo" ` func (h *HTTPListener) SampleConfig() string { return sampleConfig } func (h *HTTPListener) Description() string { return "Influx HTTP write listener" } func (h *HTTPListener) Gather(_ telegraf.Accumulator) error { h.BuffersCreated.Set(h.pool.ncreated()) return nil } // Start starts the http listener service. func (h *HTTPListener) Start(acc telegraf.Accumulator) error { defer tags := map[string]string{ "address": h.ServiceAddress, } h.BytesRecv = selfstat.Register("http_listener", "bytes_received", tags) h.RequestsServed = selfstat.Register("http_listener", "requests_served", tags) h.WritesServed = selfstat.Register("http_listener", "writes_served", tags) h.QueriesServed = selfstat.Register("http_listener", "queries_served", tags) h.PingsServed = selfstat.Register("http_listener", "pings_served", tags) h.RequestsRecv = selfstat.Register("http_listener", "requests_received", tags) h.WritesRecv = selfstat.Register("http_listener", "writes_received", tags) h.QueriesRecv = selfstat.Register("http_listener", "queries_received", tags) h.PingsRecv = selfstat.Register("http_listener", "pings_received", tags) h.NotFoundsServed = selfstat.Register("http_listener", "not_founds_served", tags) h.BuffersCreated = selfstat.Register("http_listener", "buffers_created", tags) h.AuthFailures = selfstat.Register("http_listener", "auth_failures", tags) if h.MaxBodySize == 0 { h.MaxBodySize = DEFAULT_MAX_BODY_SIZE } if h.MaxLineSize == 0 { h.MaxLineSize = DEFAULT_MAX_LINE_SIZE } if h.ReadTimeout.Duration < time.Second { h.ReadTimeout.Duration = time.Second * 10 } if h.WriteTimeout.Duration < time.Second { h.WriteTimeout.Duration = time.Second * 10 } h.acc = acc h.pool = NewPool(200, h.MaxLineSize) tlsConf, err := h.ServerConfig.TLSConfig() if err != nil { return err } server := &http.Server{ Addr: h.ServiceAddress, Handler: h, ReadTimeout: h.ReadTimeout.Duration, WriteTimeout: h.WriteTimeout.Duration, TLSConfig: tlsConf, } var listener net.Listener if tlsConf != nil { listener, err = tls.Listen("tcp", h.ServiceAddress, tlsConf) } else { listener, err = net.Listen("tcp", h.ServiceAddress) } if err != nil { return err } h.listener = listener h.Port = listener.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port h.handler = influx.NewMetricHandler() h.parser = influx.NewParser(h.handler) h.wg.Add(1) go func() { defer h.wg.Done() server.Serve(h.listener) }() log.Printf("I! Started HTTP listener service on %s\n", h.ServiceAddress) return nil } // Stop cleans up all resources func (h *HTTPListener) Stop() { defer h.listener.Close() h.wg.Wait() log.Println("I! Stopped HTTP listener service on ", h.ServiceAddress) } func (h *HTTPListener) ServeHTTP(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { h.RequestsRecv.Incr(1) defer h.RequestsServed.Incr(1) switch req.URL.Path { case "/write": h.WritesRecv.Incr(1) defer h.WritesServed.Incr(1) h.AuthenticateIfSet(h.serveWrite, res, req) case "/query": h.QueriesRecv.Incr(1) defer h.QueriesServed.Incr(1) // Deliver a dummy response to the query endpoint, as some InfluxDB // clients test endpoint availability with a query h.AuthenticateIfSet(func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") res.Header().Set("X-Influxdb-Version", "1.0") res.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) res.Write([]byte("{\"results\":[]}")) }, res, req) case "/ping": h.PingsRecv.Incr(1) defer h.PingsServed.Incr(1) // respond to ping requests h.AuthenticateIfSet(func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { res.WriteHeader(http.StatusNoContent) }, res, req) default: defer h.NotFoundsServed.Incr(1) // Don't know how to respond to calls to other endpoints h.AuthenticateIfSet(http.NotFound, res, req) } } func (h *HTTPListener) serveWrite(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { // Check that the content length is not too large for us to handle. if req.ContentLength > h.MaxBodySize { tooLarge(res) return } now := h.TimeFunc() precision := req.URL.Query().Get("precision") // Handle gzip request bodies body := req.Body if req.Header.Get("Content-Encoding") == "gzip" { var err error body, err = gzip.NewReader(req.Body) defer body.Close() if err != nil { log.Println("E! " + err.Error()) badRequest(res) return } } body = http.MaxBytesReader(res, body, h.MaxBodySize) var return400 bool var hangingBytes bool buf := h.pool.get() defer h.pool.put(buf) bufStart := 0 for { n, err := io.ReadFull(body, buf[bufStart:]) if err != nil && err != io.ErrUnexpectedEOF && err != io.EOF { log.Println("E! " + err.Error()) // problem reading the request body badRequest(res) return } h.BytesRecv.Incr(int64(n)) if err == io.EOF { if return400 { badRequest(res) } else { res.WriteHeader(http.StatusNoContent) } return } if hangingBytes { i := bytes.IndexByte(buf, '\n') if i == -1 { // still didn't find a newline, keep scanning continue } // rotate the bit remaining after the first newline to the front of the buffer i++ // start copying after the newline bufStart = len(buf) - i if bufStart > 0 { copy(buf, buf[i:]) } hangingBytes = false continue } if err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF { // finished reading the request body if err := h.parse(buf[:n+bufStart], now, precision); err != nil { log.Println("E! " + err.Error()) return400 = true } if return400 { badRequest(res) } else { res.WriteHeader(http.StatusNoContent) } return } // if we got down here it means that we filled our buffer, and there // are still bytes remaining to be read. So we will parse up until the // final newline, then push the rest of the bytes into the next buffer. i := bytes.LastIndexByte(buf, '\n') if i == -1 { // drop any line longer than the max buffer size log.Printf("E! http_listener received a single line longer than the maximum of %d bytes", len(buf)) hangingBytes = true return400 = true bufStart = 0 continue } if err := h.parse(buf[:i+1], now, precision); err != nil { log.Println("E! " + err.Error()) return400 = true } // rotate the bit remaining after the last newline to the front of the buffer i++ // start copying after the newline bufStart = len(buf) - i if bufStart > 0 { copy(buf, buf[i:]) } } } func (h *HTTPListener) parse(b []byte, t time.Time, precision string) error { defer h.handler.SetTimePrecision(getPrecisionMultiplier(precision)) h.handler.SetTimeFunc(func() time.Time { return t }) metrics, err := h.parser.Parse(b) if err != nil { return err } for _, m := range metrics { h.acc.AddFields(m.Name(), m.Fields(), m.Tags(), m.Time()) } return err } func tooLarge(res http.ResponseWriter) { res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") res.Header().Set("X-Influxdb-Version", "1.0") res.WriteHeader(http.StatusRequestEntityTooLarge) res.Write([]byte(`{"error":"http: request body too large"}`)) } func badRequest(res http.ResponseWriter) { res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") res.Header().Set("X-Influxdb-Version", "1.0") res.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadRequest) res.Write([]byte(`{"error":"http: bad request"}`)) } func (h *HTTPListener) AuthenticateIfSet(handler http.HandlerFunc, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { if h.BasicUsername != "" && h.BasicPassword != "" { reqUsername, reqPassword, ok := req.BasicAuth() if !ok || subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(reqUsername), []byte(h.BasicUsername)) != 1 || subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(reqPassword), []byte(h.BasicPassword)) != 1 { h.AuthFailures.Incr(1) http.Error(res, "Unauthorized.", http.StatusUnauthorized) return } handler(res, req) } else { handler(res, req) } } func getPrecisionMultiplier(precision string) time.Duration { d := time.Nanosecond switch precision { case "u": d = time.Microsecond case "ms": d = time.Millisecond case "s": d = time.Second case "m": d = time.Minute case "h": d = time.Hour } return d } func init() { inputs.Add("http_listener", func() telegraf.Input { return &HTTPListener{ ServiceAddress: ":8186", TimeFunc: time.Now, } }) }