# Postfix Input Plugin The postfix plugin reports metrics on the postfix queues. For each of the active, hold, incoming, maildrop, and deferred queues (http://www.postfix.org/QSHAPE_README.html#queues), it will report the queue length (number of items), size (bytes used by items), and age (age of oldest item in seconds). ### Configuration ```toml [[inputs.postfix]] ## Postfix queue directory. If not provided, telegraf will try to use ## 'postconf -h queue_directory' to determine it. # queue_directory = "/var/spool/postfix" ``` ### Measurements & Fields: - postfix_queue - length (integer) - size (integer, bytes) - age (integer, seconds) ### Tags: - postfix_queue - queue ### Example Output ``` postfix_queue,queue=active length=3,size=12345,age=9 postfix_queue,queue=hold length=0,size=0,age=0 postfix_queue,queue=maildrop length=1,size=2000,age=2 postfix_queue,queue=incoming length=1,size=1020,age=0 postfix_queue,queue=deferred length=400,size=76543210,age=3600 ```