package ecs

import (


var (
	ecsMetadataPath, _  = url.Parse("/v2/metadata")
	ecsMetaStatsPath, _ = url.Parse("/v2/stats")

// Client is the ECS client contract
type Client interface {
	Task() (*Task, error)
	ContainerStats() (map[string]types.StatsJSON, error)

type httpClient interface {
	Do(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

// NewClient constructs an ECS client with the passed configuration params
func NewClient(timeout time.Duration) (*EcsClient, error) {
	c := &http.Client{
		Timeout: timeout,

	return &EcsClient{
		client: c,
	}, nil

// EcsClient contains ECS connection config
type EcsClient struct {
	client   httpClient
	BaseURL  *url.URL
	taskURL  string
	statsURL string

// Task calls the ECS metadata endpoint and returns a populated Task
func (c *EcsClient) Task() (*Task, error) {
	if c.taskURL == "" {
		c.taskURL = c.BaseURL.ResolveReference(ecsMetadataPath).String()

	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", c.taskURL, nil)
	resp, err := c.client.Do(req)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	task, err := unmarshalTask(resp.Body)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return task, nil

// ContainerStats calls the ECS stats endpoint and returns a populated container stats map
func (c *EcsClient) ContainerStats() (map[string]types.StatsJSON, error) {
	if c.statsURL == "" {
		c.statsURL = c.BaseURL.ResolveReference(ecsMetaStatsPath).String()

	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", c.statsURL, nil)
	resp, err := c.client.Do(req)

	if err != nil {
		return map[string]types.StatsJSON{}, err

	statsMap, err := unmarshalStats(resp.Body)
	if err != nil {
		return map[string]types.StatsJSON{}, err

	return statsMap, nil

// PollSync executes Task and ContainerStats in parallel. If both succeed, both structs are returned.
// If either errors, a single error is returned.
func PollSync(c Client) (*Task, map[string]types.StatsJSON, error) {

	var task *Task
	var stats map[string]types.StatsJSON
	var err error

	if stats, err = c.ContainerStats(); err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	if task, err = c.Task(); err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	return task, stats, nil