--- defaults: defaults: &defaults working_directory: '/go/src/github.com/influxdata/telegraf' go-1_9: &go-1_9 docker: - image: 'quay.io/influxdb/telegraf-ci:1.9.7' go-1_10: &go-1_10 docker: - image: 'quay.io/influxdb/telegraf-ci:1.10.8' go-1_11: &go-1_11 docker: - image: 'quay.io/influxdb/telegraf-ci:1.11.5' version: 2 jobs: deps: <<: [ *defaults, *go-1_11 ] steps: - checkout - restore_cache: key: vendor-{{ checksum "Gopkg.lock" }} - run: 'make deps' - save_cache: name: 'vendored deps' key: vendor-{{ checksum "Gopkg.lock" }} paths: - './vendor' - persist_to_workspace: root: '/go/src' paths: - '*' test-go-1.9: <<: [ *defaults, *go-1_9 ] steps: - attach_workspace: at: '/go/src' # disabled due to gofmt differences (1.10 vs 1.11). #- run: 'make check' - run: 'make test' test-go-1.10: <<: [ *defaults, *go-1_10 ] steps: - attach_workspace: at: '/go/src' # disabled due to gofmt differences (1.10 vs 1.11). #- run: 'make check' - run: 'make test' test-go-1.11: <<: [ *defaults, *go-1_11 ] steps: - attach_workspace: at: '/go/src' - run: 'make check' - run: 'make test' test-go-1.11-386: <<: [ *defaults, *go-1_11 ] steps: - attach_workspace: at: '/go/src' - run: 'GOARCH=386 make check' - run: 'GOARCH=386 make test' package: <<: [ *defaults, *go-1_11 ] steps: - attach_workspace: at: '/go/src' - run: 'make package' - store_artifacts: path: './build' destination: 'build' release: <<: [ *defaults, *go-1_11 ] steps: - attach_workspace: at: '/go/src' - run: 'make package-release' - store_artifacts: path: './build' destination: 'build' nightly: <<: [ *defaults, *go-1_11 ] steps: - attach_workspace: at: '/go/src' - run: 'make package-nightly' - store_artifacts: path: './build' destination: 'build' workflows: version: 2 check: jobs: - 'deps': filters: tags: only: /.*/ - 'test-go-1.9': requires: - 'deps' filters: tags: only: /.*/ - 'test-go-1.10': requires: - 'deps' filters: tags: only: /.*/ - 'test-go-1.11': requires: - 'deps' filters: tags: only: /.*/ - 'test-go-1.11-386': requires: - 'deps' filters: tags: only: /.*/ - 'package': requires: - 'test-go-1.9' - 'test-go-1.10' - 'test-go-1.11' - 'test-go-1.11-386' - 'release': requires: - 'test-go-1.9' - 'test-go-1.10' - 'test-go-1.11' - 'test-go-1.11-386' filters: tags: only: /.*/ branches: ignore: /.*/ nightly: jobs: - 'deps' - 'test-go-1.9': requires: - 'deps' - 'test-go-1.10': requires: - 'deps' - 'test-go-1.11': requires: - 'deps' - 'test-go-1.11-386': requires: - 'deps' - 'nightly': requires: - 'test-go-1.9' - 'test-go-1.10' - 'test-go-1.11' - 'test-go-1.11-386' triggers: - schedule: cron: "0 7 * * *" filters: branches: only: - master