#!/usr/bin/env python # # This is the Telegraf build script. # # Current caveats: # - Does not checkout the correct commit/branch (for now, you will need to do so manually) # - Has external dependencies for packaging (fpm) and uploading (boto) # import sys import os import subprocess import time import datetime import shutil import tempfile import hashlib import re debug = False # PACKAGING VARIABLES INSTALL_ROOT_DIR = "/usr/bin" LOG_DIR = "/var/log/telegraf" SCRIPT_DIR = "/usr/lib/telegraf/scripts" CONFIG_DIR = "/etc/telegraf" LOGROTATE_DIR = "/etc/logrotate.d" INIT_SCRIPT = "scripts/init.sh" SYSTEMD_SCRIPT = "scripts/telegraf.service" LOGROTATE_SCRIPT = "etc/logrotate.d/telegraf" DEFAULT_CONFIG = "etc/telegraf.conf" DEFAULT_WINDOWS_CONFIG = "etc/telegraf_windows.conf" POSTINST_SCRIPT = "scripts/post-install.sh" PREINST_SCRIPT = "scripts/pre-install.sh" # META-PACKAGE VARIABLES PACKAGE_LICENSE = "MIT" PACKAGE_URL = "https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf" MAINTAINER = "support@influxdb.com" VENDOR = "InfluxData" DESCRIPTION = "Plugin-driven server agent for reporting metrics into InfluxDB." # SCRIPT START prereqs = [ 'git', 'go' ] optional_prereqs = [ 'fpm', 'rpmbuild' ] fpm_common_args = "-f -s dir --log error \ --vendor {} \ --url {} \ --license {} \ --maintainer {} \ --config-files {} \ --config-files {} \ --after-install {} \ --before-install {} \ --description \"{}\"".format( VENDOR, PACKAGE_URL, PACKAGE_LICENSE, MAINTAINER, CONFIG_DIR + '/telegraf.conf', LOGROTATE_DIR + '/telegraf', POSTINST_SCRIPT, PREINST_SCRIPT, DESCRIPTION) targets = { 'telegraf' : './cmd/telegraf/telegraf.go', } supported_builds = { 'darwin': [ "amd64", "i386" ], 'windows': [ "amd64", "i386" ], 'linux': [ "amd64", "i386", "arm" ] } supported_packages = { "darwin": [ "tar", "zip" ], "linux": [ "deb", "rpm", "tar", "zip" ], "windows": [ "zip" ], } supported_tags = { # "linux": { # "amd64": ["sensors"] # } } prereq_cmds = { # "linux": "sudo apt-get install lm-sensors libsensors4-dev" } def run(command, allow_failure=False, shell=False): out = None if debug: print("[DEBUG] {}".format(command)) try: if shell: out = subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=shell) else: out = subprocess.check_output(command.split(), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) out = out.decode("utf8") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print("") print("") print("Executed command failed!") print("-- Command run was: {}".format(command)) print("-- Failure was: {}".format(e.output)) if allow_failure: print("Continuing...") return None else: print("") print("Stopping.") sys.exit(1) except OSError as e: print("") print("") print("Invalid command!") print("-- Command run was: {}".format(command)) print("-- Failure was: {}".format(e)) if allow_failure: print("Continuing...") return out else: print("") print("Stopping.") sys.exit(1) else: return out def create_temp_dir(prefix=None): if prefix is None: return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="telegraf-build.") else: return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=prefix) def get_current_version(): command = "git describe --always --tags --abbrev=0" out = run(command) return out.strip() def get_current_commit(short=False): command = None if short: command = "git log --pretty=format:'%h' -n 1" else: command = "git rev-parse HEAD" out = run(command) return out.strip('\'\n\r ') def get_current_branch(): command = "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD" out = run(command) return out.strip() def get_system_arch(): arch = os.uname()[4] if arch == "x86_64": arch = "amd64" return arch def get_system_platform(): if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): return "linux" else: return sys.platform def get_go_version(): out = run("go version") matches = re.search('go version go(\S+)', out) if matches is not None: return matches.groups()[0].strip() return None def check_path_for(b): def is_exe(fpath): return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): path = path.strip('"') full_path = os.path.join(path, b) if os.path.isfile(full_path) and os.access(full_path, os.X_OK): return full_path def check_environ(build_dir = None): print("\nChecking environment:") for v in [ "GOPATH", "GOBIN", "GOROOT" ]: print("\t- {} -> {}".format(v, os.environ.get(v))) cwd = os.getcwd() if build_dir == None and os.environ.get("GOPATH") and os.environ.get("GOPATH") not in cwd: print("\n!! WARNING: Your current directory is not under your GOPATH. This may lead to build failures.") def check_prereqs(): print("\nChecking for dependencies:") for req in prereqs: path = check_path_for(req) if path is None: path = '?' print("\t- {} -> {}".format(req, path)) for req in optional_prereqs: path = check_path_for(req) if path is None: path = '?' print("\t- {} (optional) -> {}".format(req, path)) print("") def upload_packages(packages, bucket_name=None, nightly=False): if debug: print("[DEBUG] upload_packags: {}".format(packages)) try: import boto from boto.s3.key import Key except ImportError: print "!! Cannot upload packages without the 'boto' python library." return 1 print("Uploading packages to S3...") print("") c = boto.connect_s3() if bucket_name is None: bucket_name = 'get.influxdb.org/telegraf' bucket = c.get_bucket(bucket_name.split('/')[0]) print("\t - Using bucket: {}".format(bucket_name)) for p in packages: if '/' in bucket_name: # Allow for nested paths within the bucket name (ex: # bucket/telegraf). Assuming forward-slashes as path # delimiter. name = os.path.join('/'.join(bucket_name.split('/')[1:]), os.path.basename(p)) else: name = os.path.basename(p) if bucket.get_key(name) is None or nightly: print("\t - Uploading {} to {}...".format(name, bucket_name)) k = Key(bucket) k.key = name if nightly: n = k.set_contents_from_filename(p, replace=True) else: n = k.set_contents_from_filename(p, replace=False) k.make_public() else: print("\t - Not uploading {}, already exists.".format(p)) print("") def build(version=None, branch=None, commit=None, platform=None, arch=None, nightly=False, rc=None, race=False, clean=False, outdir=".", goarm_version="6"): print("-------------------------") print("") print("Build plan:") print("\t- version: {}".format(version)) if rc: print("\t- release candidate: {}".format(rc)) print("\t- commit: {}".format(commit)) print("\t- branch: {}".format(branch)) print("\t- platform: {}".format(platform)) print("\t- arch: {}".format(arch)) if arch == 'arm' and goarm_version: print("\t- ARM version: {}".format(goarm_version)) print("\t- nightly? {}".format(str(nightly).lower())) print("\t- race enabled? {}".format(str(race).lower())) print("") if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) elif clean and outdir != '/': print("Cleaning build directory...") shutil.rmtree(outdir) os.makedirs(outdir) if rc: # If a release candidate, update the version information accordingly version = "{}rc{}".format(version, rc) # Set architecture to something that Go expects if arch == 'i386': arch = '386' elif arch == 'x86_64': arch = 'amd64' print("Starting build...") for b, c in targets.items(): if platform == 'windows': b = b + '.exe' print("\t- Building '{}'...".format(os.path.join(outdir, b))) build_command = "" build_command += "GOOS={} GOARCH={} ".format(platform, arch) if arch == "arm" and goarm_version: if goarm_version not in ["5", "6", "7", "arm64"]: print("!! Invalid ARM build version: {}".format(goarm_version)) build_command += "GOARM={} ".format(goarm_version) build_command += "go build -o {} ".format(os.path.join(outdir, b)) if race: build_command += "-race " if platform in supported_tags: if arch in supported_tags[platform]: build_tags = supported_tags[platform][arch] for build_tag in build_tags: build_command += "-tags "+build_tag+" " go_version = get_go_version() if "1.4" in go_version: build_command += "-ldflags=\"-X main.buildTime '{}' ".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()) build_command += "-X main.Version {} ".format(version) build_command += "-X main.Branch {} ".format(get_current_branch()) build_command += "-X main.Commit {}\" ".format(get_current_commit()) else: build_command += "-ldflags=\"-X main.buildTime='{}' ".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()) build_command += "-X main.Version={} ".format(version) build_command += "-X main.Branch={} ".format(get_current_branch()) build_command += "-X main.Commit={}\" ".format(get_current_commit()) build_command += c run(build_command, shell=True) print("") def create_dir(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as e: print(e) def rename_file(fr, to): try: os.rename(fr, to) except OSError as e: print(e) # Return the original filename return fr else: # Return the new filename return to def copy_file(fr, to): try: shutil.copy(fr, to) except OSError as e: print(e) def create_package_fs(build_root): print("\t- Creating a filesystem hierarchy from directory: {}".format(build_root)) # Using [1:] for the path names due to them being absolute # (will overwrite previous paths, per 'os.path.join' documentation) dirs = [ INSTALL_ROOT_DIR[1:], LOG_DIR[1:], SCRIPT_DIR[1:], CONFIG_DIR[1:], LOGROTATE_DIR[1:] ] for d in dirs: create_dir(os.path.join(build_root, d)) os.chmod(os.path.join(build_root, d), 0o755) def package_scripts(build_root, windows=False): print("\t- Copying scripts and sample configuration to build directory") if windows: shutil.copyfile(DEFAULT_WINDOWS_CONFIG, os.path.join(build_root, "telegraf.conf")) os.chmod(os.path.join(build_root, "telegraf.conf"), 0o644) else: shutil.copyfile(INIT_SCRIPT, os.path.join(build_root, SCRIPT_DIR[1:], INIT_SCRIPT.split('/')[1])) os.chmod(os.path.join(build_root, SCRIPT_DIR[1:], INIT_SCRIPT.split('/')[1]), 0o644) shutil.copyfile(SYSTEMD_SCRIPT, os.path.join(build_root, SCRIPT_DIR[1:], SYSTEMD_SCRIPT.split('/')[1])) os.chmod(os.path.join(build_root, SCRIPT_DIR[1:], SYSTEMD_SCRIPT.split('/')[1]), 0o644) shutil.copyfile(LOGROTATE_SCRIPT, os.path.join(build_root, LOGROTATE_DIR[1:], "telegraf")) os.chmod(os.path.join(build_root, LOGROTATE_DIR[1:], "telegraf"), 0o644) shutil.copyfile(DEFAULT_CONFIG, os.path.join(build_root, CONFIG_DIR[1:], "telegraf.conf")) os.chmod(os.path.join(build_root, CONFIG_DIR[1:], "telegraf.conf"), 0o644) def go_get(): print("Retrieving Go dependencies...") run("go get github.com/sparrc/gdm") run("gdm restore -f Godeps_windows") run("gdm restore") def generate_md5_from_file(path): m = hashlib.md5() with open(path, 'rb') as f: while True: data = f.read(4096) if not data: break m.update(data) return m.hexdigest() def build_packages(build_output, version, pkg_arch, nightly=False, rc=None, iteration=1): outfiles = [] tmp_build_dir = create_temp_dir() if debug: print("[DEBUG] build_output = {}".format(build_output)) try: print("-------------------------") print("") print("Packaging...") for p in build_output: # Create top-level folder displaying which platform (linux, etc) create_dir(os.path.join(tmp_build_dir, p)) for a in build_output[p]: current_location = build_output[p][a] # Create second-level directory displaying the architecture (amd64, etc)p build_root = os.path.join(tmp_build_dir, p, a) # Create directory tree to mimic file system of package create_dir(build_root) if p == 'windows': package_scripts(build_root, windows=True) else: create_package_fs(build_root) # Copy in packaging and miscellaneous scripts package_scripts(build_root) # Copy newly-built binaries to packaging directory for b in targets: if p == 'windows': b = b + '.exe' to = os.path.join(build_root, b) else: to = os.path.join(build_root, INSTALL_ROOT_DIR[1:], b) fr = os.path.join(current_location, b) print("\t- [{}][{}] - Moving from '{}' to '{}'".format(p, a, fr, to)) copy_file(fr, to) # Package the directory structure for package_type in supported_packages[p]: print("\t- Packaging directory '{}' as '{}'...".format(build_root, package_type)) name = "telegraf" # Reset version, iteration, and current location on each run # since they may be modified below. package_version = version package_iteration = iteration current_location = build_output[p][a] if package_type in ['zip', 'tar']: if nightly: name = '{}-nightly_{}_{}'.format(name, p, a) else: name = '{}-{}-{}_{}_{}'.format(name, package_version, package_iteration, p, a) if package_type == 'tar': # Add `tar.gz` to path to reduce package size current_location = os.path.join(current_location, name + '.tar.gz') if rc is not None: package_iteration = "0.rc{}".format(rc) saved_a = a if pkg_arch is not None: a = pkg_arch if a == '386': a = 'i386' if package_type == 'zip': zip_command = "cd {} && zip {}.zip ./*".format( build_root, name) run(zip_command, shell=True) run("mv {}.zip {}".format(os.path.join(build_root, name), current_location), shell=True) outfile = os.path.join(current_location, name+".zip") outfiles.append(outfile) print("\t\tMD5 = {}".format(generate_md5_from_file(outfile))) else: fpm_command = "fpm {} --name {} -a {} -t {} --version {} --iteration {} -C {} -p {} ".format( fpm_common_args, name, a, package_type, package_version, package_iteration, build_root, current_location) if pkg_arch is not None: a = saved_a if package_type == "rpm": fpm_command += "--depends coreutils " fpm_command += "--depends lsof" out = run(fpm_command, shell=True) matches = re.search(':path=>"(.*)"', out) outfile = None if matches is not None: outfile = matches.groups()[0] if outfile is None: print("[ COULD NOT DETERMINE OUTPUT ]") else: # Strip nightly version (the unix epoch) from filename if nightly and package_type in ['deb', 'rpm']: outfile = rename_file(outfile, outfile.replace("{}-{}".format(version, iteration), "nightly")) outfiles.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), outfile)) # Display MD5 hash for generated package print("\t\tMD5 = {}".format(generate_md5_from_file(outfile))) print("") if debug: print("[DEBUG] package outfiles: {}".format(outfiles)) return outfiles finally: # Cleanup shutil.rmtree(tmp_build_dir) def print_usage(): print("Usage: ./build.py [options]") print("") print("Options:") print("\t --outdir=<path> \n\t\t- Send build output to a specified path. Defaults to ./build.") print("\t --arch=<arch> \n\t\t- Build for specified architecture. Acceptable values: x86_64|amd64, 386, arm, or all") print("\t --goarm=<arm version> \n\t\t- Build for specified ARM version (when building for ARM). Default value is: 6") print("\t --platform=<platform> \n\t\t- Build for specified platform. Acceptable values: linux, windows, darwin, or all") print("\t --version=<version> \n\t\t- Version information to apply to build metadata. If not specified, will be pulled from repo tag.") print("\t --pkgarch=<package-arch> \n\t\t- Package architecture if different from <arch>") print("\t --commit=<commit> \n\t\t- Use specific commit for build (currently a NOOP).") print("\t --branch=<branch> \n\t\t- Build from a specific branch (currently a NOOP).") print("\t --rc=<rc number> \n\t\t- Whether or not the build is a release candidate (affects version information).") print("\t --iteration=<iteration number> \n\t\t- The iteration to display on the package output (defaults to 0 for RC's, and 1 otherwise).") print("\t --race \n\t\t- Whether the produced build should have race detection enabled.") print("\t --package \n\t\t- Whether the produced builds should be packaged for the target platform(s).") print("\t --nightly \n\t\t- Whether the produced build is a nightly (affects version information).") print("\t --parallel \n\t\t- Run Go tests in parallel up to the count specified.") print("\t --timeout \n\t\t- Timeout for Go tests. Defaults to 480s.") print("\t --clean \n\t\t- Clean the build output directory prior to creating build.") print("\t --bucket=<S3 bucket>\n\t\t- Full path of the bucket to upload packages to (must also specify --upload).") print("\t --debug \n\t\t- Displays debug output.") print("") def print_package_summary(packages): print(packages) def main(): # Command-line arguments outdir = "build" commit = None target_platform = None target_arch = None package_arch = None nightly = False race = False branch = None version = get_current_version() rc = None package = False update = False clean = False upload = False test = False parallel = None timeout = None iteration = 1 no_vet = False goarm_version = "6" run_get = True upload_bucket = None global debug for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if '--outdir' in arg: # Output directory. If none is specified, then builds will be placed in the same directory. output_dir = arg.split("=")[1] if '--commit' in arg: # Commit to build from. If none is specified, then it will build from the most recent commit. commit = arg.split("=")[1] if '--branch' in arg: # Branch to build from. If none is specified, then it will build from the current branch. branch = arg.split("=")[1] elif '--arch' in arg: # Target architecture. If none is specified, then it will build for the current arch. target_arch = arg.split("=")[1] elif '--platform' in arg: # Target platform. If none is specified, then it will build for the current platform. target_platform = arg.split("=")[1] elif '--version' in arg: # Version to assign to this build (0.9.5, etc) version = arg.split("=")[1] elif '--pkgarch' in arg: # Package architecture if different from <arch> (armhf, etc) package_arch = arg.split("=")[1] elif '--rc' in arg: # Signifies that this is a release candidate build. rc = arg.split("=")[1] elif '--race' in arg: # Signifies that race detection should be enabled. race = True elif '--package' in arg: # Signifies that packages should be built. package = True elif '--nightly' in arg: # Signifies that this is a nightly build. nightly = True elif '--upload' in arg: # Signifies that the resulting packages should be uploaded to S3 upload = True elif '--parallel' in arg: # Set parallel for tests. parallel = int(arg.split("=")[1]) elif '--timeout' in arg: # Set timeout for tests. timeout = arg.split("=")[1] elif '--clean' in arg: # Signifies that the outdir should be deleted before building clean = True elif '--iteration' in arg: iteration = arg.split("=")[1] elif '--no-vet' in arg: no_vet = True elif '--goarm' in arg: # Signifies GOARM flag to pass to build command when compiling for ARM goarm_version = arg.split("=")[1] elif '--bucket' in arg: # The bucket to upload the packages to, relies on boto upload_bucket = arg.split("=")[1] elif '--debug' in arg: print "[DEBUG] Using debug output" debug = True elif '--help' in arg: print_usage() return 0 else: print("!! Unknown argument: {}".format(arg)) print_usage() return 1 if nightly: if rc: print("!! Cannot be both nightly and a release candidate! Stopping.") return 1 # In order to support nightly builds on the repository, we are adding the epoch timestamp # to the version so that version numbers are always greater than the previous nightly. version = "{}.n{}".format(version, int(time.time())) # Pre-build checks check_environ() check_prereqs() if not commit: commit = get_current_commit(short=True) if not branch: branch = get_current_branch() if not target_arch: if 'arm' in get_system_arch(): # Prevent uname from reporting ARM arch (eg 'armv7l') target_arch = "arm" else: target_arch = get_system_arch() if not target_platform: target_platform = get_system_platform() if rc or nightly: # If a release candidate or nightly, set iteration to 0 (instead of 1) iteration = 0 if target_arch == '386': target_arch = 'i386' elif target_arch == 'x86_64': target_arch = 'amd64' build_output = {} go_get() platforms = [] single_build = True if target_platform == 'all': platforms = list(supported_builds.keys()) single_build = False else: platforms = [target_platform] for platform in platforms: if platform in prereq_cmds: run(prereq_cmds[platform]) build_output.update( { platform : {} } ) archs = [] if target_arch == "all": single_build = False archs = supported_builds.get(platform) else: archs = [target_arch] for arch in archs: od = outdir if not single_build: od = os.path.join(outdir, platform, arch) build(version=version, branch=branch, commit=commit, platform=platform, arch=arch, nightly=nightly, rc=rc, race=race, clean=clean, outdir=od, goarm_version=goarm_version) build_output.get(platform).update( { arch : od } ) # Build packages if package: if not check_path_for("fpm"): print("!! Cannot package without command 'fpm'. Stopping.") return 1 packages = build_packages(build_output, version, package_arch, nightly=nightly, rc=rc, iteration=iteration) # Optionally upload to S3 if upload: upload_packages(packages, bucket_name=upload_bucket, nightly=nightly) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())